What surprised him now was that the person who was replaced was not the groom, but the clown who performed on the fringe of the wedding scene.

"Huh? Why do we invite clowns to the wedding?"

Naturally, no one could answer his question. While he was thinking about this boring question, someone next to him actually spoke to him:

"Jenkins, this is great, Yura and Mr. Garcia are finally together!"

It was Hathaway who spoke, or who Miss Garcia thought she was in the dream. She looked the same as she had seen a few minutes ago, except she was wearing a slightly more mature dress.

"We will be next month too..."

The woman blushed and lowered her head as she spoke.

"It turns out that Miss Rick thinks Hathaway and I have this kind of relationship, ha, that's really interesting."

Generally speaking, the mental strength of ordinary people is not enough to support a huge dream with rich details, so after Miss Rick's eyes moved away from Jenkins and Hathaway, the girl next to her never spoke again.

Jenkins followed her example and sat upright, secretly looking at the clown on the side and guessing what it wanted to do.

The wedding started soon, and everything was ordinary, except that the people attending the wedding showed exaggerated excitement and excitement, which forced Jenkins to be the same as them, but in fact he had no such mood at all.

"In the name of God the Artisan (Garcia's Faith), Ellen Goodbair Garcia, do you wish to marry Miss Eula Anker Rick?"

Chapter 690 Chapter 678 Dream Demon

"Yes, Father, I do."

Garcia said in the dream.

"In the name of the true God of all things (Miss Rick's belief), Yula Anke Rick, are you willing to marry Mr. Allen Goodbair Garcia?"

"It's me, I do."

Miss Rick's face lit up with happiness and it would have been an absolute dream if no one else had intervened.

"In the name of the Twelve Righteous Gods, is there anyone who objects to the union of these two people?"

The old priest asked with his hands raised in the air. Judging from his clothing, he belonged to the [Church of Creation and Mechanism]. According to mainland custom, the priest who presides over the wedding should be invited from the religion of the man. That is to say, if Jenkins gets married, then...

"Damn, what was I thinking?"

He patted his head and heard someone shout:

"I object!"

Of course this was what the clown shouted.

"Oh? Please explain your reasons!"

The priest said loudly, and the clown immediately dropped what he was holding and walked along the red carpet in front of the newlyweds. However, none of the sitting guests had any strange reaction.

"I object to their union because I also love Alan Garcia deeply!"

The clown is male, and Miss Rick naturally understands what this means. She looked at her groom with shocked eyes. The latter lowered his head in embarrassment, but did not shake off the hand held by the clown.

"Oh, sage!"

Jenkins never imagined that the story would develop like this, and he already regretted wasting his precious sleep time to come here.

"Sorry, Miss Rick."

He first apologized silently in his heart, after all, the next actions would probably leave a deep impact on the owner of the dream.

"No, you are so cruel to me!"

The guests sitting in the first row suddenly stood up. According to custom, they should be the groom or the bride's closest relatives. The bald man in a gray formal suit shouted, stood up and walked quickly to the clown, grabbing his hand:

"Are you lying to me? You said that the person you love deeply is..."

The clown immediately looked at Miss Rick in shock. This was not his script. He regarded this as a subconscious counterattack from the dream owner. In fact, Miss Rick is also ignorant. She has not even understood what is happening now.

"Oh no!"

Another man let out a sad cry and jumped out to hold the clown's arm. Following his actions, almost all the guests in the audience had the same reaction, and countless hands reached out to the clown at the same time.

The latter could only dodge somewhat awkwardly and use his own hands to block the grabbing hands. Suddenly, the touch of a hand felt a little different. It felt an extremely cold breath running down the arm towards the head. In an instant, even the ability to control dreams was frozen.

He struggled to leave this unfortunate dream, but was pulled up to the sky by a huge force.

"caught you!"

Jenkins got out of the quilt with a low cry, holding a ball of colorful smoke tightly with both hands. This thing looks like a gas, but is actually solid. When you hold it, it feels like squeezing jelly.

"It turns out it's not a nightmare, it's a dream monster! Damn it, you killed me!"

As he spoke, he picked up the empty teacup on the side and stuffed the contents in his hand. Then he picked up the teapot and poured some water in. He froze the water with a flick of his finger, thus sealing the mouth of the teacup.

Dream monsters have extremely powerful abilities in dreams, but in reality they are so weak that they cannot be broken by even a thin layer of ice.

"Hathaway! Hathaway!"

He didn't even pay attention to his cat and quickly walked out of the door in his slippers. The cat purred at the top of its lungs and looked at its tail wagging back and forth in boredom.

"Hathaway! Hathaway!"

Jenkins quickly came to the corridor, looked around, and found that Hathaway was not in the bedroom. This was better, after all, Jenkins didn't know how to explain to Miss Michael that he had come to visit so late.

Walking along the corridor towards the stairs, I found a red-haired girl at the corner. Neither of them had lighting tools in their hands, and only the faint moonlight shone through the clouds and windows into the villa.

The girl's back was turned to Jenkins, and the wind blowing from nowhere blew her long hair away from her shoulders. Jenkins guessed that it must have blown in from the broken window of Miss Mihail's old bedroom.

Hearing the footsteps behind her, Hathaway turned and looked back. When she saw Jenkins in the dark wearing pajamas with a smile on his face, his face turned red again.

"You, what are you going to do?"


He was as excited as a child, stepped forward and raised the cold tea cup in front of the girl.

"Look, what I caught!"

Hathaway looked suspiciously at the bottom of the ice layer of the cup. Although she did not have [dark vision] or other abilities, she could barely see the colorful things.

After a slight hesitation, he asked, "Dream Demon?"

As the answer came out, she suddenly realized the reason for Jenkins' strange words just now. Barring that possibility, she didn't think Jenkins would say anything so proactive.

"Yes, it's the dream monster. This thing invaded my dream just now and made me dream of some... strange things. Now it's caught by me!"

"Really? But you can actually detect the manipulation of the dream monster, which is amazing."

Her interest suddenly waned, and she felt like a big fool. She was actually anxious because of the words of the man in front of her just now. It was impossible for such words to come out of this man's mouth.

Hathaway thought again of the beautiful dream she had before hearing Jenkins' strange voice. If it hadn't been for that dream, she wouldn't have foolishly believed Jenkins' words after waking up.

That dream should also be related to this dream monster.

"Let's interrogate it together! It's definitely not a coincidence that the dream monster appears here!"

Jenkins suggested.


The woman's voice was a little low. She was very angry now, but she didn't know who to vent her anger on, so the thing in the teacup became the best object to vent her anger on.

The two found an empty room along the corridor. Jenkins flicked his hand to light the candlestick on the table. They pulled up the chairs in front of the desk and sat down, looking at the tea cup.

"Be careful it escapes."

Hathaway reminded.

"I see."

Jenkins nodded, stretched out his right index finger that was burning with flames, and poked a round hole in the ice at the mouth of the tea cup.

The dream demon immediately "squeezed" out of the round hole, but when it saw the man standing in front of it, it retreated silently and remained motionless, as if it was pretending to be dead.

Chapter 691 Chapter 679 K

According to previous records and historical data, dream monsters are not an evil race like nightmares. Although they all feed on dreams, dream monsters will not actively harm the owner of the dream.

But in order to get better dreams, that is, food, dream demons sometimes use their talents to guide dreams in extraordinary directions. Manifested in human cognition, it is the kind of dream that causes great ups and downs of emotions.

Just like what I did just now, even though it looks bad, it's not a bad idea to call it a "prank".

"Don't be afraid, I won't kill you."

This is the truth, Jenkins has no murderous intention yet.

"Don't worry, as long as you can answer some of my questions, I won't care about what happened just now."

This is a lie, and there is no way that Jenkins will not retaliate.

"What do you want to ask?"

The childlike whispers of a child came into my ears. This was a spiritual conversation. For non-corporeal spiritual creatures like dream monsters, spiritual dialogue is instinctive.

"Who assigned you to attack us?"

He had decided that this was not an accident.

"I can't say that I signed a contract. If I tell the other party to the contract, I will be punished horribly."

Jenkins immediately looked at Hathaway, who was not surprised by the result.

"Then why are you here? Are you being raised?"

That's Hathaway's problem.

"No, please don't insult me, I am the free dream demon Zhuoman! This evening, I was traveling in the gap between reality and dream, and I smelled the smell of [mental blocking metal] here, so I appeared here. "

[Psychic Obstruction Metal] is an artificially manufactured Class B extraordinary thing, but all things are mutually reinforcing, which is the best food for a small number of spiritual races. This is what Dad told Jenkins. Unexpectedly, Dream Demon actually likes this thing.

"Have you met the owner of those metals?"

"Yes, we signed a contract. That person gave me a large piece of metal and asked me to test the dreams of each of you to identify who is the transcendent."

This sentence is true, which means that the murderer is also a transcendent. According to what Jenkins saw in the villa, apart from him and Hathaway, the only remaining benefactor was Mrs. Hydra.

"is her?"

Jenkins thought in surprise, while indicating what Hathaway was asking.

"Whose dream have you invaded?"

she asked.

The dream demon was silent for a while before answering in a timid voice:

"You two, and Bryony Michael, Alan Garcia and Eula Rick."

All the people who were lost in the storm returned safely. This almost impossible thing made someone in the villa suspicious. This should be one of the reasons why the murderer tried. But that person may not be Mrs. Xudela. After all, just having [Mind Blocking Metal] and a supernatural contract does not mean that she must be a supernatural person. It's just that the probability is very high.

Due to the effectiveness of the contract, the dream demon Zhuoman refused to reveal any information about the human to Jenkins and Hathaway. But Hathaway soon found a loophole in the contract. After all, it is difficult to be very strict with a contract. Even the church's confidentiality contract sometimes fails.

The loophole is that the restrictions of the contract in dreams are weaker than in reality. Jenkins personally followed it and sneaked into the dream of a servant downstairs, and the dream demon transformed the approximate body shape of a human.

The body shape is very vague and the face cannot be seen, but it is obviously inconsistent with the image of the middle-aged woman Xudela. According to observation, it is very likely that it is a man, and there are more than two digits of people with similar body shapes in the villa.

"Is it really an ordinary person, or is there a benefactor living in the tunnel of the villa that we don't know about?"

There are only these two possibilities at present.

Jenkins wanted to get more information, so he played a trick. He and the dream demon were in a dream, and Jenkins had the home advantage here.

"Sir, I won't run away, can you not be so hard?"

The colorful irregular object made a pitiful sound, but was immediately pinched by the man with greater force and dared not make a sound. Jenkins threw it on the street casually, and the content of the dream at this time was that the manservant was enjoying the summer time in a dessert shop on the street.

"I can't see his face, you need to make a clearer face."

"Oh, sir, I really can't!"

It screamed in the street, and the passers-by did not show any surprise at all.

"Then I ask again, answer me seriously, what is your name?"


"When did you appear in this villa?"

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