He did not point this out, but continued to dig seriously.

It is very hard to work in the winter night, especially after sweating in heavy clothes, there will be a wet and sticky feeling of clothes sticking to the back. The two dug for nearly an hour, and then sat under a tree with newspapers to rest. On the tree was Jenkins' cat.

The professor took out his pocket watch and took a look:

"It's one o'clock in the morning. If there is no progress before three o'clock, we will go back."

"Why not wait until four o'clock, it will be quick to ride back to the city."

Jenkins suggested that he didn't want to come here alone again 24 years later.

Professor Burns glanced at Jenkins, sighed and nodded.

The time soon came to half past two, and there was no gain except a one-shilling silver coin found in the soil when Jenkins was digging. In order to get more luck, Jenkins even put the gold ring on his hand, and the golden appearance quickly attracted the professor's attention.

He expressed his opinion on the "Ouroboros" like a father, but he didn't know any news about the "beast of disaster".

The night wind whistled through the dead woods, forming a whisper-like sound; in the distance, there seemed to be a wolf howling at the moon, the sound was distant and loud; a bat flew across the night sky, but only Chocolate looked up boredly.

Occasionally looking up and looking into the distance, he actually saw the light representing the gifter moving rapidly towards here. This was not someone Jenkins knew.

"Someone is coming!"

He reminded quickly, threw the shovel aside and took out the dagger stuck in his boots. When the professor raised his head, the boy with a pair of bone wings on his back, who seemed to be gliding at low altitude, had appeared in front of the two.

He was wearing a patched single coat, with obvious holes on his left shoe, and his yellow hair was messy like a bird's nest. His face was covered with freckles, his face was as thin as his body, and there was a fresh scar on his right cheek.

None of the three spoke, and the boy did not expect to meet two living people in the dense forest at such a late night.

His shirt buttons were not buttoned properly, and the night wind blew his clothes rustling. Jenkins actually saw half of the rune-like tattoo near his heart -

The Mark of Killing!

His pupils shrank in shock, and the boy suddenly rushed down at this moment.

The black light wrapped around his fist, and the whisper appeared in the ears of the two people on the ground with the diving action. The boy's target was not the young and strong writer, but the professor who seemed old and thin. Before Jenkins threw the dagger, the two fists collided head-on, and the red light and the black light fought fiercely. The scattered light spots finally made this forest area bright.

The first fight ended in a few seconds. Even with the potential energy added by the dive, the boy was still punched away by Professor Burns. The professor rubbed his fist with a stern face, and Jenkins saw that he stepped on the ground and left a very obvious shoe print.

"You can choose to surrender. As long as you sincerely repent and apologize to the people you killed, the church can help you get rid of the things in your heart."

Jenkins raised his pistol and pointed it at the boy who fell in the distance.


The eyes seemed to be glowing red in the dark night, and the roar was like an angry beast. He flapped his damaged wings again and rose into the sky, facing the double moons from behind and the two people from the front, his wings dancing slowly in the air. Although this scene was a bit horrifying, as mentioned in the church report, he was discovered before he had time to kill more innocent people, and he was actually very weak.

Chapter 594 Chapter 583 Night Fight

Seeing that Jenkins wanted to shoot, Professor Burns raised his hand and pressed down the black muzzle of the gun. The professor shook his head at him and motioned him to stand back. He took off his coat and threw it to Jenkins, unbuttoned the top button of his shirt, and moved his shoulders and the bones made a cracking sound.


This was a deeper and more powerful roar. The professor suddenly jumped up to the same height as the boy. The speed was faster and the reaction was faster. One hand grabbed the arm and the other hand grabbed the shoulder, and then forcibly pulled the boy down from the sky.

After landing, he used the old palm like an eagle claw to pull the arm up, and the other hand exerted force in the opposite direction. Jenkins heard the sound of bones breaking.

Black flames suddenly surged from the boy's body, forcing the professor to retreat temporarily. The khaki light spread from his feet to the professor's body. He took a step forward, his body went around the opponent's back, and his arm stretched forward from the opponent's back and passed through the boy's neck. Before the boy could come up with a way to deal with it, he bent his elbow to compress his carotid artery, and used the other hand to assist in fixing it. With the upper body tightened, he clasped his hands tightly and tried to force the boy's head to be short of oxygen.

This was obviously a joint skill in fighting, but unfortunately the boy's body structure had changed because of the [Mark of Killing]. After a few seconds of exertion, he did not faint, but had room to deal with it during this period.

With a tearing sound, the poor clothes on his upper body were torn into pieces and fell in the wind. Black light overflowed from the terrifying rune on the chest, and black smoke enveloped the two people. After the professor had no choice but to retreat, a terrifying monster with two pairs of compound eyes and twice the height and size walked out of the smoke.


Jenkins' bullet hit it successfully, but other than the sound of the deflated slug hitting the ground, the shot had no other effect.

"It's useless, I'm..."


Jenkins, who had changed the magazine, pulled the trigger again, and the bullet filled with golden magical light caused penetrating damage to the monster's chest.

And when the third bullet was fired again, the monster finally reacted. Three black crows emerged from the black smoke surrounding the body, blocking the trajectory of the bullet, and an energy sphere that absorbed light like a black hole formed in his right hand.

The professor recited a prayer mantra loudly and leaned forward again under the protection of divine power.

Jenkins held his pistol in the front and kept firing. The crows rushed towards him like a crazy swarm of bees. The black creatures wrapped it in the center. The professor could not even see Jenkins among them.

"Jenkins, do you need my help?"

He asked loudly with some worry, and kept pounding his fists at the monster who was obviously afraid of him.

"no problem!"

Jenkins responded loudly, and then heard a loud noise and an explosion from inside the crows. The black night sky successfully prevented the professor from discovering the remaining demonic flames. Even the faint smell of sulfur in the air was mistaken by him for the smell of the monster.

"The sages protect you, and the light of knowledge shines on all things!"

Along with the professor's prayer, dazzling golden light burst out like a shock wave, and the dead wood forest was finally completely illuminated at this moment.

After the light dissipated, the professor half-crouched on the ground panting, while the monster turned back into a boy and lay on its back, with its entire right arm disappearing.

"Be careful, it's not over yet."

Professor Burns stopped Jenkins from looking closer, and then pointed to his boy's chest:

"The killing marks haven't disappeared yet."

"I see."

Jenkins nodded, replaced the magazine and pulled the trigger again.

After another gunshot, the bullet did not fly out. Instead, the boy's body flew backwards towards him along the expected trajectory of the bullet. There wasn't even time to think about what was going on, and the two of them were almost facing each other.

The cold right fist hit the boy's stomach accurately, and a bloody hole suddenly opened in his body, firmly fixing Jenkins' fist. But it was no use, red flames quickly poured out from the breach in the intestines.

The boy let out a scream of pain, his eyes filled with red fierce light. After the magic eyes in his eyes were activated, he suddenly saw a black shadow falling from the sky and covering his face. Chocolate's sharp claws popped out the eyeball in one go, while the professor screamed and kicked it off from the side while flying.

Although the treasure hunt failed, at least Jenkins and Professor Burns caught the Killing Mark holder active near Nolan. Since it was only two people who defeated the boy, the mark did not transfer due to his failure.

Of course, both Professor Burns and Jenkins were reprimanded. According to the itinerary reported by Jenkins, they should have spent one night in the school's staff dormitory instead of running so far outside the city with a shovel.

Therefore, Jenkins' lack of energy early Monday morning was not due to lamenting that the "fulfilling" weekend had passed, but because of lack of sleep last night and being severely criticized by Dad and Miss Bevanna.

It would be difficult for him to use a reasonable excuse to go out at night next week. Thinking of this, Jenkins, lying on the counter, stretched like a chocolate bar.

Just like Miss Michael's unexpected visit yesterday, Hathaway also visited Dad's Antique Shop on Monday morning. What she wanted to explain was also related to winter travel. Hathaway knew very well that without advance instructions, Jenkins might embark on the journey with a suitcase that could carry himself and the chocolates.

"No, no, no, you don't need so much luggage at all. The villa will provide everything. You only need to bring a few changes of clothes and your cat."

That's what she said at the time.

The best news of the day was that after returning to the church in the evening, I heard from Captain Binsi that in the city of Eldron in the Chesland Kingdom, the Orthodox Church was preparing to work with the Police Department to banish those who believed in evil gods [Lies]. Prince]’s cultists were wiped out in one fell swoop.

This city will receive the news because traces of those crooks were also discovered in the Evil God Son incident, so Nolan Diocese takes this matter very seriously.

Although the final notice of closing the net has not yet been received, Captain Binsi believes that this matter should not be delayed until after the end of the year. Nolan Diocese now urgently needs information about the son of the evil god.

The smile on Jenkins' face at that time made Captain Binsi deeply realize how much mental pressure "my neighbor is the son of God" brought to Jenkins. Before he left, he patted Jenkins on the shoulder—not on the cat's side—as a reassurance, but Jenkins didn't understand the purpose.

Chapter 595 Chapter 584: Resurrected Corpse

After dinner, Jenkins met the girl Fini Faithful again in the corridor. She was not alone. Mrs. Strese, whom Jenkins had met on his previous visit, and a strange girl were also with her.

The girl looked to be in her twenties, and her face shape was closer to Mr. Strese's. So Jenkins guessed that this was the eldest daughter who worked as a female worker in a textile factory that he had not seen during his last visit.

Mrs. Strais looked very reserved. She seemed uncomfortable with such a solemn environment, but she still greeted Jenkins warmly.

After the two parties said goodbye, Jenkins' face turned serious because he saw an evil spirit behind Miss Strass.

"What's going on? Yes, I remember that in the arithmetic class a few weeks ago, there was also an evil spirit found behind a girl who came to listen, and she seemed to be a female worker in a textile factory."

While thinking about it, I walked towards Miss Bevanna's office. Today is Monday, so there is a fighting class.

"Isn't it a coincidence?"

He knocked on the door, turned the handle and walked in after receiving permission. I originally thought that Miss Bevanna would be sitting at the table processing documents, but when I opened the door, I found that she was sitting on the sofa with a long-sleeved coat draped over her head, reading a book.

It was a collection of poems. Because of his limited appreciation ability, he had never liked books of this kind.

"Good evening, Miss Bevanna."

"Good evening, Jenkins."

She closed the book gently: "Then let's get started, last week..."

"Sorry, please wait."

Jenkins interrupted her and smiled apologetically: "I'm really sorry, but there is something I must mention. In the corridor just now, I met..."

He briefly talked about his discovery of the evil spirit and his somewhat far-fetched guesses, and Miss Bevanna said that the church would follow up on the matter.

Jenkins' guess is that the reason for the appearance of evil spirits is that there are problems within the textile factory, such as factory owners or other managers forcing female workers to do some disgusting things, which leads to death cases. This kind of thing is very common, and the original owner has heard a lot of news on the street in his memory.

But the problem was far more serious than he imagined.

I just arrived at the antique store on Tuesday morning, and while I was still chatting with my father about the news in the newspaper, a carriage hurriedly came from the distance on Fifth Queen's Avenue and stopped at the door of the antique store. The person in the car was Mr. Schlaich. He anxiously informed Jenkins to get in the car quickly. Miss Bevanna was looking for him if she had something urgent.

He said hello to his father, hugged the chocolate and ran out the door. On the way, Mr. Schlaich couldn't tell exactly what happened, but at least it wasn't that Jenkins needed to treat some injuries that couldn't be treated by normal means.

When he opened the door and entered a conference room that he had never entered before, in addition to Captain Binxi, there were two captains that Jenkins knew.

All three of them had serious expressions, sitting or standing, while Miss Bevanna stood in front of the table in the center of the room. On the table was a giant sandbox of Nolan City, the first time Jenkins had seen such a thing in this era.

"Now I need to confirm whether the girl named Stress you saw last night is the same one."

After saying that, he handed Jenkins a black and white photo. The photo still had a strong smell and it had just been printed not long ago.

The photo showed a decomposed corpse, and the face was so unrecognizable that it took Jenkins a long time to confirm who it was.

"Yes, this is indeed the person I saw in the church last night. This..."

He realized that the body's unusual degree of decomposition meant that the woman's death was at least not recent, without supernatural intervention.

"The girl named Strese you saw last night is not a living person. This is a rare phenomenon A-12-02-3320, a resurrected corpse."


Jenkins was startled, but he didn't see any black aura at all last night.

"This kind of strange thing in the form of an incident is very troublesome, especially as time goes by, its danger level will increase sharply. If no one stops it in time, it can silently destroy a human settlement."

As she spoke, she pointed at the photo held by Jenkins:

"This is our negligence. The female textile factory worker who carried the evil spirit a few weeks ago thought it was just an ordinary evil spirit. We raided the textile factory where the girl named Strasse worked this morning. , numerous corpses were dug up in the garbage disposal area, and the investigation showed that the humans represented by those corpses were all alive and functioning normally in the city. "

"So which one is fake? The living person or the corpse?"

"That's hard to define."

Miss Bevanna frowned slightly:

"Oh, I think you still don't know the characteristics of A-12-02-3320. This is an event that is more common in small human settlements such as villages. At least in this era, there are no records showing it appearing in cities. When this kind of When the phenomenon occurs, no more than 32 humans aged 20 to 30 will die of natural causes in the settlement. However, after death, 'they' will spontaneously hide their bodies and carry on their normal lives. As for what exactly 'they' are, you can think of them as unstable creatures that are a mixture of soul, matter and magic.

Centered on these people, the phenomenon of resurrected corpses will continue to emerge, until the entire population of the settlement is replaced by this kind of creature that hovers between life and death. The difference between resurrected corpses and normal humans cannot be seen with the naked eye, but they are more likely to attract other evil spirits. Therefore, if evil spirit incidents occur frequently in a human settlement, it is necessary to check whether A-12-02- 3320. "

"What will happen if we don't deal with it?"

Jenkins guessed that the black ghost light should be visible on the corpse, after all, it was unclear whether the girl he saw last night existed or not.

"Have you heard of the legend of the death town in Rossbell County of Cheslan Kingdom?"

Miss Befanna asked.

"Yes, Dad mentioned it."

For ordinary people, it is just a legend, but for the gifted, it is a real forbidden place. According to Dad, any life close to the town will die silently, and the soul will spontaneously stay in the town. When the souls in the town gather to a certain extent, they will flow outward like a tide of undead, rushing to the nearest human settlement. Therefore, the area around Rossbell County is completely blocked by the church.

The gifted of the church cannot fundamentally solve the problem there, which is close to a natural phenomenon entrenched somewhere in the world. All they can do is to eliminate as many of them as possible when the tide of undead surges out.

Chapter 596 Chapter 585 Corpses and Guards

"If A-12-02-3320 cannot be resolved in time, there will be another legend about the city of the dead on the continent."

In short, after confirming that this matter was indeed related to A-12-02-3320, Miss Befanna immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

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