"Maybe you can wait patiently for a while, I have prepared a surprise program for you here."

Miss Madison stood at the door of the church and looked at the young gentlemen. She pursed her lips and looked unexpectedly cute:

"Oh, alright."

The boy next to John stuttered in response, and his blushing face made John want to cover his forehead.

Surprises always come with surprises, and Miss Madison's surprise was even more unexpected. Dozens of minutes later, an old man carrying a cane and wearing a top hat walked in from the front door, followed by some strange people.

“Oh, look, our young men are here!”

He opened his arms and faced the students, and before anyone could react, he shouted loudly:


The black ring on the finger of his right hand shimmered, and the sounds of his body hitting the ground were heard one after another. Everyone fell to the ground except Miss Madison.

Chapter 528 Chapter 520 Illegal Sacrifice

"Very good, very smooth."

The elderly gentleman sighed and took a step forward, kicking the young boy closest to him with his boot. Then he turned around and called a group of men in black robes waiting outside to come in. He then said to Miss Madison with a smile on his face:

"Sarah, I'm proud of you."

"Yes, Grandpa."

Miss Madison still pursed her lips and quietly retreated to the wall, watching those people move her classmates to the altar, arranging them neatly as if they were drying fish.

She had only seen this scene when she was a child, when she accompanied her father to the dock area for business.

"That is Earl Scott's son, move outside."

Mr. Madison obviously also knows that some people cannot be killed. Although he wants to seek "greater interests", he does not want his family to suffer catastrophe.

At the end of the great sacrifice, everything can be explained by the "cathedral collapse". Although it requires a considerable pension, it is well worth it. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider which people should not be provoked at will.

The three young gentlemen and two girls were spared the suffering that followed. Miss Madison looked at John lying aside with a complex expression and reminded:

"John Willamt cannot die here. His brother has an extraordinary relationship with the Orthodox Church. We should not cause such trouble."


The old gentleman turned around with his cane, but what he saw was not John but his granddaughter:

"You have a point."

After a long time, he nodded, and the eyelid of his right eye seemed to tremble.

Miss Madison blushed, but she still breathed a sigh of relief. She watched John being carried out of the church, holding the ribbon around her waist, and finally felt some relief in her heart.

"It seems John's life was colorful too."

Jenkins sighed in his heart.

He was hiding on the dome of the church, carefully observing the situation below through the damaged gap.

What happened here is a typical incident of sacrificing human beings to unknown beings. Several incidents occur in the Nolan area every year, which is not a very unusual thing.

But what Jenkins is curious about is who they are going to sacrifice to. If it is evil spirits and the like, he can still deal with it, but if it is advanced creatures in the subspace, or even those terrifying existences in different spaces, then he had better do it now. run.

"Why should I wait until the sacrifice begins before taking action?"

He asked himself in his mind, then looked down and saw the man in black robe, who was probably a priest, clearing a clean area in the center of the church, and then formed a circle and began to recite scriptures.

He rummaged around in his pocket and took out three metal pieces and held them between his fingers. This is the Explosion Charm, the one Jenkins is most familiar with.


He aimed at the crowd below, threw the metal piece infused with spirit, then hugged his cat and pounced to the side.

In the rumbling explosion, the dome of the church was almost overturned. Jenkins rolled down a certain distance, and then grabbed the bulge on the side with his hand, which should be the remaining base of the stone sculpture in the past.

Chocolate was protected in his arms and unharmed.

"very good!"

The Eye of Truth penetrated the dome and looked down. The light spot of the only Giver had been extinguished.

As nimble as a cat, he jumped from the edge of the dome, straightened his clothes and sent away the dust before rushing into the half-destroyed church.

"Don't move!"

shouted the man, standing in front of the church door with his pistol raised, his monocle helping him see through the flying dust.

There was no need for him to use disguise, after all, both the coachman and John knew he had been here. Pretending to be a believer in the New God will inevitably reveal flaws, and this situation is very suitable for using your true identity.

He pulled the trigger and shot the old gentleman who wanted to fight back. He screamed strangely, covered his arm and threw away the golden pocket pistol. Miss Madison on the side quickly supported him.

Jenkins missed again. He originally planned to hit the heart directly, but he missed a little. But the problem is not big, at least the situation is under control.

Two-thirds of the group of black-robed priests were dead, and the remaining ones looked like they still had one breath left. The only ones who could still speak were Miss Madison and the old gentleman in front of the altar, but neither of them seemed to have the ability to resist.

After the dust caused by the explosion cleared, an old man and a young man saw a young man standing in front of the church door holding a gun.

The afterglow of the setting sun poured down from the western sky, shot into the gate and dyed Jenkins' body with a circle of golden edges. His expression was serious, and the hem of his black windbreaker fluttered slowly in the evening breeze.

This is the appearance of justice.


The old gentleman had obviously seen Jenkins' appearance through the newspaper.

"Yes, don't try to resist again. Including you, young lady, if it weren't for you trying to save John, I should have shot you now to prevent any more accidents."

"I understand."

She said with her head down.

"Okay, now don't move, I will..."


A sharp cry came from the altar, and a boy lying there sat up straight, as if he had dreamed of something terrible, with only whites of the eyes but no pupils in his open eyes.

As his cry appeared, the sunlight from the gap in the dome and the main door slowly disappeared like the stage lights at the end of the curtain. After a crisp explosion, a circle of blue flames appeared in the dark church, quietly suspended by the wall of the building.

"You probably misunderstood."

The old gentleman laughed weakly: "The place of sacrifice is not just the altar, but the whole church. I didn't expect that the ceremony could achieve its goal after only half of it was carried out..."

As he spoke, the man who sat up straight opened his mouth, and in his painful wailing, a black palm with pus stuck out of his mouth little by little.

The mucus in his mouth fell on the ground like a thread, and the wrinkled arm stretched out little by little.

The boy stared up with his eyes wide open, as if his eyeballs would fall out in the next moment:


He couldn't make his own sound, and it was as if a thick carrot was stuffed into his neck. His hands desperately scratched the skin in front of his throat, and the skin was scratched to reveal the bloody flesh. He wanted to pull it in again, but with a snap, his hands broke into two pieces under the action of invisible forces.

Jenkins' eyes were dark, and this was not because his mind was affected, causing his body to subconsciously avoid the objects in front of him. This was some kind of terrible supernatural power affecting his vision. He couldn't see but could hear. Even the monocle couldn't dispel the darkness in front of him.

He pulled the trigger according to the direction of his memory, but from the sound, he didn't hit the target.

"Well, please don't blame me."

Chapter 529 Chapter 521 Monsters from the Shadow Kingdom

"Twin Demons!"

After all the bullets in a box were used up, Jenkins realized that he couldn't hit the opponent with low accuracy with the ability he had in his current identity.

This would definitely hurt innocent people by mistake, but Jenkins couldn't find a better way.

Along with the man's low cry, a shadow with black smoke appeared behind him. The slightly crazy figure left a residual image in the air, whistling and rushing straight forward, and then caused a larger explosion.

This really worked. After the vision returned, only the front hall where Jenkins was standing was still standing in the forest farm. Under the magnificent red sunset, black humanoid creatures like mummies crawled on the rubble of the collapsed building.

The explosion just now affected a wide range, and there were probably not many young people left alive on the altar. Mr. Madison and Miss Madison were both trapped under the collapsed dome, and they probably died.

For a moment, there seemed to be a flash in front of my eyes, and then the sunlight disappeared again, and the darkness returned. But this time it was no longer a loss of vision, but simply a change in the environment.

Jenkins knew in his heart that the thing in front of him might have the ability to control darkness or shadows.

"Are all humans so rude now?"

The black mummy made a hoarse woman's voice, and Jenkins could only associate this voice with the old witch in the story.

He saw Chocolate still standing on his shoulder from the corner of his eye. Although he was curious why it was not affected by the spirit of this strange creature, this was not the focus at the moment.

"Who are you?"

He asked loudly, calculating the attack range of [Profane Production] and the accuracy of [Knowledge Endowment] in his mind.

"You sacrificed your life to me, don't you know who I am?"


Although he misjudged the range of the altar, thinking carefully, it was indeed himself who triggered the sacrifice.

"I'm fine, go ahead."

It's better to have less trouble than more. He doesn't know if he can beat the weird thing in front of him.


The laughter is like a crow.

"If that's the case, that's great. But if you want to send me away, you still need your help. Come here, come here~"

Its hands and feet were crawling on the ground like black tentacles. For a moment, Jenkins really wanted to go over.

But he woke up quickly. This level of mental control had little effect on him now.

"Why don't you come over."

He suggested, and a brilliant silver light band had already surrounded his right arm behind him.

"You should come over. I come from a great place. It's not easy to get me back."


Jenkins looked at the darkness in front of him and asked absent-mindedly:

"Let me guess... the world dominated?"

There was silence all around, and the black figure crawled on the ground and stopped talking. Its eyes were two huge black holes, which made the whole creature look extremely terrifying.

"Your ability to manipulate shadows is really amazing, so... Shadow Kingdom?"

In fact, among the few other worlds he knew, only this place might be related to shadows.

Like a snake, the whole body seemed to shrink and coil up, and then like a spring, it shot out with a whoosh, and collided with Jenkins who couldn't dodge in time.

The first reaction was extremely slippery skin, and then he felt a nauseous feeling throughout his body.

He immediately activated the ability of blasphemy, and then threw out all the most terrifying whispers and murmurs in his memory.

But it was useless. The black body wrapped around Jenkins like a snake, forcing the clean Chocolate to jump off the man's shoulder. Its head stretched to the same level as Jenkins' head, and then the black mouth suddenly opened to a terrifying width, and the deepest part of the mouth was even deeper darkness.

A suction force acted on Jenkins, and his soul felt violently pulled.

He suppressed the illusion that his soul was about to fly out, and let the flame flowing in his soul gush out with the suction force, and then wrapped both of them at the same time.

The crackling burning sound was unusually obvious in the darkness. After dozens of seconds, the two people on fire fell down at the same time, one on the left and one on the right.

The flame flowed along the ground like a viscous liquid back to Jenkins's hand. He gasped heavily. The suction force just now could even absorb the soul. If not, he would have burned the thing to ashes before letting it go.

The black creature on the other side had shrunk by one third. Due to the color of its body, it was impossible to see how badly it was burned, but it was definitely not easy to face such a flame.

Both sides lay quietly on the ground and stared at each other, and then attacked again at the same time in the next moment. Jenkins's contaminated knowledge successfully hit the black creature, and the black mummy also successfully pierced Jenkins' heart with its tentacle-like left hand.

But Jenkins did not die, and the black mummy did not go crazy. They were tightly entangled, the hollow heart stuck to the tentacles, and the mummy also held Jenkins' limbs.


Jenkins shouted loudly.

The cat then came over from the side.

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