The Master of the City

Chapter 276: Chutian, I won't give up

"Om... Om..."

Outside the plane, Nis was suspended in mid-air, with both hands raised. In his two palms, two cyclones could be seen, which looked like two reduced versions of tornadoes.

The super element of Nice is the element of wind!

With the wind element controlled by Nice like an arm, the tornado in front of the plane is getting bigger and bigger!

Soon it turned into a violent hurricane!

The powerful and terrifying force of the hurricane caused the originally calm sea level to suddenly produce turbulent waves. Then, the sea water was like a roaring water dragon, rushing straight up under the suction of the terrible hurricane.

Connected to the sky, in the clouds that were constantly rotating by the hurricane.

The sea breeze howls!

Storm is raging!

In the terrible scene, the plane was already a little damaged, which was sucked in by the terrifying force of the hurricane.

"Into the wind eye!"

Nice shouted in his heart, and the controlled hurricane drew the plane straight into the wind's eyes!

The power in Feng's eyes is the most violent and terrifying!


Almost instantly, the plane was dismembered in the eyes of the terrifying wind, and there was a roar. Then, a ball of flame burst out, but it was wiped out by the hurricane in an instant.

"Leah said, this Chutian is terrible. Seeing you today is nothing more than that..."

"On land, he may be very powerful, but now in the sky, he is rootless duckweed, vulnerable..."

"Even if it is the Master of the Xiaocheng Realm, in the eyes of the hurricane I created, there is death but no life..."

"What's more, this is the sea and sky, and the sea breeze I use is stronger..."

Nice smiled when the plane was wiped out.

It seems a bit ridiculous!

It was a little ridiculous that Leah blew this Chu Tian so hard, but was easily killed by him.

However, at this moment

Nice's pupils shrank suddenly.

He saw that the terrifying hurricane he had created was gradually being separated.

It looked like an originally intact funnel, which was cut apart to form a channel.

The passage is straight to the ventilation eye!

"Chu Tian..."

"How can this be……"

Nice's wide-eyed eyes are about to stare out!

At the end of the tunnel split by the hurricane, his clothes were intact, and his expression was still the unchanging and calm Chutian.

Holding Yi Ruluo who was sleeping, slowly walked out of this void passage!

Stepping on the void is like stepping on the flat ground!

On both sides of this void passage, there were terrifying hurricanes, but they could no longer close together.

It looks extremely mysterious!


Nice's face changed in amazement, and then he closed his hands abruptly, and at the same time he let out a low voice, "Hey!"

He wants to control the wind element and let the hurricane close again!

Immediately after seeing, the hurricane on both sides of the void passage that Chu Tian was walking on became even more terrifying, as if the most terrifying wind blades were constantly intertwined with violence.

However, the two sides of the void passage seemed to be supported by some powerful force, no matter how Nice controlled the wind element, it could no longer be closed.

"Puff..." Niss squirted out blood suddenly.

The body shook a bit.

"How could he be so strong?" Niss turned in horror and couldn't believe it.

Chutian, who was already out of the hurricane, looked at Nis faintly, and let it go.

"Om..." A terrifying wind was produced out of thin air, rushing towards Nice like a violent wind.

When this terrifying wind came about, Nice felt a breath of death coming.

Nice's face instantly turned pale.

He knew that he couldn't stop Chu Tian's casual blow!

He was still ridiculing, in the sky of the sea, he took advantage of the time and place, and Chu Tian was like a rootless duckweed, vulnerable to a blow in front of him!

Never thought that the one who could not stand a blow was himself!

"Nice, let me come!" A voice suddenly sounded in Nice's mind.

"Yes, Master Hanni!" Niss heard Hanni's voice and was instantly overjoyed.

He is saved!

After that, Hanni instantly replaced Nice!

The moment Hanni took control of Nice, it was as if Hanni made Nice's potential burst out instantly, and the power of the superpower soared!

Almost in the blink of an eye, he soared from c+ to b-level superpower.

"Wind wall!"

Hanni snorted lightly.

As his words spit out, the air in front of him suddenly shook.

Then I saw that seven wind walls were formed instantly, blocking Hanni's front!

The wind walls are so solid that they can be seen with the naked eye. Each wind wall is one meter thick and transparent, but it looks indestructible.

However, when encountering the power that Chu Tian waved casually, it broke and dissipated in an instant.

"Chu Tian, ​​your toughness is beyond my imagination!"

Seeing that the wind wall was so vulnerable, Hanni felt like he flew backwards at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, the strength of Nice he controlled has soared again!

Soaring straight to b+ level strength!

But a mouthful of blood came out of his mouth!

The strength of Nice controlled by Hanni has risen to the limit!


Hanni yelled and lifted his palms instantly.

At the same time, the sky above Chutian suddenly rolled in dark clouds and thunder and lightning!



At this moment, it was as if the sky was roaring.

As the wind is roaring!

The sky, which was originally shining with sunlight, was completely dark at this moment, and only the intertwined light of thunder and lightning appeared in this space appallingly.

Chu Tian looked up.

Faintly looking at the sky intertwined with thunder and lightning.

Raise your hand!

As if Pangu opened up the world, the black clouds billowing, the sky filled with thunder and lightning was instantly broken by a magical force, then torn apart, and then dissipated!

Terrible sights appear quickly and disappear faster!

The sun is shining down again!

Chu Tian retracted his gaze and looked at Nice controlled by Hanni!

Seeing that at this moment, Hanni controlled Nis's body, as if it were a stream of light, it shot into the distance at extreme speed!

But Hanni’s voice came Tian, ​​you are so terrible..."

"It shocked me..."

"Leah is right, you are really too strong..."

"But in order to get a glimpse of the supreme realm, I won't give up, I will come to you..."

"This time, thank you for not killing..."

"See you later!"

Hanni's voice expresses sincere gratitude!

Similarly, it also reveals a strong sense of persistence!

When the voice fell, Hanni was already controlling Nice's figure away.

Chu Tian retracted his gaze.

Indeed, he let Hanni out!

It's been more than 10,000 years, it's hard to meet such an interesting person!

Let Hanni live!

Chu Tian looked towards the sea below and saw a deserted island. Following Yi Ruluo, who was holding a drowsy, stepped on the void and walked towards the deserted island...

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