"Mrs. Stress!"

He conjured some more ice and stuck it on the woman's skin, but she just shook it violently and looked at Jenkins, not wanting to speak.

"Finny, you try it."

"Hmm? Oh, okay."

The girl spoke a little slowly, but fortunately she could still understand Jenkins' intention smoothly.

"Aunt, I'm Finny, what happened here?"

Although she had some reaction to the name "Finny", she still didn't speak.

Finny's cousins ​​were also in this situation, and although Mr. Stress didn't react to what the two said, when Jenkins put the diary in front of him, the man suddenly jumped up from the ground:

"We will all die, retribution is coming, I know, never believe the words of the devil!"

He roared loudly, waving his arms hysterically, as if to attack Jenkins and Finny. As a last resort, Jenkins could only knock him out temporarily.


He was a little confused, but what happened here should have nothing to do with this alien creature, after all, he didn't smell the slightest sulfur. According to the customs of the mainland, [demon] can also refer to evil villains or cunning businessmen. What Mr. Streis refers to should not be an alien species.

"So what is it?"

He looked at the only master bedroom that he had not explored again, and the statue-like thing was still standing there quietly. It was about the same size as the girl Jenkins was holding, but from the outline, it was fat like a water tank.

"No way..."

He hesitated for a long time at the door of the bedroom before he made up his mind to reach out and hold the door handle, push the door open and walk in.

When the door was opened, a cold wind blew out at the same time, causing the two people at the door to shiver violently. Jenkins' judgment was completely wrong. The thing in the bedroom was not a statue at all, but a monster with blue skin.

It looked like a demon in ancient myths, and also like a monster in stories passed down from generation to generation. It was short and fat, with scary ears and eyes, and gemstone rings of different colors on its twelve thick fingers. It would not move until it saw a living person appear, which was one of the reasons why it was mistaken for a statue by Jenkins.

"Hey~ Look who's here~"

With a malicious smile on his face, he looked at the man and girl who walked in cunningly. Finny immediately hid behind Jenkins, and the cat also made a protesting meow.

"New trader? That's great, quack~"

The laughter was like a crow with a broken throat, which was undoubtedly a weird creature. But its knowledge was obviously not as good as that of the [Super] who gave candy, and it didn't realize that the person standing in front of it was not a mortal in the simple definition.

"I don't want to trade, please let us out."

This was a test, Jenkins didn't think it would be so simple.

"That won't work, this place already belongs to me. Since you walked in, although I can't actively hurt you, I will never let you leave. Come trade, this is your only way to survive."

"I noticed that you used 'you' instead of 'you'."

Even if it doesn't regard chocolate as a trading object, it shouldn't use the singular person when facing Jenkins and the girl at the same time.

"She is already a trading partner."


"No, sir, I don't know anything."

Finny explained in confusion, her mental breakdown was very serious.

"I never trade with individuals, I can only trade with a complete family. The woman in the living room doesn't have many relatives, so she..."

The monster pointed a stubby finger at Finny:

"Even if she doesn't know anything, she is one of the trading partners by default."

"What exactly are you trading?"

Jenkins asked.

"Good question! I trade luck and give the whole family more luck."

It rubbed its fingers towards Jenkins, deliberately making the metal rings on its fingers collide and make a chaotic sound.

"What's the price?"

Jenkins asked again.

"No price..."

Jenkins snorted in response, no one would believe such words.

Chapter 649 Chapter 637 One and Six

Seeing Jenkins' expression, the monster who claimed to be able to give luck added in a sweet voice:

"But you are a gift giver, you should understand that there is a limit to the luck that everyone can bear. When you get more than what fate allows, then bad luck will come in a larger form. Mortals are always greedy. They think they can control their greed, but they still exceed that dangerous line... I will only charge a small fee after bad luck comes."


It was just a simple exclamation. Jenkins felt that he should say something like this at this moment.

In this way, everything was explained clearly. About a year ago, Mrs. or Mr. Stress encountered this thing in front of them from nowhere and chose to trade with it in order to change their fate.

The surge in luck brought more money to the family, and in order not to exceed "that line", the Stress family always remained restrained and did not try to obtain more wealth, so they have been living in such a place. Affected by blood, Finnie's luck also changed. Frequent encounters with Jenkins in winter and eventually being adopted by the church are probably the result of this influence.

But the greed of mortals will eventually destroy them, and misfortune eventually strikes. The first thing that happens is most likely the death of the eldest daughter of the Strese family. Even Mr. Strese's unemployment may be one of the omens. But no matter what, the monster in front of him collects the small reward according to the transaction content, and the reward is everything the family has.

The fall at the door just now was obviously caused by Finny's "bad luck", which could also explain her current lethargy, while Jenkins and the cat were fine at all.

He now has some crime coins in his hand, but he doesn't dare to bring it up. The creature in front of him has made it very clear that according to the rules it cannot harm Jenkins, but it will not let him go easily. If Jenkins offered to use sin coins in exchange for a way out, it could refuse the transaction and wait until Jenkins dies to get all of his possessions. After all, the water and food here are limited.

"I don't want to trade with you, but I do want to leave."

Although Jenkins relies on the ability of [Observer] to be immune to the ability to manipulate fate, it is the fate of the family that it controls. There are other people in the Williamt family.

"Of course, I'm not a difficult person to talk to."

As he spoke, his right hand with six stubby fingers drew a circle in the air, and then a pure black dice appeared out of thin air and floated in the air. It is the same size as a dice commonly found in casinos, except that the concave dots representing the points are a chilling blood red.

"How about a bet with me? As long as you beat me three times, you and that girl can leave. But as long as you lose any of them, I will randomly take away something from you. Anything is possible... .We can keep betting until you win and leave or I take everything from you."

Jenkins is now very suspicious that before entering the material world, the thing in front of him relied on dice games to trap the entrants in the strange world.

"Do I have a better idea now?"

He asked himself, then nodded stiffly: "Okay."

At least these weird things follow the rules.

"Easy, let's compare the size on the upward side."

As it spoke, it pointed at the dice in the air with its fingertips. The black dice immediately spun rapidly, and the side that stabilized and pointed upwards had six red dots.

"Looks like I'm pretty lucky."

It showed that disgusting smile at Jenkins again, with the intention of tempting Jenkins to beat him up.

Jenkins stretched out his finger with a cold face and clicked on the dice in the air. Very little soul was sucked into it, and then the dice began to rotate again, and the final number was 5.

"It seems that your luck is also good, but unfortunately not as good as mine."

It laughed loudly, stretched out its hand and dug into the void, and Jenkins immediately felt a slight tearing sensation in his soul. It "took" a shining grain of sand from the air, which was Jenkins' new gift.

"This is what you lost to me."

With that said, he clicked the dice again, and the result was one.

Jenkins frowned suspiciously, and then stretched out his finger. It turned out that it was three o'clock.

"You won once."

Of course he felt bad that his things were taken away, but obviously leaving here was the most important thing. Until now, he couldn't guess what he was doing. He didn't believe it was a fair game at all. What was even more obvious was that the thing in front of him that could manipulate luck would spare no effort to win by any means.

The monster stretched out his finger and pointed at the dice for the third time, and the result was one. Jenkins did the same again and the result was four points and he won again.

There is no further communication between the two creatures, and the fourth round begins again, with the monster's point count being six.

It smiled maliciously at Jenkins, with the corners of its mouth almost reaching behind its ears, which was impossible with human body structure.

"Extreme luck..."

It was either one or six four times in a row, and Jenkins had figured it out. Since it can give luck to others, of course it can also give it to itself. The two [1] just now looked like they were teasing Jenkins.

But he really had no way to change this. The only way was to bet that the thing on the other side would not take away Jenkins' [soul] or [life] before it reached the threshold of luck.

"I've never had good luck."

He looked at the dice wordlessly and wanted to extend his finger but hesitated. Jenkins didn't want to suffer any more losses.

"Fini's luck should be at an extremely low level right now, and it's impossible to ask her to help."

Thinking of this, Jenkins logically thought of his cat. Based on observations after adopting it, Chocolate should have very good luck.

He reached out to pick up the chocolate, then grabbed its right front paw and stretched it towards the dice. Sure enough, the dice started again, and the result fell on six.


The thick and short monster sighed like this, and a few wrinkles appeared on its big face with blue skin.

He looked at Jenkins' cat wordlessly, and then looked at the man inquiringly, as if he had encountered some problem. But it didn't say anything. It stretched out its hand and pointed the dice again. It was still six.

The corner of Jenkins' mouth twitched, and he once again took the cat's right front paw and touched the dice, which was also six.


It looked very proud, its tail kept rubbing Jenkins' chin.

In the sixth round, both sides were six.

In the seventh round, both sides were six.


Chapter 650 Chapter 638 Escape

In the ninth round, the monster still had six, but it couldn't laugh at all now. Jenkins held the cat's paw forward again. The cat squinted its eyes, knowing that it couldn't have six again. Even if Jenkins had seen many flaws, it couldn't be so obvious.

The little paw gently waved at the dice, and the dim room covered up the abnormal movement of the shadow. Thousands of black lines thinner than hair crawled on the floor and gradually gathered under the black dice.

In the ninth round, the result of Chocolate's throw was 3.

Jenkins and the monster showed a relaxed expression on their faces at the same time. The former gently shook his cat, happy that the series of sixes just now was just an accident, and the latter silently reached his hand into the air, but only took the wallet from Jenkins' pocket.

In the tenth round, the short fingers paused when they touched the surface of the dice, and the rolling dice actually swayed twice in the air for the first time, and the result was 1.

Jenkins looked at the result suspiciously, worried that it was a trap. He asked Chocolate to stretch out his paw again, and the result was 3.

"So, can we go?"


It answered absentmindedly, looking at its fingers and the dice in the air.

Although he didn't know what was going on, Jenkins still pulled Finnie and ran out with the cat.

He passed the bedroom door and walked through the living room. He could already see the door at the end of the darkness, but at this moment he heard an angry voice behind him:

"I see! Stop! You liar, you cheated!"

"Damn it, it's going to regret it"

Jenkins just pretended not to hear and quickened his pace. At the same time, the extremely faint black aura covering the surface of the house was drawn away and moved towards the master bedroom. The black aura gathered into the body of the monster with blue skin, and the dazzling light meant that it was really angry now.

Like a surging insect tide, black and smelly sewage rushed out of the bedroom like a wave. Jenkins held the door handle and pushed the door open, but his feet were stuck by the sticky tide.

He jumped out with all his strength, and the flames wrapped around his feet to evaporate the water vapor. But the girl Finnie, who was holding his hand, was pulled back into the door by a huge force. Jenkins would not let go, of course. Standing outside the door and looking behind him, he saw that there seemed to be an invisible film blocking the black water in the room from the door.

The angry blue face of the monster appeared in the depths of the tide, and its hand was holding Finnie's feet.

"Hold me tight, don't let go!"

He said to the girl, who had recovered a little bit of spirit at this time, and her face full of fear and panic was very close to Jenkins' face.

The unquenchable flame extended along the girl's body, and had a fierce confrontation with the black sewage. The sound of hissing was filled with water vapor, but the water from unknown sources seemed to have no limit. Jenkins suspected that this was the result of his gift being used by the weird.

A voice in his heart reminded him that it was better to let go now, otherwise he would be implicated, but the moral sense formed over the years did not allow him to do so.

But fortunately, Jenkins did not have to make such a moral choice. Because in the deeper part of the black water, another figure appeared.

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