"If you appear in the church, you cannot use divinity to heal yourself. You will only be on the verge of death due to mental damage within half an hour, so it is considered "unsafe." "

"The judgment method of the strange world is really intelligent."

The god thought so and summoned his ability again.

The process of deification cannot be wasted easily. He must find something to do for himself. As part of the power of divinity is infused into the [Unknown Road Ahead], even if the current information is insufficient, the guidance of fate is still clearly revealed.

Leaving the body in the corner of the alley, strolling to the deserted street shrouded in thick smoke, only the faint light of the gas lamp can be seen above the head.

The double moons are completely isolated by the fog, which seems to foreshadow something unusual that will happen this night.

The unicorn walked out of the fragile space wall, cried out, and lay obediently in front of the god. When Jenkins sat sideways on its back, the shining pure silver armor appeared on the unicorn, and the sacred runes wandered on the surface of the silver armor. At the same time, the horn on the top of the head also turned pure gold, emitting light to dispel a large area of ​​fog.

The cat also jumped onto his shoulder, but He did not immediately follow the guidance of fate and leave. When He walked out of the alley, He felt that there was a being of equal status nearby.

Sure enough, after waiting for a few seconds, the middle-aged man who had just met in the cemetery in the morning broke through the fog and walked out.

Like Jenkins, he was also shrouded in a pure white beam of light, and the hymns and whispers were equally dense and solemn.

The human face was full of smiles, and he stretched out a hand with his palm facing up, drawing an arc from the front of the body to the side of the body.

"Hello, new god. Let me introduce myself. Although mortals like to call me the Prince of Lies, I prefer the name of [God of Lies]."

He said. This was the first time Jenkins saw a god in the form of a saint other than himself. He looked no different from a mortal, at least that's what Jenkins thought now.

"Hello, I think we met in the morning."

"Yes, I didn't expect you to find out that I had already descended in the morning. This is really amazing."

Jenkins didn't notice that he just said it casually, referring to the body.

The God of Lies didn't approach Jenkins, but the hymns and whispers around them had begun to influence each other. It was not a conflict, but a fusion in a wonderful way, with different styles of sound spreading outward in the form of a chorus.

There is a circle of rings under the feet of Jenkins and the God of Lies that mortals cannot observe, which represents the rules of divinity. They exist in the material world, and the power of diffusion has already affected matter and humans. In this ordinary street, the rules have produced a wonderful deviation bit by bit.

"I have the same purpose as you for this trip, but before I set off, I hope we can resolve a small grudge."

Jenkins didn't know where the so-called "this trip" meant, but he thought it should be the part that fate was guiding.

PS: The extra update is over, and I ask for everything at the beginning of the month.

Chapter 635 Chapter 623 Six Gods, Nolan

I still remember that when I first became a god, the speed of my divinity burning was very fast. As I experienced this state again and again, without using any ability, the speed of my divinity burning has become so slow that it cannot be observed.

The gods looked at each other face to face.

"I became a god in this era, and there should be no grudges between you and me."

Jenkins did not speak. Ordinary words produce sound by vibrating the air, and he has mastered the production of sound by vibrating energy. Of course, it is limited to this state.

"No, new god, you and my believers have some grudges. Although I should not interfere in the affairs of mortals, I have to say that the scam is so outstanding that it has attracted my interest. I hope we can settle the grudge through a bet. Although you did not benefit from the scam, you deceived the believers of the god with the priesthood of [lie] after all."

Jenkins felt that this was unreasonable. The gods would never be hostile to another god for this reason. Unless, He was really attracted by the "Fabry scam".

The unfortunate thing is that Jenkins could not refuse at all because the other party was stronger.

"What's the bet?"

"It's very simple. The content of the bet is: Can you successfully deceive me before the end of today? If you succeed, I will give you one of my priesthoods, and if you fail, I hope you can help me solve a small trouble in the mortal world. The era is coming to an end. Except for new gods like you in the era, it is difficult for us to interfere with the material world on a large scale with our own power."

The God of Lies smiled and made a suggestion. This is a contract between the two gods in the material world. It is protected by the world. Once agreed, there is no regret.

"Within today?"

He sat on the sacred unicorn and asked softly.

"Yes, I think you will need a priesthood."

Jenkins looked at him again. There must be a conspiracy in this matter. It is a joke to deceive the God of Lies with lies, but he had to agree.

The god opposite was right. He did need a priesthood.

"I agree."

As soon as the voice fell, the starry sky of the material world underwent a huge change. For the gifter, the star representing the Prince of Lies suddenly dimmed a lot, and the star of destiny representing the new god suddenly flickered.

The magnificent meteor shower could be seen in the western part of the whole world. The colorful light broke through the silent night sky and the stable pattern that had remained unchanged for thousands of years.

Miss Audrey was not in Nolan at the moment. She was standing in the center of the huge Stonehenge in the wilderness, looking up at the stars shining in the night sky.

"Transposition of priesthood?"

Only the most sensitive astrologers or soothsayers realize this.

The lie begins with the initial conversation:

["Are you Mr. Jenkins Willamette?"

"Yes, hello, have you seen me?"

He's not Jenkins, at least not in part.

An indescribable sense of fulfillment filled his heart, and Jenkins felt that the world that originally seemed to be covered with a layer of mist suddenly became clear. The soul penetrates deeper into the secrets of this world, and at the same time, a huge amount of knowledge automatically emerges.

Deceiving a god with the priesthood of [Lie] is definitely not that simple. The god sitting on the sacred unicorn raised his head, and sure enough he saw a satisfied smile on the face of the god opposite:

"Congratulations, the new God of Lies. From now on, I will be the [God of Shadows and Stealth], protecting stalkers and people in the shadows. All shadow walkers can take care of me."

"What is He going to do?"

Jenkins asked himself.

The answer emerged naturally: "He wants to reverse his alignment, abandon [lies] and become a false god accepted by the righteous God."

It's hard to explain how he feels now, but Jenkins has indeed fallen into a trap. But both gods achieved their goals, and this was a situation they were both satisfied with.

The shining unicorn carried the new [God of Lies] into the sky, and the [God of Shadows and Stealth] also disappeared into the shadows.

They arrived one after another over the forest farm on the outskirts of the city. The ear-splitting hymns echoed here, and the gentle and magnificent light shook the night sky. There were already some people waiting here:

[The God of Corpses and Sacrifice] descended through the body of the coroner, his eyes were deep and introverted, and wailing souls appeared in the air around him;

[The God of Music] came in the form of Hathaway's "cousin". She stood on top of the music in the void, nodding to Jenkins with a noble smile;

The [God of Mystery and Ritual] is possessed by a noble lady that Jenkins has never seen before, with complex magical formations shimmering under her feet;

[The God of Flowers and Celebrations] came through the little girl Jenkins met outside the cemetery. This saint was only as tall as Jenkins’ waist, but his apparent power was indeed the strongest among the five gods present.

"Why are you here? You are not welcome."

[The God of Flowers and Celebrations] directly asked the [God of Shadows and Stealth].

"We all have a destiny involved in this matter."

replied the god of shadows.

"You betrayed your alliance?"

"Yes, I am no longer the god of lies, so naturally I cannot associate with the evil god. All the believers of the old lies have disappeared, and I have also lost the core priesthood of lies. From now on, I will use the power of the new god [the God of Shadows and Stealth] to The face appears.”

Jenkins didn't know how the evil god camp made judgments, but the other four gods seemed to accept this statement. But he at least understood that the fact that Eldron's lie followers were so easily captured and all the information exposed was inseparable from their god.

The old method of completely abandoning [lies] by the [God of Lies] was to rely on the power of lies to deceive his own believers and a god.

The six gods stood under the night sky and on the earth, greeting each other like ordinary people. Since he once "stole" a drop of divinity from the God of Music, or the "Wonderful Movement", Jenkins was not very embarrassed to look at this god.

But He didn't seem to care about it. Anyway, Jenkins definitely didn't believe that He didn't know about the existence of that drop of divinity.

"Could it be that that drop of divinity was specially left to me by Him?"

Jenkins suddenly thought and raised his head, the goddess was smiling at him.

When the six gods stopped talking, there was a commotion in the distance. A sharp sound of a baby crying came from the road outside the forest farm, and then the lights of a large number of torches and kerosene lamps also appeared there.

The astonishing explosions and roars of ferocious beasts were deafening, and the fog became thicker as those sounds approached.

But somehow, no one noticed the unusual six rays of light and the rich and sacred singing here.

PS: Let me summarize. The old God of Lies deliberately lost his priesthood to Jenkins in order to escape from the evil god camp. The method of breaking out of the evil god's camp also includes betraying one's own believers in order to completely sever ties with the past.

After no longer being an evil god, although he lost the right to act arbitrarily, he could also spread his faith more freely; similarly, because of his status as a non-evil god, he was also allowed to stay by the other four gods (excluding the weakling Jenkins). At this.

So the question is, why did He spend so much money to stay here?

Also: There will definitely be restrictions on priesthood, and Jenkins is still a mortal.

Chapter 636 Chapter 624 The Real Purpose

"One third of the divinity is left, which is enough."

Jenkins was thinking in his mind, and at the same time as the sound came from outside the forest farm, he landed on the ground with the other five gods. Except for him who rides on a unicorn, the other gods fly on their own, which makes him feel very shameless.

The landing position happened to be in front of the half-destroyed abandoned church. Liushen waited for a few seconds, and a boy of five or six years old took the lead in breaking through the edge of the dead forest and ran out.

He was wrapped in a piece of black cloth, and his exposed left arm was covered with dense eyes. The eyes on his face were normal, but the violent and fierce feeling was not something a child of this age could show.

With the appearance of the boy, the local level 8 gifters of Nolan also emerged from the woods, and behind them were large groups of combat teams.

"Oh, God!"

When the vision was no longer blocked, the first thing I saw was six human figures shrouded in pure white light. It was still winter, but the open space in front of the church was full of beautiful flowers; it was still night, but this space was as bright as day; it was still chasing the villains, but every annoying heart suddenly calmed down.

Then, the sacred singing and terrifying whispers woke them up again, and the people who saw the gods fell to the ground with their heads in their hands, and the people who came later were also knocked down by the sudden nausea and headache.

Only the eighth-level gifters standing in the front were better off, but they could only crawl on the ground, not daring to move.

"Look, here they come."

[God of Flowers and Celebrations] pointed at the son of the evil god and said easily, the latter showed an incredible expression on his face, turned around and was about to run back.

"No, you can't leave."

[God of Corpses and Sacrifices] said in a calm and gentle voice, the boy turned around with a horrified expression on his face, this action seemed to be forced.

"This is very suitable, the church of the Lord is very rare in the material world."

[God of Shadows and Stealth] said, waving his hand at the dark church behind him, the broken building was restored as if time had gone back, the elegant bronze kerosene lamps on the wall and the crystal chandelier hanging from the top of the main hall, together, bloomed brightly again.

"This is indeed a good place."

[God of Flowers and Celebrations] said again, and He also waved his arms, and clusters of flowers decorated the church. Flowers filled the air in the crack of the door, and crystal lamps were decorated. A fiery red rose was left on each bench in front of the pulpit.

"The ceremony needs a more formal occasion. This should be considered a more important thing."

[God of Mystery and Ritual] tapped the air with his white jade-like fingers, and the red carpet extended from the feet of the six gods to the altar in the church.

"Then let's get started."

[God of Music] reminded, and as He spoke, everyone nearby could hear the solemn and exciting music ringing from their ears. This is a piece of music for mortals, and it sounded at this moment like a restored church and flowers, setting off the atmosphere at the moment.

The boy walked into the church uncontrollably, and the six gods also walked side by side from the main entrance. The light of the crystal chandelier illuminated them, and the flowers cheered for them. The glory of divinity and the abundant spirit of the world overflowed in this small air.

The boy was beside the altar, and suddenly turned around and wanted to make a final struggle, but a black spear thrown by [God of Lies] pierced his heart and firmly fixed him on the altar in the front. The [God of Corpses and Sacrifices] raised his finger and gently scratched it, and its tongue and tendons in its hands and feet were immediately severed.

The six gods stepped to the altar, and the [God of Flowers and Celebrations] suggested:

"Since we are the only ones here this time, why not give each god a chance and leave the rest to the owner here. In this way, it won't be considered that we have broken the rules of the material world."

Jenkins didn't understand what he was saying, but seeing that the other four gods had no objection, he nodded.

"Then I'll go first, I want fear."

The [God of Flowers and Celebrations] said, and a snake head stretched out from the void and bit the son of God's neck, sucking hard for a few times, and spitting out more than a dozen sin coins and some golden liquid droplets.

"What a pity."

He crushed the sin coins like destroying garbage, and took the divinity back into his body.

"I want bones."

The [God of Corpses and Sacrifices] followed suit, and he directly manipulated the silver energy body scalpel to slide a few times in the void, and the body with a broken tongue immediately made an "oh oh oh~" sound. The bones separated from its body and turned into white coins and divinity.

"What a pity."

He also said this, taking back his divinity and destroying the sin coin.

"I want to be greedy."

The third [God of Music] said, and then a faint water mark appeared on the altar. The water from an unknown source quickly submerged the Son of God, but they did not flow to the ground at all. After the water stains disappeared, there were more divinity and sin coins on the altar.

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