Chapter 738 Chapter 724 The Road of Music

In the small kitchen, Hathaway explained the matter of [Player] incoherently, but still did not mention what Jenkins was most concerned about - what exactly is the use of this ability.

The information currently learned is also very scary, because this ability is actually related to [Wonderful Music] who masters the music priesthood.

This really scared Jenkins into a cold sweat. The drop of divinity in the Shire City Cemetery has made him begin to suspect that this gentle god of music is planning a complex and secret conspiracy around him. Now that he knows that the inexplicable ability is related to it, Jenkins is almost certain that the appearance of [Player] must also be the work of this god.

Of course, he guessed wrong.

"No matter what, I must go to Shire City within a month and take another look at the tomb and the corpse in the tomb!"

He made up his mind and felt that there was another pair of invisible eyes behind him observing him. The hair on his back stood up, and the more he felt this feeling, the more he realized the terrible owner of those eyes.

He turned back tremblingly, only to see Chocolate, who looked unhappy, standing on the second floor of the cupboard looking at him. The cat ran there without knowing when.

"What's wrong with you?"

Seeing that Jenkins looked a little bad, Hathaway asked with concern.


Jenkins shook his head violently. The girl in front of him was a believer of the God of Music, and he couldn't tell her his guess in front of her.

"So, what is the role of the player's ability?"

He couldn't convert to [Wonderful Music] for the title of the Son of God, after all, he is the Son of God now. Hathaway had this idea in her mind, but she was embarrassed to say it out loud. Jenkins now has a promising future, and he believes in the right God.

"Those who have the gift of the player will gain extra talent in music."

It's a very simple explanation, and it also explains why this ability is very important to the believers of [Wonderful Music]. But for Jenkins, this thing has no effect except occupying his precious ability position.

"Speaking of which, did I forget to apply to learn [The Blessing of Books]?"

He suddenly thought of it, and was pulled into the conversation by Hathaway again.

"I know it seems useless, but Jenkins, I hope you don't want to throw it away."

Hathaway stood up and walked around the dining table to Jenkins' side, kneeling on one knee in front of him under the man's questioning eyes.

The morning breeze blew into the small kitchen from the gap in the window, the curtains fluttered in the dim morning light, and the dust particles in the air were clearly visible. The young girl with red hair knelt on one knee in front of the blond boy at the table, raised her head, grabbed his right hand and kissed it lightly.

Jenkins felt like he was suffocating.

"【Performer】 is what I have always dreamed of since I embarked on the path of transcendence. I will not ask you to keep this ability for this reason, but Jenkins, for me, 【Performer】 is equivalent to half a belief, which is something that transcendents who pursue music should look up to. I don't want to see it thrown away by you like garbage, even if 【Performer】 is really useless to you..."


"Don't talk, Jenkins, please listen to me."

She held Jenkins' hand and looked up at the man from below. This action did not show humility, but instead had an indescribable sense of sacredness.

Her body seemed to be emitting a little light in the morning light, and Jenkins was always on guard against being kissed again. The girls he knew would do this.

"I won't ask you so selfishly. Please listen to me. The most special thing about [Player] is the story between it and the origin of music. Although this story is not widely circulated, almost everyone believes it is true.

Legends and time give power to concepts, and thoughts and cognition give the ordinary to the extraordinary. Therefore, [Player] has the ability to accumulate spirits. As long as you carry out music-related activities, this ability will continue to accumulate spirits for you."

She paused, lowered her head and put her forehead on the back of Jenkins' hand, feeling the man's trembling body:

"I beg you not to abandon this ability. Maybe this is not the path you choose, but I will use my life to lead you to explore all the mysteries of music until you are really tired of these... or tired of me. Please promise me, Jenkins Redanput William."

Obviously, the two were talking about abilities, but Jenkins felt like he was proposing. He was breathing unevenly, and his head seemed to be rusted and he couldn't think of a way to solve the current dilemma.

He tried to pull his hand out of Hathaway's, but Hathaway kept holding on and refused to let go.

"I, I know. Yes, I won't discard this ability. My guide also suggested this to me. He thought that the appearance of this ability was extremely strange. After investigating the truth, it would be better to keep it. I..."

He was determined to tell part of the truth in order to get out of the current predicament as soon as possible.

"In fact, I am now level 4, and there are still many ability slots that can be used. If [Player] is really that useful, I will not discard it. And B-12-4-4432 [Water of the Styx] is also difficult to buy. Even if I don't want it, there is nothing I can do."

When I first met Hathaway, the gap between their levels was very large, but now they are on the same level. Hathaway still remembers what Mr. Candle said about Jenkins:

[It’s just a first-level gifter. 】

"Is it level four already?"

She looked up at Jenkins again, who also lowered his head at that moment. The two people's eyes met, and the girl felt as if electricity was hitting her heart.

She shuddered suddenly and tried to stand up. But because I kept kneeling on one knee for too long, my legs became numb and I almost fell forward.

Fortunately, Jenkins was always ready to prevent a forced kiss, so he helped her up as soon as she fell, successfully preventing an accidental kiss from happening.


"I know that I have not used any questionable means to increase my spirit. I also know that those methods may cause the gifter's spirit to be permanently damaged or even go crazy."

He read the warning that Hathaway wanted to say, and as he spoke, he put her on the chair and sat down again.

"I really don't know what to say, Jenkins."

The red-haired girl said this again, but this time she took the initiative to let go of Jenkins' hand.

Chapter 739 Chapter 725 Chat at the train station cafe

Hathaway's movement of letting go really made Jenkins feel relieved, and a smile appeared on his face and he picked up the knife and fork again with both hands. While relaxing, he said something very inappropriate:

"No, no, no, you don't have to say anything. We are friends, aren't we?"


The girl chewed the word in her heart, looked at Jenkins' smiling face, and suddenly wanted to punch that handsome face hard.

The cat hid on the cupboard and snickered, because what just happened was really interesting. In its long life, it has seen countless things among mortals, and joys and sorrows are commonplace, but what happened around Jenkins still made it very interesting.

But, if Jenkins does marry a mortal woman, that means it also has to...

The cat suddenly realized this, and it would never allow anyone to invade its living space.

After breakfast, Jenkins put Hathaway into the carriage at the corner of St. George Street. During this period, they met Mr. Goodman, a neighbor at work. He saw with his own eyes that Jenkins and a strange red-haired girl came from the car early in the morning. Come out together at home.

The middle-aged man blinked at Jenkins, who blinked in confusion in response.

Jenkins didn't agree to Hathaway's suggestion to lead him into music. There are many paths he can choose, but he knows which one will take him the furthest. And watching the carriage go away, leaving clear ruts on the snow and disappearing at the next intersection, I don't know why, I suddenly felt a little heavy.

Someone suddenly tapped me on the shoulder, and when I turned my head, the person standing behind me was actually my father:

"What are you thinking about?"

As he said that, he took the lead and walked towards the direction of Jenkins' house: "I called you twice just now, but you didn't seem to hear me."

"Oh, I just sent Hathaway away and we discussed going to the preview on Sunday."

He made a random excuse and pushed open the fence door to let his father in.

Today is a normal working day, and the purpose of Dad's coming here is to call Jenkins to go to the east warehouse district of the city.

There are two larger warehouse areas in Nolan City. One is near the dock and is responsible for storing sea freight; the other is near the train station in the east of the city, where land freight is stored.

I still remember that at the end of last year, my father asked Jenkins if he was willing to go to the Hampavo Kingdom in the north to pick up and deliver a batch of goods. He didn't want to leave Nolan at the time, so he didn't agree, and now the last of those shipments finally arrived.

The reason why he asked Jenkins to go with him was because there was a very important statue in it. Dad didn't want to store it in the warehouse, but asked Jenkins to carry it directly back to the church.

The steam train carrying freight was expected to stop at Nolan Station at 9am for three hours. The number of this train is C-TP-0933, which means that the track of this train is along the west coast of the highway. The towering Skrtel Mountains separated the Kingdom of Hampavo from the Kingdom of Fidictri, but the mountains did not extend near the coastline, giving merchants a third option for shipping and traveling half a continent away. .

The trains were never punctual, so Dad and Jenkins rested in St. George Street for another half an hour before boarding the carriage and setting off.

In fact, when my father came just now, he also saw Hathaway walking out of the Jenkins house. But he didn't ask anything, because the relationship between young people is very complicated, and some things are left to them to solve themselves.

The expectations for the train and the weather were exactly the same. The train did not show up on time and the weather was extremely gloomy. Jenkins and his father didn't want to stand in the cold wind and wait, so they paid a boy to guard them here. The two of them found a cafe on the street and went in.

Cafes were a symbol of the elegant middle class in this era - it seems that they were also in Jenkin's era. Their high consumption levels and unsatisfactory drinks and food were destined not to be loved by the general public.

Jenkins has never been to this restaurant called Little Jock's Cafe, but it does offer a lot of drinks. Because we had just had breakfast, neither our father nor he were hungry, so we each ordered a drink. Dad ordered coffee with milk, and Jenkins ordered a cup of hot chocolate.

His original intention was to make fun of his cat, but he soon realized that the cat's intelligence might not be able to understand such a meaning.

"do you know?"

While waiting, the two of them chatted about some boring topics:

“When cocoa beans were first discovered on isolated islands off the mainland, chocolate was an expensive drink available only to royalty.”

"I know that it was mentioned in "Plant Exploration: The History of Commonly Used Edible Plants" that chocolate was used by nobles as a love potion a long time ago because it can promote blood circulation."

Jenkins nodded and added that this interesting knowledge is one of the reasons why he likes reading boring books.

"It is said that Emperor Corel III, the king of the ancient Hikari Kingdom, could drink thirty cups of hot chocolate a day. But I think this record is exaggerated. After all, the taste of early chocolate was really not that good."

While they were talking, the waiter had already brought their drinks, and Jenkins handed him two one-penny coins as a tip. He still wasn't used to tipping, but it was necessary.

"As cocoa beans can be cultivated on a large scale on the mainland, the price of chocolate has gradually decreased. But even today, most people still think it is an aphrodisiac/aphrodisiac drink. Therefore, giving chocolate to each other, in It’s seen as a great hint between men and women.”

Dad continued, watching the cat put its head out to sniff the contents of the Jenkins cup, and then ran away uninterested and continued to play with the tablecloth.

“It tastes pretty good.”

Jenkins took a sip and put the cup down. Because he was sitting closer to the wall, even if he looked out, he could only see the mist-shrouded street when someone opened the door.

By chance, someone opened the door and came in. It didn't matter who came in, but the moment he opened the door, Jenkins seemed to see a fighting team from the Church of the Sage, hurriedly walking through the street.

"Dad, let me see..."

"It has nothing to do with us."

It was indeed not an illusion, the person passing by was indeed a familiar person. Dad tapped the table with his fingers, indicating that he didn’t need to continue talking:

"If you are curious, you can go to the church after get off work today and ask. But at least for now, this has nothing to do with us, do you understand?"

Chapter 740 Chapter 726 Unexpected Tragedy

While the two were talking, the group of acquaintances who passed by the door just now had gone away. Jenkins stared blankly at the remaining contents of the cup in front of him, then nodded.

"Yes, sir."

He really had no reason to get involved with other troublesome matters.

They sat in the cafe until 11:17 in the morning, during which they chatted endlessly about the origin of coffee, barriers to the middle class, the development of the steam industry, the relationship between the kingdom's decrees and the urban environment.

Seeing that Jenkins was surprisingly keen on political issues, my father said as if he was joking:

"Maybe you'd make a good king."

"I don't want to be a king. That would be too tiring. How could it be as comfortable as the current life?"

The father smiled and said nothing, shook his head and called the waiter over, and ordered some more food for the two of them.

The train was delayed because of heavy snowfall along the way, which caused avalanches in the hills and the tracks were covered. Even when the train was forced to stop, a series of appalling incidents occurred in the VIP carriage. This includes cultists, illegal organizations, and some benefactors who appear out of nowhere, but fortunately these things have been solved by a detective in the VIP car.

These things were what the Sage Church team they saw just told them. Jenkins and his father met them again when they went to pick up the goods. The team came here to pick up the teams that went earlier, and to escort prisoners and ordinary people who knew about it.

Dad seemed very happy that nothing went wrong, and kept telling Jenkins that it was fortunate that he had just stopped a young man's curiosity.

"Well...what does this matter have to do with me?"

Jenkins was very puzzled.

In short, after those strange things were resolved, the two of them still had business to do. Dad's goods were in the third carriage at the back. He directed the workers to carry them, and it took a lot of effort to find the carriage pulling the goods. By the time all the goods were placed in the warehouse and Jenkins picked up the sealed mahogany box, it was already approaching evening.

The sky was so gloomy that it was difficult to see even the sunset on the horizon. Neither he nor his father had lunch. They were so hungry that they found a nearby restaurant to eat. Jenkins took the chocolates and followed the waiter to get the menu. His father covered the box with his coat, asked another waiter passing by to watch it, and then borrowed the restaurant's toilet.

With Dad's caution, he would never do such a thing on a normal day. But there might be something wrong with the drink in the cafe in the morning, and he couldn't help it.

Three minutes later, the two came back at the same time, but the box under the coat disappeared. The waiter just now was taking orders for others. When he turned around, his face immediately turned pale.

"Sir, this..."

This is a high-end restaurant, and the restaurant has the responsibility to look after the finances for the customers. The waiter was so nervous that he couldn't speak. The restaurant manager on the other side saw that there was trouble here and walked over quickly:

"Gentlemen, please tell me here..."

"I have been near the front door. No one has walked out of the restaurant during this period. Is there any other door here?"

Jenkins interrupted the middle-aged man in a black suit very rudely. The young writer's face turned red. That thing must not be lost. The manager knew that something was lost, and he answered very quickly:

"Yes, there is a back door, but it has to go through the kitchen. Sir, this can't be our..."

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