Of course, this may not meet the requirements of some readers, and I also know that for online articles, this may be a bit too slow.

Let me be blunt, the first time the indescribable thing happens to Jenkins will be at the end of the next volume that has not yet started - "Stage of Destiny" or in the intermission after the end. But if you don’t have a car, you won’t have one even in the group. You all know that the crackdown is now strict//.

Also, now that it is under maintenance again, I can’t see you guys talking anymore, but please continue to support “Lord of the Deception”, thank you.

Chapter 700 Chapter 687 The Final Murderer

After gathering his things, Jenkins returned to the hallway and took a look at the girls' rooms, then headed to the room on the third floor where he slept the first night.

I changed rooms before because a murderer appeared in the villa, and everyone was panicked. Originally, a large area on the south side of the third floor of the villa was occupied by guest rooms for male travelers. After Jenkins and Garcia moved away, it became a deserted area with no one living there.

As soon as I turned the corner from the corridor, I heard the sound of fighting in front of me. When Jenkins arrived, except for a few small holes in the wall, there was no one in the corridor.

The last door around the corner is still Jenkins' original room, and the mysterious door has not appeared again.

"Someone got into a fight with Mrs. Hydra, and Hathaway must be monitoring the escapees. In other words, the real prisoner is the 'killed' person who stayed in the villa. The inference is not wrong, but Still need to make sure.”

He saw that no one appeared again, so he planned to open a way to the first floor to see whose body was missing. Of course, the first floor is dangerous now, but considering that most of the room doors are closed during avalanches, even if snow rushes in through the windows, theoretically there should be a place to stay in every room.

Continue walking down the corridor, listening carefully for the subtle sounds along the way. The weather outside was gloomy, and the blizzard had begun to take shape. The snow particles made a sound when they hit the broken glass and walls.

The servants lived together in one area, but it was not ruled out that there were patrols or the unlucky ones who went to the toilet did not escape. First, I tried to burn through the floor to get to the first floor, but then I remembered that I might not be able to go up.

"Let's start from the morgue. The missing body should be one of them."

It successfully burned through the floor of a room on the second floor, and the snow layer below was only a few feet away from the ceiling.

Tie the sheets in the room to the foot of the bed and climb down. While using flames to melt the snow near the door, use [Frost Fist] to freeze the snow near the window. This was not easy and required a lot of control, but luckily it didn't cause more snow to squeeze into the room.

The corpses took on a strange shriveled shape due to the compression and freezing of the snow. After just a quick glance, Jenkins discovered that there was one missing body. The name of the body was that of his companion who died first, Franklin Quick.

"It's you, K."

He snorted and gave up his plan to continue searching for the missing person. He struggled to pull the sheets back to the second floor, lowered his head and tidied his clothes, then walked back to the corridor where the first night's room was, and opened the door opposite the room.

This was Quick's room. After his "death", out of respect, no one went through his luggage. Instead, they locked the room and handed the key to the keykeeper——

"The person who led us to the steam furnace and found the small cubicle should be Quick. He asked us to kill the key keeper, not only because he wanted to find someone to take away the responsibility for killing the doctor, but also because of the key. The custodian has been in here."

As luck would have it, Quick didn't seem to have time to come back and sort out his things. He spent a lot of time staging the bodies and weaving the murders, and the room was just as furnished as it had been the last time Jenkins had closed the door.

Those important things will not be placed in a conspicuous place, let alone in the suitcase. Finally, Jenkins felt something in the lining of the clothes hanging on the hanger. After tearing the clothes open, he discovered that they were letters.

The first letter was signed with a familiar surname - Wellington.

In the big event at the end of the fall, a demon-possessed little Wellington causes a lot of trouble for Jenkins. After the incident was over, all the followers he had snare should be taken into custody by the church, which caused a big stir among the nobles.

"A fish that slipped through the net?"

I opened the letter while thinking about it, but there were just some ordinary greetings and greetings inside. This is normal, because those letters with critical information will definitely not stay here.

"Is Quirk's arrival at the Villa related to those demons?"

This was only the first letter, and a total of five letters were found. Jenkins did not recognize the recipients of the second, fourth, and fifth letters, but he knew immediately who the third letter was from. The envelope's sealing wax is in the shape of a very abstract bat, and at the end of the letter it actually says "May the red moon protect us."

"Such a wide range of friendships? Are vampires also related to things here?"

He was stunned for a moment and put these new items into his pocket. This was crucial evidence.

In addition, Jenkins also found a detailed travel plan, the date of the plan was the summer a year ago. It seemed that Quirk had been preparing for this trip since a long time ago.

If these terrible things hadn't happened, there would have been nothing wrong with the plan. But judging from what is known so far, it is very likely that he came here with a purpose. Perhaps he learned some secrets about the villa from the mouths of demons or vampires.

Walked out of the room and stood in front of the window in the corridor for a while, thinking about what happened after coming to this blizzard villa, waiting for another unusual sound.

Soon, the sound of chasing footsteps came from a distance. Jenkins turned around, and Mrs. Xudela and Quick, who should have died long ago, ran out from the corner of the corridor one after another.


The blessed holy bullet shot out, but did not cause any harm to Quick. He grabbed the metal bullet with his right hand, looked at Jenkins and threw it aside. I thought he would rush over head-on, but Quick hit the wall next to Jenkins' original residence and disappeared.

"Level 4, the same as me."

Only at such a close distance could Jenkins discover his identity as a gifter.

"Oh, God, this is bad."

Mrs. Xudela trembled and slid to the floor against the wall, while Jenkins knocked on the wall where Quick disappeared with his fingers, but did not find any traces of secret passages.

"I think you should be able to tell me now, what exactly happened here? I have a bad feeling."

He was ready. If the middle-aged woman in front of him still didn't tell the truth, he would directly summon a unicorn and take his cat and friends away from here.

"He broke into the seal room!"

Mrs. Xudela jumped up and put her hands on Jenkins' shoulders:

"Go quickly, go as far as you can, and then notify the Orthodox Church! Right below this villa, there is an extremely terrifying creature sealed. The door you saw is the only passage to the seal. Our clan has guarded this place for generations, and we will only pass through that door every ten years to check whether the seal is intact!

Chapter 701 Chapter 688 Behind the Door (1/10)

"What is underneath?"

"Don't worry about it! The man just now broke the seal by some means, causing the door of the seal room to appear ahead of time. Once he touches the core of the seal, he may release that terrible disaster. "

"What is underground? "

He asked again, taking the metal block out of his pocket and holding it in his hand, ready to face the worst at any time.

Mrs. Xudela hesitated, but seeing Jenkins' serious expression, she knew that he had to know the truth no matter what.

"Okay, but this secret must not be known to those with ulterior motives!

Under the ground is a puppet with a soul, and it's not even a weird thing. The family records do not mention its name, but only say that it is a failed product created by a great man during an experiment. "

Somehow, Jenkins thought of the puppet in the counterfeit shop.

"Can you open that door again? If we can catch up with Quick, then everything can be stopped. "

"I can open the door, but we can't get in. The puppet will spontaneously emit mental pollution to the outside world. Our family's bloodline is special, so we can enter once every ten years. "

"Mental pollution? Oh, it doesn't matter, I... I have special items on me that can strengthen the strength of the soul and spirit. Open the door quickly, I'll stop him. ”

It wasn’t that he suddenly wanted to be a hero, he just didn’t want to leave like this. Leaving not only meant that he would expose the unicorn to Hathaway and Miss Michael, but also meant that the entire area would suffer a catastrophe.

Seeing Jenkins’s firm attitude, Mrs. Xudela also knew that this was the best way. She asked Jenkins to step back a few steps and stand in front of the window, and she faced the wall where Quick disappeared.


The woman roared, lowered her head and rushed forward. Jenkins could hear the sound of the skull hitting the wall, and with this brave impact, a door gradually appeared from the illusion.

“Oh, are you okay?”

Jenkins stepped forward to treat her. External injuries are easy to treat, but the action of opening the door seems to have brought her other effects. Even if all the injuries on her head disappeared, the middle-aged woman still couldn’t stand up. She refused Jenkins’ help and crawled to the wall little by little:

“Mr. William, you don’t need to pity me. This is the mission of our clan, and it is the glorious mission given to us by the great one. My ancestors have been guarding this place before the villa was built, and now I have done everything I can.

Go, please stop the man just now, remember, don't enter any door underground! "

The voice became smaller and smaller, and Jenkins was scared to think she was dead. But the woman still had a weak pulse, but she couldn't be cured no matter what. Jenkins could only put her on the bed in the next room, and then ignored the vibration of the pocket watch chain and pushed the door open without hesitation.

Behind the door was a dark staircase spiraling downward, which looked like the secret passage of the castle in ancient stories. The staircase was paved with gray bricks and stones, and there was no lighting equipment on the walls on both sides.

Jenkins summoned the gift of candles and climbed down the stairs, and clearly heard footsteps below.

"I forgot to ask about the terrain of this place. "

He thought with some annoyance, running down like a cat. The stone steps were very clean, without even a speck of dust. But all the way down, he could find a fresh line of blood running along the rotating stone steps and on the wall. This must have been left by Quick, but he didn't know what the purpose was.

Jenkins wanted to erase this thing, but found that even if he destroyed the wall, he couldn't touch the blood-red line. It seemed like just an illusion, but the dazzling blood-red reminded Jenkins all the time that it was very dangerous.

He ran down while looking for a solution. Flame burning, frost freezing, and physical destruction were all useless. Later, Jenkins made up his mind and aimed the extremely fine [Mechanical Light] at a point on the line, and actually successfully made a breakpoint on the blood line.


That was enough. He took back the light and continued to go down. The spiral staircase remained unchanged, making people doubt whether they were moving.

But Jenkins could keenly detect that the sound below was getting closer and closer. Obviously, his speed was faster than Quick.

Jenkins didn't know where this downward staircase would extend to, but he caught up with the person in front before the staircase reached the bottom.

No matter how light the footsteps were, they were still discovered in advance in such a quiet environment. Quick didn't turn around to fight with Jenkins, but frowned and looked back. Before Jenkins threw out the silver light, he suddenly disappeared like the wind.

The bottom of the stone steps was probably more than a thousand feet away from the ground, and it was connected to a fan-shaped platform. Opposite the stairs was a door locked by more than a dozen iron locks, with brass locks densely arranged on the door, but the door was already open.

"No, didn't you say you can't enter any door? But there is no other way here."

Wind blew out from the crack of the door, and there was a sweet smell in the wind. At the same time, the sound of orchestra and music came from behind the door, as if there was a banquet hall where a banquet was going on.

"This is underground, how could there be wind."

This simple trap naturally couldn't deceive Jenkins. He looked around again and whispered "Twin Demons". As the man ran up the stairs, the black figure hit the door and caused a deafening explosion.

The structure here is extremely strong, and the explosion of the twin demons did not cause a landslide. After the explosion, the door disappeared, replaced by a deep corridor.

He summoned a monocle to look into the darkness, holding a gun in one hand and a metal block in the other and continued to move forward. The corridor was short, but different doors appeared on the wall every few steps. These doors were open with a gap, and there were different sounds, smells and colors behind the doors.

This was obviously tempting Jenkins to walk into a certain door, but such a trap was not worth mentioning. Perhaps the appearance of the door was accompanied by mental induction, but unfortunately, after so many things, Jenkins's spirit had become so strong that it transcended the human category.

After a short walk, there was a small circular space. In the center, a sapphire larger than the head of an ordinary adult male was quietly suspended in the air.

The golden chain rose from the ground to the air and entangled it, and the entire open space was covered with unrecognizable ancient runes.

"Is this the core of the ritual?"

Jenkins thought in surprise, and suddenly heard a gust of wind behind him, and hurriedly dodged to the side. But the weapon was so fast and urgent that he could not dodge and was hit on the shoulder by the sword.

PS: "la candle" has become a sensitive word, so I used "fire candle" this time.

Chapter 702 Chapter 689: Making a feint to the east and attacking in the west (2/10)

"I didn't expect that in this era, there are still people who would use cold weapons like swords."

At this time, Jenkins still taunted. In fact, his wound was not serious except that it looked terrible. The green breath kept healing his wound in the shadows.

"There are some armors over there. If they were holding guns with bullets, you would be dead now. William, I didn't want to kill you. If you died, I would get into more trouble. But unfortunately, the condition for breaking the seal is to sacrifice a living person, and that woman cannot be used for sacrifice because of her special blood. Sorry!"

"Why do you want to kill the doctor?"

He asked while holding up the sword blade. Quick probably thought he had a great advantage, and actually answered:

"It's easier for me to act after faking my death. Although I learned from those aliens what was sealed here, I still need to carefully check where the door is."

"You are the one who led us to discover the secret of the key keeper, right?"

"Of course, I need someone to take the blame for killing the doctor to prevent others from thinking of me. I really didn't get there first, William, you are the gifter. Well, please die!"

With the last shout, he pressed down on the sword again.

Jenkins took a deep breath, "Look at my face!"

Quick subconsciously raised his head, but saw the raging flames spewing out of Jenkins' mouth. He was surrounded by the eternal flames in an instant, screaming and rolling on the ground.

With the experience of killing people in the abandoned church outside Nolan last time, Jenkins was worried that his death here would meet the conditions for blood sacrifice, so he took back the eternal fire when he had a breath left and gave him a simple treatment.

After taking another look at the blue gems glowing in the darkness and the golden chains composed of runes, Jenkins carried Quick on his shoulders and prepared to return to the ground.

As they walked out along the dark corridor, the tempting doors on the wall did not appear again. The end of the corridor was naturally the fan-shaped open space. As long as they crossed the open space, they would reach the entrance of the stairs.

With five steps left to go out of the corridor, Jenkins stopped with a frown. Since the size of the fan is much larger than the width of the corridor, standing in the corridor will have a large visual blind spot for air. Especially the side close to the entrance of the corridor, it is impossible to see anything due to the obstruction of the wall.

He suddenly had an extremely dangerous premonition. It seemed that something was waiting for him on the side of the entrance of the corridor.

Throwing Quick to the ground, tearing off his unburned clothes and lighting them with the Eternal Fire, and then throwing the stone wrapped on the ground into the passage.

The open space on the fan was illuminated, and at the same time, the shadow of the hiding figure was also elongated because of the appearance of light. It was an object similar to the height of a child, with obvious edges and corners on the body and limbs, and the joints were hollowed out and connected together by unknown means. It stood next to the entrance of the corridor, standing motionless.


Jenkins swallowed his saliva, "Isn't the seal very complete? Is it another illusion similar to the door?"

He didn't dare to bet that it was an illusion, and the figure hiding on the side of the corridor entrance did not come out. The two of them were in a stalemate, and Jenkins could definitely sense the dangerous aura of the shadow master.

The thrown clothes burned quietly, and even though Jenkins deliberately controlled the burning speed, it still went out after a few minutes.

The moment the flame went out, a black figure emerged from behind Jenkins, slid forward silently, and exploded the moment it passed the entrance.

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