The Master of the City

Chapter 851: 5 Fang Shenyu Tribulation

"Won't you see a deadly battle?" Fang Qingyang frowned when he heard Chu Tian's words!

"I know you are strong..."

"But, now that I devote the foundation of the entire Five Fang Palace, I may not be able to fight you..."

"It's no good for you to despise me..."

Fang Qingyang stared sharply at Chu Tian!

As he spoke, an obscure tactical seal appeared in his hand instantly!

"Om..." With the magical seal of his magic, Ye Yu, the magic weapon in his hand, immediately released layers of mysterious power, spreading like ripples in the space.

"Five-party divine feather robbery..."

Fang Qingyang shouted!


As he shouted and remembered, the magic weapon **** Ye Yu burst out with a monstrous power!

Swept the entire sky in an instant!

"Peng Peng Peng..." All the disciples of the Five Fang Palace on the ground were affected by the strong wind that formed in the space, and it was difficult for them to fly upside down.

Even the five defending elders and Fang Lan were shocked and flew backwards uncontrollably!

"Sect Master has activated Shen Ye Yu's strongest power..." The five guarding elders were suddenly shaken. After they stabilized their body, Qi Qi was overjoyed!

While Fang Lan was shocked, indescribable excitement appeared in his expression!

According to records, Shen Ye Yu was accidentally acquired by their master!

After more than two hundred years of sacrifice, at the end of the day, he successfully integrated his life's enlightenment and learning into Shen Ye Yu, casting it into an extremely powerful magic weapon!

The "Five Fangs Shenyu Tribulation" is the strongest method of it!


At this moment, the treasure **** Ye Yu in Fang Qingyang's hand was out of his palm!

Hovering in the sky!

A series of incomparable formation patterns emerged from Shen Ye Yu, and then covered the entire sky!

In the mysterious light array, tens of thousands of divine leaf feathers were transformed from the pattern, filled with powerful power, such as tens of thousands of peerless sword blades, hanging upside down in the sky!

The powerful sight, while shocking, is also extremely thrilling!

It's more than


At this moment, in the sky, the wind and clouds were surging, and the black clouds were pressing down the city, and there was a terrible thunder!

Followed by

The thunder and lightning smashed down all over the sky, slamming straight on the Shenye Yu formation pattern that covered the sky!

In an instant, the sky seemed to form a thunder pool, and terrible thunder and lightning were intertwined in it!

At the same time

The "God Ye Yu" that tens of thousands of phantoms turned into, showed an incomparable thunder and lightning!


In the whole world, there was an intertwined sound of frightening thunder and lightning!

"Om..." After receiving the power of thunder and lightning, the tens of thousands of divine Ye Yu transformed into it suddenly became stronger, and the diffused power shook the entire sky!

"This, this is the Five Directions Divine Feather Tribulation..."

The five guardian elders watched the scene in awe, and their inner excitement made their bodies tremble. "When I saw it today, it was really like a god..."

"It is the blessing of my life to be seen in this life..."

Fang Lan trembled with excitement!

This is the strongest Taoism in their five palaces!

Wufang Shenyu Tribulation!

Too strong!

It's as if it is not a power that humans can control!

"This, this..." The only person on the scene who was frightened was Lu Yanji!

At this moment, he saw this terrible scene appearing in the sky, and his scalp was numb!

A cold breath rushed straight into his forehead from the soles of his feet, and he was so shocked that he felt cold all over!

The final foundation of the Wufang Palace, the ‘Five Fang Divine Feather Tribulation’, is really terrifying!

"Friend Chu Dao, let's do it..." Fang Qingyang turned the Jue Yin in his hand, staring at Chu Tiandao.

Chu Tian nodded slightly!

Raise your palm!

"Huh..." Fang Qingyang was furious when he saw that Chu Tian dared to despise himself at this time!


Fang Qingyang shouted angrily!

The Jue Yin in his hand suddenly pointed towards Chu Tian!

"Om..." Above the sky, the lightning entangled, diffused with surging might, tens of thousands of'Shen Ye Yu', instantly like a torrent, swooping down from the sky!

The sky shakes!

Space distortion!

A terrifying sight is like destroying the world!

The people who saw this scene on the ground, when an indescribable fear rose from their hearts, they held their breath and watched this scene nervously!

This is a desperate battle between their Wufang Palace and Chu Tian!

No one knows what the final result will be!

"Thump thump thump..." No one is the most nervous person than Lu Yanji. He feels that his heart is beating so violently that it almost jumps out of his body!

The body was trembling slightly due to unspeakable tension!

Chu Tian watched all this without any disturbance!

The palm of his raised hand was suddenly printed in the void in front of him!


In an instant, the void in front of Chu Tian was shocked suddenly and mysteriously!

Then I saw that a series of mysterious and incomparable patterns appeared in the void in a moment, forming a rune pattern filled with magnificent aura!

"Dao Yun..." Fang Qingyang was shocked!

At this moment, the eyes that were full of confidence showed a touch of astonishment!

He couldn't believe that the runes that Chu Tian displayed so easily were actually filled with the rhyme of the Great Dao!

The runes of the rhyme of the avenue!

Even their master, far from reaching this level!

The person who can display the rune-patterned Taoism of the rhyme of the great road only exists in the ancient power, even if it is in the ancient power, it is also one of the few!

How could Chu Tian display such a powerful rune!


In Fang Qingyang's shocking, Chu Tian calmly looked at the flooding **** Ye Yu, and slightly patted the Dao Yun rune in front of him!


I saw it in an instant, the Daoyun runes filled with magnificent power and directly greeted him.

The magnificent Taoist rhyme implies the Avenue of Heaven and Earth!

How powerful!

What can there be in the world to compete with it?

The tens of thousands of Divine Ye Yu who originally came to ruin the sky and the earth, when facing the magnificent Tao Yun rune, it was as if they were suppressed in an instant, and all their powers disappeared!

Then, it stopped abruptly!

Dao Yun Rune pattern rises straight toward the Shen Ye Yu formation pattern in the sky!

The sky full of Shen Ye Yu, under the Dao Yun Rune lifted into the air, like a low tide, with the Dao Yun Rune lifted into the sky, quickly retracted!


Above the ground, a shocking uproar sounded!

Fang Lan, the five guarding elders, and all the disciples of the Wufang Palace, couldn't believe what they saw!

No one can believe

The rune that Chu Tian easily displayed was actually terrifying to people!

Even their Five Fang Palace's strongest Taoism, the Five Fang Shenyu Tribulation, was suppressed in front of Chu Tian's rune and lost their powerful power, and they retreated like a tide!

It's like a weak person who is scared to shrink back and forth when facing a strong person!


Fang Lan and the five guarding elders took a breath together!

His face was already pale!

Even the Five-Party Divine Feather Tribulation can't fight against Chu Tian, ​​what else can they use to fight against Chu Tian in the Five-Party Palace...

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