Ding bell~

"Did you forget something?"

The father, who was lying in front of the counter writing something, raised his head and asked doubtfully.

Jenkins did not dare to speak. He closed the door and walked along the path among the antiques on the floor to the counter.

"Is there something behind me?"

He asked quietly, afraid that the answer would be that there was a little girl behind him.

Dad frowned. He put down the pen in his hand, took off his glasses, leaned on the table and looked behind Jenkins.


Jenkins breathed a long sigh of relief, turned his head carefully, and then smiled happily.

"I seemed to have encountered something unclean just now."

he explained.

"That's it. Then wait a minute. I remember I still have a few requiem charms here. Of course, you'd better go to the church again..."

Dad nodded calmly, but was interrupted by Jenkins before he even finished speaking.

"No, not a ghost or anything like that."

He said hesitantly, actually wanting to delay time and find a good excuse for himself to discover the strange thing.

"I was walking on the road just now, and a little flower seller was selling flowers to me. It was nothing at first, but the moment I took the money, I suddenly felt dizzy as if I was facing that big octopus..."

He explained hesitantly, trying to be vague about his "accidental" discovery that there was something wrong with the thing.

"Selling flowers?"

Dad frowned and hesitated for a few seconds, "It sounds familiar. I think I've seen this information before."

"That's great. I don't need to explain anymore. I really can't make it up anymore."

Jenkins was secretly happy.

"If that's true...did you buy the flowers?"

The father's face showed a slightly nervous look, which suddenly made Jenkins' heart rise to his throat again.

"Then...should I buy it?"

he asked carefully.

"If it's that thing, you have to buy it, otherwise..."

The father didn't finish his words, but looked straight at Jenkins' waist. Jenkins lowered his head and saw three fresh white flowers pinned to the bottom button of his coat.

Without saying anything else, Father Oliver quickly closed the door of the store and led Jenkins towards the church in the city center.

They hired a carriage, and no one spoke along the way. Jenkins worriedly followed his father with the three flowers, walked into the church from a remote back door, and then walked in the courtyard and walked into a strange room. 's office.

In the room, a well-dressed middle-aged gentleman was reading a newspaper, but there was no one at the desk of the leader.

"Daddy Oliver?"

The man stood up in surprise, "Why are you here at this time? Is something wrong? Have you received something amazing?"

"No, James." Dad's expression was a little solemn, which gave Jenkins the illusion that he was about to die. "This is my new apprentice. In the evening, he met a little flower seller. We suspect that It’s A-01-2-0198.”

"The strange thing was first discovered by the Church of [All Things and Nature]. It is not accessible to those below level 8. It is randomly numbered 0198."

Jenkins thought about what he had learned in the past few days and immediately realized that he might have really encountered something big.

The gentleman in a black formal suit told him not to panic, squinting at Jenkins and the flowers in his hand.

"I see."

He asked the two of them to sit down here, while he strode out of the door.

Later, after being introduced by Oliver's father, Jenkins learned that the middle-aged man just now was Mr. James Hurt, who belonged to the Nolan Parish [Special Items and Incident Handling] Office.

Not long after, three middle-aged men with solemn faces walked in. In addition to Mr. Hurt and Mr. Binsey, whom Jenkins already knew, there was also an old man wearing a funny high hat. He has a bushy white beard and very small eyes.


The old man nodded to his father, who called him Smith.

Binxi, who was walking at the end, turned around and closed the door, then took out a silver knife and drew on the thick bronze door. Mr. Hurt was not idle either. He walked to the desk, took out a small wooden block from the drawer, muttered a few words in a low voice and threw it directly in front of the wall.

Nothing happened to the naked eye, but in Jenkins' other field of vision, a faint light film enveloped the entire room, and at the door was a shining Holy Emblem of [Heritage Sage].

After finishing their work, several people sat down and listened to Jenkins tell his story, then asked the little girl about her clothes in detail, and then looked at each other a few times.

Smith, the oldest among them, carefully took a flower from Jenkins' hand and examined it carefully. When he returned it to him, he had an expression of joy and trouble on his face.

"It can be confirmed that what Mr. Williamson encountered was indeed A-01-2-0198, [the little girl selling flowers], also known as the [Death Flower Girl]."

The word death made Jenkins' heart skip a beat.

Mr. Smith saw Jenkins' expression, smiled at him and tried to calm him down, then took out a document from his arms and read it to everyone.

"A-01-2-0198, due to a large-scale urban population death event in 1078, was first confirmed and numbered by the [All Things and Nature] Church.

Its appearance is that of a 9-year-old female human with blond hair wearing the clothes of the poor people of the ancient Hitli Kingdom. She has a basket made of unknown plant material in her right hand. "

He looked up from the papers and looked at Jenkins.

"The time and location of A-01-2-0198's appearance are irregular. The last time it was recorded was in Thorn Town, a small border town of the Hampavo Kingdom ten years ago. Mr. Williamte, you are lucky."


Jenkins was stunned. Am I lucky to encounter this thing?

"Currently known characteristics, the numbered target has a strength of level 8 or above, but as long as you talk in a normal way, the target only behaves like a normal human girl."

Level 8 seems to be the strongest person in the [Knowledge and Books] Church in Nolan City, and can be called a demigod walking on earth. But that person has gone to sea with the fleet to solve the problem and is not in this city now.

Section 25 Chapter 24 Weird Characteristics

"Characteristic 1: If asked by A-01-2-0198 whether to buy flowers, ignore the question or refuse to conduct the transaction, the person being questioned will definitely die within a week. The cause of death is a blood vessel punctured by an unknown variety of vines growing from the body. , causing massive hemorrhage, the process cannot be stopped and the location of those vines cannot be detected before death.”

"Good people have a safe life!"

Jenkins blessed himself in his heart.

"Characteristic two: If the transaction is agreed to, A-01-2-0198 will only sell three flowers of the same color. The variety does not affect its strange characteristics, and the color will determine the curse of the flower buyer. The following is the known situation:

Red: Death from common influenza within one year; Yellow: At least one direct blood relative is infertile, and if there is no direct blood relative, the flower buyer dies directly; Blue: Death from drowning within three weeks; Green: Definitely death from suicide, but no the term. "

After Smith read this, he looked at the two middle-aged gentlemen around him, and then nodded to Jenkins.

"These are contents that all gifted persons with sufficient permissions and belonging to the church can view. The following contents require a confidentiality level, but since you have encountered this matter, you can understand it."

He did not look at Father Oliver, but put down the document in his hand and said to Jenkins:

"According to records, a person once bought three black flowers from A-01-2-0198, but after contacting the church, the buyer disappeared inexplicably in front of everyone and has not been found so far. Use divination If you search with the ability, the gifter will go crazy."

Jenkins swallowed. The unlucky guy was probably sent to some great being... He was waiting for his fate to be pronounced.

“If two colors on the petals exceed 30% at the same time, it is called a variegated flower, and the flower buyer will split into two identical individuals within three hours, with the personalities of the two individuals belonging to the extremes of good and evil. "

"Tiger Charm."

Jenkins tried to comfort himself with complaints, but found that it was not as effective as looking at the strange face reflected in the brass kettle on the table.

"Purchasing white flowers will not cause any curse, and eating the white flowers completely can increase the upper limit of the giver's spirit."

Jenkins leaned back slightly and let out a long breath.

"is that so?"

He asked in a low voice, fearing that the old man would suddenly grin and say, "I'm just teasing you!"


Smith nodded, his shiny forehead seeming to reflect light.

"So congratulations, Mr. Williams. You encountered a monster that was almost certain to die, but you were lucky enough to encounter the best situation. Records show that the lucky person who bought the white flowers only appeared twice, one of which One was an ordinary 9-year-old girl five hundred years ago, who was also a believer in the goddess; the other was an archbishop who believed in [The Hermit of Destiny] three hundred years ago.”

"Is it true that you will die if you buy those flowers?"

Jenkins asked again.

"Yes, usually A-01-2-0198 will stay in a city for about three weeks. Although it seems dangerous, she will only appear in places that are 'suitable for selling flowers.' So, as long as you stay indoors, You will never encounter her. Current records show that no one has ever encountered A-01-2-0198 twice, so you are the safest in this room."

Mr. Smith laughed, and Jenkins tried not to get too pleased with himself.

"There is actually some information about A-01-2-0198, but no one in this room has the right to know those contents... It is very unusual for a monster of this level to appear in a densely populated city. It's a serious matter, not to mention the recent big octopus matter that has not yet been resolved. Mr. Willemt, according to regulations, you need to fully record the incident with A-01-2-0198 in writing and submit it to the church. The church will also give you certain rewards.”

He said, pointing to Binsi and Hurt, who had been silent.

"These two, one is affiliated with the combat force, and the other is a staff member of the Special Items Handling Office. Every time you record [Mystery] or [Mysterious Situation], these two types of people need to be present. You have just become a scribe, these things Still have to adapt.”

Jenkins nodded, finally breathing a sigh of relief.

In the following time, Jenkins recounted the encounter with the giant octopus that night and what happened just now. The three people from the church asked for details again and again, and finally asked Jenkins to write two reports independently, and the matter was finally over.

Before leaving, Smith asked one more thing:

"If you are willing to sell these flowers, the church is willing to pay you 150 pounds a flower."

This is a considerable sum, even enough for Jenkins to buy a nice property in Nolan City. Jenkins subconsciously turned back to look at his father, who shook his head secretly and shrugged: "Are you very short of money recently?"

So Jenkins politely rejected Mr. Smith, who smiled and nodded to him, not looking disappointed.

Jenkins and his father did not leave the church immediately, but decided to get the basic abilities that Jenkins could receive before leaving.

The two sat in a small hidden prayer room. While waiting for the review, the father asked Jenkins to eat the three flowers quickly.

"There are not many ways to accumulate extra spirits and be completely harmless."

The old man said to Jenkins seriously, "Especially for you newcomers, don't hesitate to move forward. This is an opportunity that many people can't even dream of. I know that guys took risks and used extremely dangerous methods to accumulate spirits. Most of them went crazy afterwards, so don't take this thing out of the church."

Jenkins hesitated, closed his eyes and really ate three flowers raw. Since the report mentioned "complete consumption", under the pressure of his father, he had to eat the green branches as well.

"It's a bit disgusting and my throat is a little uncomfortable, but it does work."

Jenkins frowned and concluded, pressing his right hand on the front of his coat to feel the cold air that continued to flow out of his stomach, but it actually tasted a bit sweet, just like the freshly squeezed lemon juice prepared by the maid at home.

The old man thought that Jenkins had been spoiled for too long and he would get used to it.

The number of abilities that a gifter can have is limited, so the combination of abilities must be very cautious. Some people keep one or two ability positions vacant for many years, not because they can't find abilities to learn, but because they are looking forward to better abilities.

Jenkins asked his father for advice, and his father thought that low-level gifters should be more inclined to prefer their abilities and make plans for the future.

Section 26 Chapter 25 New Abilities

This is like the complex underground pipeline construction in Nolan City. The first section of the construction needs the least consideration, but the future must also be considered.

Jenkins hesitated for only a moment and decided to choose an ability that is more life-saving this time. After all, he has many abilities and doesn't care about anything.

Soon, a slight gear collision sound came from under the feet of the two. Jenkins stood to one side of the narrow prayer room as instructed by his father, and then saw the brick in the middle of the floor slowly sinking, revealing the complex mechanical mechanism underground.

The fine brass gears meshed with each other, turning slowly and neatly.

Soon, a rolled parchment was lifted up from the ground.

"The style of this mechanism is different?"

Jenkins thought as he bent down to pick up the parchment. After opening it, there were densely packed small characters inside. These were the abilities that Jenkins could learn with his authority, and they were also the abilities that the church could provide in the Nolan Parish.

Although he had made merit by reporting the A-01-2-0198 incident, there were only two non-white abilities on this small roll of parchment. One was a yellow spell: [Lullaby], which was used to make people fall asleep quickly, and the other was a low-level golden spell of the church: [Reading and Writing]. As the name suggests, whatever you think about in your head can appear on the paper.

If Jenkins was still the failed author in his previous life, he would definitely choose this spell, but what he wants now is to survive better in this weird world.

"Saving your life is important."

What happened this evening fully illustrates what "people walking on the road, disasters coming from the side" means. Jenkins now has a very strong sense of crisis.

The parchment only provides the names of these abilities and a brief introduction, so if you don't know them in advance, choosing these still involves a certain element of gambling.

Jenkins hesitated again and again, wavering between the two characteristics of "running fast" and "being able to take a beating", and then realized that even if he was able to take a beating, the enemies he encountered these days could kill him with just one finger.

"I choose this."

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