The lawyer is probably responsible for recording and listening to the will. Although the viscount does not have any friends or relatives, the property after death still needs to be disposed of reasonably.

Seeing Jenkins coming, the servant helped the Viscount up in his pajamas with difficulty, and then left. The lawyer nodded politely to Jenkins, asked the Viscount to sign the document, and left.

He was very surprised now that he was the only one here.

"Mr. Willamt, thank you for coming to see me."

"it does not matter."

He no longer knew what to say, nor did he achieve the purpose of the Viscount's invitation. So he took off his hat, pulled the wooden chair from the side, and sat in front of the bed.

"Your illness will get better..."

"No need to comfort me, I know my physical condition clearly."

A smile appeared on the Viscount's sickly face:

"Since I was very young, I knew that I would not live very long. In fact, I am very satisfied to be able to live to this age. I don't know many friends. Mr. Williams, you should He’s the one who has a better relationship with me.”

"Then you are really..."

Jenkins just imagined it in his mind, with a sad expression still on his face:

"A lot has happened recently."

He said softly: "I also understand a lot of things. Mortals will die. It's just a matter of time. But as long as this short life is valuable, it's fine. Mortals can't increase the length of their lives, but they can increase their thickness. . It’s unlucky to say that, but I don’t think you’re the kind of person who would run away from death.”


The Viscount looked into Jenkins' eyes, and the emotion in his eyes made Jenkins feel a little hairy on his back. He didn't know where this strange feeling came from, so he could only subconsciously tap the sole of his boot on the floor to avoid being affected by the inexplicable feeling.

"Although the Augustus family has declined, my life has been relatively superior since I was a child."

He seemed to be recalling his past, and Jenkins leaned forward to listen.

"Oh, sir, when I was young, as a descendant of a nobleman who was destined to become a nobleman, even if I was in poor health, I was happier than most people in the world. I still miss the lavender fields in the countryside of Nolan. I miss the The golden wheat fields in autumn, I miss the pony I called Pete..."

His tone was sad and emotional, and his eyes seemed to have penetrated time and returned to that era.

But it’s really sad that a lifetime of long memories only lasted just over an hour.

"I would like to ask you to oversee the execution of my will. You are the most upright gentleman I know."

He finally revealed the purpose of inviting Jenkins.

"no problem."

Jenkins wouldn't turn down such a request, even if it might be troublesome. After thinking for a while, he suggested:

"Maybe you can consider donating part of your inheritance, or setting up an organization to help the poor. In this way, even if you do... someone will remember you forever."

The Viscount looked at Jenkins in surprise, then nodded slowly, with a smile on his face: "You are right."

He shouted in an unexpectedly weak voice, the door was pushed open, and the lawyer walked in again.

The viscount introduced Jenkins to the lawyer and changed parts of the will, before the lawyer left again.

Viscount Augustus's room was located on the second floor of the manor. From the window, he could see the bare plain. But come next year, you should be able to see the flowers blooming from here.

"Mr. Willamette, I want to ask you a question."

His tone became weaker and weaker.

"Please say."

"Do you believe that there is a broader world outside this world? My father and uncle often said in the past that we are different from others. People in the family do not die, but start a greater journey. "


He became hesitant. The Giver's knowledge did not indicate that the souls of a certain family would belong to a special place.

"My father even told me that that place is called [The Underworld of the Immortal], and it is a..."

His voice trailed off and eventually disappeared. His head was tilted on the wooden bed, his eyes were closed tightly, and there was a smile on his face. This was the expression when he recalled his father.

"Mr. Augustus?"

He shouted softly, then stood up and took a breath.

He let out a long sigh. He seemed to have been exposed to too many deaths recently.

The chocolate on his chest suddenly squirmed violently, and Jenkins could only unbutton his coat and let it stick his head out. When he raised his head again, he actually saw Mr. Augustus sitting by the bed, looking at Mr. Augustus's body on the bed.

Yes, Augustus sitting by the bed is obviously much younger, with a vibrant smile on his face, but his body is transparent.

He smiled and put a finger to his mouth, signaling Jenkins to be silent, then nodded slightly to him, stood up and walked towards the door.

At some point, the wooden door turned into an old and worn-out iron door, and as Augustus approached, the door slowly opened.

"Oh, God!"

Jenkins just glanced at the darkness behind the door and felt a heavy blow to his head. He quickly looked away and drew the holy symbol on his chest.

Raising his head, Mr. Augustus stood holding the door frame, waved to Jenkins, and then walked in.

The door closed quietly.

The feeling of metal quickly faded away, and the wooden door quickly changed back.

"Does that door look familiar?"

The stunned Jenkins was stunned for a long time before he remembered to appease the fried chocolate.

"Oh, when I first went to the pet management center, it seemed that this door was where the cat spirit floated out. The door disappeared last time I went there."

Stand up and walk to the door.

"Isn't this the [Gateway to Death] that the professor mentioned?"

Holding his hand on the cold door handle, he opened the door and saw his lawyer and several sad servants waiting for him.

"The great master, the mortal descendant of the ancient god of death, can actually die?"

(End of this volume)

PS: This volume is over! Let me give you a preview, this time the interlude [Mr. Writer’s Journey to the Royal Capital] may be longer, but it won’t be particularly long. The name of the third act is - [The Non-Existent Shadow]. Note, this is not the name of the next savior's ability, but the name has something to do with it.

Chapter 411 Chapter 405 Friends’ Legacy

The complete disappearance of an ancient family did not cause a big stir. Even the Viscount's obituary only occupied a small area in the local newspaper, not even as large as the reward notice of the man in black robe on the next page. People's attention still remains on the plague and all kinds of gossip.

Viscount Augustus really followed Jenkins's suggestion and used one-fifth of his inheritance to establish an organization specifically to help orphans. Although he has died, someone will come forward to do the follow-up things, because the Viscount's legacy is really huge. Even though it is just a declining noble, this surname inherited from the oldest era has still accumulated a lot of wealth.

When Jenkins was preparing to pack his luggage and head to Belduran, he realized that Viscount Augustus had actually left him a legacy.

When the lawyer found Jenkins that afternoon, he and his father were surprised, especially when they saw the specific figures of the estate.

"That's not a lot."

The lawyer shrugged: "And most of them are real estate, including houses in disrepair and some factories on the verge of bankruptcy. The Viscount doesn't want to trouble you, so he entrusted us to convert these assets into gold pounds before handing them over to you. I'm afraid it will take some time. So the day you receive the money should be next month or even next year.”

"it does not matter."

He had been dazzled by the accident and was wondering whether he should buy a few more houses in the downtown area of ​​Nolan.

"Originally, the Viscount left you more. He said that he had no relatives, and this was a small gift for his friends. He asked me to congratulate you for him. The Rhett Award is the highest honor. Oh, it was supposed to be more More, but the Viscount followed your advice and used a large amount of cash from his inheritance to help orphans, so it became what it is now.”

He took off his hat and bowed to Jenkins:

"I think you are the person we need most in this era. In short, I hope Mr. Viscount's soul is with God, and I hope you can be protected by God forever."

This time, Jenkins' mood became more complicated.

"This sounds like something out of a novel."

In the warm club, Miss Jenkins, Hathaway and Miss Michael each sat on chairs with red cushions. The positions of the three people are like an arc, and in the middle is a round table filled with snacks, tea and books.

The room was filled with an extremely weak aroma, and Jenkins always felt like sneezing after smelling it for a long time.

Chocolate was still lying on Jenkins' lap, enjoying the man's touch.

"An upright but poor young gentleman unexpectedly received a large inheritance from his friend. From now on, he no longer has to worry about his livelihood and can better utilize his talents."

Miss Michael smiled and waved her finger in the air: "Good things come in pairs. I heard from the newspaper that Mr. Willemt also won the Rhett Award?"

"Yes, the awards will be given next week."

He replied shyly, leaning back a little and leaning on the back of the chair.

"So you're leaving Nolan soon?"

Hathaway asked, holding a tea cup.

"Yes, the plan is to set off next Monday. I have to attend the funeral of Viscount Augustus and I must not miss it. I will set off after that, sage. I have never been to such a distant place. I hope the journey goes well."

"Is anyone with you, Mr. Oliver?"

Hathaway seems concerned about the issue.

"No, no, Dad still has things to do. He's been very busy recently. But the bishop helped me book a first-class ticket on the steam locomotive. I think that's enough."

After what happened last week, the church takes Jenkins' safety very seriously. The original plan was to send a steam airship directly to pick him up, and the Holy See had even arranged all the plans.

But due to the unexpected appearance of the doomsday document, the airship arrived in Nolan ahead of schedule. Due to various inconvenient reasons, Jenkins was unwilling to return with the airship in advance, so he could only take the train.

In fact, as far as Jenkins knew, Miss Bevanna had personally arranged the security plans for his trip. Jenkins didn't know this plan, but there would be guards around him. Miss Bevanna might even have accompanied Jenkins herself if the parish had not needed her.

But these things are still far away, and there are still many things that need to be dealt with before leaving Nolan.

On Wednesday night, Jenkins, who had finished the church night class, chatted with Captain Binsey for a while, asking about the investigation of the [Gear Craftsmen's Association]. Then, he refused the carriage and came to the street alone, using the excuse of wanting to walk around the city.

Today is the day for Mr. Hood's party. The venue for this party was ingeniously chosen to be the clock tower next to the Civic Square.

The history of this clock tower is as long as the establishment of Nolan City, and it is also one of the tallest buildings in the local area. The top of the clock tower can be seen almost anywhere in Nolan City.

But Jenkins did not think this was a suitable place for a secret meeting, because the clock tower was in the city center, very close to the City Hall and Carfax Field.

He walked along the street, hesitated at a fork in the road, and then went into an alley. When he came out again, he became Mr. Candle with a black cat.

The closer to the city center, the more patrol police there are. Especially in winter, even the conscientious police gentlemen began to hate their jobs, and patrols became long stays at alleys or street corners, which made people who were doing secret operations very troubled.

The weather in Nolan has been very good these days, and the snow has melted long ago. The carriage is still running on the wide road, while Jenkins in the alley looks up at the clock tower, thinking about how to get up.

He lurks in the shadows and approaches the tower carefully. When he gets closer, he sees that the door of the tower entrance is open, so he pushes the door and walks in.

There is a hall at the lower end of the clock tower, but the city hall has not arranged a reasonable use for it. Continue walking inside and you can see a narrow staircase. There is no light here, only the quiet moonlight shines in from the higher window, making the atmosphere here more like a third-rate horror novel.

Chocolate on his shoulder was a little impatient with Jenkins' hesitation, so he jumped directly from his shoulder to the upper stairs and climbed up quickly. Jenkins hurriedly chased up and unknowingly came to the top floor, which also had a large area. There is a wooden staircase on the side, and you can continue to climb up here to the back of the dial.

Mr. Hood had indeed arrived, holding a dim candle in his hand, lying on the wooden railing and watching the complex gear structure behind the dial.

Chapter 412 Chapter 406 Mr. Black Cat's Departure (Additional Votes Requested)

The top of the clock tower was filled with the mechanical collision sounds of gears turning and levers, but Mr. Hood still heard the rustling footsteps. He immediately looked back, first a white kitten ran up, and then a strange man.

"Good evening, Mr. Hood."

He bent down and caught the struggling chocolate while showing the purple pentagram emblem.

"Good evening, Mr. Candle."

Shrugged, then turned around and continued to observe the mechanical structures.

Due to Jenkins' "testimony", the church now knows that there is another New God believer codenamed "Mr. Candle" in Nolan City. But this believer is very likely to have obtained the identity of a savior, so in order not to cause unnecessary trouble, the church did not put him on the wanted list, but instead increased the reward for the black robe man.

Therefore, Miss Magic could probably guess something, but Mr. Hood still greeted Jenkins in a friendly manner.

"I heard from the locals that this clock tower was just maintained three years ago."

He walked to Mr. Hood with his cat in his arms, listening to the sound of metal collision coming from the front.

"Oh, I forgot that you are a foreigner. Yes, this clock tower is one of the symbols of this city. Every year, the city hall will take out some taxes to maintain it."

Mr. Hood seemed to think of something, and said in a joking tone:

"I heard that when it was repaired more than ten years ago, people were there..."

He pointed to the center of the rotating mechanical structure.

"People found an extra part there. This is almost impossible. After all, this clock is maintained every three years, and the craftsmen never make mistakes. Later, it was discovered that the gear did not belong to this clock tower, but was a special item with a number..."

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