The female hunter asked Jenkins to come back next week to get the results, which was quite amazing.

"Of course, as long as there is a specific way, it is not a very troublesome thing to find the source of the disease, and the price of this commission is very satisfactory to me. Even if it causes trouble, it is enough for me to leave Nolan and be free for a while."

Jenkins also wanted to entrust the female hunter to help him find the thousand-year-old wood heart, but the female hunter said that she would not undertake such a task, which was the business content of the middleman clown.

The clown's fee was very low, and the price of finding things was only 3 pounds, but Jenkins was very worried that he would ask for a sky-high price once he found the materials.

If there was anything that could make Jenkins happy before getting the huge sum of 40,000 pounds, it must be Audrey's divination course.

Even if he accidentally glimpsed a corner of fate, his inspiration divination still did not make any progress. Miss Audrey thought this was normal. The peculiarity of inspiration divination was that as long as it succeeded once, the road belonging to the divination master would be completely open from then on.

She showed Jenkins a kaleidoscope in the class on Thursday night, which was as thick as a cigar. This is an optical toy. A real object with bright colors is placed at one end of the cylinder, a prism is placed in the middle of the cylinder, and the other end is sealed with a hole in the glass. People can observe a beautiful symmetrical image by looking through the hole.

This optical toy was very expensive in the era when glass technology was not yet mature, but it is now a common children's toy. Jenkins recently saw a similar item in the display cabinet in Miss Stuart's study. It was a toy from her childhood. One end of the cylinder was filled with broken gems of various colors, and the cylinder body was a pure silver product carved by a master.

"This is B-06-1-5226, the Apocalypse of the Future, which I borrowed from the Starry Sky and Balance Church. Yes, don't doubt it, it is this name."

According to Miss Audrey, this is an extremely rare prophetic numbered item, more precious than the pocket watch chain that Jenkins holds, which can occasionally foresee danger.

In view of the fact that the divination course in the past month has fallen into the quagmire of inspiration divination, and Jenkins unexpectedly peeked into fate, Miss Audrey decided to temporarily change the teaching method and planned to let Jenkins try to peek into the future with the help of objects.

"I must first explain that there has never been any divination method that is definitely correct, whether it is a ritual, ability or object, it conforms to this rule. The future apocalypse can guide people to peek into those satisfactory futures, but it is still a fragment of fate and must not be fully believed."

As she said, she closed her left eye, picked up the kaleidoscope and placed it on her right eye. Before Jenkins could judge her mood through the changes in her facial muscles, the kaleidoscope was taken down.

"This item will never show the same picture, so each time you use it, you will see a different prophecy. I just saw a corner of a white card, which belongs to a very abstract future."

As she said, she handed the kaleidoscope to Jenkins.

"The danger level of this item is 1. In addition to the fact that it often misleads people, it also causes the user to indulge in those happy futures due to frequent use, and completely lose the enterprising spirit and fighting spirit. This is a permanent change in character. Generally speaking, the number of times a person can use it in his lifetime should not exceed 15 times, but there is no requirement for continuous use."

The body of this kaleidoscope is also made of metal, so it is a bit heavy. Jenkins rubbed the surface of the body with his fingertips and found some dark patterns that were difficult to see with the naked eye.

Put it in front of your eyes like Miss Audrey, some light white mist obscured your vision, but it immediately dissipated.

"What do you see? Pay attention, when your eyes observe those illusions, you have already begun to contact fate, and you must seriously grasp the feeling of that moment."

"I don't seem to have any special feelings."

Jenkins now feels like an insulated rubber man, and the current from fate cannot be transmitted to him no matter how hard he tries.

But at least what the kaleidoscope shows is very interesting.

"I saw the night sky, a night sky that was completely symmetrical on both sides. But there was only the red moon in the sky, just like the night a few weeks ago!"

"This means that you may be able to benefit from the red moon, but other explanations may make sense. You can pay more attention to things around you related to this image in the near future. Even if you can't accurately grasp the direction of your destiny, at least you can take the initiative to try."

Jenkins nodded. He thought that what he had just seen was most likely that he would eventually meet the remaining two vampires.

After a short rest, he picked up the kaleidoscope again and put it in front of his eyes. This time it was no longer a thin white mist, but it was like the eyes were moving rapidly in a tunnel full of blue light. At the end of the passage, Jenkins saw heavy snow and mountains all over the sky. Compared with the simple picture before, this time it was obviously much more complicated.

Miss Audrey did not express any opinion, but asked Jenkins to try for the third time.

He nodded, asked the cat lying next to him not to rub the blanket on other people's sofas with his claws, and then slightly poked his head out...


The kaleidoscope was thrown to the ground by Jenkins, like throwing a steam bomb. There was a look of fear on his face, and then his face quickly turned red again.

"What's wrong?"

Miss Audrey asked hurriedly without bothering to pick up the kaleidoscope.


He stammered, very reluctant to continue talking about this topic.

"What do you see?"

the woman asked again.

"I...I saw some women."

The sound is as small as a mosquito.

"What are they doing?"

"...Can you not tell me?"

Chapter 619 Chapter 608 Investigation before the festival

The scene was so embarrassing that Jenkins originally planned to ask Miss Audrey to perform another divination for him after the course. But he was too embarrassed to stay in this lady's home anymore. He couldn't understand what kind of future the picture he saw foreshadowed. Maybe it was just a picture produced by the body's normal physiological reaction.

John's end-of-year exams started on Wednesday of this week, but Jenkins only had to accompany him to school on Friday.

This is the last exam at the end of the year. Jenkins is not sure what the subject is, but looking at John's expression, he is not worried about the next exam at all.

I left the church very early with my sleepy cat, and then had breakfast with my family at Privet Drive. Newman Willamt was also at home. Near the end of the year, he finally came back after being away on a visiting professorship.

"Do you need me to come too?"

he asked John.

"No, absolutely not."

John chewed the pie in his mouth and shook his head in refusal. Jenkins has a young image, and going to school with him may be considered a schoolmate. But if Newman, who looks quite mature, appears, friends will definitely know that he still needs his family to accompany him to take exams. John would never allow such a shameful thing to happen. If possible, he wouldn't even want Jenkins' company.

According to the custom of the kingdom, children who live away from home cannot go home to celebrate the New Year's Day in the first year, so Mary and Jenkins simply explained the arrangements for the New Year's Day next Monday. They need to go to visit the sleeping child in the cemetery. Grandpa and grandma. After that, Jenkins can enjoy his first year-end holiday away from home.

John's exam started at half past eight, so the Willamettes set off after breakfast. Jenkins paid for the carriage, of course, and he knew this no matter how stingy he was.

"Have you changed your pocket watch?"

The Jor-El Bridge was temporarily closed due to its near-destruction, and Jenkins was worried that the detour would delay his exam along the way. His frequent movements with the pocket watch finally made John realize that it was a ladies pocket watch.

"Oh, yes, the one you gave me was accidentally broken by chocolate. I didn't remember to fix it before I came."

The cat lying on his knees opened its eyes and looked up at him. The man also noticed Chocolate's movements, so he also lowered his head and looked at his cat. After a few seconds, it lowered its head again and continued its sleep with its eyes closed.

"I heard that the watch shop near Travelers Bank has closed down. Maybe you can go to Charles Machinery Shop in the South District and have a look. I heard from Miss Hoover that they are also very skilled in repairing pocket watches and their charges are very cheap. "

John suggested.

"Miss Hoover?"

Jenkins joked: "I don't want to pry into your privacy, but if you and Miss Hoover really like each other, why not take the initiative to propose marriage, and don't be like me and still be urged to get married at this age."

"So you also know?"

John thought to himself, smiled at his brother, and did not continue the topic, but turned his head to look at the vast river bank outside the window.

The Westminster River, which is full of boats, has been completely frozen. Looking from a distance, some pedestrians can be seen walking on the ice.

City Hall warns people every winter not to do such dangerous things. But compared to crossing the bridge, the shortest path is to go straight across the river bank, so no one can stop the bold citizens from doing so.

When they were children, the three Willamette brothers also walked on the river ice in winter, and were lucky enough to never encounter an accident.

Jenkins continued to read the newspaper, and suddenly felt John pull him.

"What's wrong?"

"It looks like someone fell into the water."

He said a little nervously.

By the time the carriage took them across the bridge to the river bank, many pedestrians had gathered on the river bank. In the midst of the noisy discussion, the two of them also learned that the ice suddenly broke, and the two children fell into the river with a thud, and they have not floated up until now.

"Maybe none of them can swim?"

Someone speculated.

Looking from a distance, several men were lying on the ice, trying to find the children under the ice cave, but it was in vain. Even in winter, the depth of the Westminster River here is well over 20 feet.

Although Jenkins and John could both swim, they were unable to help in this situation. They stood for a while and then set off again. On the way, I also heard the coachman lamenting. He was over 40 years old. He had grown up in Nolan City and heard about such things every year.

"So we never drive a carriage across the ice. Although it is faster, the weight of the carriage is several times heavier than a single person."

There is no need for Jenkins to lament and regret this kind of thing. He must be responsible for the decisions he makes. If there is no one on the shore, he doesn't mind putting on a black robe and being the second best person, but he will never take any risks when there are people watching.

John's school is an aristocratic school, which can be seen in the fees. In the end, out of dignity, he did not let Jenkins take him to the school gate, but asked the carriage to stop at an intersection ahead of time.

"Okay, but if my mother asks..."

"We went to school together."

The boy replied.

"That's good, then I wish you good luck in your exams."

Jenkins waved his hand.

"Okay, thank you. See you next Monday, and I hope you won't give me cheap cups as gifts again!"

He said loudly, and before Jenkins could refute, he merged into the crowd.

Yawning and coming to Dad's antique shop, I heard an unexpected news. The church's staff responsible for investigating George Liverpool found that the young man was missing.

This happened last night. Liverpool, who was supposed to return to the rented apartment, did not return all night. And when I went to St. Chekov Steam Power Professional Technical College to investigate this morning, he was nowhere to be found in the school.

"Is it Miss Lawrence's family..."

He said, raising his palm and gesturing at his neck.

"No, it's not."

Dad shook his head. "The focus is not Liverpool, but St. Chekov Steam Power College. When investigating the matter you commissioned, we made a big unexpected discovery. I think you should still remember the time when we went to the alley of the Stress family to buy antiques."


That time, both of them seemed to be haunted by bad luck.

"At noon when we went there, one end of the alley was blocked by a pile of brick walls to prevent passers-by from discovering the abnormality in the alley. We couldn't find any trace of the young people who built the wall until the investigators came to St. Chekov Steam Power College. Oh, this name is too long. But in short, this is probably the luck given to us by the sage."

Chapter 620 May Day Extra Update Instructions

May Day is coming soon, and Shuke happens to have an event. I plan to add a wave of updates. It's too troublesome not to open a reward.

On May Day, eleven chapters will be updated in the morning and one chapter will be updated in the afternoon. It is equivalent to adding ten chapters and 20,000 words as before, just in time for an important plot.

Seeking votes, blades, and rewards.

You can only publish it if you have 100 words.

Chapter 621 Chapter 609 Candy

"That school with a long name is related to vampires?"

Jenkins didn't think of this. He bent over to take care of the fire in the fireplace, hung the poker aside, and walked towards the counter again while wiping his hands with a wet towel.

Dad continued:

"Investigators found a mysterious student in the school, and then found that he had no shadow, and then everything came to light. The wall was blocked by him and his friends."


"Yes, and he was directly infected by the demigod vampire. I just heard the news this morning that the church finally determined the cause of the tragedy in that alley - the vampires have been looking for a special human who can perfectly match the power of the vampires. And a special item guided them to that alley. The vampires determined which one was the target by sucking blood, but that desperate action failed."

Jenkins took a few seconds to digest this information, and automatically equated "special humans" with "humans related to real phantoms" and "special items" with "all-knowing mirror".

"Failed... So, the two families that were not attacked that night had their target?"

"If the divination of the vampires is correct, then it is true. But it has been so long, and no one in those two families died except the girl who was accidentally involved in the resurrection of the corpse, which means that there is a high probability that the divination is wrong."

Dad replied.

Jenkins knew that the all-knowing mirror could not tell lies, but it might tell an incomplete truth. This means that perhaps the human they are looking for is just an important connection with the two families in that alley, not living there.

"Finny Faithful? George Liverpool? Or someone else?"

He didn't know if his idea was wrong, but ensuring the safety of the girl Finny and finding the missing Liverpool were definitely things that had to be done.

There was only one weekend left before the end of the year, and even Jenkins could detect the exciting atmosphere in the air.

All the shops along Fifth Queen's Avenue hung up the holiday decorations, and even Dad's Antique Shop had a circle of small sequins that could reflect the sun on the outside of the sign. Jenkins climbed up the ladder to do this, and he was so clumsy that he almost spilled the entire bottle of glue on the shoulders of his father who was holding the ladder for him.

For the last wave of shopping before the New Year, all stores were offering discounts and promotions. Although Jenkins would spend the holiday at church, he still needed to buy some food. He found that the price of white bread had increased by about 40%, and then sold at a 10% discount, which meant that it was actually much more expensive than usual.

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