"I emphasize again that I have only heard about this matter and am still investigating it. But the risk of this kind of thing is very high. The so-called investment is all based on rumors. I think it is better to..."

He just threw the conclusion that "Miss Fabry is a liar" to everyone, but their focus is not on risks, but whether they can achieve real profits through investment.

Jenkins cannot convince everyone, and he has no obligation... He only has certain responsibilities. A small number of people probably heard the meaning of his words, which is enough. Anyway, the great writer's original intention is good, his behavior is just, his sense of responsibility is very strong, and there is a high probability that there will be no accidents in this matter.

Elderon is a little far away from Nolan after all. Even if a few poor people heard about the investment, most citizens are still unaware of the large-scale capital flow around them. Jenkins once secretly asked his father and Professor Burns. The former had heard some news from the street, but didn't take it to heart at all, and the latter didn't know anything about it.

The little girl Fini Faithful also appeared in the classroom, sitting next to Chocolate who was sleeping on his stomach. According to the relationship, her cousin, the eldest daughter of the Streis family, died because of the resurrection of the dead. Jenkins didn't know whether he should comfort her. Her expression didn't look wrong.

"Forget it, everyone will encounter this kind of thing."

Thinking of this, he remembered Mr. Benz who died in front of him, and his mood suddenly became bad.

After the night class, the blizzard showed no sign of stopping. Jenkins met Captain Bin Xi in the corridor, and the two talked about Mr. Benz's family situation. He has not married yet, and there are no relatives in his family. He is completely alone. The church will hold a funeral for him later this week, and Jenkins will also attend.

There is no sadness on the face of the middle-aged man, but Jenkins learned from Mr. Schleich that the two have worked together for at least ten years...

I thought the dragon issue would take a long time to resolve, but Miss Befanna acted very quickly and solved everything in one day. The keeper of the Nolan Parish is proficient in dragon language. After searching for the dragon, he easily established communication with it.

"That dragon is called Dragan Nidholmer, and it comes from another world. Because the people who were digging the ruins accidentally touched an ancient ritual, it was mistakenly teleported to the material world. We will find a way to send it away in the near future, and now let it stay in the Evergreen Forest temporarily. If you are interested, you can also go to meet it. I think that polite dragon should welcome talking to the Son of the Church."


Jenkins didn't know if this adjective was used incorrectly, because it sounded very funny.

He didn't want to meet the dragon, because there was no need, and it's not like he had never seen that kind of creature. Compared with the dragon, Jenkins thought his cat and unicorn were more lovely. The dragon was too big and was not suitable for private breeding.


Chocolate agreed.

The dragon is a treasure creature. Although the church will not harm it, as a rare intelligent dragon in this era that has formally contacted the Orthodox Church, its value will definitely be fully explored.

Jenkins is very interested in the so-called "other world", but Miss Befanna refused to reveal any information. He guessed that this was another world similar to the magma hell, but he didn't know which master it corresponded to.

"Dragons, unicorns, demons, blood-sucking species... Heh~ It's like the mythical era has come again."

He sighed softly, and believed that in the future, more strange creatures would appear in Nolan.

After finishing Miss Befanna's class, he returned to his room to rest. Because he forgot to give the cat the fruit he promised, it splashed on Jenkins' pillow and prevented the man from sleeping. This behavior was very bad.

After a dreamless night, he felt a sense of emptiness and loss after waking up. Chocolate woke up earlier than Jenkins and was standing on the windowsill watching the snow outside. The blizzard that lasted all night did not mean to weaken. Now that December has entered the second half of the month, the continuous snow will bring lower temperatures. This year may be another exceptionally cold winter.

"Will the development of the steam-prosperous industry lead to the early appearance of the term greenhouse effect?"

He thought about this question while washing his face, but could not come up with an answer.

Before breakfast, the keeper Mr. Smith rarely appeared outside the Gate of All Things, and showed Jenkins a palm-sized round metal piece with a blood-red rune-like mark on it.

"Is this... the killing mark?"

"Yes, we successfully extracted it from the boy. Although it no longer has that complex evolutionary function, at least it can sense the power of the same source, which is very helpful for hunting down other mark holders."

At this point, Mr. Smith couldn't help but feel a little proud.

This thing still has a black aura, but the color is very dim. Out of caution, Mr. Smith did not let Jenkins take it in his hand to check. This thing will be temporarily sealed behind the Gate of All Things, waiting for the final result of the Vatican. "

Chapter 604 Chapter 593 Peeping into Destiny

"So, what about the vampire from the night before yesterday, has it awakened?"

Jenkins asked the keeper again.

"No, we have encountered some people who were knocked unconscious by believers of the New God in the past, but this one is completely different. Its soul has disappeared, and no trace can be found."

This is of course, its soul was shattered to pieces by the strange power, leaving nothing behind.

But being able to obtain the body of an ancient alien species is something that has never happened in this era. Although Jenkins did not hear specific news, he also learned from Miss Bevanna's hint that the huge aeroboat visited Nolan City again last night.

"The church will reward this matter, and both you and Binsi will be rewarded, Benz..."

He had no relatives or worldly friends.

"He will get the honor he deserves, and his name will be passed down. Although the biggest promoters of this incident are the mysterious believers of the New God, it is impossible for us to reward them, and we cannot find them."

"No, it's already been commended."

Jenkins said silently in his heart.

He has not stopped thinking about the identity of the so-called "savior", especially after getting some information from the vampire last night, he vaguely realized something.

Although no one has mentioned it, he has determined that even if he uses rituals to obtain the identity of a savior, he must at least meet the literal requirements of the identity in advance. The savior itself is born, and if you want to acquire it, you must endure the test.

"Twin demons, immortals..."

He chewed on these two words in his mind, quite sure that not just anyone could successfully hold the ceremony. And he just happened to fit in.

"If the way the vampires try to relate to the [real phantom] is that they do not have shadows, then the looming believers of the New God seem to meet this requirement. Oh, what is this? Destiny?"

Thinking of this, a feeling of clarity of mind and body, as if I understood something, suddenly filled my heart, and my walking stopped.

The world in front of me was covered by a thin white mist, but at this moment it suddenly dispersed, revealing countless colorful lines running through the world. These threads wrap everyone and everything, even Jenkins himself is entangled in the threads.


He coughed violently, covering his mouth and found that he was coughing up blood. At the same time, I also found that those colorful lines were squirming and changing, and my mind was immediately attracted. I couldn't help but want to carefully observe the changes, as if that was the truth of the world.

At this moment, his head felt a heavy blow like a hammer, and his consciousness disappeared instantly.

When consciousness returned again, the headache and nausea did not subside at all. He didn't even bother to act out the process of waking up, so he opened his eyes with a groan.

There were a lot of people standing outside the door, but there were only Miss Bevanna and Dad beside the bed, and oh, there were chocolates. Jenkins believed that his face must be very bad, otherwise they would not show such worried expressions.

"Don't talk yet."

Dad carefully helped him sit up, and then handed him the water glass containing the light green potion. I took a sip with my chapped lips. It was a little sweet, probably because of the expensive sugar added.

"There is some B-10-5-2885, [Universal Potion] added to this glass of water. I hope it will help."

"that is not......"

Jenkins felt the nausea become more intense.

He drank the water and rested for a while before telling the two people around him about the vision he had seen. Miss Bevanna was a little confused and didn't know what was going on. Dad suddenly asked seriously:

"What did Audrey teach you?"

"Introduction to divination, I haven't officially started yet."

He spoke in a weak voice, with throbbing pain in his temples.

"I understand. You should rest first. If you need anything, just call. There will be someone outside the door to take care of you."

Dad nodded at him, and the three of them talked for a while before letting Jenkins lie down again.

The curtains were drawn tightly, so you couldn't see the outside scenery but you could hear the wind and snow outside the window. He didn't know what time it was or what was wrong with him.

The sound of the flesh pads under Chocolate's feet trampling on the bed was heard in his ears. It walked in the darkness to Jenkins' head, and then lay down quietly. Dad and Miss Bevanna closed the door to the room before leaving, and the gas light was not turned on, so the pair of cat eyes were particularly bright in this environment.

"I am okay."

He whispered, feeling something in his heart, and summoned all the light spots of his abilities, and the only bubble was filled with purple, which represented destiny:

[Observer (Purple Destiny)]

"Oh, [the blessing of books] is going away again..."

This was my only thought before I fell asleep.

After waking up again, I could feel an obvious sense of hunger. Chocolate was still nestled in the same position before going to bed, staring at his dangling tail.

Feeling better, he sat up from the bed. After being stunned for a while, he found his shoes under the bed and opened the door to the room with the cat.

While eating, I realized that the time had just passed midnight and it was late night on Friday, which meant that Jenkins had not actually been unconscious for a long time.

After the meal, I felt no sleepiness at all and my energy was getting better and better. I just took some chocolates and watched the snow in the courtyard. He could feel the energy coming back. When he woke up for the first time, he didn't even have the energy to say hello to the chocolate. This time, he was able to play circles with it with his right hand.

But at this time, it felt like Chocolate was playing with him instead of himself. Jenkins attributed this to the sequelae of the coma.

He didn't stay outside for long before he was called back to the room by a nun. Miss Audrey hurried to the Sage Church wearing a white fur cloak, her face full of worry.

"I was really shocked when Mr. Oliver contacted me just now."

She reached out and placed her hand on Jenkins' forehead, as if his illness was a fever.

"Dad said, you saw some lines?"

After the two sat down, the woman asked suspiciously.

"Yes, some colored threads, and I have a new destiny ability [Observer]. Have you heard of this ability?"

"Yes...the colored threads...this is really..."

She looked at Jenkins seriously until the hair on the man's back grew, then she stood up and closed the door.

Chapter 605 Chapter 594 After Serious Injury

"[Observer] is a relatively common fate-based ability, but it cannot be learned through rituals. It can only rely on gifts from the world or inexplicable reasons. This ability does not need to be actively activated to be used, but it works constantly. The owner cannot be Any form of prophecy or divination ability cannot be affected by the rare ability or item to control fate. The observer is an audience outside the world stage, and the fate of the stage cannot affect the audience."

This effect somewhat overlaps with [Unknown Way Ahead], but [Unknown Way Ahead] does not seem to have the effect of resisting fate, it distorts fate.

"So, can the epic of time still affect me?"

He asked again, but immediately regretted it - Jenkins Willamt should not know about [The Epic of Time].

But Miss Audrey did not put forward any opinions on this point, but patiently explained:

"The item you proposed cannot be judged by common sense. It is related to the beginning of this world. Even fate and fate are covered by it. But the focus now is not on this ability. Jenkins, you are not aware of it yet. Considering what you have been through...how much do you know about demigods?"

She suddenly asked a question that had nothing to do with the topic just now.

"Very strong."

It took me a long time to say this word. Although I have come into contact with some demigods, I still lack a precise understanding.

"The first thing we need to make clear is that demigods are just a name for humans. This means that their power is far beyond that of mortals. But in fact, in terms of the essence of life, they are still just mortals. Can you understand?"

the woman asked.

"Yes, I understand."

We are all mortal beneath the gods, and Jenkins knows this very well.

"But even so, it is still an extremely difficult process for the gifter to jump from level 7 to level 8. In addition to accumulating enough spirits, we also need to have a deeper understanding of the world so that the world can respond to this. If we change One way to put it is that the key to advancing from level 7 to level 8 is not the amount of spirit, but whether you can respond to the world."

Jenkins was stunned for a moment, remembering Alexia's excitement after seeing the application of [Mathematical Principles] in his hands.

"Oh, I can probably understand a little bit."

"For a soothsayer like me, being familiar with destiny is the way to get closer to the world. And according to ancient knowledge, the moment you are familiar with destiny is the moment you 'see' destiny."

Having said this, he stopped talking and looked at Jenkins melancholy.

"Is that the one I saw?"

he asked quietly.


The woman nodded, and then Jenkins fell silent.

"In other words, if I adjust my future to the direction of a diviner, it will be almost no difficulty to advance to level 7?"

He asked himself in his mind, but he didn't understand what was the reason for that moment of enlightenment.

Mortals cannot become gods, and Jenkins knows this very well. And he has been in this world for so long, and he has never met an ambitious person who wants to become a god. Therefore, the ultimate desire of those who enter the supernatural world is the demigod state.

Maybe Alexia was an accident, Jenkins could feel that what her eyes were looking at was definitely not something so superficial.

Miss Audrey decided to speed up the progress of Jenkins' divination course and asked him to soothe his spirit and relax his mind during this period, which would be conducive to healing the damage to his soul caused by peering into his destiny.

Dad appeared again after Miss Audrey left. He somehow learned about Jenkins' "diagnosis" and decided to relax his work and study requirements in the next period of time.

To be more precise, you can go to work at nine o'clock and leave at three o'clock in the afternoon.

He believes that Jenkins has been under too much mental pressure recently and should take more rest. Of course, rest within a safe range to prevent encountering various dangerous things.

"I should find someone reliable to keep an eye on you."

He had already started making arrangements on his own, standing in front of the window and squinting at Jenkins on the bed.

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