While thinking about it, he turned around and faced the blackboard to write, preventing the people below from seeing his face.

He was very curious about this matter, so he took a break and informed the church's security team about it. So the woman disappeared silently in the middle of the course. Although a very few people noticed this, no one thought there was anything wrong with it.

The workers' work is very tiring, and arithmetic classes themselves have a certain hypnotic effect, so there are not a few people who can't help but fall asleep midway. Jenkins ignored them because there was nothing he could do to change the situation.

These people worked and toiled all day long in order to survive for themselves and their families. As a bystander, he felt pity for them, but he was unable to change this situation. At least for the time being.

After the class ended, he went directly to Miss Bevanna's office. Chocolate became energetic because he had slept well just now. Due to yesterday's chain incident, it is now very sensitive to any behavior of Jenkins. Even if Jenkins wants to touch its head, it may be regarded as a threat.

"I've given up on that idea and don't need to be vigilant."

As he turned the corner, he whispered to his cat, but the kitten, who was familiar with Mr. Writer's lying skills, would not believe anything this liar said.

He knocked on the door, opened the door and walked in after receiving permission. There was a strong smell of spices in the room, and Miss Bevanna had obviously been working just now. Under the bright copper-colored desk lamp in the shape of lotus petals, there was a table full of documents scattered around.

She does not need to write the reports herself, but she does need to stamp the reports that will be delivered to the Holy See.

"Are you still working so late?"

After saying that, he sat down on the sofa.

"Is the night class over? Please wait a moment. I have to read the remaining two reports. Two scribes were sacrificed today. May the wise bless them."

The report she is looking at should be this morning's action report.

"I heard Captain Binsi say that we originally thought we found the stronghold of vampire servants, but it turned out to be witches."

"Yes, there was a huge error in the intelligence. God, this is a disaster. Are you interested in this? You can come and take a look."

Jenkins hesitated for a moment, then stood up and walked over. Although those reports all pointed to the same thing, they came from different people. Jenkins picked up a document bag that Miss Bevanna had read, turned away the wrapped string, and took out a pile of information inside.

Pinned to the top was a blurry black-and-white photo that had obviously been hastily taken before the fighting broke out.

Jenkins spotted a vaguely familiar older man in the background.

"Is this Lord Giles Marlowe? I know him. He was in the same carriage as me on the train to Belduran, and he was carrying a huge black suitcase!"


Miss Bevanna did not leave her seat, but tilted her head to look at the person pointed out by Jenkins, thought for a moment and nodded:

"If that's the case, then some things should be clear. When the battle broke out between us and the witches, there were still people taking action in the distance. If I remember correctly, this Baron Marlowe should have shares in the Mr. Ink Club."

At this point, she paused and added:

"Dad should have mentioned to you that someone forced his way in there at night some time ago and killed a long-lived man who lived in a special item."

Jenkins nodded: "But the reason found in the final investigation seems to be that the followers of the Immortal Lord want that person's ashes?"

"Yes, but it was not the believers of the Immortal Lord who launched the attack. They entrusted the witches of the Witch House to launch that incident. This Baron Marlowe, not surprisingly, should be a believer of the God of Guns. He was only suspected before. , now it’s probably confirmed.”

As she spoke, she lightly touched the document bag with her hand, and the seal immediately disappeared without a trace. This document should be rewritten, after all, important information is missing.

"I hope that the person who rewrites the report will not know that it is because of me that he is duplicating the work."

Jenkins prayed in his mind.

He originally thought that the Witch's House, which had suffered heavy losses, would completely leave the city, but he didn't expect that it still had manpower left locally. His first reaction was that the women were looking for the stack of fatal letters that Miss Miller left for Jenkins, but thinking about it carefully, it seemed impossible.

Chapter 507 Chapter 500 Mr. Nellie’s Little Trouble

"I heard that didn't all the witches leave Nolan City?"

Jenkins asked.

"We rescued some valuable documents at the scene of the battle. The documents indicate that the purpose of those women was not just to contact the Nolan military moths. The most worrying thing is that many letters were sent from New Truman City. Coming..."

He took this opportunity to also inquire about the current situation of vampire activities in the parish, but Miss Bevanna maintained a not optimistic attitude.

The current joint investigation by the Orthodox Church shows that at least one high-level purebred vampire and three ordinary vampires can be confirmed to exist, and the number of humans they have infected and controlled should be close to three digits.

They were quite successful in lurking. If it hadn't been for the massacre in the alley that night, the church probably wouldn't have been able to discover it until now.

"So why did they come to Nolan City? Is it the recently rumored legend about the end of the era? But this rumor only appeared in the past few months. The vampires came to our city in a few years. Before?"

"They're looking for a person."


Jenkins thought it was another savior thing.

"The ancient vampire fable mentions that the physique of certain humans is very suitable for the power of vampires. When these humans are infected, they will automatically transform into powerful alien creatures. Because of this fable, many people believe that humanoid vampires Of course, there is no evidence to support this theory.

"Oh I see."

Jenkins nodded, and Chocolate squinted one eye at the two of them, then stood up, found a more comfortable position on the sofa, and lay down peacefully.

Although Dad strongly opposed Jenkins' participation in any actions related to vampires, this did not prevent him from understanding some current information.

The demigod-level benefactor of the Righteous God Church in Nolan City has personally taken action twice in an attempt to find the four pure-blooded vampires. After all, they are the source of the disaster. But the strange thing is that they escaped both times. The first time they left early, and the second time Miss Bevanna used a special method to track their scent, but they suddenly disappeared at the door of a store.

Miss Bevanna had obviously communicated with her father, so she clearly knew that his father prohibited Jenkins from participating in this matter. The information she revealed was very vague and did not involve specific time, place or people. Even if Jenkins heard it all, he would not be able to take any action for the time being.

Moreover, he himself had no intention of actively getting involved in danger. Now that he was asking for information, he was just worried that danger would find him.

Tonight's fighting class continued to learn that weird set of moves. Jenkins felt that it was very effective. At least the flexibility of his body had really improved a lot. Because the speed of progress was a bit too rapid, this aroused Miss Bevanna's suspicion, but in the end it could only be attributed to Jenkins being very talented in learning in this area.

"It took me a year of study to reach this level..."

She muttered, but didn't let Jenkins hear.

After the class, Jenkins followed Miss Bevanna back to her office to get her coat, and by the way, she pulled up the chocolate lying near the flower seeds.

There was an extra letter on the table in Miss Bevanna's office. She glanced at it and handed it to Jenkins:

"It's for you. The matter you requested to investigate has been cleared up."

Inside the envelope was information about the actual owner of the opera company, Mr. Adams Nellie. After Jenkins' commission was passed to the Holy See, Beldiran immediately sent a letter requesting the corresponding diocese of the Kingdom of Chesland to investigate.

However, preliminary investigations showed that the gentleman's business was normal and he had made a lot of profits this year. There was no risk of bankruptcy due to the drag of the opera troupe. Further investigation revealed that Mr. Nellie had sought help from some exorcists or security companies before leaving for Nolan.

Some of them are low-level non-registered gift givers, so when the church came to them, they immediately expressed their willingness to actively cooperate.

"Haunted by evil spirits?"

Jenkins read the word, hurriedly read the rest, and handed the result to Miss Bevanna.

There was a slight sigh on his face, he had never expected that such a thing would happen in this world:

"This is really interesting. When Mr. Nellie was passing by the cemetery on the outskirts of the city in a carriage, he happened to see the spirit by chance, so he was entangled by her. The reason why the evil spirit entangled Mr. Nellie was because he wanted to Want to see a perfect opera? She actually knew from the newspaper that Mr. Nellie was the owner of a large theater company."

He repeated the findings in disbelief.

"Ha, it's really strange."

"There is nothing unusual about this. After all, the most extraordinary threats that ordinary people face are these numerous evil spirits. This spirit's wish is just to watch a new and exciting show. This is already considered very lucky. What’s going on... Do you need help? The church also has professional exorcists.”

"No no no~"

Jenkins shook his head: "Thank you for your kindness, but I can handle this myself."

Of course he would help Mr. Nellie out of trouble, but not now. Because the resolution of the trouble meant that cooperation with Mr. Nellie was no longer necessary, Jenkins was still thinking about those shares.

"Isn't it a bit too bad to do this?"

He was thinking in his mind, but then he thought that the letter he just saw also recorded some "little tricks" used by businessmen in the process of gaining wealth. This is a normal situation. The big businessmen of this era are all guilty according to Jenkins' moral standards.

"It's not bad at all. Maybe I can donate part of the annual troupe dividends."

Now that you have such a plan, you must act quickly. When Jenkins didn't ask for leave the next day, my father took the initiative to propose that the antique shop take a day off:

"I'm going to Yorktown to purchase a batch of things. There were rumors a few weeks ago that there was a giant dragon roaming there, but people didn't find the dragon. Instead, they found an ancient ruin that was exposed due to an earthquake. No, no, I don't need you to follow! It just so happens that there’s no decent business these days, so there’s no need to visit the store.”

"You really don't need me to follow you?"

Jenkins asked suspiciously, he had never seen a real ancient ruins.

"Really not! I'm already this old, I don't want to die somewhere else because of an accident."

The old man's tone was very firm, he waved at Jenkins and told him to leave quickly.

Section 508 Chapter 501 Contract

The excuse used when rejecting Mr. Nellie last time was to find a professional lawyer to consult about the contract, so this time he would naturally bring a lawyer.

Fortunately, Jenkins really knew a legal advisor with strong business ability and trustworthiness, that is, Mr. Raul Onis, who was responsible for drafting the will for Viscount Augustus and assisting Jenkins in supervising the execution.

There was no performance of the Silver Jasmine Opera Troupe today, and they still stayed in the hotel that Jenkins had "patronized" on the 31st. Even the receptionist at the front desk was the same one on the 31st, but she didn't remember Jenkins knocking her out.

Although Jenkins and Mr. Onis didn't have an appointment, Mr. Nellie happened to be in the hotel. He walked into the lobby of the hotel almost at the same time as the two of them, wearing a brown hat, holding a lit black pipe, and looking very worried.

"Oh, Baron Williamette, this is..."

"Raul Onis, the Baron's legal adviser."

Lawyer Onis is a tall and middle-aged man of moderate build. He should be about the same age as Mr. Nellie, but the latter is not only short, but also a little fat.

Hearing the lawyer's steady voice, Mr. Nellie nodded and stretched out his hand, a little absent-minded.

"Okay, welcome, both of you, yes, let's find a place to sit down first. Baron Williamette, I really hope you can bring me good news."

It seems that he has encountered troubles not only in life, but also in business.

Mr. Nellie guided him all the way to his room, which is located on the top floor of the hotel. The room not only has an independent bathroom and kitchen, but also a considerable reception room.

"Since you brought a lawyer, I think we can sign the contract today, right?"

"Of course."

Jenkins nodded while sitting on the sofa. "But you asked me to write the detective story before the end of this year and find a suitable musician to make a score that can be used. I'm afraid this time is a bit too urgent. You know, today is the last week of this month. Even if I can really make a great story in a short time, the music part and the practice of the troupe will take a long time."

"You are right."

He wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief, and his eyes subconsciously drifted to his left. Jenkins found the right time to blink, and sure enough, he saw a transparent spirit floating beside Mr. Nellie.

It was a female figure with huge wounds on her body. It was hard to imagine why she died. Her eyes were not like those of normal people, but tilted to the outside, with extremely long and thin corners of her eyes. Her tongue hung outside her mouth, and from time to time, something like saliva would slide down, but in fact nothing would fall to the ground.

According to the black particles slowly overflowing from the spirit, it can be seen that this should indeed be classified as an evil spirit.

Her dirty hair was wrapped around the fat businessman's neck, and occasionally it would suddenly tighten. Poor Mr. Nellie could not see this terrible thing, but he could always feel the torture he received.

"Okay, but please do it as soon as possible."

He replied weakly.

"No problem, in fact, I do know a friend who is very accomplished in music. I think you will see the final product before the end of the first month of next year."

"That's great..."

Mr. Nellie smiled reluctantly and raised his hand to wipe the sweat.

Because the contract had already been drafted, only some details needed to be modified, and the two could sign their names.

Of course, before that, they had to take a carriage to the City Hall for notarization and filing, to ensure that if one party violated the contract, the other party could use the power of the kingdom's law to protect their rights.

After this whole process, it was already afternoon. Lawyer Mr. Onis had other things in the afternoon, so he did not have lunch with the two, but he and Jenkins made another appointment to meet, because Jenkins asked him in the carriage whether there were any old books ready to sell in the estate of Viscount Augustus.

Mr. Nellie was in a much better mood, so he paid for the lunch and tips. The two spent the whole afternoon discussing the script, and it can be seen that at least this businessman is not an unlearned fool.

Since the topic of whether to add mysterious elements to detective stories is very popular nowadays, Jenkins has the opportunity to lead the topic to his goal:

"Mr. Nellie, I noticed that you have not been in a good mood since you came to Nolan City. Is the eating habits of this city not to your taste?"

"No, Nolan is very good."

The answer was quite perfunctory.

"Then what's wrong with you? In my opinion, you'd better find a doctor you can trust. You may have also learned from the newspaper that a shocking plague broke out in this city a few days ago. I think it's better to be cautious."

"Yes, I saw the news, it's really unfortunate... I'm fine, thank you for your concern."

He had no intention of telling Jenkins about his own affairs.

"Then I wish you good luck. I also know a lot of friends in the local area. If you need anything, you can tell me."

Jenkins shrugged. He didn't need to follow too closely to reveal his purpose.

But Mr. Nellie's patience was much worse than Jenkins thought. Because Chocolate was impatient, he planned to get up and say goodbye at around three o'clock. But at this time, Mr. Nellie seemed to have gone through a very difficult psychological struggle, and suddenly changed the subject:

"Baron, this may sound a little ridiculous, but do you believe that ghosts exist in this world?"

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