"How should I leave?"

The white mount took Jenkins and swooped down quickly:

"Twin devils! Go!"

The black shadow swooped down from high altitude again, but after the huge explosion and astonishing sound, nothing disappeared.


The tail sound left by the unicorn flying into the distance is the last sound in the sky.

He quickly flew to the outskirts of the city on the unicorn, and then returned to the church before the entire city was under martial law.

Entering the room through the window, the deserted room seemed unchanged under the red moonlight. He tiptoed to the door and squinted to see that the hair was still there in the crack of the door. Then he lay down on the ground and looked outside. The three hairs left there were still pointing with incomparable precision at the toes decorating the armor and the stains on the cracks in the wall. and chocolate paw prints left on the wall.

"very good."

He breathed a sigh of relief, first took out the cat that had been holding it in all night, and then poured the water from the cup into the palm of his hand to clean the blood stains on its fur.

"Let him escape!"

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. But at the last moment, when he fished it out in the air before escaping, there was still a handful of hair left in his fingers.

I stared at the hair-like thing for a long time, thinking that no matter what it was, I would find time to try it.

Chapter 550 Chapter 541 After the Blood Moon

On the way back to the church, the blue moon that disappeared under the lunar eclipse had already begun to appear. By the time Jenkins climbed into bed and closed his eyes, the blue moonlight was no longer blocked by the red.

But it seemed that just as he closed his eyes on the bed, there were footsteps outside the door, and then someone knocked on the door in a hurry.

The combat teams are all back, and some of the personnel who lost excessive blood need emergency blood replenishment. However, ordinary healing abilities generally only target injuries or curses, so now we can only disturb Jenkins who is already asleep again.

He left the chocolate alone in the room and left the cat's favorite piece of metal as a comfort, and hurriedly began his work.

I was busy until four o'clock in the morning. After plunging into bed, he opened his eyes again. It was already daytime shrouded in dust and mist outside.

"what time is it?"

I was a little dazed from sleep, so I reached out to pick up the pocket watch on the bedside table, and almost knocked over the water glass.

"Ten o'clock? Oh, late!"

He picked up the cat lying next to the pillow and jumped out of bed. Amidst Chocolate's dissatisfied cry, he didn't even have time to eat breakfast, and rushed out after changing his clothes.

Even when he met Bishop Parrod in the main hall, he just waved and said hello, without having time to say anything. It took less than half an hour to arrive at Dad's antique store.

Pushing open the store door, I held my hand on the counter and breathed heavily in front of my father's surprised eyes. Although he just jumped off the carriage and ran across the street, Jenkins thought that showing this state would make his father embarrassed to scold him.

"Why are you here?"


"I remember that in the morning, I asked Bishop Parrod to inform you that it would be okay to come over after you wake up today. I must have been busy last night. It was really bad."


The cat that had just been roughly stuffed into the coat finally managed to open its collar and poked its head out. Judging from the expressions it and Jenkins looked at each other, the cat was very angry.

What happened last night caused a huge commotion, and the phenomenon of a red moon across the sky could be seen across the entire continent. Even though people in this era are no longer as ignorant as in the past, whether it is a solar eclipse or a lunar eclipse, it is still considered a precursor to disaster. At least the entire front page of this morning's newspaper was reporting on last night's celestial phenomenon.

The father had more information, and it was through him that Jenkins learned that there were three Mysteries activated last night, among which the one activated by the demigod-level vampire caused the greatest damage. The gift of confrontation with it Those are the ones Jenkins treated last night.

As for the remaining two level 7 mutants, one encountered the demigod-level priests of the Lord of Storms Church and Miss Bevanna, and the other encountered the believers of the New God riding unicorns. The former was narrowly missed by two demigods, while the latter was seriously injured by twin demons during a chase in the sky.

"Things are worse than we thought. Their purpose last night was obviously to obtain the blood of the strong, but we have no idea why."

Dad looked worried, "Besides, the believers of the New God have appeared again. They are everywhere. They are like shadows. No one knows who they are, and there is no trace of them. But they are indeed real. What they caused Accidents happen all the time.”

"But at least in this matter, the believers of the New God did help us."

Jenkins reminded.

"You can say that. But the believers of the New God have always been wandering on the edge of illegality. If you want to divide the camps of good and evil, then they must be the most dangerous neutrals."

"But there is never absolute justice and evil in this world."

Jenkins only dared to say these words in his heart.

Hurrying carriages carried passengers past the store entrances and further down the streets. The metal handicrafts in the display window reflect the soft firelight in the fireplace, and the firelight also makes the chocolate's beautiful black and white hair show a moving color.

While listening to his father's account of last night's situation, Jenkins flipped through the newspaper in his hand. Whether it was for the [real phantom] or the dangerous mirror, he would continue to track down the vampires.

The biggest mistake I made last night was not using divinity directly. Although this means that the most powerful "weapon" in the hand disappears again, once the mirror is destroyed, the power of the star spirit that promises to manifest its power in the material world is also huge and effective.

"Don't be so economical next time."

He nodded in response to his father, determined not to hesitate for a moment if he found traces of the mirror again.

Since Hathaway cannot go home now, and Hathaway, as a believer in Mother Earth, is inconvenient to enter the Sage's church directly, the discussion of the new opera script was left at Dad's antique store.

Jenkins and Dad spent the post-lunch time re-inventorying the store's goods, while Chocolate enjoyed the dessert purchased for him as compensation.

When Hathaway pushed open the store door and came in, Jenkins was wearing a shirt and standing on tiptoes trying to push a cardboard box onto the top shelf. Inside the box are neatly stacked gift boxes. Some customers have strict requirements for the packaging of goods.

"It's really amazing."

Dad asked the two of them to go to the small living room on the second floor to talk so as not to disturb his business. After Hathaway sat down, she directly interrupted Jenkins's attempt to praise her clothes, and then sighed:

"Obviously he is the most popular writer and young nobleman in the kingdom, but he is still doing a simple job like a porter."

Hathaway knew that the significance of this work lay not in the content of the work but in the context of the work, so he was never persuaded to leave the antique shop.

"Life is always interesting... and the work part is high and low. We all do it for the society, ahem, to earn a living. I can't think of anywhere else where you can find Dad's antiques. The salary is like this.”

Thinking of the peace and comfort at this moment, it suddenly felt like riding a unicorn soaring in the cold sky more than ten hours ago became a bit unreal.

“And I needed a church background, which was good for me.”

He shrugged and smiled at Hathaway.

"I always hope you can understand this. Jenkins, at least in this respect, you are much luckier than most people."

After the last dinner at the Earl's house, the two did not meet again. In order to avoid suspicion, the red-haired girl did not send a letter to Jenkins. Therefore, although she guessed something from her father's subsequent changes and behavior, she still didn't know what exactly happened to the two people in the study that night.

Chapter 551 Chapter 542 Guns and Roses (1/10)

It was Jenkins who took the initiative to bring up the topic of the secret conversation in the study after dinner.

"For some small matters, Earl Hesha hopes to get the support of the church, and in return, he will become a reliable information channel for the church."

He told the story without any psychological burden. This is indeed a small matter, at least compared to the terrifying vampires and the terrifying sons of the evil god. The significance of this matter in Jenkins' life is smaller than the monthly number on the steam meter at the door.

"I guessed it would be like this. I hope the kingdom can always remain peaceful."

Compared to Jenkins, who doesn't care about worldly life, Hathaway appears visibly troubled.

"Peace... I heard that once the queen dies, the heir to the crown will be a foreigner? Even a person like me who is not related to politics knows that this is very likely to cause disputes. Those who covet the crown There are by no means a minority, and the foreigner may not survive the border."

Jenkins didn't mind talking politics with Hathaway, which meant little to him but was certainly interesting.

"The best outcome now is that all the heirs ahead of Miss Windsor in the succession order renounce their qualifications. After all, Miss Windsor grew up with the Queen. She is capable and has some supporters."

"But Miss Windsor has no royal blood. Her family is only related to the Queen's maternal family."

Jenkins asked confused.

"Jenkins, your knowledge in this area is really worrying."

Hathaway covered her forehead:

"Marriage is very common among nobles, especially top nobles. Therefore, the Windsor family does in fact have the thin blood of the Middleton family. But according to the current situation, Miss Windsor's succession is only 21st Unless you have the help of gods, it is almost impossible to obtain the crown and scepter."

Hathaway naturally knew about the count's other attempt to win over Jenkins, so even if Jenkins didn't explain it, she was sure that the two must have talked about marriage that night.

The earl's attitude over the past few days showed that the matter had been rejected by a certain man. When I think of this, the complicated feeling in my heart is simply indescribable.

Recently, she had often fantasized about what would happen if she met Jenkins before meeting Britney, but in the end, her guess at this moment would change to: What would happen if she met a woman before meeting a man?

Loyalty to love is a bottom line that she will never cross. Moreover, after Jenkins appeared, she did not find that her feelings for Britney had changed.

Although in her wildest dreams, she had thought about the situation where the two of them gathered together, the rational girl knew very well that Bryony Mihail's origin meant that such a thing would never happen.

She looked at Jenkins, who was expressing his opinions on politics. The young man's face faced the dim sunlight outside the metal window, still shining like the sun.

"This is indeed an excellent marriage partner."

She felt extremely sad for herself.

What Hathaway did not expect, or what was expected, was that it was Jenkins who took the initiative to bring up the topic of marriage.

The writer has often thought about the count's proposal recently. He admitted that he had a considerable liking for Hathaway Heather, but he also knew that he should not be that kind of person who interferes with other people's feelings.

He dryly repeated what the earl said that night, then scratched his cheek and stopped talking. Hathaway bit her lips and looked out the window. A sparrow stopped on the window sill and looked inward. Then he was frightened by a certain cat and flew away.

"During this period, it is best to avoid going out at night. You should have seen the lunar eclipse yesterday."

Jenkins took the initiative to speak and broke the silence. He felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward and realized that the embarrassment came from matters related to marriage.

In fact, he regretted it the moment he said it, but unfortunately he couldn't turn back time, at least he couldn't do it yet.

"I saw it, it was scary."

Hathaway nodded slightly, eyes lowered so that his eyelashes almost covered his sight:

"The red moon is also called the blood moon. It is probably related to vampires. I think we should stay away from such things."

"Yes, you are right."

Jenkins responded and coughed loudly to smooth away the strange feeling in his heart.

"Okay then, let's start talking about the opera. The story has been prepared, now we need music, and it's best for us to go to the opera troupe together next week and meet the actors. This will be more conducive to everyone's cooperation. .....”

Jenkins had decided to adapt Murder on the Orient Train into an opera. He liked such detective stories, so he was full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm when rewriting the script.

Because I have been busy with the final proofreading work of "Frozen" recently, the adaptation of the opera script is not progressing very quickly, but after briefly sharing her thoughts, Hathaway also thought it was a good story.

"Your talent is always amazing. If we can succeed, maybe this opera, like other classics handed down from generation to generation, will still be loved by people hundreds of years later."

The professional topic made Hathaway's mood rise, and Jenkins temporarily forgot about the embarrassing scene just now.

He was also very excited about this matter. If he wanted to leave his mark on the world as a mortal, then inventions and literary creations were excellent ways.

He still remembers that after his "original" knowledge is spread, it can add to his own spirit through the blessing left by the sage on his forehead. The effects of "Strange Tales" have been there all along, but the effects of "Frozen" haven't even started yet.

He hopes to hit the next level in this way. Even though the improvement speed is fast enough now, his subconscious is still urging Jenkins to move forward faster.

Before the afternoon work was about to end, Jenkins received a message from Miss Audrey. She was going to continue Jenkins' "astronomy" course tonight, which had been delayed last week because of things, and Jenkins needed to prepare some materials before heading to her residence.

The items she asked Jenkins to prepare were commonplace, all ordinary items in fact. The long list of items includes deflated rubber balls, rusty rivets, dolls with missing arms, dirty rice bowls, etc., if it weren't for the Aunt Sally's store next door and a large garbage dump nearby. It may be impossible to find all those things.

Even though she hates bathing, Chocolate is at heart an exceptionally clean cat. It saw Jenkins rummaging through the rubbish, so it kept him from touching itself on the way to Miss Audrey's house.

Chapter 552 Chapter 543 Practical Course (2/10)

Before walking into Miss Audrey's house, even though Jenkins repeatedly ensured that his hands were clean, Chocolate kept slapping the hand he tried to touch with his tail.

Therefore, after seeing Miss Audrey holding the cardboard box, Jenkins could only shamelessly borrow her bathroom and borrow her soap to wash his hands.

Soap has been around for a long time, but until today it has not been popular because of its high price. But Miss Audrey's piece is obviously a high-end product, and the ingredients must be mixed with spices, otherwise the rich floral flavor cannot be explained.

After washing his hands carefully and letting the cat stretch its head to sniff it twice, Jenkins regained the right to pet it.

After nearly a month of long theoretical study, Miss Audrey finally decided to let Jenkins practice it today.

After having dinner together, she greeted Jenkins to go out and board the carriage at the corner with a cardboard box full of garbage. Then she ordered the driver to go to a certain street in the south of the city.

"Last week we were planning to have our classes on Thursday, but I ran into something that I had to deal with. I'm sorry."

"No, no need to apologize. Just do it when you have time, I'm not in a hurry."

Miss Audrey is not a native of Nolan. In fact, Jenkins only knows that she lives in the middle of the continent all year round, in a small country on the border of the Kingdom of Chesland and the Kingdom of Fidictry, where is the Holy See of the [Church of Destiny and Balance]. location.

But her accent is similar to that of a local. If you don't know her background, you won't be able to tell that she is a foreigner.

Today she was dressed as usual, except that her hair was tied up with a golden hairband and hung naturally behind her back. This hairstyle was the first time Jenkins had seen it.

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