Mr. Scot remained seated, his tone no longer flustered.

"Do you think I will turn around?"

The magician laughed.

"Then, bye~"

Two smooth arms stretched out from the mirror surface hidden in the shadows. They were very slow. If the magician turned around and found them, he would definitely be able to dodge. But unfortunately, he did not turn around. The moment the arms touched him, the magician disappeared from the original place.

Jenkins glanced at the mirror, and the blurry reflection in the mirror still showed the magician's figure.

"Did he get sucked into the mirror?"

This is the most reasonable guess.

"Hasn't he thought that I have been meeting with people who have encountered evil spirits for a year, so I am not worried about my own safety?"

Ignoring the six ordinary people huddled together, Mr. Scot stood up while talking to himself, adjusted his tie with his hands, and then bent down to pick up the red velvet from the ground and covered the mirror.

"If I had no support, how could I do such a dangerous thing?"

He turned around and looked at the six masked strangers, then slowly bowed:

"I'm really sorry. I really had no ill intentions in inviting everyone to participate in this mutual aid group. But it was beyond my expectations that things turned out like this. I promise that I will never let you feel pain when I kill you."

As he spoke, his right hand reached behind his waist. With a bang, the gun in Jenkins' hand hit his forehead. Mr. Scot didn't even have time to leave any last words or express any opinions, and fell to the ground.

At such a close distance, even Jenkins could hit it.

He didn't immediately go forward to check the situation, but looked at the mirror covered by the red cloth, but the magician did not lift the velvet cloth to appear. It seems that the death of the holder will not affect the function of the mirror itself, which also saves Jenkins a lot of work.

After the magician was captured by the mirror, he waved the fireball for lighting and disappeared. Jenkins held the candle and confirmed that Mr. Scot had really died, then turned around and looked at the other five people who dared not move.

"Please don't be afraid..."

They trembled even more.

Jenkins shook his head, patted the chocolate on his shoulder, and then bent down to pick up the cup of water that Mr. Scot had prepared for everyone on the ground.

After sniffing with his nose and confirming that it was water and not tea, he put the fingers of his right hand into the liquid, chanting something in a buzzing and indiscernible voice while stirring the liquid with his fingers.

A few minutes later, he walked to the five people who were shaking violently with the cup of water and flicked the water on them one by one.

"The evil spirit has been dispelled by me. If you are worried, you can go to church to pray often in the next few weeks, and you can also read religious classics often before going to bed every night. This is harmless. Let's go, remember to call the police immediately after you go out."

But no one moved.

Helplessly, Jenkins raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at them. First, a woman screamed, and then five people rushed out of the side door of the theater, rolling and crawling, and the panicked footsteps echoed in the corridor for a long time.

He touched his nose, held up the candle and looked at the decorative lamp above his head, then asked softly:

"Chocolate, can you jump up?"


The cat probably meant that it was too high, at least that's what Jenkins guessed.

He could only carry a chair to the front of the lamp, then pulled the back of the chair and swung it a few times, and suddenly threw the chair up.

With a clang, crackling fragments fell from the sky. Jenkins had already dodged far away, and waited until he was sure it was safe before returning to the stage. Only then did he realize that he had forgotten to move Mr. Scot's body, and his body was now full of lamp fragments.

He touched his nose, then summoned the Starlight Ball to search on a pile of debris and garbage, and it didn't take long to find the wooden goblet containing black liquid.

The quilt was not big, even smaller than the red wine glass commonly seen at banquets. The wood grain was clearly visible on the surface of the cup, and even if the cup was overturned, no drop of the liquid inside would spill out.

Chocolate stretched his head over Jenkins' shoulder and sniffed, his eyes lit up, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"This belongs to me."

He muttered softly, and looked at the mirror again. In fact, he really wanted to take the mirror away, after all, it also has the functions of illuminating, exorcising, and imprisoning spirits. But this thing is too big, and the unique pattern on its frame, like a rune, makes it very recognizable. Even if he takes it away, there is a risk of being discovered.

"This will be given to the church, but I don't know which one will arrive first... I remember that the [Church of Night and Secrets] is the closest to here."

Draw a rope in the void, then tie the mirror and flannel together tightly, and then turn around and leave. He thinks that it is not a sad thing for a magician to be caught by the Orthodox Church. After all, the church will only let him register, and the entire circus is a level 6 gifter except him, which is too dangerous.

Nolan City does not need so many high-level illegal gifters.

He walked out of the theater from the back door with Chocolate and the wooden goblet in his hand, then summoned his unicorn from behind the pile of building materials, covered himself with smoke and flew into the sky again.

After returning to the church smoothly and washing up simply, Jenkins leaned against the head of the bed, pinched Chocolate's waist and placed it on the dark blue striped quilt.

"When did you learn to be invisible?"

He stretched his head and stared at his cat.


The kitten cried softly, then licked its paws and looked at Jenkins with its particularly beautiful cat eyes.

"Chocolate, you won't betray me, right?"

He didn't know why he asked such a question.


The cat stepped forward on the uneven quilt and gently rubbed the back of Jenkins' hand with the side of his face.

Chapter 561 Update completed

The update is over, thank you readers for your votes and tips. After this update, I estimate that I will have to wait another month or two next time. I am currently working on my graduation thesis, which is going well, and there is enough time left for coding.

In the blink of an eye, this book has reached more than one million words, and the collection is slowly but surely approaching 20,000. I am able to persist to this day and thank you for your support.

Don’t worry about this book being too cynical (not flaggy), I’m happy to finish telling Jenkins’ story. According to the plan, one volume of qualifications for a savior has been completed. [Twin Demons] and [Immortal] have been completed, and [Real Phantom] is in progress. There are a total of 9 savior qualifications. Excluding [World Tree Seedlings] and [Unknown Road Ahead], which I have not yet decided whether to expand, there should be four volumes left to write, so this book is actually only half-way through. . Please stay tuned for more exciting stories.

Thank you again.

Also: The author's chapter ending function is temporarily closed, and I don't know when it will be available again, so I opened a single chapter this time. I think everyone should know that there is no charge for chapters of less than 1,000 words.

Chapter 562 Chapter 552 A boring day

Nothing else happened that night, but probably because of a scary story told before going to bed, a huge cat actually appeared in the dream. One person and one cat looked at each other for a long time, and then Jenkins woke up. .

When he opened his eyes, the side of his face was leaning on Chocolate's black and white tail. The cat was breathing evenly, and he probably hadn't woken up yet.

"What time is it now?"

He recalled some vague dreams and felt completely sleepless. He touched his pocket watch on the bedside table. Worried about waking up the chocolate, he did not use lighting, but directly summoned his monocle.

The room was very hot, so holding the cold metal pocket watch in my hand gave me a refreshing feeling.

"Five forty..."

He sighed, opened his arms, and let the hand holding the pocket watch fall to the side of the bed.

"It's a new day, Saturday, no arrangements, be careful of the Son of Evil God, pay attention to other people's shadows, pay attention to the reaction of the starlight ball..."

He told himself, carefully turned over and looked at the window, with the quilt wrapped around him. The heavy curtains were drawn up before going to bed, but there was still a slight gap.

There was no sunlight to be seen, after all, it was not yet dawn. He covered his tired face with his hands, rubbed it a few times, then took his hands away and forced himself to show an exaggerated smile:

"everything will get better."

Today is another foggy day. The implementation time of the Air Protection Act is getting closer and closer, and the wanton emissions from factories around the city are becoming more and more serious.

Although Mr. Clark from the mysterious organization [Treehouse] disappeared after the [Undead] incident, Jenkins always suspected that the [Mistborn] plan was not completely over.

He knew very little about this plan, but he was sure it had nothing to do with the Savior seat. But even if no one wants to do anything with the choking fog, when the poor environment, the grievances of citizens and workers, and the accident-prone Nolan City are combined, no one can guarantee what will happen.

In the morning, I heard new news from my father. News came from Beldilan. They finally determined the identity of the corpse python [Grey Death Snake Luxos] that Jenkins fought off during his trip.

The church contacted the sect of the false god [Mother of Spiritual Snakes] active in the south of the continent - it was this great god who sealed the snake, and learned the origin of Luxos from the sect.

"Again... I mean, is it a descendant of Ouroboros-Self di Cervo? Sorry, Dad, I just know the name. After all, the pattern of Ouroboros is in the occult , but it’s very important.”

He almost let it slip that the last time he left that strange world with the elf and Mr. Black Cat, it was the two-headed serpent Herpheus, the descendant of Ouroboros, who "generously" provided the travel expenses.

"This is a very dangerous creature. You were really lucky to be able to fight it off head-on."

Dad was not shy about praising Jenkins.

"Excuse me, what is the origin of Ouroboros? I can't find this in any books."

He hoped that his father could explain the phrase "disaster beast", but his father said that he didn't know it either.

Jenkins didn't know if this was the truth, but he knew that since his father said so, he couldn't get any information from him.

"Perhaps you can ask the professor or Miss Miller."

Now that he was talking about Ouroboros, he inevitably thought of the gold ring in his hand. The ring looks like a little snake biting its own tail. Ouroboros also has the meaning of "greed", so it is often associated with wealth. This proves from the side that the function of gold rings is to gather wealth.

"But what exactly is the beast of disaster?"

Today was another day of bad business. Even until Jenkins finished work in the evening, the antique shop had not made a single sale.

After saying goodbye to his father, Jenkins planned to go to the black market to purchase some materials. When passing by the Pig's Head Bar, he first took out some scattered letters sent to Miss Fabry from the bartender.

But those letters were not all sent by investors who were eager to get rich. One of them came from Turin, the capital of the Kingdom of Cheslan. Mr. Black Cat, who was heading to a foreign country, finally found a place to stay.

He used a kind of letter paper that was rarely seen in Nolan City, which had a faint smell of soil and dew. The price must be very expensive. In fact, Jenkins had long known that Mr. Black Cat was a very wealthy gentleman. After all, he left Nolan City for safety and actually bought all the recent tickets. He just didn't know what his source of income was.

He comforted the cat who was irritated because of the bad smell of the tavern, ordered a drink, sat at the round wooden table in the corner, and then unfolded the letter paper.

Mr. Black Cat sent a letter, in addition to informing Jenkins of his good recent situation and leaving his mailing address, he also hoped that Jenkins could help him solve some unsolved things before he hurriedly left Nolan.

Of course, as a friend, Mr. Black Cat would not ask Jenkins to do something for nothing. He was very generous in the letter. Jenkins saw that the matter was not difficult and planned to deal with it in the near future.

"However, the Kingdom of Cheslan... Turin City."

He pondered for a moment, still remembering that when Mr. Corpse promised to help a certain lady, he accepted a manor in the suburbs of Turin City as a reward. He thought of investigating Mr. Corpse's background by investigating the manor, but he was troubled by the fact that he had no friends in Turin City.

"No, it's too dangerous."

But he still denied the idea of ​​entrusting Mr. Black Cat. The mysterious Mr. Corpse gave him a really bad feeling. There was no need for him to put a rare friend in danger for his curiosity.

As previously believed, the prices of goods on the black market were still rising, and they rose to a height that gave Jenkins some headaches.

He now has a lot of savings, and the realization of Viscount Augustus's inheritance has reached the final stage, but even so, it is very painful to spend three times the usual price to purchase materials.

When he was in Loen City, he also talked about the local black market from Miss Miller and Miss Stuart. Although the prices in Loen were also affected by the rumors of the end of the era, they were not exaggerated to such an extent.

This time, he really had the idea of ​​smuggling some materials between the two places, but shame made this idea die again.

When he was about to leave the black market, he passed by Mr. Hood in a black robe. Jenkins walked forward while guessing in his heart what would happen if he suddenly called him, but for the sake of Mr. Hood's heart, he just thought about it.

Chapter 563 Chapter 553 Wine Glass and Magic Potion

Because he wasted some time in the black market, he almost missed dinner when he returned to the church. Fortunately, Bishop Palod had instructed the kitchen to reserve a portion for Jenkins and chocolate in advance, otherwise one person and one cat would be hungry.

Jenkins left the life orb and the metal block to Chocolate, letting it play in the room by itself, and applied for the use of the secret library.

The second floor of the library did not find the detailed information of B-03-2-8383, the hidden fear wine cup. After searching for nearly an hour, he remembered that there might be some in the library on the first floor.

Sure enough, although the danger level of this item is quite high, considering its actual function, the information is still stored in the first floor open to most scribes.

The original source of B-03-2-8383, the hidden fear wine cup, cannot be verified, but according to the records of the Twelve Orthodox Church, even in the oldest history, there is a shadow of this item.

One theory is that this wooden goblet, whose material cannot be ascertained, was made by a powerful alien species in the fifth era that can control the emotions of creatures, but in fact this theory cannot be proved by any effective evidence.

The biggest function of this wine cup is to transform the fear of creatures into spirits that can be easily absorbed, which is the half cup of liquid that Jenkins saw in the wine cup.

The efficiency of this conversion is very low, but because it is a passive effect, in fact, this conversion is always ongoing, which is equivalent to giving the holder an extra way to absorb spirits.

In the records of numerous users, some people have gained abilities such as [Fear Aura] and [Frightened Eyes] by absorbing this not very pure spirit. However, this kind of spirit transformed from fear cannot be absorbed too much at one time, otherwise it is very likely to be affected by the [Fear] that has not been completely purified in the spirit, thus permanently changing one's own personality.

Another function of B-03-2-8383 is the constant fear on it. The user needs to turn the wine glass upside down and consume the spirit stored in the wine glass, which will make multiple targets at close range fall into great fear. This way of use does not consume the liquid in the wine glass quickly, but the spirit that can be quoted is extremely precious, so even just a drop is heartbreaking.

As for its danger level being set at 2, it is because long-term skin contact with this item will have a very small probability of contacting the terrible alien-the Abyss in a dream.

In addition to absorbing and creating fear, this alien species also has the ability to move through dreams. In other words, long-term contact with the wine glass may cause serious consequences for the Abyss to return to the material world.

But Jenkins was not worried at all. After all, he would only touch this item when using it, and he also had the ability to control dreams. Even if he encountered the worst situation, he might not be the loser.

It was almost eight o'clock when he left the library. As soon as he returned to the ground from the underground stone steps, he saw Old Jack walking towards this side.

The last time I met him, summer had not yet completely ended. After not seeing him for a few months, he still looked the same as Jenkins remembered. He wore a brown vest over his shirt, a gold watch on his wrist, and a pair of shiny round-toed black leather shoes on his feet.

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