Mr. Spice shuddered: "Even if you are a believer in the New God, you should treat the great ones with some respect and don't directly say those blasphemous words. Yes, they just want to do this, so they are a group of lunatics. In almost every era in the past, this group of people would participate in many major events at the end of the era, but due to unscrupulous means, they were hostile to almost all sects, yes, all sects, whether they were orthodox sects or false sects. .....Huh? Those people showed up here? Oh, God, I really have to leave as soon as possible~"

Jenkins nodded, hesitated, and put down the dagger in his hand:

"Sorry for threatening you just now."

"No, it's not a threat."

As Mr. Spice spoke, he took out a pen and paper from his pocket, then hurriedly wrote a line, tore off the note and handed it to Jenkins:

"I'm very curious about the believers of the New God. This is my mailing address. If you need anything, you can contact me. Of course, there is a fee."

Looking down, he saw that the address was the capital of a small country called Conchiris. Jenkins could only find such a place name in the memory of the original owner.

"Are you leaving Nolan?"

As he asked, he raised his head again, but apart from the thick night and fog, there was no other person anywhere.

"He wouldn't have been threatened by me on purpose and then revealed the matter, right?"

Jenkins had this feeling in his heart.

The accident at night did not have any subsequent impact, after all, his flames burned everything to the ground.

Of course, the next day, Jenkins asked his father about the vampire infection, and his father was a little annoyed and asked him to go to the secret library to check it out, and handed over the two's report on Saturday's incident.

"Now? But what about the business in the store?"

"Wherever there is any business, I guess there won't be many people there all morning."

He was wearing his monocle and looking at a hair caught in a clip that had been brought from church in the morning.

"Go ahead. If you find that book, read it within a week and give me a three-foot (0.91 meter) book report."

"I see!"

Before his father could expand his request further, Jenkins hurriedly picked up his coat and hat and ran out of the store, almost leaving the chocolate in the store.

Chapter 495 Chapter 488 Reward

Today is a Monday working day, but since it is already close to noon, there are not many believers coming to the church to pray and repent.

After Jenkins handed in the two reports, he walked back along the corridor. When he turned a corner, he saw a familiar little girl walking hurriedly, and the two almost bumped into each other.

"Oh, good afternoon, sir!"

It was the little flower girl who had been helped by Jenkins. After not seeing her for a few weeks, her face was obviously much plumper, and her whole person was no longer as gloomy and decadent as when she was selling flowers on the street.

"good afternoon!"

Since he still doesn’t know her name, Jenkins can only say hello like this, but the girl’s appearance changed his plan:

"I'm so lucky, I was there just now..."

She pointed to the buildings behind.

"Mr. Pierre Rodney, the director of the Department of Theological Studies, is looking for you, and Mr. Rogers Benz is ready to go."

"Did you say what happened?"

"No, I just heard two gentlemen standing at the door talking!"

The girl said crisply.

"Okay~ I understand, thank you."

I originally planned to go there immediately, but I felt it was a bit rude to do so, so I asked:

"Oh, are you still used to living in the church?"

"Life is good here, thank you, sir."

Sure enough, she knew that Jenkins was helping her.

"That's good. If you need anything in life, you can tell me. I often come to church to pray."

After saying that, he said goodbye to the little girl with a smile, thinking that he must find time to ask her her name, otherwise it would be too embarrassing if he couldn't call her by name next time they meet.

Dong dong dong~

"Please come in!"

Hearing the sound from inside the door, Jenkins turned the cold metal handle and pushed the door open and walked in.

"Oh, Mr. Willamette, you came so quickly!"

Mr. Pierre Rodney, who was dealing with documents with his head lowered, saw that the person coming was actually Jenkins. He put down his pen, stood up with a smile, and greeted him.

"Just now you asked Mr. Benz to find me at the door, and a choir child happened to hear you passing by. She met me under the new oil painting at the corner..."

"That's so lucky. Please take a seat. I invite you here because of something that has ended."

Jenkins turned around and took off his coat and sat on the sofa, letting the chocolate play on the backrest. Mr. Rodney returned to his desk, opened the iron door of the safe on the wall with a small key, and took out a A palm-sized red velvet box.

"The incident with Level 8 Benefactor Constantine that happened in the Kingdom of Chesland some time ago has been concluded as of last week. Mr. Williamte, you performed very well in this matter. The Holy See and the local The diocese was very complimentary..."

This is probably what was written in the official document sent from Belduran, so Mr. Rodney didn't speak very emotionally when he said it.

"......This incident also brought honor to the Nolan Diocese. It is a typical case of cross-regional support this year..."

Jenkins didn't like this kind of somewhat routine official document, but since it was a compliment to himself, he still listened carefully.

Given Jenkins' current status, it is impossible to improve his status, so the material rewards are much more generous.

First of all, there is the Church's Medal of Honor and Contribution, which is a medal of outstanding contribution that is only awarded to believers. It is considered to be a relatively heavy one.

Some people believe that once you get a medal of this level in the Twelve Orthodox Church, you will at least not worry about starving in this life.

Jenkins plans to frame it in a photo frame and hang it in the living room with the medals from a few days ago. This was the suggestion of his father and Hathaway, but he gradually began to worry that his wall area might not be enough.

In terms of the secular aspect, the church allowed him to link the receipt of this medal with the Wright Award from a few days ago to show the reason for the medal.

In addition, the Holy See purchased a whole two-story apartment in the city for Jenkins in the Beldiran area. Yes, the basement, two floors above ground and the attic all belong to Jenkins.

The apartment is close to Spencer Square and covers a large area. Although it does not have a small garden like the current house, it is free, so Jenkins does not ask for so much.

This time, Mr. Bellini handed the keys, property certificates, etc. to Jenkins. During his absence from Beldiran, the church will hire professional staff to help him look after and clean the house. As for whether he will live there himself or rent it out to earn rent, it is all up to Jenkins to decide.

"The location is very good, even if it is converted into a shop, it is a good idea."

Mr. Rodney suggested.

Jenkins nodded. He has no plans to travel long distances recently, so the apartment can be put aside for a while and make plans after asking his father or others for their opinions.

"It's a pity that Beldiran is too far away... If I had known, I would have left a spiritual magnet before leaving Beldiran."

Although the property is valuable, it is just a mundane thing. The real reward was the stuff in the velvet box. Mr. Bellini put it on the coffee table and pushed it to Jenkins. When Jenkins carefully opened it, Chocolate also looked over there.

Inside the box was a thin silver chain that coiled like a snake, with oval locks buckled together one by one, and it didn't look very long.

"We took inventory of Constantine's collection and thought there was nothing suitable for you. So we found another one from the local parish, which just arrived this morning, so we came to you to announce this."

"What is this?"

He picked up the chain curiously. If it was a bracelet, it would be too short, and if it was a keychain, it would be too long. But since there was a very strong aura in the eyes, it must be a special item.

"B-07-5-7322, a short chain that foreshadows bad omens."

As he said that, he handed Jenkins a piece of information, which meant that the church had mastered most of the information about this item.

"This was originally an ordinary pocket watch chain, belonging to an ordinary noble in the 17th century. The noble himself had no problems, but his wife believed in an evil god. After an accident, the noble's manor suffered a devastating disaster. When the church rushed to rescue, there were no survivors except the noble's one-year-old son. The investigators of the Hermit Church found this in the baby's package, and it was sandwiched in the outer cotton cloth of the package."

Chapter 496 Chapter 489 Distant Relatives

"Oh, it turns out that this is a pocket watch chain!"

Jenkins suddenly realized, and Chocolate lay down as if he was not interested.

"When the owner of this item is about to encounter danger, this chain has a certain probability of sending out an early warning signal, that is, shaking at a high frequency. Although the probability of triggering is not high, this is also a highly accurate prophecy item, which is very practical."

"It is indeed rare. The fortune teller I know once said that among the categories of special items, divination items are rarer than weapons."

He grabbed both ends of the silver chain with both hands, then turned his head to look at his cat. He had long wanted to hang a bell around Chocolate's neck, so that he could always know if it had sneaked into the kitchen.

This thing was very thin and light, and the length was just right...

Lunch was eaten in the church. The bishop was not in the city today, and it seemed that he had gone to Nolan Country with the group to preach.

Miss Bevanna did not appear in the church at noon, but since she had a fighting class in the evening, she would at least be back for dinner.

Jenkins wisely did not show the idea of ​​hanging a bell for Chocolate, and even pretended to install the chain on the lady's pocket watch. Therefore, Chocolate did not show any annoyance during lunch, and the quiet appearance of eating made the nuns laugh constantly.

Reverend Roberts mentioned the installation of street lights in Nolan City at the dinner table. Compared with the air protection bill that had been dragged back and forth for several years, this matter was passed by the parliament in a short period of time and was implemented simultaneously in major cities in the country.

The old priest looked cheerful. He dipped the bread into his soup with a fork and said, "This is a good thing. I complained about the dangers of the city at night a long time ago. Young people, in our time, steam-powered ships travel across the ocean and steam trains connect all parts of the continent, but there are still no gas street lights in the city. This is of course wrong! The development of the city should be synchronized with the development of the steam industry, so that citizens can truly experience the progress of the times!"

Jenkins happened to be sitting next to him, so he asked casually:

"I heard that in the past, when discussing the installation, maintenance and operation costs of street lights, members of parliament would blame each other. So who will pay for those gold pounds now? Even for the wealthy Nolan, this is a lot of money."

"It's not from taxes, nor from those members of parliament. Someone came up with a great idea. It's really a good idea! I don't know much about other parishes, but Nolan Parish will pay half of the gold pounds from our church!"

"So, when will the street lights be installed?"

Jenkins asked again, pretending to be amazed.

"It's already the end of November... At least it can be installed for most of the main roads, such as Fifth Queen's Avenue where Daddy's antique shop is located, before the end of this year!"

"So fast?"

Jenkins was really surprised. When did the City Hall become so efficient?

"Someone paid for it, so of course it's fast!"

The old priest said sarcastically.

In his heart, Jenkins attributed a small part of the credit to himself for the advancement of the city's infrastructure construction, so he was in a very good mood throughout the afternoon.

After lunch, he listened to the mass in the side hall for a while, and then left the church with chocolate. Now is the cat's nap time. It should usually be immersed in a sweet dream on Daddy's counter at this time, so it is a little sluggish.

In the afternoon, he plans to go to the alley where the murder happened. Although he has a Ouija board in hand, it must be under the most stringent surveillance at this time. He just plans to take a look. If he wants to investigate in depth, he still has to wait until things gradually calm down.

It's still a foggy day today, but at least it's much better than yesterday. Because the distance was not far, he did not plan to take a carriage. Just after turning the corner from the street, he was thinking about which road was the shortest. Then he saw the girl of twelve or thirteen in front of him. She was the one he met in the church in the morning.

She changed out of the clothes she wore in the church and put on the patched cotton coat that Jenkins wore when he first met her on the street. Her hair, which had regained its color, was wrapped in a headscarf, and she was carrying a small basket in her right hand. Because the things inside were not flowers, Jenkins did not feel psychologically uncomfortable.

"The priest said that her name is... Oh, I remember, Finny Faithful!"

As he thought, he quickened his pace and caught up. In fact, he wanted to know what the girl was going to do when she left the church alone.

"Oh, Mr. William, it's you again!"

The girl was also very happy to see Jenkins. Because they had to move forward, they talked while walking.

Chocolate's claws stretched out from Jenkins' collar, and then the force of the claws grabbing the collar pushed the furry head out.

After walking for a while, Jenkins could see the Westminster River at the end of the street. Then he remembered that he had something else to do:

"I'm going to the other side of the river, and you?"

"Oh, sir, me too. I'm going to Pigtail Lane to visit my relatives. They are my mother's cousins. Sometimes I have no food to eat, and they..."

"Pigtail Lane? That's not where the murder happened..."

Jenkins immediately suppressed the expression on his face and pulled the girl to avoid the fast-moving carriage. The fog was so thick today that without the glasses, it was difficult for him to notice when the carriage would rush out.

"Why are you driving so fast in the fog?"

The girl turned her head to look at the carriage: "Maybe it's urgent, sir, you know, when I was selling flowers on the street, there was a time..."


Jenkins had to interrupt her, not knowing how to tell the girl about the tragedy: "Sorry, I read the evening paper last night, Pigtail Lane seemed..."

Even if he wanted to be very tactful, when it came to the key point, he didn't know how to start: "Hey, there is a dessert shop over there, why don't I treat you to cake! I remember that the church lunch does not provide dessert."

"No, sir!"

The sensible girl waved her hand quickly and replied crisply: "No need to treat me to food. Sir, I know what you are talking about, but my aunt and her family were not at home that night. Because of that terrible thing, I wanted to go see them. And now I can live alone, and I want them to know that I am fine and don't worry."

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