The Master of the City

Chapter 250: People are thinner than yellow flowers

For ordinary people, the cleansing action that took place in the entire China last night is naturally impossible to know. Life is still as usual. For a better life, a busy day began!

Chu Tian is also like an ordinary person among all living beings, riding a bicycle down Langshan in an ordinary ordinary way.

Normally go to work in Suzhou University!

"Crunch..." In Julongzhuang, a luxury car that was not far from the villa, saw Chu Tian riding a bicycle on the road from a distance, and suddenly stopped.

"Brother Ding, what's the matter?" A young man in the co-pilot almost hit the windshield without wearing a seat belt when the car came to a sudden stop.

"It's okay, wait a while before leaving." Ding Zijun said.

"It's not because of him?" The youth found that when Ding Zijun was speaking, he looked at the person who left on a bicycle, and his expression was full of awe.

"It's because of him!" Ding Zijun nodded and smiled with a touch of awe.


The young man widened his eyes and was extremely surprised.

The Ding family is now in the entire Tiannan, it is really a giant-like existence, stomp the foot, the entire Tiannan will be shocked!

Actually, he would be so in awe of that ordinary person riding a bicycle!

It's really unbelievable!

"Who is he?" the young man asked hurriedly.

He wanted to see the look of that man clearly, knowing who could make Ding Zijun so in awe!

It's just a pity that Chu Tian is already riding a bicycle away, and he can no longer see Chu Tian's appearance!

"Yes, Brother Song, forgot to ask why you came to Sucheng?" Ding Zijun naturally wouldn't disclose Chutian's information to outsiders, and asked instead of the subject.

Song Yunbo also saw that Ding Zijun would not tell himself who the cyclist was.

"I am here to find beauty." Song Yunbo smiled.

"Oh?" Ding Zijun became interested, and said, "From Brother Song's family background, what kind of beauty can make you so tempted to find her from all over the world?"

He knew that the Song family where Song Yunbo was located was no weaker than their Ding family!

What kind of beauty do you want from such a family background?

I'm afraid to say it, those beauties will flock to Song Yunbo like a swarm in an instant!

"A very beautiful and lovely girl..."

In Song Yunbo's expression, there was a touch of ignorance. When he said this, he smiled awkwardly, and said: "I'm so ignorant and can't describe what a charming girl she is."

Ding Zijun smiled.

"When you need my help, just tell me that it's okay to report my name. On this day, Ding Zijun still has some abilities!" Ding Zijun patted Song Yunbo on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, come to your site, how could I be polite to you." Song Yunbo said.

Ding Zijun smiled and restarted the car!

Suddenly, he was startled again!

He suddenly thought, would Song Yunbo provoke Mr. Chu?

If you provoke Mr. Chu, it will be over!

However, he thought again, Song Yunbo was just looking for beauty, how could it be possible to provoke Mr. Chu...

At this moment, Suzhou University

Inside the library

"The nerd hasn't appeared for ten days..."

"Ten days..."

"I didn't know what Wangchuan Qiushui was before, but now I finally know..."

"It's too uncomfortable..."

"It's like living like a year!"

Wearing a set of light pink sportswear, Jiang Xiaoyue with two playful ponytails, at this moment, like a frosted eggplant, clicked on the table in the library desk.

Looking through the door of the library like autumn water!

"Xiaoyue..." At this moment, Zhao Gan and Chen Ya finished their work and came to the library desk.

Zhao Gan smiled and said: "Xiaoyue, we saw the information shows that today is your birthday. I discussed it with Chen Ya. After get off work in the afternoon, we will book a table for you to celebrate."

"My birthday?"

Jiang Xiaoyue was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly remembered, "Yes, today is my birthday, I have forgotten it myself."

Thinking of her birthday, Jiang Xiaoyue was a little excited, but after taking a look at Zhao Guan and Chen Ya, she snapped down again, and said listlessly: "You are so ugly, it's not interesting to celebrate your birthday with you, so I won't celebrate."

On the foreheads of Zhao Gan and Chen Ya, black lines appeared.

At this time, the listless Jiang Xiaoyue suddenly saw a familiar figure walking towards the library.


When seeing this figure, Jiang Xiaoyue seemed to be resurrected on the spot in an instant, the original listlessness was wiped out, excitedly ran out of the library desk and rushed towards Chu Tian.

"Fool, you know what, the ten days you haven't been here, I have been like ten years..."

Jiang Xiaoyue came to Chu Tian, ​​as if she was complaining, and said to Chu Tian pitifully: "Look at me, is it all haggard? Is it because people are thinner than Huang Hua!"

"You haven't changed!" Chu Tian said flatly.

Jiang Xiaoyue froze!

This guy is ruthless!

"Idiot, go, let's go shopping, today, you have to accompany me to stroll all day!" Jiang Xiaoyue immediately became excited again when she thought of her birthday today.

"Let Zhao Ganhe..."

Before Chu Tian's words were finished, Jiang Xiaoyue directly took Chu Tian's hand and dragged Chu Tian away!

She finally waited until Chu Tian arrived, and she had to let Chu Tian play with her all day long!

During her ten days like a year, she thought hard for a while!

Finally got a little bit!

If you want to catch Chu Tian, ​​you have to be shameless, otherwise, she will miss Chu Tian in vain and make Chu Tian the man of another woman!

How could she make other women cheaper?

Seeing Jiang Xiaoyue clinging to her hand like this, Chu Tian frowned slightly.

Using a wisp of skill, she pulled out her palm from Jiang Xiaoyue's hand.

However, as soon as she pulled her hand out, Jiang Xiaoyue grabbed Chu Tian's hand Tian's brow furrowed deeper!

But seeing Jiang Xiaoyue grasping herself so persistently, he finally dispelled the idea of ​​pulling out his hand from Jiang Xiaoyue again and let Jiang Xiaoyue grasp it.

"Hey, it really takes a thicker skin!" Jiang Xiaoyue said with surprise in her heart.

In a short while, Jiang Xiaoyue took Chu Tian to the parking lot of Su Da Nei, and walked to her red Mercedes-Benz.

At this time, a black BMW 7 Series just drove into the Suzhou University and entered the parking lot!

"Master, look, isn't that Miss Jiang?" The middle-aged man driving the car said in surprise.

"Xiaoyue." Song Yunbo in the back seat also saw Jiang Xiaoyue.

Song Yunbo was extremely excited when he saw Jiang Xiaoyue!

He finally saw Jiang Xiaoyue!

However, when he saw that Jiang Xiaoyue took the initiative to pull a young man at this moment, Song Yunbo was instantly dumbfounded, and he couldn't believe it. This, is this Xiaoyue's boyfriend?

How could the sweetheart he pursued thousands of miles have a boyfriend...

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