The Master of Strange Lands Author: Xianyu Xianyuxian

Steampunk, magic and mystery, the God of the Moon, and the gift of deception are the keywords of the new world.

Time has rushed to the end of the eighteenth chapter, and the epic of years has turned to the last page.

Under the sky shrouded in thick fog, the traveler opened his confused eyes.

The World Tree is still young, and the steam industry is rooted in the intricate three kingdoms;

The twin demons came to the world, peering at the world with malice in shadows and whispers;

The undead lurk in the city, looking up at the gray mist-shrouded sky and lamenting the wasted lives of innocent people;

The real phantom sits behind the curtain, waiting for the final day to come;

On the stage of destiny, figures flicker, and the starring role is still unknown;

Strangers look up at the twin moons, and angels and evil things dance together in the sky;

The hero holds the holy sword and laments the coming disaster;

The uncrowned king hides in the shadows and secretly controls the changes in the world;

The clock struck midnight, and the cat jumped onto the shoulder of the man in black robe. Ahead, there was an unknown road ahead.

Section 1 Chapter 1 A clichéd beginning

Jen Jin's blank expression is just a piece of shit, has he traveled through time?

"Boy, it's time to gamble on your luck."

Under the red and blue moons, a middle-aged man with stubble was banging against the sweaty Jenkins Williams by the dilapidated red brick wall while roaring in a low voice. Under their feet was a dark copper-colored, sizzling and leaking steam pipe, and they didn't know who would pay extra pennies for the steam.

The young man still had a confused look on his face. The last time Barnard saw this expression was when the priest sent by the religious order gave everyone tutoring lessons.

Helpless, the man could only repeat viciously:

"Boy, let me tell you again, the monster behind has caught up. Now we can only enter the [Deception] to gamble our luck. But you have to know that not everyone can enter the [Deception]. With extraordinary Only those with potential can do it, so you have to bet your life!”

"never mind."

Seeing that the young man in front of him still looked confused, Barnard took a step back and turned to look at the dark figure approaching at the end of the alley.

"Remember, kid, if you die soon, [The Church of the Night and the Secret] will give your family a certain amount of compensation; if you survive and are still lucky enough to become our companion, then congratulations on your true contact with the world. True face. I don’t know which god you believe in, but pray one last time.”

"He is a member of the Church of Darkness and Hiddenness, and believes in the Righteous God [Lightless Moon]?"

This information inexplicably jumped into Jenkin's mind.

On the other side, the middle-aged man grabbed Jenkins' arm and pushed him towards the wall. In his final vision, Jenkins, no, according to the inherited memories, should be called Jenkins. Jenkins saw, at the corner of the alley, a two-story-tall octopus with dense sucking tentacles trying to squeeze its body in.

The octopus with the dirty green suckers appeared to have no eyes, and some of its tentacles had been contaminated by the dirty garbage and sewage in the alley. But just one look at that image gave Jenkins the illusion that his head was going to explode.

"What the hell is this? An alien version of Cthulhu?"

As if passing through a thin film of water, an indescribably dazzling white light flashed in front of my eyes. After all the dust settled, Jenkins panted and knelt on the dusty marble floor, while the middle-aged man on the side looked forward with a thankful face.

In that passage of white light that seemed to be an instant but seemed to be permanent, Jenkins finally understood the current situation.

Jenkins Willamette, who lives in Privet Drive, Sabine District, Nolan City, is the second son of the Willamette family.

It was a nice day, and Jenkins wandered the streets into the night as usual. Just as he was about to go home and be scolded, he was suddenly attacked by a monster emerging from the ground. While praying loudly for the blessing of the [Heritage Sage], he ran into Mr. Barnard while running frantically. Although the latter could use the "strange beam" to stop the monster for a moment, the two of them were still blocked in a small lane. In the alley.

According to the memories obtained by Jenkins, the real cause of Jenkins' death was witnessing a pair of dark eyes hidden among the monster's tentacles. And now, as Jenkins recalls the few images that remain in his memory, his soul seems to be aching.

The memory ended here, and Jenkins was immediately attracted by the three light spots and three bubbles that appeared in front of him.

"Did you see that? Those spots of light."

The middle-aged man on the side asked hesitantly, and Jenkins nodded.

"That's good, congratulations, kid, the truth of the world is about to be revealed to you. Don't worry, this is not some terrible witchcraft, this is a supernatural power recognized by the church, but you have to report it."

After saying this, he helped Jenkins up, who was still sitting on the marble floor. The latter then discovered that the two of them had "drilled" into the wall and seemed to have entered another space. They were now in a dilapidated and dirty room. Inside.

This should be a restaurant in an ordinary house. The dim candles on the round dining table barely illuminated the room. Jenkins could see the door and window behind the two men that were nailed shut by short wooden boards, as well as the broken cupboard with a corner missing facing the door.

No one has been here for a long time. Just a small movement of getting up can raise a lot of dust. Jenkins' own black cowhide boots and Barnard's leather shoes changed color in the blink of an eye.

The area here is not very large, and the most attractive thing is a figure in a black robe beside the round table.

"We don't have much time. I'll give you a brief introduction. Don't interrupt."

Barnard looked at the black figure nervously, swallowed, and spoke quickly, regardless of whether Jenkins heard clearly or not.

"The supernatural powers in the stories really exist in this world, those bedtime stories your mother may tell you. You don't need to doubt this now. Every lucky person who can awaken the power can see it in the early stage of awakening. To the two [World Gifts], yes, they are the two spots of light in front of you.”

one two three......

Maybe it’s because the number three doesn’t exist in this world, right?

Jenkins thought so, but he was actually just using this childish behavior to get rid of his nervousness. It was definitely not an illusion. The man in black robe who had not moved at the round table seemed to be looking at him.

"These two points of light are the beginning of your extraordinary journey. Now tell me what color they are?"

Three light spots the size of soybean grains stood still in front of Jenkins, one white, one green, and one purple. He didn't know what it meant, but according to general rules, the purple ones should be more precious.

"White and green."

He said this while looking frankly into Barnard's eyes. After all, he was not lying. These were indeed the colors of the "two light spots in front of his eyes".

"Good luck."

Barnard nodded, turned around and glanced nervously at the man in black robe again, and said even faster: "Concentrate on touching those two light spots, and you will gain two abilities. One of them is your soul. The crystallization of the deepest qualities, that is, the white dot, is a gift from the world, and is available to everyone who first awakens.”

“What do colors mean?”

Jenkins asked quickly.

"Colors represent types, white is the foundation, and green is life. Okay, let's talk about these after we go out, hurry up."

There was indeed something wrong with the atmosphere in the narrow space at this time. Even if the man in black robe remained motionless, he could put tremendous pressure on the two of them. And as time goes by, this pressure has almost caught up with the giant octopus monster Jenkins saw in his memory.

He followed Barnard's instructions and frowned at the spot of light, but to no avail. After hesitating for a moment, according to the little knowledge of "spiritual suggestion" and "self-hypnosis" that he knew before traveling through time, he reached out and touched his temple, while hinting to himself, "I am activating my superpower."

PS: This book is updated: one chapter each at 6:30 am and 6:00 pm every day.

Section 3 Chapter 2 Strange Situation

[Simple Boxing (White Basics)]

【Exposure Therapy (Green Life)】

Without Barnard asking, Jenkins told the text he saw. These two lines of text that looked like skills were not the common language of the kingdom that Jenjin knew, but he somehow understood it.

"Okay, healing capabilities are always the scarcest." Barnard said dryly, his eyes still staring at the black figure beside the table. He looked even more nervous than Jenkins.

Pulling Jenkins towards the round table: "We will introduce you here for the time being. We will talk about everything after we get out. But remember, don't reveal your abilities to the outside world casually. This is the most important secret for people like us."

"Of course I know, but isn't this to gain your trust?"

Jenkins cursed in his heart, and then used his spirit to activate his last purple light point:

[The unknown road ahead (Purple Destiny)]

So what does this mean?

They stepped on the thick dust on the ground and walked towards the table. The dust stirred up along the way made both of them feel gray and gray. But Jenkins noticed that when the two arrived at the table, the man in black robe was not affected by any dust.

Jenkins now had some doubts about whether this was a living person. He never moved or made a sound. He just sat at the table, which brought strange pressure to the time traveler who had just adapted to his identity.


A hoarse voice came from the other side. It didn't sound like a human voice, but rather resembled a mechanically synthesized electronic sound. But considering that the world is currently in the steam age, electronic music is obviously just speculation.

He also noticed that the mysterious man spoke the common language of the Kingdom of Fidicli, which was more standard than the accents of Barnard and Jenkins, which had obvious Norland dialect.

"Do we need to fight?"

Barnard was a little nervous and pulled Jenkins to sit on two abrupt wooden posts in front of the table, and then asked nervously.

"No." The weird voice sounded again.

"That's good."

Barnard's appearance at this time reminded Jenkins of the time when his eldest brother secretly went on a date behind his parents' back and thought he was not discovered. But in fact, everyone in the Williamte family knew about that matter.

"My butt is a little cold. Is there ice under the wooden pile?" Jenkins could only rely on these unreliable thoughts to distract himself. The pressure of facing the man in black robe head-on was too great.

Probably misunderstanding Jenkins' strange expression as confusion, Barnard explained in a low voice: "[The Strange Land] is a series of fragmented worlds formed due to unknown reasons. We extraordinary beings need to clean them up regularly. We will discuss the specific things later. , All you need to know now is that we are very lucky to encounter the non-combat type of [Unexpected Situation]. After all, I am not very good at facing the enemy head-on, and you are just a newbie."

After saying this, the middle-aged man motioned to Jenkins not to speak, and he cautiously asked the mysterious man opposite.

"Hello, may I ask, what should we do now?"


The mysterious man answered quickly, and Jenkins even felt that there was no gap between his voice and Barnard's last word.

"It's not really a robot, is it? No, according to the world, it should be something like an alchemy puppet."

He speculated slowly, while pricking up his ears and not missing any words.

But the man in black robe stopped talking. During a period of silence, the turbid air on the round table seemed to be distorted. Then, ten shiny golden small bowls suddenly appeared on the table, surrounding candles that seemed to burn forever. stand up.

The outer surfaces of these golden bowls were all lightly carved with branch-like patterns, but Jenkins seemed to think that the shapes and postures of these plants were somewhat bloodthirsty and ferocious, rather like so-called man-eating vines.

The inner surface of the golden bowl was extremely smooth, and the clear and transparent liquid contained inside, together with the golden bowl, shone in the dim candle light.

Jenkins exclaimed in cooperation, and at the same time praised his actor-like acting skills in his heart.

Seeing that the man in black robe still didn't speak, Barnard opened his mouth to explain again: "Maybe you want us to drink it?"

The man in black robe nodded slightly.

"It's always like this in [Trickland]. As long as you complete a certain goal, you can escape, and then the entrance to the real world will collapse. Of course, if we are lucky, we can also get some benefits from it."

"What if it fails?"

Jenkins asked immediately, trying hard to pretend to be nervous, excited and panicked.

Maybe I should have become an actor.

"Do you think the big octopus you just saw crawled out of the sea?"

He didn't explain it in detail, but Jenkins could almost guess that if he failed, two people would die, and the things in [The Strange Land] would escape to the real world.

I don't know if he has not completely accepted the fact of time travel, but Jenkins is not afraid of the current situation at all, but feels inexplicably excited in his heart.

Steampunk, magic, supernatural?

The excitement made his whole body tremble, but Barnard seemed to think it was fear.

"Does that mean we need to drink the liquid in these bowls before we can leave?"

Jenkins asked softly again, his voice trembling, but the man in black robe opposite did not make any reply.

"Maybe one bowl per person will be enough."

Barnard also guessed it. He carefully looked up at the man in black robe, but there was still no response.

The narrow room was very stuffy. From a physical sense, it was probably the end of summer before entering the strange realm, but here it seemed to be the hottest summer. Jenkins didn't know how long the original owner of the body had been running just now, but when he sat down, the sweat on his body quickly evaporated, and all his underwear was stuck to his body.

He even suspected that the middle-aged man next to him and the man in black robes across from him could smell the sweat on his body. After all, in his memory, the wild boy Jenkins was not a person who liked bathing.

"I'll go first."

Barnard seemed to have made up his mind and turned to Jenkins in a low voice.

He is now very happy that he met a good person when he just traveled through time. At the very least, he did not force the "poor little rookie" to step on the thunder.

"Sir, this is really..."

No matter in which world, such people are worthy of respect, and Jenkins is not the kind of ungrateful person.

"Don't worry, my luck is not that bad."

The middle-aged man murmured to himself as if to embolden himself, twisting his body on the wooden stake.

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