The two looked at the blizzard outside again, each thinking about what was in their hearts. After a while, Mrs. Xu Dela reminded tiredly:

"But there is one more thing to pay attention to. When you were underground, there was a strong earthquake, probably caused by the explosion. Although there is no need to worry about avalanches near the hot springs, the servants who went out for help are likely to be in danger. We may have to wait longer, so take some food and clothes from the villa and go back..."

Jenkins did not forget to go to the snow to find his cat. It must have been frozen after waiting in the storm for nearly three hours.

When Jenkins saw his phantom, he found that there was no cat on the snow, and the snowflakes had submerged the cat's small footprints when it left.

He hurriedly ran back to the camp next to the hot spring, and hurriedly hugged Hathaway with tears in her eyes, and then saw the cat lying in front of the fire and sleeping quietly.

"Chocolate came back half an hour after you left. It was shivering with cold and lay in front of the fire without moving. We were scared at the time, but fortunately it was just sleeping."

"Oh, I shouldn't have left it alone there. It might have really frozen."

Jenkins said guiltily, squatting down and stroking Chocolate's back.

When he said this, he completely forgot that during several flights on winter nights, except for him who was frozen, the cat and the unicorn didn't feel cold at all.

After talking about the cat, Hathaway hugged him again. After he finished speaking, the man realized that his posture was a bit indecent and wanted to separate from Hathaway. Unexpectedly, Miss Michael also ran over and hugged the two of them, which made Jenkins unable to break free.

"It's good that you're back."

Of course, Hathaway would not break away. She just whispered softly in Jenkins' ear.

An inexplicable feeling filled Jenkins' heart. His nostrils opened slightly, smelling the smell of the two girls, and then realized that he looked like a pervert.

They separated before others noticed this. Chocolate was already very dissatisfied at this time. Jenkins comforted it for a long time before the cat returned to normal.

Now all the mysteries about what happened in the Blizzard Villa have been revealed, and all they need to do is wait for the arrival of the rescue team. With this mood, they spent a peaceful night on Tuesday.

As for the harvest this time, after obtaining the consent of Mrs. Xudela, the sapphire as big as a human head was lying in Jenkins' suitcase. After putting it in, the box was barely able to close again. And Jenkins also wanted the thousand-year-old cedar next to the hot spring. The tree was not hollow, of course there was a tree core. But he was embarrassed to tell Mrs. Xudela about this, after all, the tree was planted by her ancestors and grew for thousands of years.

If he asked, Mrs. Xudela would most likely agree, but it would seem that Jenkins had some intention of repaying a favor.

Although he sometimes did things without considering the consequences, he still paid attention to his image in front of such admirable people.

"Maybe I can take out something to exchange with her."

Thinking like this, he fell into a deep sleep.

It was still a blizzard on Tuesday morning, and people were locked in their houses and couldn't go out. Except for the brave like Jenkins, who took the initiative to go out with his bold servants and returned to the villa to find some fuel, most people sat quietly in front of the fire and watched the flames sway.

Jenkins finally reached a deal with Mrs. Xudela, and he used his black mist necklace to get the thousand-year-old heart of the cedar.

If it was a general special item, of course Jenkins would suffer a loss. But the necklace comes with bad luck and some bad legends, which makes it difficult to sell it at a good price.

Mrs. Xudela insisted that Jenkins suffered a loss in the transaction. She was a very kind woman. Although she didn't have anything valuable, she still took out everything she could offer for Jenkins to choose.

Those were some fragmented materials and unidentifiable spiritual items. Chocolate finally took a fancy to a blood-red ball, so Jenkins chose this as a gift for the cat.

The ball feels like glass, and it will automatically release heat once it touches the human body, which is equivalent to a small stove when going out in winter. This was what Mrs. Xudela exchanged with a strange benefactor who passed by the town a year ago. She didn't know what it was.

The red ball's aura showed a mottled appearance of gold, blue and green, but the color was very light. I think it was artificially made and it would soon become ordinary again.

"Chocolate likes this kind of round thing very much."

Jenkins shrugged and soon forgot about it. The cat took advantage of the man's inattention and wiped the red ball with his paw. If Jenkins looked back at this time, he would definitely be able to see the bright aura that was revived.


The cat pushed it twice with its two front paws, and then spit out its bright yellow beads. With a light touch, the latter completely absorbed the former.

This is the swallowing rule of similar items. If the [Life Orb] did not belong to Jenkins, the cat would have swallowed it long ago.

But the result now is already very good. Although the red ball is nothing compared to the original moon, it has a little essence of the sun, which will promote the better evolution of its own beads.

Chocolate looked at Jenkins secretly again, intending to give him the thing in the hot spring as a small return gift.

There are five houses next to the hot springs. In order to avoid crowding, people are scattered in different buildings. The wind and snow in the evening were a little lighter. Jenkins, who was bored, couldn't find Garcia to chat, so he planned to find Hathaway and Miss Michael to see the hot spring that was said to be never frozen all year round.

He pushed open the door and squinted to welcome the snowflakes, and saw two girls running over quickly. Because they went deep into the manor to pick up their luggage twice, most people had enough warm clothes. They took off their scarves and their cheeks looked slightly red.

"What's wrong?"

Jenkins asked.

"Just now we went to the southernmost house to ask if they wanted some firewood, and we saw..."

Miss Michael blushed.

"I saw Garcia and Yura inside."

Hathaway added, but blushed and didn't look at Jenkins' eyes.

Chapter 706 Chapter 693 Curiosity kills... (6/10)

Jenkins was not stupid enough to ask the man and woman what they were doing inside, so he just smiled awkwardly, then quickly walked around Hathaway and Miss Michael, who were also blushing, and came out of the door alone.

It was obviously no longer appropriate to invite them to see the hot springs together, so Jenkins could only take his cat with him.

He walked a few steps along the snow, walked around a large rockery made of boulders, and behind it was a spring. It is said that this spring was not originally large, and it was the people in the villa who expanded it to its current usable appearance and surrounded the hot spring with a circle of pebbles as decoration.

The water temperature was not very high, and there was no steam coming out of it, but it would be very comfortable to soak in it in this season.

Jenkins knew that several ladies could not take a bath because they lived here. Although they did not complain, they always minded in their hearts. They should have thought about the hot springs here, but there were men so close, and the women would never choose such a time.

"Chocolate, do you want to take a bath?"

Jenkins squatted down and splashed some water with his hands, then asked jokingly.


Chocolate's fur immediately exploded, and he stuck his head out of his collar to fight with Jenkins. While the two were playing, he completely got out of his collar and wanted to climb onto Jenkins' shoulders to occupy an advantageous position.

But the clothes he was wearing now were not the same ones he wore when he came here. The cat's paws didn't find a good point to bear the force, and he accidentally fell off Jenkins and fell into the hot spring with a splash.


The kitten made a miserable cry, and sank into the water and didn't float up again.


Jenkins knew long ago that his cat hated water, but he thought Chocolate could swim, but just didn't like his beautiful hair to get wet. Now that he saw that it didn't float up, Jenkins panicked, and didn't even have time to take off his clothes, and stood directly in the hot spring.

The depth of the spring water was shallower than Jenkins thought, and Chocolate sank to the bottom probably because it was too small.

The spring water was not clear, so Jenkins could only bend down to touch his cat. At this moment, Chocolate's cry came from the center of the hot spring pool again.


He shouted again, not caring why the cat moved so fast, stepped on the water to walk inward, then took a deep breath and submerged his head in the water.

The underwater vision was not very good, and Jenkins took some effort to find that the cat was struggling pitifully at the bottom of the water, and its small right hind paw seemed to be hooked by something.

"Huh? There are water plants in the hot spring?"

The center of the hot spring is close to the spring eye, and the water is deeper than the shore. In order to prevent danger, the builders used some wooden boards to surround the spring eye, but the wooden boards are low and can be stepped over by lifting a foot.

He didn't care about doubts, and dived in, touching Chocolate's feet along its body, and then touched the thing that entangled its claws.

It was not a water plant as guessed, and it should not even be a plant. There was a sticky feeling after holding it, and rubbing it with fingers, and you can feel a thin and hard rod in the center.

"Chocolate, go."

He easily untied the unknown substance wrapped around the cat's paw, and then lifted the cat up. Sure enough, it used this force to quickly paddle the water and swim upwards.

Jenkins wanted to float to the surface, but he was curious about what he had just caught, so he pulled hard, trying to bring the thing back to the surface. But unexpectedly, the thing in his hand was extremely slippery and he couldn't use any strength at all.

"What on earth is it?"

Chocolate probably reached the shore, and Jenkins had no worries. He let his body dive into the water, then grabbed the thing with both hands at the same time, and wrapped it around his right wrist to prevent it from slipping out of his hand, and pulled it hard again.

Although he still didn't pull the thing out, he could feel it loose. Jenkins guessed that part of it might be in the cracks of the stones at the bottom of the hot spring, so he first exposed his head and took a breath, then tied the unknown strip to his wrist again, sighed in his heart and pulled it hard.

Under the man's huge strength, the thing in his hand was completely separated from the stones at the bottom of the water. It was longer than Jenkins had expected, so it took some effort to completely drag it away from the bottom of the hot spring.

Just when he wanted to surface and observe again, the thing in his hand suddenly moved like a snake. Subconsciously letting go, he felt a long strap quickly wrap around his feet, and the other end tied his hands.

"Did I encounter A-06-02-3339, [Death of the Drowned]?"

He thought in surprise, suddenly feeling that his whole body had no strength, and at the same time, a huge spirit poured into his body from the outside world.

The body fell motionless under the water, and the oxygen stored in the lungs was quickly consumed. All this happened in less than half a minute, but Jenkins was already in a very embarrassing situation.

"Chocolate, go find Hathaway!"

He shouted in his heart, hoping that his cat would be smarter, but he couldn't see the cat standing next to the hot spring and looking at the sky.

With the [Immortal] here, of course he wouldn't drown here, but the feeling of water pouring into his lungs is really terrible, and the huge amount of external spirits pouring into his body is so comfortable.

At this moment, a white hand reached into the water and pulled Jenkins out of the water.

He was like a pig being tied up and waiting to be killed, but he was still very grateful to the person who saved him.

"Is this really...Miss Bevanna?"

He immediately began to suspect that he was hallucinating because he was hovering on the edge of life and death.

"Long time no see, Jenkins."

The woman's voice and appearance were what she remembered, and it seemed like this was not an illusion.

Probably thinking that the "lifting" gesture was a bit indecent, she picked up Jenkins and then walked back to the shore. After pulling hard, she didn't expect that the transparent tape wrapped around the man would not move at all. Only then did Miss Bevanna show her surprise.

"Why are you here?"

He rubbed the ground and sat up. Although his hands and feet were tied, his body movements were unrestricted. But my whole body was soaked, and when the wind and snow blew on the shore, I immediately started to shiver.

"According to the plan, you should return to the town at the foot of the mountain this morning and take the steam train back to Nolan. But the manpower arranged by the church in the town did not see you. The news spread to Nolan. I am worried that you will run into trouble again. , came right over.”

She frowned and thought while answering the question. The belt that tied Jenkins was a puzzling question.

Chapter 707 Chapter 694 Bad Joke (7/10)

"Did you fly here?"

Jenkins asked in surprise as the flames rose to dry his clothes.

"That's not accurate. In fact, I flew here on a dragon, which was faster. Mr. Niederhorgen is waiting for me behind the snowy mountains over there - he likes to call it that. Speaking of which, Is there a landslide here? I saw from the sky that the mountain over there seemed to be bitten by a moon-eating civet."

"No, I think the landslide should be a natural phenomenon. Oh, I'll explain what's going on here in a moment. It's a very complicated story... Can you help me untie this thing? I feel a little numb in my wrist. ”

Chocolate had already wandered up to the two of them, and the fur on its body was drying very quickly. Seeing that Jenkins' clothes were still wet, he didn't rush to his shoulders, but stood aside, feeling quite gloating about his misfortune.

"Sorry, Jenkins, I don't think I can untie it."

Miss Bevanna chuckled and shook her head: "Look, this is no ordinary ribbon. I think this should be C-01-02-3229, [Ectoplasm Remains]."

"A gift?"

He didn't expect to get such an answer. Now that he calmed down and took a closer look, he could indeed feel the vague sense of attraction. He immediately took it into his spirit according to the original method. The restraints on his hands and feet were indeed released, but the spirit that continued to pour into his body also stopped immediately.

"Jenkins, misfortune and luck always go hand in hand, and this is especially obvious for you. [Ectoplasm Remains] is an item that can only appear in the rich areas of the world spirit. It is condensed from a huge amount of ectoplasm. Although it has the nature of a gift, it does not have a special function. It only transfers its spirit to the owner after the user summons it, but this also means that it will be completely destroyed after a period of time. disappear."

"So what happened to the binding?"

He asked while rubbing his numb wrist, which now had obvious strangulation marks.

"The mutual attraction between the ectoplasm and the body of the giver will actually happen as long as you call it out, so you'd better find a safer place when using it."

Seeing that Jenkins was drying clothes with a flame, Miss Bevanna bent down and tried to pick up the cat standing on the snow.

But Chocolate dodged easily, hiding behind Jenkins' legs and only exposing her butt. In fact, it wasn't hidden at all.

"It looks like you've had a great few days."

She looked at the row of huts next to the clearing from a distance. The people there had not noticed anything strange here.

"Wonderful... I guess. I will write a report and hand it in when I get back. There is a benefactor in the blizzard villa. Although he is dead, there are still many problems with him that have not been solved."

He only planned to tell the story about the doctor and the key keeper, while the culprit, Quick, had disappeared in the avalanche. On the one hand, this was to help Mrs. Hydra keep the secret, but on the other hand, he didn't know how to explain the dramatic scene that happened in the sealed room.

"Would you like to go back with me now? Although the rescue team has already set out, they won't arrive until tomorrow morning. The dragon shouldn't mind giving you a ride."

"No, no, I think I'd better go with my friends, otherwise I can't explain my sudden disappearance."

Just at this moment, Hathaway walked over here and waved at Jenkins when she saw him standing there. Miss Bevanna was blocked by the rockery and was in Hathaway's blind spot, but she must have heard the chatter with the help of the diamond earrings, so she came out to see.


"I'll go back right away and meet a friend!"

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