There were very few people in the tavern, but the light and temperature were very suitable, so the price must be quite expensive. But this time, the stingy writer doesn't care about money, he just wants to escape from things he doesn't want to think about.

Chapter 710 Chapter 697: Missing the Tavern (10/10)

Coming to the bar with chocolates, the middle-aged bartender in uniform raised his head and smiled at Jenkins:

"Is this your first time as a guest? What do you need?"

"Drinks with low alcohol content, preferably warm."


Chocolate reminded him and scratched his shoulders with his little paws, reminding him that there was a cat here.

"Oh, I want some more desserts, I'll take a look."

He stretched his head and looked at the shelves behind the bartender: "This one, and that one over there. Let's take these first, I think that's enough."

The bartender used the tip of a pencil to write down Jenkins' request on a piece of paper threaded with wire, and then asked:

"For low-alcohol drinks, is juice okay?"

"Of course, it's for the best."

He originally thought that the taverns in Loen City only had high-concentration spirits.

The single table in the tavern is a round log-like table, and Jenkins chose the seat closest to the inside. Cats will stop running around when they have food, so after taking some time off, Jenkins looked at the other people in the tavern and thought about how to deal with his relationship with Bryony in the future.

Probably because the price of this pub is expensive, the quality of the people who can come here to spend money is also higher. There was no talk at the scattered tables where people were sitting, and the loudest sound in the room was the harp held in the arms beside the wall.

The owner of the instrument is a handsome young man, with his eyes closed and his body gently swaying to the soft rhythm of his music, looking intoxicated.

The style of music he played was something Jenkins had never been exposed to before. It reminded him of the dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves to the ground, and of the white doves flying past the giant trees. It made him want to play the ripples reflecting the sunlight. Sparkling lake surface.

Everything was so peaceful, and I couldn't help but relax. Even the cat rarely calmed down and listened carefully.

Soon, another guest stepped into the warm tavern from the wind and snow. It was a woman wearing a cloak, and the hood protected her from the wind and snow. Although he couldn't see the face, Jenkins recognized it as Miss Stuart's personal maid Julia.

The woman ordered some food and drinks from the bartender, and when she turned to find a table, she also saw Jenkins. She laughed in surprise and sat across from him.

"Good evening, Miss Minnewick. Are you here to do some errands for Miss Stuart?"

"Good evening, Mr. Willamette, I'm really surprised to meet you here. No, I'm just out for a walk. Your Highness is invited to a party tonight by the youngest daughter of Duke Congais and does not need my services. You Why are you here?"

This is the rare time the two of them spend together alone. Generally speaking, the combinations of Jenkins and Alexia, Julia and Miss Stuart are common.

"Alexia is away this week, and I was in a bad mood tonight, so I wanted to take a walk around Loen. I'm on a train trip right now, and it's really hard."

The man complained softly.

"Miss Miller didn't tell us where she was going, but she hopes to be back before the end of the week. If you are feeling restless, you can come here often. Although it is a bit more expensive, this tavern is really good."

The maid comforted her, she was really understanding.

"Are you worried about something too?"

Jenkins asked rhetorically.

"Everyone has troubles."

Julia responded softly, but did not explain further.

He knew some of this maid's past, and her life experience was even more miserable than that of Feeney, because Feeney had at least met her parents, and had relatives who were willing to take care of her before she met Jenkins.

What Julia and Fini have in common is that they met a "noble person". Miss Stuart spotted this girl at a glance from the crowd praying for alms on a snowy night eight years ago. From then on, Julia Minnewick's fate changed. The experiences of the first ten years of her life and those after her life are simply impossible to connect.

Julia has never talked about this past event in front of Jenkins, and he will not take the initiative to ask about it. Only occasionally would Jenkins think about it when he saw Feeney. After all, he now played a role similar to Miss Stuart.

"I find you really special."

Julia added that the music of the harp also relaxed her spirit a little, and she dared to say some things that were inappropriate for her status in front of Jenkins.

"If you want to say that my attitude towards you is different from others, that I am completely equal to you, and that I do not treat you as a servant, then there is no need to say more."

Jenkins reminded that somehow, in this relaxed state, he could easily read Julia's thoughts. These words were related to the other side of his life. After being extremely nervous and frightened tonight, and then feeling relieved, he suddenly began to miss that place.

"You are indeed different."

The woman said with emotion, tilted her head and saw that after eating enough chocolate, she lay down next to Jenkins' hand to rest.

Twenty minutes into the conversation, it somehow turned to the topic of harps.

"Look, does the man playing the piano by the wall look like the bards in ancient legends? They are the extraordinary beings who rely on spells and musical abilities. This is really interesting."

Jenkins asked, still immersed in the memories of the past.

"Bard? I didn't expect you to read those legendary novels. It's true, but the current era is no longer that primitive and rough era."

"Primitive... I like the scenes in ancient legends. Adventurers travel together, wizard towers explore the mysteries of the world, dragons roar in the sky, and gods look down on the world. The tavern is bustling, bards sing loudly, warriors boast loudly about today's harvest, stalkers play daggers by the wall, and wizards weave new plans under their cloaks. The glory of witchcraft and divine arts illuminates the world, and alien creatures are active on the edge of civilized society..."

He realized that he was a little too excited, smiled and shook his head, and didn't continue.

"That should be a long time ago."

Julia couldn't fully understand Jenkins's mood, and no one in this world could understand the mood of this stranger at this time.

Both of them fell silent. In order not to make the atmosphere awkward, Jenkins stood up and planned to ask for more food for the two.

"What you just said is very interesting."

When taking out the cup of juice, the bartender praised. Jenkins' voice just now was not deliberately suppressed, after all, what he said was also in popular novels.

"It's really interesting. I want to go back to that interesting era."

As he said, he handed Jenkins the third drink, but he didn't buy so much. The last one looked like plain water and looked very ordinary.

PS: The extra chapter is over, 10 chapters and 20,000 words have been added! Please vote and ask for everything!

Chapter 711 Chapter 698 Chaotic Dream

"This is for you. I like guests like you."

Seeing Jenkins' confusion, the bartender smiled and said.

"Oh, thank you very much."

The complimentary drink was not water, and the bartender was not so stingy. Jenkins tasted some carefully and felt that it tasted quite good.

Even Chocolate stretched his head to share a share, but the cup was small, and Jenkins drank it all in one gulp.

The cat cried unsatisfactorily.

After drinking the cup, sleepiness gradually rose in the melodious music. Eyelids could not help but droop down, even when talking with companions, consciousness also sank irreversibly.

Julia took another sip of juice, somewhat surprised that Jenkins did not answer her immediately. Looking forward, the man had fallen asleep on the table.

"Mr. William must have a lot of troubles, after all, he has to face so many dangerous things."

She did not wake up Jenkins, but let him continue to sleep peacefully. Suddenly thinking of what kind of expression and action his highness would have if he was here, Julia smiled gently.

Dreams are the most bizarre things. Jenkins fell into a dream again, and this time he did not realize that he was dreaming. This is quite unusual. After all, even if the star spirit led him to the star realm in a dream, he could feel it.

"Yo~ Are you all here?"

The warrior Jenkins holding the heirloom sword asked at the table in the tavern.

Bard Hathaway held her harp and looked at him tenderly; young priest Finnie pinched the corner of her robe nervously, but her face was full of determination; wizard Alexia held a sky-blue magic cube with runes shuttling inside; archer Stuart held the ice longbow, eager to start the adventure.

There was also a lazy cat on the table, which was actually the druid Chocolate. The team of five people and one cat was going to kill the dragon in the mountain together.

They encountered many dangers along the way, but the six people worked together to solve them. When Jenkins' sword finally pierced the dragon's throat, everyone cheered.

At this time, he had realized that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. Everyone surrounded him and walked into the dragon's lair, passing the gold coins on the ground and the cage where the princess was imprisoned, and saw the treasure chest lying in the deepest part.


Everyone said together.

Jenkins walked up quickly and opened the lid of the treasure chest decorated with gems, only to see a note lying inside. He took out the note and found that it was a text he couldn't understand. The text was in the shape of long and thin strips, like slender green leaves or grass leaves, or tightly intertwined vines.


Druid Chocolate reminded that because Warrior Jenkins also had elven blood, he could understand what he said.

"Oh, by the way, I am a descendant of pure-blooded elves, this is elven language!"

He suddenly realized this and read the text on the note:

[Player (White Basic)]

"Ability? I am not dreaming... It seems that I am really dreaming."

It was as if a basin of cold water was poured down from the top of his head, and the whole person suddenly woke up. Everything in front of him began to collapse, and his friends waved goodbye to him. At the end of the broken dream, there was a towering tree...

He opened his eyes and stood up from the table, staring blankly at Julia sitting in front of him.

"How long have I slept?"

"Half an hour. Did you have a nightmare, Mr. Williamite? You look very bad."

The maid subconsciously wanted to find a towel to wipe him, but then she remembered that this was a pub.

"I, I, I had a strange dream. Yes, I remember that there was something wrong with the drink just now, the drink that the bartender gave me!"

He stood up and was about to settle the bill with the bartender, but was stopped by Julia. She asked curiously:

"Sorry, but what exactly do you mean? Did the bartender give you a free drink?"


There were only four cups on the table, which were left over from two orders. He looked up at the bartender at the bar. He was not a middle-aged man, but a white-haired old man. Seeing Jenkins looking over, he nodded politely.

"Oh, sage~"

He groaned and summoned the light of his ability, [Player (White Basic)] was clearly in sight.

According to the observation of the Eye of Truth, the old bartender in front of him was just an ordinary person. The middle-aged bartender that Jenkins had been seeing just now had nothing to do with him.

"Sorry, I think I'm in some trouble."

He picked up the glass with some melancholy and drank the juice in it.

"No, maybe it's not appropriate to call it trouble."

Before Julia asked, he added. He did not suffer any loss, but got an ability for free.

Unable to understand what had just happened, he could only take his cat and Julia to say goodbye, and then returned to the steam train that was still running at high speed. Julia stared at Jenkins' empty seat for a while, and put on her cloak again and stepped into the deep snowy night.

The old bartender stopped wiping the glass after Julia completely disappeared. He looked at the young musician who was still talking about the harp by the wall.

The musician walked to the front of the counter leisurely until he finished talking about the song, and the bartender gave him a glass of water.

"Those eyes are really powerful. If it weren't for the blessing of the great Lord, I would definitely be exposed in front of him."

The musician complained in a low voice, "I didn't expect that this mission to the material world would be so complicated. Also, what is the cat next to him? I feel like it has discovered me."

"I don't know anything. I'm just an ordinary human bartender. It has nothing to do with you pointy ears."

The old man smiled and changed a glass to wipe it. The musician lifted his hair to reveal the pair of pointy ears, and the other humans in the tavern didn't notice it at all.

"Okay, since you don't want to say it, I won't ask. But is this enough? Just send that ability."

"Okay, your mission is complete. Before returning home, you can enjoy a vacation in the human world, but don't cause me trouble."

"Okay, I understand, it's very simple."

After that, the two looked at each other at the same time, and then drew the sacred emblem on their chests:

"May the Lord of Flowers bless you forever."

The train soon carried a group of tired travelers back to Nolan City. Breathing the familiar dirty air, Jenkins actually missed the smell a little.

He hugged and said goodbye to Britney, Hathaway and Miss Lawrence awkwardly in front of the train station. He stood in front of the street light at the entrance of the station with his box, watching the carriage carrying them disappear into the night. Then he turned around and left, and boarded the church convoy that greeted him at the next street corner.

Chapter 712 Chapter 699 Emerald Dream

There were not only Miss Befanna but also Dad on the carriage. They all came to greet Jenkins. Dad moved inside to make room for Jenkins who bent over to come in.

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