She understood the rejection in this sentence:

"It doesn't matter. If you get hair from other species, you can trade it to me."

"Well... pure-blooded vampires are okay?"

For safety reasons, the last curse did not consume all the hair. There were still five hairs in the test tube on Jenkins' body. He finally sold two to Miss Magic for 24 pounds, which barely filled his dry wallet.

Holding the starlight ball in one hand, he watched Miss Magic leave. Seeing her figure disappear at the entrance of the Biyoute Pedestrian Street in front of the river beach, Jenkins turned his head and wanted to sigh at the other side of the river like them, but he didn't expect the light ball in his hand to suddenly explode, and then gathered together again and vibrated violently.

"That mirror appeared again?"

He was surprised. According to the information from the church, the injured vampire should be hiding in the eastern part of the city, which is very far away from here.

"What are you doing?"

He blinked quickly and scanned the surroundings until he looked up and saw the people moving on the bridge. That wasn't even a gifter, but just a human with blue aura all over his body, infected by vampires.

He was the only one nearby, and the only special item he carried was the all-knowing mirror.

"Fate has finally favored me!"

He was so excited that he didn't know how to express his feelings. He patted the chocolate and let it slip into his arms from his collar, then ran forward quickly, activated [Cat's Grace] and jumped up suddenly. When he fell in mid-air, the unicorn caught him steadily and rushed into the empty night sky.

Chapter 587 Chapter 576 Ineffective Bullets

Although he didn't carry the metal block that sealed the divinity this time, it was obviously unnecessary to waste it against an opponent who was not even a gifter.

Having learned the lesson from the last time when he fought too long and let the mirror escape, Jenkins didn't hold back at all this time.

The unicorn carried him to the top of the man walking on the bridge, and then black shadows swooped down from the sky one after another.

Boom boom boom boom~

The dust and reverberations caused by the explosion continued to reverberate in the sky. Jenkins' hand grasped the unicorn's hair to stabilize his body, and his right eye with a monocle stared at the aura below.

The mirror in the smoke and dust burst into a more dazzling light to block the attack from the sky. At the same time, hundreds of blood-colored needles shot from the ground, but this was not a threat to Jenkins who could move in the entire sky. He didn't even need to command, the free-riding unicorn could avoid all attacks.

After the smoke and dust cleared, the middle-aged man with a black top hat on the bridge jumped to the frozen river without hesitation. At the same time, Jenkins also held a pistol and pulled the trigger at him continuously. The bullets he used were all blessed by himself and treated with [Hemolytic Toxin]. Maybe they were not a big threat to pure blood-sucking species, but they were definitely fatal to infected humans.

As the bullets flew, the unicorn carried him down, and a silver light band was wrapped around his wrist.

But the man who had fallen earlier reached the ice surface faster than Jenkins, and a huge mirror radiated outward from the place where his feet touched the ground, reflecting Jenkins' disguised face.

Without saying a word, the unicorn in the mirror rushed out with the fake Jenkins and collided with the identical knight in the sky. This was useless. Even if the unicorn's full ability could be copied, this mirror could never create an identical false god.

After the smoke and dust in the sky dissipated, silver light pieces flew out from top to bottom, and the knight on the back of the unicorn had raised his frosty fist and prepared for close combat.

"My luck is really bad. I just came out to find some medicine."

The man whispered the first sentence of the day, and before Jenkins could reach out and grab him, he sank into the mirror with the mirror in his hand. Just a little bit, as if it had been perfectly calculated, which made Jenkins extremely annoyed.

The man raised his head and looked up for the last time before disappearing, and Jenkins was almost scared by the pair of eyes with only whites. He suddenly remembered what Lacour said, that the mirror could easily control any creature that touched it. Looking at the empty ice below, he doubted whether the person he had just fought with was a person or a mirror.

Although he returned without success again and blew up the most important bridge in Nolan City into a dangerous building, at least Jenkins understood that the holder of the mirror could move through the mirror surface, which might be the way they escaped repeatedly.

When he was still thinking about this problem early the next morning, his father told him what happened last night. From the perspective of an observer, the New God believers did go too far this time. The explosion of the twin demons and the effect of the demon fire almost completely damaged the Jor-El Bridge. Today, the bridge has been blocked and it will take at least two weeks of repairs before it can be used again.

"When I have time to take out the treasure near Beldiran, I will compensate the city hall."

Jenkins didn't care about this.

Because people also found some unusual bloodstains on the surface of the ice under the bridge, the nature of this incident was not simply characterized as "the New God believers went crazy and maliciously destroyed the city's public buildings." The results of the identification report in the afternoon proved that the bloodstains belonged to humans infected by vampires, and no one was surprised at all.

"Ha~ Even the believers of the New God can't catch those guys. Moving through the mirror is indeed a troublesome ability."

This is what Dad said about this matter.

"Mirror moving?"

Clear instructions were left on the book he was holding, and Jenkins thought he was the only one who knew about it.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you last time."

In fact, I don't want Jenkins to get too involved in this matter.

"The church has learned the secret of how vampires and infected people have escaped many times. They all have the ability to move through the mirror. Do you remember the alley where the vampires were massacred? We finally learned the details of that incident through divination. After that, the mirror movement is also learned from there.”

Mirror movement is not a racial ability of vampires, so Jenkins is very doubtful about the relationship between this ability and the omniscient mirror. The soul inhabiting the mirror is by no means a kind person. What exactly he wants to do and why he wants to help vampires is completely beyond Jenkins' understanding.

"If you want to get a mirror, you must first find a way to crack the mirror's ability to move."

Understanding this is the only gain.

Jenkins recovered all the bullet slugs fired last night before leaving the river. Those bullets were special bullets treated with [hemolytic toxin]. Jenkins was worried that his father would find out that he had used them, so he decided to prepare new toxins as soon as possible.

It happened that his father had to go out to do some errands at noon and asked Jenkins to take a look at the store temporarily, so he asked Chocolate to take care of the store temporarily. He sat in the rocking chair in front of the fireplace and pretended to be asleep, but in fact he had gone to Loen.

Just two minutes after Jenkins left, Hathaway opened the door and walked in.


This was a greeting, indicating to her that the store was being guarded by cats.

The red-haired girl smiled at the cat, and then saw Jenkins lying on his back on a chair with a book covering his face.

"Is he asleep?"

She asked Chocolate in a low voice.


Chocolate replied.

There was no reservation with Alexia in advance for this trip to Loon, but on Tuesday Jenkins learned that Miss Stuart’s twice-weekly math classes were scheduled for Tuesday night and Friday afternoon, which is now. So although it was rude, he still chose this time.

The body changed from illusion to solidity, but this small room did not look like the study room of the princess of the kingdom.

This should be the cloakroom, and Jenkins appeared here because Alexia's coat was hung on a hanger nearby. It seemed that the magnet was in the pocket.

Suddenly I heard the door handle on the side being turned, and blinked, it was Julia.

"Oh, it's Mr. Willamette!"

The maid was a little frightened. After seeing that she was a familiar friend, she walked in carefully and closed the door.

Chapter 588 Chapter 577 Dance and Dream

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Jenkins raised his hands and said, "I had something to do with Miss Miller, and somehow she ended up here."

Instead of the usual casual attire she usually wears when she appears at Alexia's residence, Julia is now wearing standard maid attire. The aesthetics of the Hampavo Kingdom are obviously different from Jenkins. Although the white lace and complex borders are very beautiful, this dress is a bit too thick.

"Is it inconvenient now?"

The sound of music came from the crack in the door, the sounds of French horns and bass horns complemented each other, and it seemed like a dance was being held outside.

"Then please help give this piece of paper to Miss Miller. I will leave now."

With that said, he handed over the materials for [Hemolytic Toxin] and the list of materials required by Miss Yindi. Julia reached out and took it, but didn't let Jenkins leave just yet.

She hesitated and asked, "I seem to have heard that you have the ability to change your body shape and appearance at will?"

Outside the small room, Dolores was in a very bad mood now. Although she was often afraid of Miss Miller's math class, it was at least more interesting than this boring dance.

Sitting on the sofa in the lounge area angrily, looking at the glass of clear wine on the coffee table in front of him, he wanted to take off his high heels immediately.

"A life as comfortable as Mr. William's is what I want."

After being in contact with Jenkins for such a long time, she has discovered that the writer's life is not as poor as she imagined. But living in a bustling city with the most developed steam industry, walking through cluttered alleys, conducting covert operations in the fog, fighting terrifying enemies in the shadows, and concealing her identity as an apprentice in an antique shop, these things still fascinate Dolores Si felt trembling with excitement.

Miss Miller, who had accompanied her to the ball, had disappeared from the beginning, and her maid had gone to the cloakroom to get a handkerchief and had not returned yet, which made the girl's mood even worse.

She has recently encountered a series of unsatisfactory things. The secret gatherings she often attended were disbanded. No one in the bar black market accepted her commission for weeks. The two eldest sisters were inexplicably alienated. What he wanted, and the truth he learned during the interrogation of the prisoners... I felt a little inexplicably depressed. I remembered the two maids I had scolded for my bad temper this morning, and decided to ask Julia to make up for them when I went back.

"If someone invites me to dance without being wise, I must let them know what embarrassment is."

"Miss Stuart, can I invite you to dance?"

The fire in her heart immediately surged up like lava. She turned her head with great anger like a lioness and looked at the "brave" inviter.

This was a slightly mediocre-looking young man with dark hair, wearing a red uniform top with complicated tassels. Dolores had never seen him before. The man was obviously not used to such an occasion. When Dolores turned her head, he even touched his nose in embarrassment.


She was about to say the harsh words she had prepared in her heart, but suddenly she felt that the man in front of her had an indescribably familiar aura. After a few seconds of hesitation, she suddenly understood.

No matter what, this is the first person to be able to see through Jenkins' black robe disguise with just his eyes. Of course, this is also related to Jenkins not deliberately performing.

Julia stood at the door of the banquet hall, pinching her skirt and watching Mr. William and the princess in a blue dress walking to the dance floor. The man was obviously not good at dancing, but Dolores smiled happily, with a smile that shone brighter than any jewelry on her body. Julia had not seen such a smile for a long time.

"Maybe that's not bad."

Since being brought into the palace by the young princess on that snowy afternoon, she dedicated everything she had to her. If this can make her princess happy, then Julia swears that she will do everything in her power to make the princess achieve the results she wants.

Jenkins didn't have much time, and he quickly realized he'd made a mistake: It was foolish to entrust the store to a cat, even one with extraordinary intelligence. Although he agreed to dance with Miss Stuart at Julia's request, he did not intend to stay here for a long time.

So when the dance ended, his partner's face glowed with a healthy glow. He stopped and let go of his hand around his waist, intending to leave.

"You rude country bumpkin, I'm going to duel you!"

Subconsciously reaching out his hand, a flying white glove was caught by Jenkins. He looked forward in confusion. The young man with a red face was looking at him with eyes full of anger.


He stretched out his hand to stop the third princess, whose eyes looked like she wanted to kill someone, and thoughtfully helped her straighten her crooked hand flowers.

"No, leave this matter to me."

Jenkins' tone was full of confidence.

"I have a lot of experience dealing with this kind of thing."

No matter how rushed the time is, it is still possible to duel with an ordinary person. Miss Stuart's etiquette course had mentioned dueling, and now he could practice it for the second time, and he was very interested in it.

(Check out the chocolate in the store...)

"What did you dream about? Your expression is strange."

"I dreamed that I was in a splendid palace, fighting a fair duel with a challenger for a young princess."

With an expression on his face as if he had just woken up from a dream, he realized that it was Hathaway who was doing the Q\u0026A with him.

The red-haired girl smiled happily:

"So you win?"

"Of course, I only used one move."

Holding the handle of the rocking chair with both hands, he stood up, let the book that had fallen to his chest fall on the carpet, and then made a forward stabbing motion.

"Oh, Jenkins, you're finally old enough to have dreams like this."

She sighed with emotion.


Jenkins thought he seemed older than she was.

Unsurprisingly, Hathaway came to ask about the blockade of St. George Street. She didn't want to use Jenkins to find out what was going on there. Instead, she was concerned about whether Jenkins was affected by this incident.

If the Church for some reason comprehensively searched every corner of St. George's Street, it would surely come to light that Jenkins Willemte was an "illegal benefactor."

"It's okay, I'm fully prepared."

Jenkins raised his hands and assured: "No need to worry at all, Hathaway. I have full confidence that this matter will not affect me at all."

Chapter 589 Chapter 578 Snacks and Banquet

Because Dad is not in the store for the time being, and there will be no customers at this time, Hathaway plans to stay here for a while.

They were originally discussing the opera script, and Jenkins had already finished more than half of it, but somehow they ended up talking about Tuesday.

All misunderstandings were explained clearly, and Miss Mihail also knew that she had misunderstood her lover. Jenkins also learned through questioning that on Tuesday afternoon, Hathaway was actually handling a commission she received from a ready-made clothing store, and the publisher of the commission was the red-haired clown of the circus.

"They issued a large number of commissions, looking for ordinary people with no common characteristics, such as coachmen, government employees, etc. The prices were very good, and the commissions were easy to complete."

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