The Master of the City

Chapter 727: Let the sea beasts surrender

"Ao Yi, let's go to Xigu District..."

Ao Wei followed Chu Tian and pondered for a long time. After all, she couldn't help but speak, "There are sea beasts suitable for us to round up, and our chances of success will be much greater."

The four Aomei who followed behind also nodded.

The sea beasts in West Valley are the lowest-standard sea beasts shortlisted!

Although it is the lowest standard sea beast, it has a great chance of success!

Now there are only two days left until the end of the competition.

Wanting to conquer the powerful sea beasts is not only extremely dangerous, but also a little too late in time.

The lowest standard sea beast they had rounded up before took them nearly two days!

Moreover, they still tried their best!

One can imagine how dangerous and difficult it is to conquer a stronger sea beast!

"No need." Chu Tian did not accept Ao Wei's proposal.

His main purpose is to go to the Sea Clan King City!

When he was looking for the whereabouts of the mysterious jade fragments, he had been to the West Valley District. The distance between the West Valley District and the Sea Clan King City was too far, and he had no interest in wasting so much time.

Chu Tian's refusal made Ao Wei think that Chu Tian was doing her own way!


Ao Wei sighed in her heart.

She wanted to persuade Chu Tian again to let Chu Tian know that in their current situation, what they need most is to fight steadily, not just to be dangerous.

But when it came to her lips, she still didn't say it!

"Although my elder brother is awakened, he still can't listen to other people's opinions..." Ao Wei sighed again in her heart, and said nothing, silently following Chu Tian's side.

As time passed, Ao Wei's heart became more and more nervous.

She found that Chu Tian was heading straight to the direction of the Sea Clan King City. If it were a safe area to walk, Ao Wei would not be more and more nervous.

But now the area where Chu Tian led them was the sea beast activity area.

Moreover, these passing areas are becoming more and more dangerous!

"Ao Mei, the four of you are always on guard, ready to deal with various crises..." Ao Wei secretly spoke to the four of Ao Mei.

"Yes!" Ao Mei's four expressions were solemn and nervous, and they were secretly guarding the power in their bodies at all times.

Chu Tian glanced at Ao Wei, who was getting more and more nervous, but didn't say anything, and continued to deepen in this area.

This area is the shortest distance from the Sea Clan King City!

By the way, you can also catch a few sea beasts!

A few hours later, Chu Tian suddenly found out that there were a few sea beasts that were suitable for Ao Wei and the others.

Chu Tian stepped in this direction.

Ao Wei followed Chu Tian with anxiety in her heart. After a while, Chu Tian stopped. When Ao Wei saw the scene before her, her face instantly turned pale.

At this moment, in front of them, there was a group of sea beasts composed of five sea beasts!

These five sea beasts are all huge in size, and each of them is filled with terrible aura. Judging from the diffused aura, none of these sea beasts are below the level of the Grandmaster of Consummation.

Especially the largest sea beast among them, the diffused breath made Ao Wei's heart suddenly rise with an unspeakable fear!

Ao Wei guessed that the strength of this sea beast is probably already at the level of the Grandmaster of the Peak Consummation Realm!

"Get out of here..." Ao Wei's face was pale, she habitually grabbed Chu Tian and wanted to take Chu Tian away.

The four Ao Mei were even more pale with fear!

They didn't expect that the head of the family would take them to such a terrible place!

However, the four of them did not flinch, and their power filled in an instant, and they flashed before Chu Tian and Ao Wei, buying time for the two to leave.

"Roar..." At the same time, the five sea beasts discovered the arrival of Chutian and roared as if seeing the enemy in an instant.

The leader of the largest and strongest sea beast, filled with terrifying power, led the other four sea beasts in the boiling sea, and rushed toward Chutian violently.

The terrible coercion struck, and immediately made Ao Wei and a few people unable to breathe!

Chu Tian shook Ao Wei's hand slightly and stepped forward.

"Ao Yi..."

"The Patriarch..."

The four of Ao Wei and Ao Mei turned pale as paper!

These are five terrifying sea beasts, and the leader of them is still at the level of the Grandmaster of the Peak Perfection Realm. Only one step away is the Divine Realm Sea Beast. How could Chu Tian deal with it.

The five of them were pale, and when they were about to bring Chu Tian back, they were suddenly stunned!

At this moment, Chu Tian stopped.

Calmly watching the five sea beasts rushing wildly!

"Qiang..." The long sword came out of its sheath!

Chu Tian held the long sword and slashed it out!

"Om..." In the sea water space suddenly stirred up waves, this sword of Chu Tian mysteriously formed five powerful sword lights, and it slashed directly at the five sea beasts.

"One sword cuts out five sword lights, and the five sword lights are so powerful..."

"Ao Yi's swordsmanship is so powerful..."

Seeing this scene, Ao Wei was completely sluggish.

One sword cut out five sword beams, she had never seen it before, she had never heard of it!

If she hadn't seen Chu Tian show it with her own eyes now, she couldn't believe that there was such a mysterious and powerful swordsmanship!

"Roar..." The leader of the sea beast roared when he saw Chu Tian slash out with a sword.

Looking towards Chutian, his gaze was full of disdain!

A little human dared to be presumptuous in front of it!

But in the next second, it faded in horror!

The sword light that slashed towards it has not been cut yet, and a kind of terrifying coercion contained in the sword light has already been suppressed.


The leader of the sea beast instantly felt like an invisible horrible mountain, crashing on his body, directly pressing it into the ground.

Especially what makes it fear

In this terrifying sword light pressure, its power has been suppressed, and no more power will be used!

The huge body can't move anymore!

"Om..." The terrifying sword light, attached to its head at this moment, stopped.

An unspeakable horror of death instantly spread all over its body!

The other four sea beasts also suffered the same fate!

Pressed into the ground by the force of the sword light, unable to move, the sword light hung on his head, and the fear of death made it difficult for the four sea beasts to tremble on their own.

After that, they seemed to have recognized Chu Tian and gave up any struggle!

Sent to Chu Tian a signal of willingness to surrender!

Chu Tian shifted his eyes to look at the leader of the sea beast!

Seeing Chu Tian's opinion, the leader of the sea beast finally gave in and gave up any resistance, just like surrendering to the strong, and lowered its head docilely.

Chu Tian retracted the long sword.

The five terrifying sword lights hanging on the heads of the five sea beasts also disappeared!

The five-headed sea beasts gently floated from the ground and came to Chu Tian, ​​not daring to act disrespectfully anymore.

Chu Tian turned around, looked at Ao Wei, and said, "They won't resist anymore. You choose one to accept."

The four Ao Wei and Ao Mei looked at Chu Tian in astonishment!

Even Ao Wei couldn't believe that Chu Tian was so easy and so fast to subdue five terrifying sea beasts. It took less than a minute!

Conquered five powerful sea beasts in less than a minute!

How is this possible!

Ao Mei's four daughters looked at each other, and then walked to the four sea beasts, trying to establish contact with the four and conquer the sea beasts.

Under this attempt, the four women seemed to be petrified in an instant, and their expressions were full of incredible!

Seeing the reaction of the four women, Ao Wei subconsciously walked to the leader of the sea beast and tried to establish contact with the leader of the sea beast!

For a she was sluggish in place, her pretty face was covered with incredible!

This powerful leader of the sea beast did not really have any resistance, so she easily succeeded in subduing the leader of the sea beast!

Ao Wei covered her mouth and looked at Chu Tian in surprise, "Oh my God, how can my brother become so powerful..."

The power of a sword is to crush five powerful sea beasts to surrender!

How powerful is this!

She couldn't believe that this elder brother who was once inexperienced and unskilled, after awakening, in silent cultivation, has become so powerful...

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