The Master of the City

Chapter 811: 3 boulders

Chapter 811 Three Jade Stones

"The four of you, come in." A day later, when everything calmed down, a quiet voice came from the Julong Village.

"Mister is finally willing to see us!"

The four old men of Ying, Xun, Yu, and Rong heard Chutian's voice, just as a student heard the voice of the teacher he admired in his heart, and a touch of excitement appeared on the old cheeks!

The four of them walked into Julongzhuang!

"Win the old..." The eight old cultivators were shocked when they saw the four old men walk into Julongzhuang like this!

"Song Yan, don't worry, there is no safer place in the world than here!"

"And, do you think that here, you still have the ability to protect us?"

Winning the old four smiled and went straight to Langshan!

Song Yan and the other seven sighed and had to give up the idea of ​​following in!

Old Ying said that Chu Tian is too powerful, even if the eight of them join forces, it is impossible to be Chu Tian's opponent. If they forcefully enter, it will anger Chu Tian and the consequences will be disastrous!

The eight, Liang Anhua and others stayed outside Julongzhuang, looking anxiously at the Four Elders walking towards Langshan!

As everyone watched, Si Lao set foot on the mountain road and walked towards Langshan Villa on the top of the mountain!

After a while, the four old men came to Langshan Villa on the top of the mountain!

Chenchen and Xixi were already waiting here. Seeing the four people coming, they made an invitation and said: "Four people, the son is waiting for you in the garden, follow us."

The words fall, the two lead the way!

Si Lao followed behind Chen Chen Xixi!

"Winning the old, I am a little nervous."

"I am also a little nervous!"

"Me too!"

"Stop talking about it, I'm all nervous about it!"

The four elders in this land, who do not change their colors in front of the land, and who are in charge of the destiny of a country, are showing tension at this moment!

The four of them seemed to be back in their teenage years. When they went to meet the teacher they admired, they felt nervous and excited!

"Four people, here, the son is in the garden." Chen Chen Xixi stopped at this moment.

"Thank you!"

Old Ying Ying went into the garden alone, walked along the bluestone path towards the inside of the garden, and finally, in a quiet and quiet pavilion, they saw Chu Tian!

"Mr. There is no change!"

Even though the four of them were mentally prepared to know that Chu Tian could live forever, they were still stunned when they saw Chu Tian!

The last time I met Chu Tian, ​​it was a hundred years ago!

At that time, they were still passionate young people!

In a blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed, and they are getting old, but Mr. is still that young man as before!


The old man came back to his senses and came to the small pavilion, and with his sincere respect, he saluted his disciples!

"Sit down." Chu Tian couldn't help but feel a touch of emotion when he saw the four of them!

A dazzling, it is a hundred years have passed!

Time stays on him, but it is so hurried on others!

Si Lao sat down on a stone bench by the side!

The old body is sitting upright, as if a student listened carefully to the teacher's teaching!

"Ni Chuanjing should have reported to you about the Jiuhuang Mountain in Xiangcheng, and you should know what I mean, so why bother to see me again." Chu Tian sighed.

"Farewell to the husband, it has been a hundred years, a hundred years, in the eyes of the husband, just passed away in a hurry, in our eyes, it is a lifetime..."

As if answering the teacher's question seriously, Ying Lao said: "The time of a lifetime will eventually come to an end..."

"Before that moment comes, we want to see Mr. Goodbye. There will be no regrets in this life!"

After listening to these words, Chu Tian couldn't help but recall the past with the four!

The four were passionate and full of spirits!

When we don't see you again, a hundred years have passed!

Chu Tian sighed and shook his head slightly, and handed the two jade stones to Ying Lao, and said, "These two jade stones, one is the jade that controls the formation of the spiritual ground of the Langshan Mountain Range..."

"The other piece of jade is some tactics of Taoism, these tactics include all kinds of tactics of the human and alien cultivators..."

"At the same time, it also includes alchemy, refining, talisman, etc..."

"These, you take them away, you will arrange them yourself!"

"Sir..." After hearing these words, the four old men shook all over!

Holding two pieces of jade, Ying Lao felt an extremely heavy weight, as if he couldn't bear it!

These things are priceless!

For both human races and alien races, it is a treasure!

Such a treasure was handed to them by the gentleman selflessly!

In Chu Tian's palm, there was another piece of jade. This piece of jade was different from any jade. It was diffused with a mysterious light!

"In the future, there will be a disaster in this world..."

"Before this, I will set up a large formation for this land, called the Jiuyuan Ancient Spirit Formation..."

"The spirit ground formation of Xiangcheng Jiuhuang Mountain and Langshan this spirit ground formation are two parts of it..."

"There are seven more parts, I will recast them one after another..."

"Each part of the formation has a jade that controls the formation, and this mysterious jade is the jade that controls the entire Jiuyuan Ancient Spirit Formation..."

"With it, you can suppress and control other jade..."

When talking about this, Chu Tian handed the mysterious jade to Ying Lao, and continued: "This mysterious jade, it will recognize the master by itself, and the person who masters this mysterious jade needs the same will as you!"

"Sir..." Hearing these words, the old eyes of Ying Old Four were faintly red!

Not only because the husband recognized their dedication to this land over the years!

It's because, sir, everything he has done for this land!

Although the three pieces of jade from the husband were given to them, they were for the people of this land!

Such selflessness, only their husband in the world!

"This disaster, soon after I finish recasting the Jiuyuan Ancient Spirit Formation, maybe it will slowly come, let's prepare!" Chu Tian waved his hand slightly to the four of them!

The fourth person in Ying understands that they have to leave!

Although they have a thousand words in their hearts to reminisce with their husband, all the words can only be kept in their hearts!

They all know that Mr. does not like to reminisce about the past!

The four of them got up and stood up, cherishingly bowing and saluting to Chu Tian!

This is not only their farewell to Chutian!

It is their gratitude to Chutian on behalf of all the people!

"Go!" Chu Tian accepted the salute from the four and waved his hand slightly to the four!

"Sir, treasure!"

The four straightened up, and finally took a look at Chu Tian, ​​their eyes flushed, and they turned and left!

When they turned around, they quietly wiped away the tears from the corners of their eyes!

This parting from my husband may never see each other again!

Seeing the old figures leaving behind, Chu Tian sighed with a sense of sorrow in his eyes.

He doesn't like this kind of nostalgia...


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(End of this chapter)

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