Mr. Gilbert knelt down, picked up a small stone and threw it down. There was no response except the sound of the stone colliding with the rock wall in the distance.

"This matter is very serious. Even the church doesn't know that there is such a place so close to Beldiran... The ruins here cannot be built by that ancient bandit. Although he was in that era, Very famous, but not that powerful..."

Jenkins also poked his head down at this time, and there was an even deeper darkness below the abyss. For safety reasons, he did not control the light ball downwards, because no one could guarantee what would be disturbed by doing so.

"There is also the missing Mr. Alexander, and Mr. Dagger who did not appear here. The latter is better, he may be just an ordinary criminal. Just check the past wanted orders when you go back. But since the former can plan this This kind of thing must not be a simple character. In fact, what I am more curious about is, what did he get from this? "

Chapter 446 Chapter 440 Lamp and Bottle

Although it is underground, there is still enough oxygen, but it is a bit cold. People have to keep moving to ensure that their feet are not numb from the cold, and they don't know how Chocolate was standing on the ground just now.

"Perhaps some dangerous items that have been lost, such as...A-12-1-0044, the Skeleton Sword of the Revenant?"

Jenkins guessed, Mr. Gilbert smiled and shook his head, patting him on the shoulder:

"I didn't expect you to know this, but it's definitely not the case. Please rest assured. Oh, the things here have nothing to do with you, and you don't need to worry about it anymore. At least until you are 30 years old and reach level 5, you need to pay attention to The matter is limited to the parish of Nolan, and it is not without gain..."

The logistics team was responsible for carrying food, drinking water, ritual materials and other items. One of the black leather bags was kept the most strictly, with three black masks inside.

"Two of them are yours, and the rest are kept in the church. You come first or me?"

He made a gesture of invitation.

Jenkins looked at the mask, then at the rock wall probably a few hundred feet away.

"You come first."

Mr. Gilbert chose the bronze box with the pattern of falling feathers on the side. He held the mask in his hands, and with the help of his ability, it slowly floated across the abyss and was embedded in the indentation.

With the harsh sound of metal friction, the side with the mask slowly opened downwards, and Jenkins' light ball quickly approached.

There is a human figurine in the box, but this statement is not very correct, because ordinary people do not have wings, and their faces cannot show such a ferocious expression.

The figurines had a red aura in Jenkins' eyes, but he could see nothing until the box was opened.

"It's not that the ability of the eyes is defective, but that my own level is too low."

He fully believed in his golden finger.

"This should be some kind of elf statue..."

Mr. Gilbert said, waving his hand and using invisible force to make the statue float across the abyss and into his hands, "Mr. William, do you need me to explain what an elf is?"

"Oh no, I think I know better..."

Although the treasure elf he once encountered was just a phenomenon, Jenkins had always suspected that its prototype was some unknown subspecies of elf.

Since the mask Gilbert holds belongs to the church, then this statue naturally belongs to the church. Jenkins' mask belongs to him, and given his status, no one will force him to hand it over.

In the end, he still couldn't figure out a way to accurately throw the mask across the abyss, so he had to ask Mr. Gilbert for help.

He had already had an idea. He still remembered that before leaving Nolan, Miss Audrey's three card divination results were "Black Mask", "Upright Crown" and "Upright Lunar Eclipse". When he went here, he had already encountered Come to the first two.

"I want to see what's in that box with the crescent moon."

The mask floated across the abyss again, and after the exact same process, a copper-yellow oil lamp was revealed in the box.

"Yellow aura! It's a magic item!"

As for which bronze box to open for the last mask, Jenkins thought for a long time and decided to let his cat choose. It looked extremely happy, and the box the cat chose was an empty bottle that was sealed.

He originally thought that the bottle itself was a special item, but it didn't have the slightest aura, and it was empty after opening it. I even tried tipping it down, but nothing came out. Therefore, Mr. Jenkins and Mr. Gilbert could only believe that some special potions were originally stored in it, but all of them had been leaked over a long period of time.

Jenkins casually threw the bottle to the chocolate. Although this kind of thing is considered an antique, it is ordinary in style and not very valuable. Since it was chosen by his cat, it naturally belongs to it.

Chocolate pushed the bottle to the edge of the cliff with her paws, looked back, and saw that Mr. Writer's attention was still on the remaining bronze box, so he carefully removed the cork and pointed his mouth at the mouth of the bottle.

There was an obvious swallowing movement in the throat, but no substance could be seen flowing in the narrow gap between the cat's mouth and the bottle mouth. But if you observe more carefully, you can find that the air has a wonderful optical effect in a few moments. Unfortunately, the cat's body blocked everyone's view, and Jenkins only saw the last scene of its little paw kicking the bottle into the abyss.


Seeing that Jenkins was a little angry, Chocolate wagged his tail and walked to his feet, looking up at Jenkins' eyes. Because of the angle, the cat's eyes looked particularly large. Jenkins waited for it for dozens of seconds, sighed and did not blame it.

This matter has developed to this point, and it has nothing to do with Jenkins. As Mr. Gilbert said, his work focus is still in Nolan City.

And the escaped Mr. Alexander, the missing Mr. Dagger, or the truth under the abyss, the mysterious thief, all of these will take a long time to pursue and explore.

"Maybe one day in the future, I will hear the results of these things from my father or Miss Befanna, but I will definitely not be involved..."

After returning to the ground, the sun had completely set. The next day was the day to get up and return to Nolan City, so Jenkins did not choose to go out again, but spent his time reading.

On Monday morning, several gentlemen and ladies familiar with the Holy See came to see Jenkins off. The train he was riding would not necessarily depart on time at 11 o'clock in the morning, so there was still time to say goodbye to the friends he had just met in the morning.

The first stop was naturally to visit Miss Windsor and thank her for inviting her to the ball. Although some unpleasant things happened at the ball, this noble girl was still a friend worth making.

The Duke of Windsor had his own manor in the suburbs of Beldiran, not far from the buildings of the Holy See, and Miss Windsor received him here.

The temperature in late November was already very low, and even in the morning, the fireplace had to be lit in the reception room to keep warm. Although this reception room is luxuriously decorated and large in area, Jenkins thinks it is still inferior to the one in the house that Miss Stuart lent to Miss Miller.

"Baron William, are you going back to Nolan so soon? I think half a week is not enough for you to fully understand this city."

The woman sat on the chair. She was reading a newspaper just now.

Chapter 447 Chapter 441 Goodbye, Beldiran!

"This weekend's sightseeing is already exciting enough... I mean, it is true, but compared to Beldiran, Nolan is my home. And now the steam train is so convenient, I can come back anytime."

Jenkins answered Miss Windsor's question while raising the cat on his knees:

"And my cat is homesick, isn't it, Chocolate?"

He gently shook the cat, and Chocolate impatiently scratched his hand with his claws, objecting to this behavior of raising the cat without consent.

"As far as I know, there should be quite a few young ladies sending you letters? Not interested?"

She showed a half-smile on her face.

Jenkins thought about it and thought that their relationship should not be close enough to discuss such topics. He was used to opening all the letters sent to him, so he knew how explicit the letters sent to his residence were recently, and some envelopes even contained private clothes...

"How should I respond when I meet a strange woman who wants to start a private topic?"

Miss Stuart's small class did not involve this issue, but Hathaway's notes recorded it in detail.

"I haven't had time to open those letters...Speaking of letters, I remembered a letter from Bishop Palod of the Norland Diocese, inviting me to participate in the year-end celebration, so I have to go back early. I think Beldiran should have similar activities. At the ball that night, I heard that the royal family would allocate a large sum of money for the celebration activities..."

Hathaway's suggestion is to quietly shift the topic to other aspects. To be "just right", it should not appear abrupt, but also make the other party realize that they don't want to continue this topic.

Jenkins thought he did a good job, because Miss Windsor really stopped talking about those shameful letters.

Before saying goodbye, she also invited Jenkins to go to her own estate in Windsor next summer to escape the heat. But this is half a year later, and Jenkins has not been in this world for so long, so he only vaguely promised to go when he has time.

The next stop is the Teagle Museum. Although the church has begun to investigate the source of Mr. Teagle's mask, Jenkins still thinks he should talk to him again.

But unfortunately, the museum is closed today. According to the explanation of the gatekeeper, Mr. Teagle's friends abroad got some "good things", and he left the city on a steam train on Saturday.

This should be just a coincidence, because Professor Burns also mentioned that his friend often travels around the continent. He left a letter for Mr. Teagle and continued to move towards Caroline's mother-in-law's apartment with his suitcase.

The old man happened to be at home today. When Jenkins knocked on the door, she was sitting in a rocking chair wearing a pair of reading glasses and knitting a sweater.

The white cat she raised started shaking like a sieve when she saw the chocolate after opening the door. After a while, it took the initiative to hide under the bed and refused to come out.

"No, thank you, I won't go in."

He politely refused the old man's invitation to come in, and stood in front of the door and said:

"I am going back to Nolan City today. I just passed by your place on the way to the station, so I want to ask if there is any message I need to bring to Miss Eisenach?"

"Oh, there is indeed a letter. I was planning to go to the mailbox at the corner of the street in the afternoon..."

She walked back to the house with her waist, picked up a letter with a stamp on it from the dining table, turned around, and took out a necklace from the small basket of wool.

"This letter is for Guinevere. Please tell her that she doesn't need to put gold pounds in it next time she sends a letter. I live alone and can't spend so much money. Besides, it's more dangerous to have money at home living in this alley. This is for you..."

She stuffed the necklace into Jenkins' hands.

"This..." He knew it was made of silver as soon as he touched it. Although it was hard to tell whether it was an antique at first glance, at least at first glance, it was not a modern craft. The pendant of the necklace was a woman stretching her body, and a piece of silk fell from her raised right hand, just covering all the inappropriate exposed parts. If it was sold at Dad's antique shop, the necklace could be sold for at least 2 pounds and 7 shillings. "Take it. If it stays in my hands, it will only benefit those thieves who don't know when they will come back. William, I haven't communicated with young people like you for a long time. You are a good child..." She hunched her waist and held the door frame with her left hand: "For people of my age, these are all external things. This is my gift to you. Don't refuse it, just accept it." "You are really..." He felt that refusing the old man's kindness would hurt her, but if he didn't refuse, he felt that it was a bad behavior to take expensive ornaments from an elderly person living alone. "Well, thank you for your gift. If I have time to visit Beldiran again, I will come to see you. If you encounter difficult problems, you can also write to me or go to the Sage Church for help. I have many friends in the church..."

Although the necklace of Caroline's mother-in-law is exquisitely made, its actual price is not as high as the messy things that the girls stuffed into Jenkins after the duel that night. He could only stuff the necklace into the suitcase and keep it as a souvenir, and in his heart wished that the old man who lived alone would not get involved in the gang fights that often occurred in the alley.

The ticket back to Nolan City is still a VIP carriage, and Jenkins does not need to pay. It is said that there will be bodyguards hiding their identities this time, but the passengers in the same carriage plus their servants have exceeded double digits, and he can't guess which one it will be.

The fat lady in the train carriage when he came here was his bodyguard. He only heard about this matter recently, but he also thought that the same routine should not happen twice, and this time the bodyguard should think of a new way to hide himself.

The train departed on time, which was rare. Mr. Gilbert, as a representative, saw Jenkins off at the station. He waved his hand and watched Jenkins stick his head puppet out of the window in response. The tail of the train soon turned into a black dot and then disappeared completely from sight.

PS: This volume is over, and a new volume begins!

Section 448 Chapter 442 Chat at the table

"Good afternoon, do you want to have lunch together? Miss Kingsley will come with Julia in a while."

It was still the familiar fireplace, and the figures of Jenkins and Chocolate gradually became solid from transparent.

"Oh, okay, the lunch on the train is really hard to swallow."

Since the "30-year-old proposal" incident that day, Jenkins would blush unconsciously every time he saw Miss Miller. But Miss Miller did not show any abnormality, and even made him suspect that what happened that day was his crazy fantasy.

Miss Stuart would not visit during the day on weekdays. Jenkins, who knew her true identity, understood the reason very well. She came here today because there was going to be a small auction somewhere in the city in the afternoon, and it was said that someone was going to sell some "magical and interesting items".

After experiencing the strange place over there, she fully understood that it was too dangerous for her to act alone, so she thought of inviting Jenkins and Miss Miller to go with her.

Jenkins skillfully manipulated the knife and fork to handle the bacon on the plate, and then he remembered something. He looked up at Miss Stuart and Julia, and thought that it would be okay even if they were there.

"I have learned some very interesting knowledge recently."

He pretended to start the topic by chance, and seeing that Miss Miller was already listening, he continued:

"It is said that in the era long ago, chain abilities were more common than now. The gifters usually planned their own development routes in a planned way. Compared with this era with a certain ability as the core of development, they are more inclined to focus on powerful chain abilities."

"Yes, but with the disappearance of alien species and the end of the war years, people found that powerful destructive abilities are not necessarily the best abilities. In particular, the development of the steam industry has made it less likely that large-scale wars will start, so the choices of the gifters tend to be single special abilities, rather than chain abilities that require a long preparation time."

Miss Miller nodded and glimpsed Jenkins' cat standing on his right hand side, licking a bead with a green luster. She raised her eyebrows and suspected that her ability to identify items was broken.

Miss Stuart did not speak. She did not know much about these ancient things. Although the royal family also collected many classics, she had not found a suitable reason to look at them.

"I recently learned about several interesting chain abilities from my friends, and the effects are not inclined to destruction, which is very rare."

Julia's ears moved. She was increasingly confused about the origins of Mr. Poirot, so when she heard him mention his friends, she naturally became interested.

"What ability?"

Miss Miller knew that Jenkins had extraordinary knowledge because of his church background. If he could be called "interesting", it must be really interesting.

"The names of the two abilities are [Energy Shell] and [My God is Here]. Have you heard of them?"


"Me neither."

Both girls shook their heads.

"That's normal. My friend told me that in ancient times, gods came to earth..."

"Cough, cough."

Miss Stuart really sprayed out the soup in her mouth. She probably didn't breathe at the right frequency when drinking the soup, so the liquid entered her trachea. When Julia hurriedly cleaned the table, she felt better.

"I'm fine."

She waved her hand at Jenkins and wiped her mouth in a panic: "Mr. Poirot, just continue talking."

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