He lowered his head and used a knife and fork to handle the steak, pretending to be casual and said:

"How is John's situation lately? I remember that the school's end-of-year exams are about to begin."

"Oh, yes, John, tell your brother about your situation."

Mary loved watching her sons interact.

"Okay, Mrs. Padley's math class is a little difficult, but I really like the introductory machining and manufacturing course..."

The young man spoke in a lazy tone and seemed to have no energy. Probably the whole day of review exhausted his energy, so his family did not blame him.

After dinner, Jenkins chatted with Robert in the study for a while, then stood up and left. Before leaving, Mary gave him the wool scarf and sweater she knitted. He also told him to pay attention to his health recently, as this is already a high-incidence period for influenza.

The evening wind was biting, and when we returned to St. George Street, there was no light from the gas lamps in any of the houses on the street.

He winced, opened the door and rushed out, but the fireplace had not been lit all day and the temperature in the house was not very high.

After a simple wash, he sat on the sofa in front of the fireplace with a quilt. Chocolate is still energetic now, and there is still an hour before its sleep time.

I had nothing to do at night, so I used the time before going to bed to check the final draft of "Frozen" one last time. He has written to his bookseller, Mr. Bro, inviting him to pick up the manuscript from his father's antique shop next week.

If all goes well, the first edition should be in bookstores before the end of the last month of the year.

It felt like I had just closed my eyes, and the crackling sound of burning wood rang in my ears, when I heard someone ringing the bell outside the yard.

Before he could figure out what was going on, the visitor walked through the small garden and stepped onto the steps, and there was a perfunctory knock on the door.

It's Dad, the only one who has the spare key to the Jenkins house.

It was two o'clock in the morning, and his father hurriedly asked Jenkins to change his clothes and go to the church with him.

This is an emergency, but there are not a large number of injured waiting for treatment.

The story started in the morning, when the people deployed by the Church of Knowledge and Books at the dock area discovered a strange skeleton from a small fishing boat that was illegally fishing.

The bone entered the church in the evening. The gentlemen of the Special Items Processing Office followed the normal processing procedures and sealed it up for identification by the keeper and his apprentices. However, unexpectedly something went wrong in the middle of the night.

When Dad and Jenkins arrived at the main entrance of the church in a carriage, they found that there were at least three times more guards than before.

They were allowed to enter only after confirming their identities. Ordinary priests were strictly restricted to their own residences, and only the Gifters were active in the corridors.

They followed the man who led the way to the courtyard behind the main hall, and then entered the large library through the back door along the corridor.

The bookshelves that were originally neatly arranged were all moved to the wall. At least twenty scribes were kneeling on one knee in the open space, with their hands raised in the air. And under the central dome of the library, a golden ball floats quietly. The ball was translucent, and Jenkins could see a milky white skeleton wrapped inside.

He originally thought it was just a bone, but what was inside the ball of light looked more like the skeleton of an unknown monster.

"Miss Bevanna is not in the city of Nova right now. There are traces of vampires in Victor Town in the countryside. We need you to preside over the ceremony. Apart from the Holy Son, only gifters of demigods and above are qualified for this."

Dad said softly, and then Smith, the secret keeper wearing a sacrificial robe, came over with a frown and thrust a note into Jenkins' hand.

"Remember this quickly, the current seal won't last long."


He quickly put the sleeping kitten aside, then lowered his head to read the densely packed small words.

"You watch and listen, and I'll tell you about the current situation."

The secret keeper spoke very fast, and the three of them walked to the wall together, and a team of scribes hurried past the door behind them.

"This is not a special item, this is part of the body of an extremely powerful creature."

Chocolate opened one eye lazily, glanced at it and closed it immediately. It was not interested. After all, it was bedtime.

"Theoretically speaking, the probability of a treacherous situation appearing anywhere is the same. The Zhengshen Church can detect and deal with the treacherous situations in a timely manner on the mainland, but it is much more difficult overseas. Therefore, there are many treacherous situations scattered in the endless ocean. There are many strange things that fell out of the strange environment. I think you haven’t forgotten the A-10-1-0230 we brought back from overseas, [Parchment from the Future].”

Jenkins nodded to show he understood.

"This bone should have come to the material world through a strange environment. It originally only showed strong water absorption, so it was temporarily stored in an ordinary safe. But after nightfall, it suddenly showed the characteristics of a living body. nature, and broke through the containment site, almost leaving the church. It is now clear that it can grow by absorbing water, and its current size is more than ten times that of when we contained it! "

Chapter 524 Chapter 516 Ceremony and Errands

The atmosphere in the big library was tense, everyone was waiting for Jenkins. He lowered his head and looked at the note, memorizing its contents quickly, not forgetting to listen to the conversations of those nearby.

"Absorbing moisture to grow? Is there no way to kill him? For example, using fire. I remember that there should be at least three special flames sealed behind the Gate of All Things. The last demon flame should also have some samples preserved, right?"

This sentence was said by the old man.

"It's too late. The sealing methods of those flames are too complicated. The temporary seal can't last that long. Mr. William, have you finished reading it?"

"I have finished reading it."

He confirmed it for the last time and handed the note back to the old man. He clapped his hands, and three nuns walked quickly from the door, holding sacrificial robes, head crowns and shoes respectively.

People in this era have realized that the air also contains moisture, so the golden ball that seals the bones also has the function of isolating the air. But the strange bones that have grown to this extent have already possessed a certain spatial ability. It is slowly absorbing the inorganic substances needed for growth from the air of an unknown space.

After changing clothes, the irrelevant people in the library retreated outside one after another, and the gas lamps and candles were extinguished at once. Seeing his father nod at him, Jenkins opened his arms and walked towards the center in the golden light shining from the top of his head, saying loudly:

"The sage walked on the barren land, saw cannibalism, and shouted a great sin! The sage walked on the extremely cold high river, saw books burning for warmth, and shouted a great sin! Sage..."

He walked step by step to the bottom of the golden ball according to the rhythm of his own reading, then raised his right foot and stomped on the ground three times, raised the scepter of Bishop Palod, repeated it three times, and drew a huge rune on the floor with the end of the scepter, and then said in the common language:

"The sage said, you are not from this world!"

A strong wind suddenly blew in the closed library. Jenkins understood that this was the correct step of the ritual, so he drew the second rune:

"The sage asked, why are you here?"

He felt a warm touch on a certain area of ​​his forehead, which seemed to be connected to a distant place.

In the vision of the Eye of Truth, two chains made of runes stretched out from the void, connecting the two sides of the golden ball. But to the naked eye, there were no chains at all, and the skeleton began to impact the seal of the golden ball, and the golden ball tended to turn black.

"The sage said, you are guilty."

As the spirit in the body flowed madly into the sky, the chains stretched out from the void pierced the golden ball and tied up the skeleton.

Everyone could hear the harsh sound of chains rubbing against each other, and then it was like a real gaze cast from the higher sky.

Soft white light emanated from the dome of the library, and the wind whistled through the hall, blowing the books. The chain pulled the skeleton and sank into the white light bit by bit.


This was the first time it made a sound, and the only time it tried to resist the chain.

But it was useless. As the sound was made, the humidity in the air suddenly dropped, and Jenkins also felt dry mouth.

The skeleton suddenly grew bigger, and it was so big that it could be seen as the prototype of a four-legged monster. It should be the part of the spine, and there were terrifying bone spurs extending all around.

The bone spurs scraped against the chain and made a sharp sound, and the buzzing sound in his ears made Jenkins very uncomfortable. He lowered his head and dug his ears, and when he raised his head again, the white light and the monster disappeared.

There was no official conclusion to what was disposed of in the end. Jenkins, who presided over the ceremony, was really tired. He said hello to his father and went home to rest.

His father allowed him a day off and reminded him not to forget Hathaway's invitation in the evening.

After sleeping and waking up, the wall clock showed that it was almost noon. The memory of going out last night became as illusory as a dream. He looked at the ceiling of the living room and thought for a long time before remembering to prepare lunch.

Because he expected to sleep until noon, he prepared breakfast for Chocolate after returning home last night before going to bed.

The cat, who had been bored for a whole morning, had been lying on the sofa, resting its head on its front paws and looking at the sleeping man. As for whether it sneaked out of the house to hang out in the morning, Jenkins was not sure.

Hathaway said that the carriage would pick him up at St. George Street at 6 pm, so Jenkins did not plan to go out in the afternoon.

His original plan was to continue to complete the final proofreading of the manuscript and then finish reading the two books ordered by his father, but then he remembered that December had already begun and his family's steam and water bills had not been paid.

He had to disrupt his plan and take advantage of the good weather this afternoon to go out with chocolate. After dealing with various payment items, he also went to the post office to buy a copy of this month's "Prospects in Tropical Disease Medicine" to determine the time of Mr. Corpse's party.

After returning from Beldiran, he had learned from Miss Magic through the number of flower pots that Mr. Hood's party had not been held again during the week-long journey, and the next time had not been determined, so there was no need to venture out at night in the near future.

The gift for the evening visit was a bottle of expensive wine, which was prepared by his father a few days ago. Seeing that there was nothing to do, he prepared to go home with some excited chocolate.

As soon as she turned the corner, she saw Mary getting off a carriage with her skirt lifted. She was holding a book and a letter in her hands, and she must be going to the post office.


She saw Jenkins from a distance and waved to him to come over.

This was the first time Jenkins met his family on the street. He was stunned for a moment, then quickly crossed the street, avoided the old man with a cane and walked to the carriage.

"Great, I actually met you here. I have to go get your father's clean formal clothes later. Please help me send this book to John. He left in a hurry this morning."

As he said, he handed the book in his hand to Jenkins. She should be here to mail a letter, and then go to the dry cleaner. Jenkins remembered that Robert mentioned last night that he would attend an important cocktail party on Monday.

"Oh, okay, that's no problem at all."

Jenkins took the blue-covered "Introduction to Mechanics", which also contained two pieces of rough paper with calculation formulas. The handwriting was a bit sloppy, as if calculating torque.

"So, the address is..."

"In an apartment in the southern part of Nolan, yes, No. 9, Five Star Street, Sarr."

Chapter 525 Chapter 517 John the Liar

Jenkins had never been to Five Star Street, not only because that avenue was far from his range of activities, but also because the southern part of the city was the largest slum area and mechanical device trading and commerce area in Nolan, and his life trajectory had no intersection with that place, either in the past or now.

The apartment with the No. 09 sign was easy to find, and it was as ordinary as most rental apartments in the city.

After Jenkins got off the carriage with the chocolate, he stood across the street and looked up at the building, and then noticed the four stone statues crouching around the attic, then walked across the street, walked up the steps and knocked on the door. The owner here was obviously negligent, because the surface of the door was very dirty. Although there was no floating dust, there was a layer of dark yellow stains near the bottom of the door.

Soon, footsteps were heard from inside the door, and then the small sliding door in the middle of the room was opened, revealing the face of a fat woman with a sallow complexion behind the door.

"Hello, sorry to bother you, is John William and his classmates here? I'm here to give him a book."

As he said that, he waved the "Introduction to Mechanics" in his hand in front of the small door.

"William? Oh, yes, there is indeed a child with this surname."

"Great, can you please call him out? I want to give him the book in person."

"Oh, sir, there's no need to bother, I'll just give him the book."

The woman had no intention of opening the door at all, but waved in front of the small window, signaling Jenkins to roll up the book and put it in.

"Is that so?"

He was a little surprised and wanted to insist, but he was worried that he was too nervous, "but my mother asked me to hand it to him personally."

"Sir, don't waste everyone's time."

The woman immediately showed an unhappy expression:

"Do you suspect that I embezzled this book?"

"No, no, no, you misunderstood."

Jenkins smiled apologetically, rolled up the blue-covered book into a tube, and handed it to the woman through the small window: "Then I'll trouble you, ma'am."

"No, it's my honor."

She replied perfunctorily, and then closed the small window again with a snap. A few seconds later, Jenkins, with his ear against the door, heard the sound of people going up the stairs.

"I shouldn't always encounter accidents, right?"

He rubbed Chocolate's little head while walking back to the street from the front of the apartment. Chocolate meowed softly, as a response to Jenkins.

Unlike before other bad things happened, he didn't feel anything strange at this time. But you always have to be safe when doing things, and it's not even three o'clock yet, he has plenty of time.

There happened to be a narrow alley next to the apartment at No. 9, Sal Five Star Street, which was used as a shortcut to connect this street with another block. Jenkins stood on the street for a while to buy a newspaper, and then looked in the nearby shops before pretending to turn in there inadvertently.

After confirming that there was no one at both ends of the alley, he patted the chocolate to signal it to pay attention, and then quickly put the newspaper on the ground, sat on the newspaper and leaned against the wall, activating the ability of dream soul to leave the body.

It is very interesting to observe the world with the "vision" of the spirit body, especially with the improvement of the level and the frequent contact with divinity, the high sensitivity of the soul determines that Jenkins can discover more details that are not easy to observe.

But his ability did not last long. After all, the essence of this ability is to enter the dream rather than the soul leaving the body. After "floating" into the building, he quickly passed through the rooms one by one, and indeed did not find the young students who should be studying here.

He was ready to return to his body first to think, but he happened to find an old man sleeping in the room on the second floor.

"Good luck."

He plunged into the man's dream.

Jenkins rarely has the opportunity to use the ability to enter dreams. The last time was on the 31st when he and Miss Miller fought against two witches who attempted to invade the apartment.

But if the opponent is just an ordinary person, then relying on a powerful soul can easily change the dream at will, and it is not difficult to use the method of "stealing dreams" to obtain some information.

In the alley outside the building, Chocolate squatted on the man's shoulder and looked around the alley with his big amber eyes. When the man shivered violently, it lay down again steadily.

"Young people nowadays really have no patience at all."

Jenkins, who obtained the key information, stood up with his forehead covered, and patted the dust stuck on the hem of his coat.

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