Opening his eyes, the flames in the distance were still not extinguished, and on the paper pressed by his left hand was a lifelike Chinese-style man.

"I was careless, how can I explain this?"

He thought in annoyance, looking at his own corpse in the darkness, and his heart was filled with fear:

"I still have eight bullets, enough to kill everyone here!"

The murder plan took shape in his mind, and Jenkins could already imagine how he sneaked into the apartments downstairs, wrapped the muzzle of the gun with clothes to avoid noise, and then killed all the residents in the building one by one.

The white paper in his hand was shaken by the wind outside the window, and it once again awakened the purest desire in the user's heart.

The [Wisdom Medal] worn on his chest suddenly shook, but it was useless. It broke into pieces in an instant and turned into smoke and dust before falling to the ground.

But unfortunately, the painter this time drew something that did not belong to this world.

Just a piece of information written by Jenkins revealed a completely different world. Under the stirring of rules, invisible ripples were reverberating in all directions. A great figure in the void cast his gaze, and the ripples were rebounded and condensed in the paper, and finally the whole paper turned into fragments.

The cold air flowed into Jenkins' body along his left hand, and he shuddered suddenly and realized what he was thinking.

He lowered his head, and the [weird object] had turned into pieces of paper, and there was no light.

"I destroyed the [weird object], so I got the spirit of the world's feedback?"

He thought to himself and stood up. As the spirit continued to be injected into the body, the weak and numb body was gradually recovering, and the mental shock caused by the use of the [weird object] was also reduced.

Only the extremely cold breath in the right palm was still there, but it was still.

Jenkins hesitated for a moment, collected the pieces of paper and put them in his pocket, then hid the body of the young student under the bed and hurried out of the attic.

I thought I would be questioned by the landlady, but I didn't expect to run out of the apartment without meeting anyone. Jenkins stepped into the rain with a clear goal, and his full strength was enough for him to activate his ability and run wildly.

The trouble was almost solved, and now he had to go back to the original place to clear his suspicion.

Crossing the dark street, the Ocean Church in the dock area was right in front of him. Just after turning the corner, a figure that seemed to have drilled out from the ground bumped into Jenkins.

"Goddess, I don't believe in fate anymore!"

Jenkins cursed, because the person he bumped into was the fleeing [Ice Messenger] Brut.

Without thinking, the two explosive spells in his hand were thrown out, but they didn't explode at all, and they were wrapped in ice and hit the face of the person opposite.

"Is it you?"

Brut asked with a happy smile. He still remembered meeting this young man in the antique shop in the morning. Although he lost an arm, at least he escaped from the devil. What could be happier than encountering an ant that could be easily crushed to death?

"It's me."

Jenkins fell to the ground with a wry smile, leaning against the brick wall beside him, and he didn't notice the rain flowing down his collar into his underwear. Even though he was almost at his peak now, he still didn't think he could defeat the injured level 8 warrior.

"Are you going to kill me?"

"Yes, I'm sorry."

Jenkins shook his head, not surprised, "I was thinking, maybe one of my actions inadvertently angered the gods. If that's the case, please forgive that great being, I really don't know anything. Hahaha, can I be more unlucky today?"

Brute listened to Jenkins' inexplicable words in confusion. Is he unlucky today?

Pointing his finger at Jenkins' forehead, maybe the gods really heard what Jenkins said, a timid voice came from the two of them:

"Gentlemen, do you want to buy a flower?"

The two turned their heads at the same time, and the little girl who Jenkins remembered so well appeared at the entrance of the alley less than ten meters away from the two of them.

She hugged her flower basket tightly and shivered in the rain. The rain soaked all her clothes, and her wet hair stuck to her pale cheeks.

If Jenkins didn't know what she was, he would probably be full of sympathy, but at this moment he could no longer understand his feelings.

"Thank you, we don't buy flowers."

Brute said after a moment of silence. He didn't seem to know the [weird creature] that Nolan City had recently encountered. But after all, he had lived to level 8, and he knew in his heart that on such a rainy night, the one who could appear here to sell flowers must not be an ordinary person.

Out of caution, he refused the offer to buy flowers, but he didn't know that Jenkins, who was collapsed by the wall, was ecstatic.

"If you refuse to buy flowers, you will die within a week. If this guy kills me, he can't live either!"

The little girl in the rain nodded aggrievedly, but did not turn around and leave, but looked at Jenkins.

"Sir, you gave too much money last time, and I didn't have change so I couldn't give you the change."

Chapter 47 Chapter 46 Divinity

"It doesn't matter, it's a gift."

Jenkins found that his voice could still remain calm.

"That won't work. I can't take more money from customers... But I don't have change this time, so why not give you flowers of equal value?"

As she said, she didn't care about the eyes of the two people, and put her right arm into the basket, as if it was a bottomless pit, but nothing came out.

"Sorry, sir."

The little girl holding the handle of the basket with both hands seemed to be about to cry: "Tonight, there are too many flowers sold. I can't find any suitable flowers for you."

Jenkins automatically translated this sentence into: "I have made too many people unlucky tonight, and now I can't make you more unlucky."

During the conversation between the two, the injured Brut did not speak or move. He squinted his eyes and looked at the little girl. He didn't know whether she was mentally injured by the face-to-face encounter with the person in the painting, or whether she was eager to escape from here. Unfortunately, he got a wrong answer.

"Playing tricks!"

He shouted in a low voice, and the remaining left arm was scratched in the rain, and three exquisite ice needles appeared in his hand. Jenkins didn't have time to stop it, and the ice needle disappeared in Brut's hand, but... just disappeared.

"Oh, there is another gentleman here!"

The flower girl's originally depressed face actually showed a smile, "Great, then I will make a flower to compensate you now!"

She said happily, tilting the basket and lifting the dirty cloth covering the basket.

Jenkins heard the strange whisper again, as if penetrating the fog of chaos, thousands of tentacles stretched out from the void to wrap him, and the sticky touch was very clear.

But what he experienced was just an illusion. The reality was that in his eyes, several green vines like snakes crawled out of the dark basket.

Brute finally realized the weirdness of the scene, turned around and ran, and layers of ice walls formed behind him, and dazzling spiritual light flashed on the wall.

But it was useless. The vines that crawled out of the basket suddenly jumped up like snakes, and the exploding ice slag hit Jenkins' face. The vines instantly penetrated the rain curtain and the ice wall and pierced into Brute's body.

He screamed loudly, and at the same time, a familiar figure finally appeared on the street in the distance, and support arrived.

"What's going on?"

Surprised Jenkins watched the 15 light spots in Brute's body shattered, turning into green spirits that passed along the vines to the girl's basket.

Brute's voice became more miserable. He rolled in the sewage in pain, stretched out his left arm and pointed at Jenkins, but immediately curled up because of the trembling of the soul.

He finally lay motionless on the ground, his body at least two inches shorter, and his pale skin tightly attached to his bones, like a dried corpse buried in the ground for a long time.

"Sir, your flowers! The money you gave is enough now!"

The girl's voice sounded from his ears, and Jenkins was so scared that he almost fell over. He just looked at Brute's miserable state.

Turning his head, he saw the little girl selling flowers standing beside him with an ice-blue flower.

The petals of the flower were somewhat transparent and illusory, and dots of blue light continued to emanate from the petals themselves. Jenkins swallowed his saliva, and for some reason he had the urge to eat the flower in one bite.

"Thank you."

He stretched out his trembling hand to take the flower, and only felt that the girl's wet little hand also had a little body temperature, no different from a normal child.

"Thank you."

He thanked again, this time for saving his life.

Captain Binsey and dozens of hurried strangers had stopped not far away. They saw with their own eyes that the vines had drained Brut, and they also understood what was happening here, so they didn't dare to get close.

The huge floating steam airship above Nolan City was approaching here, but it received some order and slowly flew back to the top of the burning church.

"Thank you too, sir."

The little girl held her basket and looked very happy.

She reached out and pushed aside the hair that was stuck to her forehead because of the rain: "I have stayed in this city for a long time. I have to go to other places to sell flowers. Goodbye, sir."

For some reason, perhaps because he watched too many TV dramas in his previous life, Jenkins asked a question that made him regret for a long time:

"Can we meet again?"

"Will you buy more flowers? That's great, but I don't know if I can see you again. May the Lord of Flowers bless us to meet again."

As she spoke, she bowed to Jenkins, slowly retreated, and disappeared in the rain like a phantom.

Looking down at the ice-blue flowers in his hand, Jenkins sighed deeply.

"Do you think this is the end?"

The old voice suddenly came into his ears, and Binsi and his group who were running over and Jenkins were stunned. Turning around, the mummy-like Brute was holding a wooden sculpture with his left hand like a dead branch.

The image of the wooden sculpture was completely incomprehensible.

"Goddess, how can there be such an exquisite sculpture in the world?"

Jenkins couldn't help but sigh. He wanted to stand up and worship the wooden sculpture, but the candle and black robe in his spirituality trembled at the same time to wake him up.

The wooden sculpture was just a man with his hands raised high, holding a spherical object in his hands. The man was wearing a very simple robe, but he seemed to be emitting a thousand-foot brilliance. The face of the wooden sculpture was blurred, and Jenkins couldn't confirm whether the rain blocked his view or the statue itself had a problem.

"God! I will offer my soul, my flesh, and everything I have. Please look at this dirty world!"

The mummy shouted loudly, and the statue in his hand immediately emitted a dazzling thousand-foot brilliance.

Rays of golden light shot out from the statue, illuminating and destroying everything in its path.

"He has awakened the divinity of the evil god!"

Captain Binsey shouted from a distance. The mummy was lying motionless in the sewage, but the statue was still suspended in the air.

It was emitting a fierce light like the sun, and a shadow was slowly solidifying with the statue as the center.

Jenkins jumped up and subconsciously stretched out his left hand to hit the statue. He really succeeded, but the statue itself was not affected. On the contrary, Jenkins' left hand seemed to be drained of strength and fell down uncontrollably.

The statue's light became brighter and brighter. Jenkins had a flash of inspiration and picked up the flower with his slightly recovered right hand and hit the statue again.

"【Simple Punch】."

He activated his ability at the same time, and the huge spirit merged with the cold airflow of his right hand at a very fast speed, and even the flower in his hand was integrated into his palm. The white light spot in front of him gradually faded, and then a brand new red light spot appeared!

Section 48 Chapter 47 Sacrifice

"【Frost Fist】!"

With the right time, place and people, a brand new ability appeared!

Jenkins hit the floating statue hard, and was knocked to the ground by the huge reaction force. The statue seemed to freeze for a moment, but soon recovered again.

A low murmur came into his ears, and his mind unconsciously integrated a lot of inexplicable things. When he reacted, Jenkins found himself lying at the feet of the phantom.


Captain Binsi and many anxious voices came from a distance as if penetrating the fog. The sound was a little vague, but Jenkins thought of the conversation with his father one day.

He reached his hand into his arms, tremblingly used the ritual silver dagger to carve the goddess's holy emblem on the soft soil soaked by rain.

"May the [Inheritance Sage] bless me, I will dedicate the divinity of the alien god to you, and may your glory illuminate my way forward."

As soon as the voice fell, Jenkins, who lowered his head, only felt a real gaze shining down from the sky, still so gentle and so broad, but this time it seemed to be with a little joy.

Jenkins lay on his back in the rain, the statue fell from the sky and hit his belly, it was no longer shining.

"Are you okay?"

Captain Bin Xi appeared above Jenkins, shielding him from the sky and rain.

Jenkins shook his head, took his hand and sat up. One by one, people with light spots in their bodies carefully surrounded the mummy, because the ceremony was interrupted, he seemed to still have a breath.

Jenkins even saw Mr. Barnard, who had not been seen for a long time, and he did not seem to be injured.

"Now I know what the information of A-01-2-0198 cannot tell us. I dare not recall where the three white flowers I ate came from."

Bin Xi smiled, put his index finger to his mouth, and told him not to say more.

"Is it over?"

"It's over, tonight is really long!"

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