Chapter 694 Chapter 682 Connotation and Questioning

The key keeper and Jenkins and his group eventually met on the second floor of the villa and started a gunfight. In the end, the bullet that Jenkins wanted to shoot at his opponent's arm accidentally penetrated his forehead, which ended it all.

In addition to the key keeper, a servant who followed Jenkins and the housekeeper also died in the action. This was the seventh servant to die since the arrival of the tour group. The purpose of the keeper killing the doctor has not been discovered by everyone. They can only roughly guess that maybe the doctor has also discovered something about him. In order to prevent him from being interrogated after waking up, the old man killed him one step ahead.

But these are all speculations. With the doctor not being the only murderer, Jenkins has become suspicious and suspects that there may be a third murderer in this villa. At least so far, he still doesn't know who saved Miss Michael, and who killed Franklin Quick between the doctor and the key keeper.

He once suspected that Quick saw something he shouldn't have seen before his death, so he was silenced, but now there is no evidence for this speculation.

But although the key keeper deserved to die, he was really just an ordinary person. It is still unknown whether he was the one who signed the contract with the dream demon, and Jenkins did not find the smell of sulfur in his small house.

The bodies of the dead are now stored in the innermost room on the first floor. Although it is winter and there is no need to worry about plague, it is better to be careful about such things.

Looking at the neatly arranged bodies in a room, Jenkins had an inexplicable feeling that the number of bodies would increase before the police arrived.

He trusted his intuition very much, so he did not relax his vigilance because of the death of the key keeper. He also reminded other people in the villa to be more careful, for fear that someone would be killed alone again.

No more incidents occurred that day, and after dinner, everyone returned to their rooms to rest.

Although the housekeeper had seen Jenkins's shooting skills, he still thought it was not appropriate for him to live alone. Jenkins also considered this, but unfortunately cats would not sleep in the same room with strangers. If Hathaway had not given him a step in time, Jenkins almost didn't know what to do.

"It's okay, Mr. Mangus, Jenkins..."

She pretended to look at Jenkins in an ambiguous way, and the latter felt puzzled.

"Jenkins' room is very close to ours, and he will come to us to chat at night."

The housekeeper understood now, nodded to Jenkins with a straight face, and then turned and walked away quickly.

"What does this mean?"

He really didn't understand the "connotation" of the above sentence.

But Miss Michael and Hathaway didn't want to explain for Jenkins, "Don't ask anything."

The blonde girl said to Jenkins, looking at the innocent face, and somehow added: "Of course, if you really want to come to us to chat at night..."

She was halfway through her words and realized what she was saying.

This is not a sudden madness, the reason is Jenkins. Although he can't be called a real god, he already has a certain essence. For ordinary people, his life level is completely different, so he also has some qualities that mortals should not have, such as [Charming Humans].

This trait is not obvious now, and only ordinary people with too much mental exhaustion can be affected if they have a good impression. Therefore, when Miss Michael said such a thing, Jenkins should be blamed.

As soon as she finished speaking, Hathaway looked at her with the eyes of a madman. The blonde girl's face flushed. She knew that no matter how she explained it now, she would be distorting what she had just said, so she stared at the embarrassment and shyness and continued to say to Jenkins:

"If you are worried about problems at night, you can also come to our side. You can arrange for the servants to bring up the sofa in the lounge. I think it should be okay to make do with it. Hathaway said that you stayed in your living room all winter."

She didn't look at Hathaway's expression, but turned her head to look at Jenkins, and even wanted to use the last sentence to make her expression more natural.

But even Jenkins smelled that the atmosphere was wrong, so he looked at Hathaway, hoping that she could say something. Hathaway was staring at the side of Miss Michael's face, as if trying to see the letters on her fair face.

For a moment, the three people looked at different people, and the only one who saw this scene was the cat lying on the windowsill.


It stood up, arched its back and stretched out its front paws, stretching and calling. The man and two women subconsciously turned their eyes away and looked at the surrounding walls. Jenkins felt his heart pounding, but he didn't understand why.

"Are they inviting me to live with them?"

He felt his heart beat faster, so he replied: "Okay, I'll arrange for the servants to move the sofa."

As he said, regardless of the reactions of the two people behind him, he picked up the cat and walked quickly towards the stairs.

This time, Jenkins didn't refuse with the reason of "the honor of men and women". It was not because he wanted to do anything, but he and Hathaway felt a vague threat. His inspiration is much stronger than Hathaway's, and his foresight of danger is also stronger. He has not forgotten the door he encountered on the first night here. At that time, the vibration frequency of the pocket watch chain was the highest since he obtained this item.

Living in the same bedroom with the girls may not be appropriate, but it is better than someone dying silently.

"Britney, what are you going to do? I'm not Jenkins, so please don't use that boring excuse!"

The girls' quarrel did not begin until Jenkins' figure completely disappeared at the stairs. This was the rare time Hathaway used this tone to Miss Michael. She was not a fool like Jenkins, so she understood the true meaning of the incomplete sentence just now.

Jenkins was not here now, and Miss Michael did not have to worry about anything. She opened her arms and hugged Hathaway:

"Oh, Hewei~"

"If you want to make me forget this in this way, I'm sorry, I don't think it's possible."

Although she said so, the girl's tone was obviously softened a lot. Seeing that the blonde girl stopped making excuses, she asked in a softer tone:

"Can you tell me what happened? You were not like this in the past. I noticed that you have been a little strange during this period. Come on, tell me, there are no secrets between us. Do you remember the grassland we went to when we were sixteen? It was beautiful, really beautiful..."

Her tone was 70% similar to the tone of [Lullaby (Yellow Spell)]. This is a simple hypnosis method that can only be done by a gifted person like Hathaway who is extremely proficient in music.

Chapter 695 Chapter 683 Choice

"Haiwei, I... I'm sorry, I can't say it."

Miss Michael's voice was inexplicably weak, which showed that hypnosis was effective. Hathaway didn't do this often, but it did have an extraordinary effect.

"Even I can't know? Dear, what happened... It's warm now, yes..."

"Sorry, Hewei, my father said that if this matter is leaked, it will bring disaster to the family and us. Yes, I can't say it."

Miss Michael's voice became lower and lower, and her eyelids drooped as if she couldn't open them.

"It doesn't matter, I am you, you are me. Remember our vows? Tell me everything, I will share it for you."

Hathaway said in the softest voice in Miss Michael's ear. Of course, you can't get too close. If the wind in your mouth touches your ears and causes a physiological reaction, then all your efforts will fail.

"Share? Yes, Hewei, I'm so painful, that choice is too painful for me. My father said to me..."

This matter is simple to say, but the shock it brought to Hathaway is not so easy to fade. Unlike the blonde girl who is not sensitive to current affairs, she has been paying attention to the situation in the kingdom. Because she knows the status of Marquis Michael, who holds half of the kingdom's navy, she will be surprised by the choice he will make.

Therefore, Hathaway easily guessed an absolutely impossible fact. She easily found the truth, but she didn't dare to believe it.

"How is this possible?"

She took a long time to control her emotions, and also noticed her abnormal breathing.

"Okay, I will share it with you. Oh, Britney, the environment is really warm now, yes, very warm. Do you want to sleep for a while? Sleep without any worries, sweet sleep, maybe you can dream of some wonderful things. Forget the worries, Britney, forget, forget what happened just now, when you wake up..."

Her voice became lower and lower, until finally there was only the sound of Miss Michael's even breathing in the corridor.

"Little fool."

She pityfully brushed away a strand of blonde hair hanging on the girl's nose, and then picked her up in a princess hug.

"You are so stupid, Britney, do you really think this is a choice?"

Before leaving the corridor to the bedroom, she looked back again in the direction where Jenkins left.


There was a deep sigh after the name.

(Chocolate is running...)

Although some people were surprised that Jenkins stayed overnight in the room of two ladies, Hathaway and Miss Michael did not object, so they could not say anything.

Chocolate was of course dissatisfied with this decision, but since it was two human women living together, it finally endured it.

Speaking of which, this was also the first time that Jenkins had lived in the same room with a woman since he came here last summer. Although he slept on the sofa, the faint scent of powder after entering the room still made him a little frightened.

After dinner and chatting with everyone for a while, the travelers planned to go back to the room to rest. Jenkins and the butler held candles and checked the body again, then sealed the room from the outside, and then returned to the second floor.

Before parting with the butler, he also specifically asked him to pay attention to Mrs. Xudela, the only remaining benefactor among the original residents of the villa. Although no problems have been found with her at present, and Miss Michael was probably rescued by her, she cannot be completely trusted.

He was not in the mood to continue reading the novel tonight, but planned to use the evening to carefully read the documents seized from the doctor and the key keeper.

Fortunately, the two ladies did not plan to go to bed early, so he could sit at the table with the light on and read carefully.

Because of the effect of the supernatural power, Miss Michael had no memory of being hypnotized after waking up. Even if she took the initiative to invite Jenkins to rest here, she was still a little shy when the incident really happened.

The only sound in the room was Jenkins flipping pages. Miss Michael couldn't stand the depressing atmosphere, so she wanted to chat about something.

"I think the servants who went out for help should have walked halfway. Although it is still snowing today, the snowflakes are small and not dense. If we are lucky, we will see the rescue team on Wednesday morning."

"You are a little too optimistic."

Jenkins said casually: "Just before going upstairs, I saw from the first-floor window that a large dark cloud floated in the east sky again. I think tomorrow may be another blizzard. I just hope that the two people who went out can get out of the mountain before the snow gets heavier, otherwise they are very likely to be trapped on the road. May the sage bless them!"

"It doesn't matter even if they can't go out to contact for help. Many people know that we are traveling here. If we don't return to Nolan before Friday, someone will definitely come to find us."

Hathaway also joined the conversation.

She roughly guessed what happened to Miss Michael through what happened in the afternoon. Although the terrible guess could not be completely confirmed, as long as she thought about it, she felt dizzy.

But this is really a good opportunity. She never thought that happiness could be so close to her. Maybe Miss Michael would hesitate about that choice, but she would never.

Just as she whispered, it was not a multiple-choice question at all. There was only one correct result.

The red-haired girl thought of this, and the blonde girl naturally thought of it too. She glanced at Hathaway hesitantly, pretending to be interested in the books on the bookshelf by the wall, tiptoed to take down the "Savior Prophecy" on the top shelf, and then asked the man who was working with his head down:

"Jenkins, how old is Chocolate now?"

"I don't know much either. I picked it up on the street. Chocolate is probably a small pet cat that can't grow up, so you can't tell its age from its body shape. In fact, this cat has many quirks. I have always suspected that it is actually a very old cat."

Chocolate opened his eyes and looked at Jenkins, and his tail whipped his wrist.

"Oh, so. I heard that chocolate is very greedy? So, if there are two pieces of cake in front of it, and it will be very happy if it eats one, and you will be very happy if you eat the other, which one will it choose to eat?"

This is a very strange question, and the only person in the room who doesn't understand the meaning of this question is Jenkins. This question is easy to answer because Jenkins knows chocolate very well:

"Of course it wants both. Since there are two pieces of cake in front of it, why should it let others take them away?"

Section 696 Chapter 684 Snow Mountain Disaster

While answering the strange question, Jenkins pushed aside the tail that was rubbing against his wrist, and the cat made a dissatisfied sound.

This answer was not what Miss Michael wanted. She once again squinted her eyes to observe Hathaway's expression. The latter pretended not to understand anything, and imitated Miss Michael's previous actions, took down the book "Stage Introduction: Singer" from the bookshelf, and pretended to be interested in flipping through it casually.

"What if it's you? If you have two cakes in front of you."

"What kind of strange question is this?"

Even if Jenkins is stupid, he can tell that this question is not as simple as it seems, but he lacks some key information, so he can't guess the real agreement.

"If it's me? Probably like chocolate, I want all of them. Obviously, both cakes are in front of me, why should I give them to others? Hathaway, what do you think?"


Hathaway didn't expect that she would be dragged into the conversation, but now that Miss Michael has looked over, she has to say something:

"This question is very interesting. I think the original intention is to consider your own happiness and the happiness of others. If you can do it, of course you should hold both in your hands. If you can't do it..."

She deliberately paused here, "If you can't do it, then find a way to do it. Jenkins is right. Since there are two cakes in front of you, why should you let others take one of them?"

The blonde girl nodded silently and didn't ask any more questions. She hid her face behind the book in her hand, feeling her heart beating violently, and she could even hear the sound of bang bang bang~. She lowered her head so that the other two people could not see her expression, and thought of the rosy dream last night.

"All... all?"

She was frightened by her own thoughts. Although she was born in an aristocratic family and was accustomed to the chaotic relationship between men and women, if it happened to her, she...

She tried hard not to think about it, otherwise she didn't know what would happen.

The three people in the room blew out the candles at half past ten. Miss Michael and Hathaway slept together on the big bed with white curtains, and Jenkins slept on the sofa near the door.

Chocolate was placed on the cushion next to the sofa, and Jenkins also found a blanket for it. But in the middle of the night, the cat woke up a little unaccustomed, and ran to the back of the sofa above Jenkins' head and lay down, with its tail hanging down along the back of the sofa, and the tip of the tail just above the side of Jenkins' nose.

Jenkins usually sleeps lightly. He probably subconsciously felt something moving above his head, so he twisted his body on the sofa, moved forward a distance, and turned his body slightly inward. This made the tip of his tail point to his mouth, but cats and people didn't notice it because they were in deep sleep.

When sleeping, his mouth is slightly open, breathing air evenly. And the slightly hot air he exhaled is facing upwards, warming the kitten's tail bit by bit.

It felt a little uncomfortable because of this, so it stood up and stretched out its furry head to look down, and its big amber eyes saw Jenkins' profile.

The beard on the side of Chocolate's mouth trembled slightly, and his face showed a tangled look, wondering whether to take revenge on the culprit who woke him up.

When he was hesitant, the pair of small cat ears shook, and looked into the distance in confusion. Then he lay down again, maintaining the previous posture, but deliberately lying closer to the edge of the sofa back.

The kitten slid down the slope of the sofa back little by little. When it reached the edge where the downward gravity was greater than the upward friction, it fell down and hit Jenkins's face hard while he was sleeping soundly.


"Who wants to murder me~"

The screams of the man and the cat rang out at the same time.

Miss Michael and Hathaway, who were awakened, hurriedly stuck their heads out from behind the curtain. The latter re-lit the kerosene lamp and saw Jenkins and Chocolate falling on the carpet in a funny posture. Even though Chocolate was light, it still hit Jenkins' face hard when it fell from a height.

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