"New guest? Welcome to the Wind Chime Trail."

He strummed the strings as he spoke, but his level of playing was obviously not as good as the bard Jenkins met in the Loon Tavern.

"What am I going to do?"

Jenkins asked cautiously, feeling the biting wind blowing from the depths of the dark and deep forest, and something seemed to be looking at him in the dense trees.

The forest was so terrible that even Jenkins' fairy tale could not describe such a horrific scene. There was only a faint light in the path, and Jenkins couldn't see far away even with his monocle, but he could feel the danger lurking.

"Go down the road and the exit is at the end."

said the beggar.

"You mean the road under my feet? Do you mean walking in this direction?"

He pointed there with his finger to make sure, to prevent the text from misleading.

"Of course, young man, go ahead."

The owl and beggar played the piano and sang loudly, and his broken gong-like voice matched the howling wind.

Dang rang~

A small round coin was thrown out by Jenkins, and then hit the edge of the broken bowl in front of the beggar. It bounced to the grass and rolled twice before stopping.

Chapter 769: Offer a reward!

The upper limit is 10 chapters and 20,000 words.

The reward period starts at 6 am on June 26, 2019 and ends at 6 am on July 3, 2019! Seven days in total!

The reward period starts from June 26, 2019, and ends at 6 a.m. on July 3, 2019! Seven days in total!

The reward period starts from June 26, 2019, and ends at 6 a.m. on July 3, 2019! Seven days in total!

I will check the data within seven days through the background on the 3rd to know the results.

For every 3,000 recommendation votes, 300 monthly votes, and 10,000 rewards (equivalent to 100 blades), one update will be added, with a maximum limit of 10 chapters (20,000 words).

It will be released in full on July 5, 2019.

Chapter 770 Chapter 754 Obstacles on the Road

The sin coin rolled down to the grass, and the owl looked at Jenkins again suspiciously. After a while, the human body crawled twice to pick it up.

Yes, Jenkins didn't intentionally throw it to the edge of the bowl, and his throwing skills need to be improved.

"According to the rules of sin coins, I think I have to pay something in return."

The generous Evil God Son provided 13 blasphemous seeds, and later exchanged 5 for some fertilizer from the flower seller. The remaining 8 could only be used when used.

"Don't leave the trail and go into the forest."

This is the value of a sin coin.

Jenkins nodded, twisted another one and threw it over, but unexpectedly the old beggar caught it and threw it back.

The sin coin hit Jenkins' boots and rolled twice before stopping like before. Jenkins had to bend down to pick it up.

"No, no, I don't want to make any deal with you."

With each sound the owl makes, its face becomes more rotten. And by the time this whole sentence was over, it had turned into a terrifying mass of flesh.

The dizziness caused Jenkins to subconsciously cover his forehead. He had to remind himself that the person he was talking to was an aboriginal person who didn't know the depth of the mystery.

He turned around and walked forward along the gravel road without hesitation. He could still hear the sharp laughter behind him. And until the laughter completely disappeared, nothing unexpected happened again in front of the path.

The entire forest was in serious trouble, and Jenkins couldn't feel the breath of any life except plants. The surroundings were extremely quiet. Except for the occasional strong wind, the sound of footsteps was the only accompaniment on the way forward.

At 4 minutes and 32 seconds after departure, the pocket watch showed three small black figures appearing in front of us. After getting closer, I found that they were three little girls with pale skin, deep-set eyes and black eye circles. They looked no different from corpses.

Three little girls were sitting around on the gravel path. Jenkins stood on tiptoe and took a look. Among them were two red apples and a silver table knife.


After approaching, the girls turned their heads and greeted at the same time. Among them, the girl with her back to Jenkins turned her neck 180 degrees:

"We're in trouble, can you help us?"

The horrible black eyeshadow made Jenkins a little intimidated, but he had no other choice.

"What kind of trouble did you get into?"

"Sir, we only have two apples here, but there are three people. How should we divide them? Each of us wants to get a whole apple, not a cut apple or juice."

The content of what the three people said was exactly the same, but because of the time sequence when they spoke, it seemed like echoes. Coupled with the childish voice, the terrifying face and the gloomy surrounding environment, this is simply a horror story.

"Two apples for three children, and a knife that can kill people..."

The table knife seemed to remind Jenkins of its role. There was no light source around, but it kept reflecting the light that came from nowhere.

"Sir, can you help us?"

the children asked again.

Jenkins pursed his lips and took a step back to swallow. He had just noticed an interesting thing after careful observation - the face of one of the children was exactly the same as a corpse in Room 4.

If this is not a coincidence, it means that even after death, the strange world has not spared the souls of these poor people. The souls that are absorbed must be useful. If they are not directly crushed to provide energy, then they must be used as "props".

Just like the corpses buried deep under the sand in the desert last time.

"Fortunately, you like apples."

Jenkins sighed quietly and stretched out his right hand with the palm facing upward.

The black line extends into a weird three-dimensional geometric figure above the palm, and then the straight and curved black lines gradually become softer. Large expanses of color fill the gaps between those lines, and the shape of the apple gradually takes shape. After three breaths, the red apple fell into Jenkins' hand.

"One at a time, children need to eat more to grow taller."

As he spoke, he suppressed his psychological discomfort and bent down, placing the apple between the children. They laughed happily and made a weird sound like a crow. Then everyone picked up an apple, ignored Jenkins and jumped directly into the forest.

The man bent down to pick up the dropped knife, but a girl jumped back from the bushes and picked it up.

"Ha~ so stingy."

Although the surrounding scenery is constantly changing, because the forest itself is an extremely boring place, after looking at it for a long time, it seems that nothing has changed. At 7 minutes and 53 seconds after leaving the old beggar, a figure blocking the road appeared in front of him again.

This time it was a handsome man sitting on the ground holding a book. He was dressed like a decadent nobleman from the ancient times. He wore a red coat and a feathered hat, which made him look very energetic.

He is also a corpse. Although his face is fine, his hands have no flesh and only bones.

"Oh, young sir, could you do me a favor?"


He had no choice, this guy was sitting in the middle of the road.

“I’m always looking for some good stories to add to my poetry collection, can you provide some inspiration?”

The tone was polite and courteous. If he met someone with such tone in the material world, Jenkins would definitely appreciate it very much.


Although Jenkins was not good at making up stories, he was very good at copying them. After fooling him, the young man stood up, thanked him, and then disappeared into the forest like the girls just now.

On the subsequent journey, he met an old woman thinking about philosophical questions, a little boy who was lost and didn't know how to get home, a fat man who always wanted to fill his stomach, and a charming lady who wanted to find someone to spend the night with.

The first few were fooled by their ability and a little bit of wisdom, but the last one was the most difficult to deal with, and Jenkins had to fight her. This undead creature is extremely difficult to kill and can even survive for a long time after being ignited by eternal fire. If Jenkins hadn't had the ability to "contact death" and be able to scratch its head directly, one of his arms wouldn't have been saved.

By this time, Jenkins had almost understood that the focus of this strange situation was to clear all obstacles on the road. And if his guess is correct, then what awaits him at the end will be the most difficult test.

Continuing on the road, when they were about to reach the exit, a clearing appeared in the forest in front of them, and in the clearing was a strange mansion. The trail connected directly to the door of the building. If Jenkins wanted to continue walking, he could only explore the building unless he entered the forest.

Chapter 771 Chapter 755 The Evil Spirit’s Help

The path in the cold forest leads to a mansion that seems to have been randomly spliced ​​together with building materials. There are flower beds of the mansion on both sides of the path. The black flowers in it look like the spiritual flowers that Jenkins has eaten.

He is not greedy enough to pick these flowers and climb the steps under the eaves. The door was unlocked, and after passing through the foyer, there was the living room. The decoration of the room is strange and interesting, like a scene from a fairy tale. There is a rabbit-shaped wall clock hanging on the wall, and the black kettle simmering in the fireplace is owl-shaped, but the person sitting in the living room is not interesting at all.

On the red carpet are a small coffee table and a sofa. Sitting on the sofa are an old beggar with an owl head, three little girls holding apples, a depressed poet, an old woman, a little boy, a fat gentleman and a charming lady.

Facing the foyer corridor was a red wooden door, and Jenkins' intuition reminded Jenkins that that was the exit.

He ignored the group of people on the sofa, walked quickly to the door, twisted the handle and found that it was locked.

"Excuse me, do any of you have the key to this place? I think I'm in trouble."

He had to turn around and ask.

"Each one of them has a key. Maybe you can ask their opinions and maybe someone will be willing to give you a key."

The old beggar was still strumming his strings, and amid the harsh noise, everyone on the sofa said one after another:

"No, your apples taste terrible."

"No, your story has no soul, I don't feel your thoughts."

"No, your reasoning is all sophistry, that's not the answer."

"No, your guidance is wrong. I lost my way once and met a terrible woman."

"No, eating myself didn't make me feel full. I feel hungrier now."

"No, what I want is a fierce fight, not a violent fight."

The corners of Jenkins' eyes trembled, and he asked again:

"So what do you want to do?"

The troublemaker on the sofa replied again:

"We want to eat your hand, it might be as delicious as an apple."

"I want your brain to see what's going on inside."

"I want your skull, it might be nice to sit on it while thinking."

"I want your eyes and feet so I can find the right way."

"I want your entrails, I like to eat that stuff."

"I want your **, oh, I hope it's as pretty as your face."


Jenkins finally looked at the old beggar playing the piano, he swore he had never heard such an ugly sound.

"Satisfy any of them and you'll get the key. I didn't expect you to come here unscathed, but it's absolutely impossible to leave without paying anything."

The tone of his voice matched the sound of the piano, which really made Jenkins angry. But most of the abilities along the way had been used, and he even used [Mechanical Light] because of an illusion. Now he would definitely not win if they fought.

"So what are you going to leave behind?"

The old beggar asked again, and then added: "The water is about to boil, I think your organs will taste better if boiled."

Jenkins certainly wouldn't leave any part of himself here, but he really hadn't found a way yet. His eyes swept over the row of corpses on the sofa. Each of them had pockets on their clothes, and the key might be inside.

"Rush over, grab it and run?"

He made a simple and efficient plan, and then felt that he was more likely to be torn into pieces.

When he was at a loss, he suddenly saw a shadow flashing in his peripheral vision. After a few seconds, he pretended to look to both sides naturally. It turned out to be the long-missing landlord Mrs. Copper. She probably knew that the strange creatures in the strange world could see her and kill her, so she deliberately hid in a corner where only Jenkins could see.

Compared with the last side he saw in the material world, the soul body at this time was abnormally transparent, and the gray spirit body was stained with a lot of black debris. She looked haggard, but more and more like a person, not an evil spirit.

Seeing that Jenkins noticed her, he stretched out his hand and pointed across the wall. Following the direction she pointed, Jenkins saw three girls huddled together. One of them looked exactly like Mrs. Copper's child, and he even inferred that it was captured by the strange world...

"She took the risk to save her child?"

An inexplicable emotion rushed to Jenkins' head, and he regretted that he was outside just now, wanting to kill the evil spirit with all his heart.

Of course, it was just a little regret, which was an emotion generated by impulse.

But the writer who claimed to be "I am not a good person" was definitely not a sentimental person. He claimed to be a sophisticated egoist who only cared about himself.

"Then... I will exchange my hand for the key."

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