"Respond to my call, souls floating in the void!"

He whispered, and in the next second, he mistakenly thought that no one had ever died on the street where he lived, because nothing had happened.

But after that moment, his heart began to beat wildly as if it had been electrocuted, and a strong suction force appeared from his fingertips, almost sucking half of Jenkins' spirit into the Ouija board.

His arm bounced up like a spring, and the whole person shrank back, and the Ouija board on the table began to emit choking white smoke.

First, the four statues collapsed into pieces in the high-frequency vibration, and then blood-like liquid was seen flowing out of the cluster of decorative tombstones.

The densely written names on it began to become blurred, and the two weird smiling and crying faces in the upper left and upper right corners of the Ouija board also turned into wailing terrifying human faces.

The blood flowed over the table and flowed onto the carpet, and then the board bounced quickly on the table. A few seconds later, cracks appeared from the center and spread to the entire surface like a spider web.

It seemed that a sharp howl was heard, and with a light bang, it completely shattered.

The man squatted on the sofa, and the cat squatted on the corner of the table. The former breathed heavily, and the latter squinted his eyes.

Jenkins felt his heart beat rapidly again, because from the pile of broken wood pieces whose original appearance could not be distinguished, a golden liquid like an eyeball suddenly flew out.

Chapter 535 Chapter 526 Inside and Outside the Wall


This word came out subconsciously, and then he was surprised to realize what he said.

When checking the belongings just now, the items needed were beside him. Jenkins didn't have time to think about it, and wrapped the drop of golden liquid with a metal sheet.

Cut his finger with a silver knife and wiped a blood mark on one side of the hexahedron.

"My blood!"

The metal block that was about to fall apart closed up, but he could feel that the divinity was desperately resisting.

Turn the hexahedron over and cover the medal symbolizing the status of baron on the second side.


The junction of different metals showed a tendency to melt, and the resistance of the divinity was also weakening.

Turn the hexahedron over and let the eternal flame burn the third side.


A thick golden light overflowed from the metal surface.

Turn the hexahedron over and smear the spiritual powder left by the vengeful spirit that entangled Mr. Nellie on it.


The six sides shrank inward at the same time and gradually flattened. The divinity was completely motionless.

Turning the hexahedron over, he didn't know what to pick up for a moment, so he grabbed the chocolate watching the show on the side according to his inner instinct and pressed the fifth side on its belly.


Amid the cat's protest cry, the metal block in his hand vibrated violently, as if celebrating something.

Turn the hexahedron over and recite the golden holy emblem on the black surface.

"My God!"

All the strange phenomena disappeared, and the palm-sized black standard hexahedron stopped in front of Jenkins.


Although the complete destruction of the Ouija board was very sad, compared to divinity, all special items were not worth mentioning. He couldn't help laughing, and Chocolate broke free from the man's hand and rubbed the metal block with his little nose.

"But where does divinity come from?"

He finally didn't let the unexpected surprise destroy his reason, and still remembered this very important question.

Outside the window, dark clouds had floated and covered the moon, and the wind blew without warning, and the dead trees in the yard of Goodman's house next door kept shaking.

A low and oppressive atmosphere enveloped the block. Although the more sensitive ordinary people could not know what happened, they also subconsciously curled up their bodies.

"Could it be that there is a spirit with divinity staying nearby?"

Jenkins scratched his head.

A violent and cold breath lingered outside the window, but not everyone can enter the residence of God.

"Did I run into something big again?"

While looking, he subconsciously tilted his head. In the dim light, half of the chain was exposed from the coat pocket hanging in the hallway, and it was vibrating very fast.

"Oh, I have a bad feeling, Chocolate, get ready to run."

The wind and sand hit the glass. At the same time, black smoke seeped out of Mrs. Margaret's house and attacked the house next door along the ground.

Jenkins summoned his ability light spot and activated [Unknown Road Ahead]. The straight purple light pointed directly out of the window, which was the neighbor's widow's house.

After a little thought, combined with his own experience and the information he learned, Jenkins roughly guessed what happened:

"The child that Mrs. Margaret is pregnant with, could it be the son of the evil god who escaped from Xintruman City?"

With a crisp sound, the stones carried by the strong wind broke the window, and the strong wind rushed into the house. The paintings on the wall, scattered books and decorative vases fell to the ground in a mess. The gas lamp went out silently, and even the fire in the fireplace began to sway.

In the strong wind, Jenkins sat quietly on the sofa with his back to the window, one hand pressing on the metal block, and the shadow of the fireplace flame swayed on the opposite wall.

He already felt that a furious creature was in the house opposite. Although it was forced to come to this world early, its power was still extremely strong.

It was a creature that "occupied" a part of the world. In Jenkins' perception, there seemed to be a huge and crazy monster hidden in the darkness outside the window behind him. Just the part that was perceived was almost crazy.

This was the most primitive instinct of creatures, and Jenkins, who had not yet completely left the flesh and blood, was also affected.

On the coffee table in front of him, books were flying wantonly, and something like the shadow of the curtain was constantly flying. Chocolate fell straight on the table, with its tail stretched straight, which should be affected by the thing outside the window.

But it could also sense Jenkins. The higher the creature, the more it could sense danger in advance.

Just as Jenkins believed that there was a creeping giant beast in the darkness outside the window, the creature outside the window also believed that there was an extremely dangerous monster sitting inside the window.

The whistling wind had no intention of stopping at all. Jenkins squinted his eyes and felt that his body was a little numb.

The broken window blocked the Son of God and the Son of God. The violent baby was almost crazy, and his poor mother's abdomen was cut open and died tragically in the crib. The followers held the medicine boiled in the basement of the building and hid in the corner tremblingly.

No one expected that the neighbor's bored whim would cause such a big twist in the plan that had been planned for nearly a hundred years.

It was late at night, and the swaying fire was reflected in the eyes of the writer, and the hand holding the metal block shook subconsciously.


The monsters inside and outside the wall confronted each other silently for a few seconds, and the deafening roar seemed to come from the farthest sky. This sound caused vibrations in space instead of air.

Jenkins' ears were bleeding, but he did not use the drop of divinity. He could not know how long the possible battle would last, so this thing could only be used at the last moment.

Even though he was born a higher creature, the posture of a newborn baby still affected his intelligence. He could not judge the ability of the monster in the dark, but the rage caused by his early birth prompted him to kill that thing at all costs.

He made that terrible cry again from his mouth, and he moved--

Then he stopped.

Dozens of dark cat paw prints appeared on the wall in front of him, wriggling and gathering in an abnormal posture.

It was a more restrained but more terrifying manifestation of power. The knowledge he passed down did not even contain all the information about this power.


The extraordinary intelligence suppressed his instincts, he retreated, and his rage was forcibly driven out.

"There will be a chance."

A hoarse voice came out of his mouth. His early birth destroyed certain plans, but the Son of God was the Son of God after all.

He floated back to the door of the bedroom, and the black mist enveloped everything in the room.

After a while, the clouds dispersed and the wind stopped. The moonlight of the red and blue moons shone in from the small window again, and among them, only the poor widow whose abdomen was cut open was left.

Chapter 536 Chapter 527 A long-planned plan

"Are you leaving?"

Jenkins, with a stiff body, looked at the swaying fire in front of him and sighed softly. The over-concentrated spirit just now relaxed, and followed by a sense of drowsiness that came like a tide.

He didn't even have time to check on Chocolate. He just took back the fire in the fireplace and fell asleep with his head drooping.

A few seconds later, Chocolate stood up again, walked to the window and looked out. Seeing dozens of carriages from different churches coming quickly from the corner of the street, he returned to the sofa. It lay on Jenkins' knees steadily, opened its mouth and showed its teeth, and yawned.

The light outside the window shone on Chocolate's beautiful hair, showing a softer color.

When his consciousness became clear again, Jenkins did not open his eyes immediately. After coming to this world, he formed a bad habit, that is, whenever he woke up from a coma or sleep, his first reaction was to recall what happened before he closed his eyes.

It is necessary for people who are trembling with fear to be careful about everything.

"Yes, I remember that the terrifying thing next door took the initiative to retreat."

Thinking of this, he opened his eyes naturally, and his father's voice came to his ears at the first time:

"Strange ceiling."

This is definitely revenge for the last time.

When he woke up, it was already the next day, that is, Monday noon. The ceiling was not unfamiliar this time, because Jenkins had woken up here many times.

Only Daddy and Chocolate were in the room, and when the cat saw Jenkins wake up, he stood up from the pillow, called softly, jumped onto the windowsill, and then slipped out of the room.

The two did not rush to talk about things, but asked the nuns to prepare lunch. During this period, Jenkins did not say a word, seemingly in a heavy mood, but in fact he was weaving a new lie.

"So, how much do you remember about last night?"

After lunch, Miss Befanna also appeared in the room, accompanied by the keeper. But the latter did not intend to participate in the conversation, just sitting at the table with a pen, as if acting as a recorder.

"When I woke up yesterday, it was already noon..."

The soft winter sun shone in from the window and sprinkled on Jenkins's side face. Today's weather is good, it is a good day to go out. After the foggy days, even the temperature has warmed up a bit. The warm wind blows on the face, giving people the illusion of itching.

His narration started when he opened his eyes yesterday, and described in detail his meeting with John and Count Hesha's dinner.

When talking about John, Miss Bevanna obviously wanted to interrupt him and say something, but her father stopped her. Although the count's agreement had nothing to do with what happened at night, everyone still listened attentively.

The focus is on what happened after returning home at night. Jenkins lowered his eyes subconsciously, making it impossible to judge the emotion from his eyes:

"After I got home, I played with chocolate for a while, then sat on the sofa to prepare for next Wednesday's evening class. Then..."

He tried hard to make an incomprehensible expression: "I felt it. I sensed that a huge, strange and terrifying thing suddenly appeared outside the window behind me. Huge does not refer to size, but an indescribable feeling. I I can't describe what it is, and I don't even dare to mentally perceive it. It's like... human beings will subconsciously have huge fear when facing the abyss, yes, that's it! "

Miss Bevanna turned to look at her father, who showed no expression at all.

"I sat there and didn't dare to move, and the thing behind me didn't want to move. Ten minutes passed like this. Sorry, I didn't pay attention to the time. It suddenly disappeared, and I couldn't hold it in. passed."

"The church noticed something strange there and led a large number of gifters to arrive. I think this is the reason why He left."

Miss Bevanna explained.


This word specifically refers to some indescribable existence, which can refer to both gods and monsters that cannot even be mentioned by name.

"Yes, you should still remember the son of the evil god of New Truman City, right?"

Miss Bevanna asked.


It seems to be similar to what Jenkins guessed.

"After we found you, we searched the house next door to you. There were very strong and chaotic energy fluctuations inside, and we found a woman with her abdomen cut open in the bedroom on the second floor..."

"Is it Mrs. Margaret?"

Jenkins asked quietly.

"Yes, if there are no errors in the records, then she should be your neighbor... Of course, she also belongs to the Witch's House. After verification by two knights from the Church of the Sun and Justice, there is nothing wrong with this. "

Everyone in the room fell silent. Jenkins looked out the window. He could still see thick black smoke columns in the distance. The dark sky would return soon.

"So, the son of the false god Void Beholder was born into this world through the witch's belly?"


Miss Bevanna agreed, glanced out the window, and whispered:

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