Firearms training not only cost Jenkins money again, it also squeezed his time. Although all kinds of firearms are indeed interesting, and the smell of gunpowder, the sound of triggers and firing pins can also stimulate a man's adrenaline, there is always a reason to go home late. What's even worse is that after the sun goes down, even the coachman's asking price is 20% higher.

Jenkins has accelerated his adaptation of the fairy tale and is also searching for a suitable relocation location.

He did not tell the idea of ​​moving out in advance, but planned to let the bishop talk to his family after the fairy tale matter was settled.

The week ended quickly. At the weekend, Jenkins not only took an afternoon off, but also received a salary from his father - 1 pound.

This is already quite a lot. You should know that apprentices generally work for free and receive no wages. Jenkins is already lucky.

He used a small amount of his savings to buy gifts for his family and Bishop Parrod as a celebration of his first week on the job. Of course, this also shows the fact that "Jenkins is gradually changing" to familiar people, which is a consumption that kills two birds with one stone.

July belongs to the [Hermit of Destiny], and August belongs to the [Skilled Craftsman]. On that night that spanned from July to August, Jenkins, who was struggling to write a fairy tale, encountered an accident.

He leaned over the table and crossed out the words he had just written with some distress.

"No, this is too childish. I hope fairy tales have a wider audience."

He tilted his head slightly and looked at the silver pocket watch that was opened and placed on the table. The three hands were all moving in the direction of 12.

"That's it, it's time to go to sleep."

Jenkins stretched, twisted his neck and put the pen down. He carefully hid the manuscript and tiptoed to the bathroom on the second floor to wash up and prepare to go to bed.

Suddenly, a whisper came into my ears.

Section 29 Chapter 28 The whisper at the end of the month

Jenkins was stunned. He stood in the dark bedroom and looked around. Under the red and blue moonlight, his frowning expression appeared in the mirror.

The content of the whispers was indistinguishable, but they were getting louder and denser. It was almost as if there was an invisible presence in Jenkins' ear.

To make matters worse, the discomfort of headaches and nausea came out of the blue. In order not to wake his family, Jenkins bit his pillow and lay on the bed twitching. The whispers and murmurs lasted for half an hour before disappearing. Jenkins, who was bleeding from all his orifices, hurriedly wiped his face clean before falling asleep exhausted.

What happened that night only happened once, and Jenkins didn't dare to tell anyone about it for fear of being misunderstood as being related to the evil god. His health was not permanently affected, but he still had a headache that morning. It wasn't until the next day that he suddenly realized that the time when the strange murmurs and whispers appeared was the official handover of the two months.

"Will it matter?"

He couldn't prove it and could only wait until the end of the month to see what happened.

The next week started with constant rain on Monday, and we finally saw the sun on Thursday.

That day was the third day of August. Jenkins followed the method that Mr. Hood said at the end of the last party and checked the dense advertising area of ​​"The Penny". He used the novel as a codebook to decipher the information and found out the time of the next party. It's Friday night, and the good news is the location is right in the Sabine District.

When he was checking the newspaper, he suddenly realized that Mr. Hood was also testing Jenkins' identity based on the "newspaper sales ranking." After all, he is a "foreigner" and it is not easy to know this.

"But I've already thought of a reason."

Making excuses is never difficult, it just depends on whether you are thick-skinned or not.

Dad was the only person who knew about Jenkins' independent plan. When Jenkins came to him on Thursday with a thick manuscript, he was not surprised.

"This is good."

Dad took the stack of papers and nodded to Jenkins who was a little embarrassed. The latter was actually a little uneasy because he became a copywriter.

But the money that should be earned must be earned.

"As a believer of the goddess, it is a good sign that you can think of making money through books. Of course, I am just helping you see. If you want to develop in this area, it is best to sign up for a writing course. I heard that there are night classes in colleges and universities to provide tutoring for workers or students who are eager to acquire knowledge. Your family’s financial situation is not bad; of course, finding a real writer to tutor you is also..."

He warned while flipping through Jenkins' text. This is a very caring old man. Although he is usually serious, he is very kind to Jenkins.

He just said this so that Jenkins wouldn't be too disappointed. After all, based on his father's understanding, Jenkins didn't seem to be a person who was good at writing.


He closed his mouth as he spoke, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"fairy tale?"

Jenkins nodded. In order to get his father to support his plan, he specially put the chapters of "Snow White" and "The Tinderbox" with relatively complete and exciting story structures at the front. Writing these things is not easy. Not only does he have to dig out the story, but it also has to fit the characteristics of this world. He even came up with the idea of ​​"it would have been better if he had chosen the magical ability [reading and writing]". He was trapped at night Most of the time in the bedroom is spent in this.

Dad sat quietly at the counter and carefully read through Jenkins' manuscript. He read some stories in great detail, while others skimmed over them.

"It's not bad. At least the text is fluent, but some of the adjectives are weird. I like the story "The Little Match Girl" very much. Did you get the inspiration from the flower girl a few days ago?" He said simply He commented, taking off his glasses and returning the manuscript to Jenkins.

"Do you want to use this to earn money to live independently?"

he asked.

"Yes, sir. Not only that, I heard that the cost of the gifter is also a lot. The practice of abilities and the preparation of rituals require a large amount of precious materials. It is better to make some preparations early."

Dad nodded slightly, "Are you going to publish it as a collection of fairy tales, or do you want to publish them one by one in the newspaper?"

"Publish it directly. After all, not many people read fairy tales through newspapers... But I will add a few more, preferably with illustrations, so that the book will be more substantial."

Jenkins revealed his plans.

"Okay, you can choose three stories that you think are the best. I will help you contact the publisher when I submit the report tomorrow."


Jenkins asked in surprise.

"Do you think we can just buy antiques? There are a lot of things here. After a few months, you will be familiar with this place, and it will be up to you to write the report."

Dad patted him on the shoulder, and then saw Jenkins' dazed expression with satisfaction.

This matter was simpler than Jenkins thought. He didn't even need to trouble Bishop Parrod anymore, and the matter was almost done.

My father asked Jenkins to wait patiently for the news. He was not in a hurry, but carefully revised the manuscript and added a few more stories to prepare for 20 complete stories.

Since there were not many fairy tales that met the requirements in his memory, he even wrote stories such as "A Dream in the South Key". Although it was more difficult to modify, he still felt very good about himself.

It’s Friday in the blink of an eye, and the red and blue moons are still lighting up the city of Nolan.

The Williamt family usually goes completely quiet after 9 o'clock. After all, there are not so many entertainment methods in this era, and the night will only increase the loss of gas lamps and candles.

First, he locked the door, then carefully opened the bedroom window, making sure that there were no patrol officers or idlers wandering around Privet Drive. Jenkins jumped directly to the big tree in the yard, and then climbed down carefully.

Thanks to the ability of [flexible legs and feet], he can allow Jenkins to do things that he only dared to think about before.

In the shadow of the house, Jenkins called out to the black robe soaked in his spirit. Judging from the shadow in the corner, this time the image is of a two-meter-tall thin man who looks more like a bamboo pole.

"Is the disguise different every time?"

Jenkins muttered as he carefully headed to the party location. The place chosen this time was an abandoned small building in Sabine District, not because it was haunted, but because the original owner, a widow living alone, had an accident and could not find any heirs, so the house was abandoned.

When Jenkins was looking for a house, he saw the news that the city hall was preparing to auction it. Unfortunately, the price was too expensive and it was far away from Dad’s antique store.

Section 30 Chapter 29 Parties and Deals

Jenkins was not the first to get there, Mr. Hood was already standing in the shadow of the corner. Seeing Jenkins, he immediately pushed to the window warily.

"I'm Mr. Candle."

His voice was somewhat neutral, again because of the black robe.

Jenkins called out the purple point of light, and then showed his purple pentagram emblem. Mr. Hood nodded and retreated to the corner.

"Great disguise."


Jenkins also chose to stand in the shadow of the wall, and the two spoke only once before the party began.

Of course, Mr. Hood still needs to explain to the people who come one after another that this is not a newcomer but Mr. Candle.

This time the party was attended by the same five people as last time.

"Only trusted participants are allowed to invite trust. The arrival of Mr. Candle is a special case."

Mr. Magic in a woman's voice explains that she last asked Jenkins about the meaning of the purple ability.

"Then let this party begin. It's nice to see you all again."

Mr. Hood announced, then turned to Mr. Birch and said:

"You owed me a message last time at the party. It's up to you to start this time."

"Okay. First, the Righteous God Church in Nolan City is delivering a big news recently about strange things. I don't know the specific details, but it is best for everyone not to go to crowded places in the past two weeks."

"I think I know what it is."

Jenkins thought silently. Did he not expect that even these rat-like guys in the dark would hear the wind? The seriousness of this matter was somewhat beyond expectation.

"Second, a duke in the royal capital of Belduran has passed away. There is clear evidence that it was the benefactor's method. The news has not spread yet, and the official is also investigating. If it is not necessary, do not go there during this period. The royal capital.”

noble? This is the first time Jenkins has heard news about nobles since he came to this world. Before that, the only nobleman closest to him was Mr. Smith, the rich man who promoted old William. The latter was only an honorary baron and could not be hereditary.

"What an eventful time it has been. It's my turn."

Mr. Hood sighed, and then said: "Regarding the giant octopus that appeared at night in Nolan City, the matter has been shelved by the Orthodox Church. At present, they have not found any valuable clues, but they can be sure that it is related to [Weird Thing]."

"Too irresponsible!"

Mr. Magic, or Miss, complained righteously, without realizing his position at all. Her last news was about the sea off Nolan, which coincided with the "big thing" mentioned by her father, and this time it was just as explosive.

"Three days ago, a strange entrance appeared in the small town of Tinton under the jurisdiction of Nolan City, but it was passed by someone yesterday."

"Do you know what the result is?"

Mr. Birchwood looked very interested.

"I know some, but this is not free sharing. You can try to impress me with something during the trading time."

Mr. Birchwood nodded, but did not indicate whether he was willing to pay for the information.

Jenkins was also interested in the [Weird Thing], but he was a poor guy and had to give up.

The following is Miss Bai Ling:

"On Wednesday, a fishing boat named Silver Cod fished up a strange statue from the sea, which is suspected to be related to the evil god. It has been acquired by the Church of the Righteous God, and all the members of the fishing boat have not appeared again."

The evil god is also a false god, specifically referring to those gods who like blood, flesh, and incest sacrifices. Their believers are very dangerous, most of them have part-time jobs such as serial killers and perverted murderers. As an ordinary person, William has also heard of several cruel cases related to evil god believers.

Mr. Black Cat's news is a bit ordinary. He pointed out that the starry sky has been a bit abnormal recently, which means killing and chaos in the material world.

"I know that some abilities have the function of divination and stargazing, but this is too vague, right?"

Jenkins could only think so in his heart, because the other four did not object to this news.

Do they know that Mr. Black Cat has a corresponding reliable ability?

"It's my turn."

Jenkins spoke slowly and told the information he had prepared: "I know something about the [weird thing] that Mr. Birchwood mentioned. It is numbered A-01-2-0198 and looks like a little girl selling flowers. If she asks you if you want to buy flowers, you will die. But she will only appear where a little girl selling flowers should appear. Don't worry about someone standing at the head of your bed asking if you want to buy flowers."

Miss Magic took a breath.

Jenkins was not worried that this would expose his identity. Now the gifters of the Orthodox Church should all know these things. The only difference is that he knows more.

"It's time to start trading now. Mr. Candle, I hope to know more about A-01-2-0198."

Mr. Hood said almost without pause. The other four hesitated, but only Miss Magic said the same thing.

The three of them temporarily stepped aside, and Mr. Hood took out three copper pieces.

"This is the [Micro-Effect Explosion Spell] that I made through a ritual. It is effective for two months. You only need to inject your spirit into it and then throw it at your enemy. I warn you that I used the inferior firefly powder that I got occasionally this time. I haven't tried it, but the effect may be discounted. Because I only made these three, the discount is about the same as the value of your information."

Jenkins nodded to indicate that it was okay. Although the matter about A-01-2-0198 was secret, it would sooner or later leak out from the church and then be passed on through countless such gatherings. Most of the gifters in Nolan City would get the information.

Therefore, his information is temporarily valuable, but not very valuable.

Miss Magic also took out a spell. Compared with Mr. Hood's "magic grenade", the silver piece she provided was more valuable.

"The spell [Blessing of the Ritual] is made by the ritual granted by our Lord [Light of Spell]. This is a one-time consumable. When performing the ritual, just place this spell aside to maximize the success of the ritual."

Jenkins knew last time that she believed in the [Mystery and Ritual] sect, but he didn't expect that the false god also had such magical powers.

But he refused.

"I can't establish contact with a false god that I don't know anything about, especially during the ritual, it's too dangerous."

Dad has warned me not to rashly touch anything related to [God], especially a false god you don't understand, you will never know what the result will be.

Section 31 Chapter 30 Praying for your attention (Part 1)

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