After entering the dock area from the small road, he did not continue to walk forward to the seaside and the pier, but continued to walk south along the wall. He turned into the alley at the third alley, passed [Mr. Will's Port Station], [Seafood Store], [Fishing Gear Rental Store], and finally saw [Funks Hotel].

Due to the convenient shipping conditions in the dock area, there are a large number of such small hotels. The closer to the main road, the more formal they are. Although the hotels deep in the alley are cheap, it is difficult to guarantee safety.

Relying on lies again, the owner believed that he was the guest of Room 4 on the third floor. Jenkins took the spare key and took his cat up the creaking wooden stairs.

The hotel was filled with a rotten smell, which was the smell caused by not being completely cleaned for many years. When Jenkins frowned and came to the second floor, he almost bumped into an old woman who was also holding a cat.

However, the black cat she held was not as pretty as Jenkins' white cat. The cat even bared its teeth and roared at Chocolate, but was frightened by Chocolate's cry a few seconds later and dared not move.

The floor of this building is of poor quality, and wooden boards curled up due to moisture and decay can be seen everywhere. Room 4 on the third floor is easy to find, but it was troublesome to insert the key into the keyhole. The keyhole seemed to be blocked and could not be inserted. Jenkins could only use force to insert the rusty key.

Accompanied by the harsh friction between the door and the floor, the small room without windows came into view. The stench in the room became more serious. The long-term lack of ventilation and the owner's carelessness about hygiene made it difficult for those who entered to breathe.

He closed the door with his backhand and wanted Chocolate to get off his shoulder, but the cat was unwilling to touch the dirty floor. He could only put the cat back into the inside pocket of his coat, then walked to the rotten wooden bookshelf in the room and picked up the enamel bottle that was casually placed at eye level.

The bottle was only as thick as Jenkins' thumb, and the bottle was white with spots all over it. A cork was plugged on top, and the cork was obviously not the original stopper of the bottle.

This is B-04-3-7292 [Soul Box]. Although the word [box] is in the name, it is actually a bottle. This name is because it was originally the soul box of the ancient lich in the 13th era, and it has nothing to do with its specific appearance.

"It's very simple."

He opened the cork and took a look, confirming that the soul of the key keeper was gone. Then he tossed the bottle twice before putting it back in his pocket.

Turning around and looking at the messy room, he lowered his head and threw the pile of old clothes that tripped him to the wall. He squatted down and suddenly lifted the bed that was close to the ground, revealing a big hole in the floor.

The entrance of the cave was covered by a dirty yellow linen cloth. After opening it, there were some identification documents and a lot of money inside.

This was actually a safe house prepared by the old killer for himself, but unfortunately he was killed by Jenkins before he had the chance to use it. Jenkins did not touch the identification documents, but he had to take the gold pounds away.

In addition to these, the only valuable things left in the room were the materials on the bookshelf. For insurance, the original owner of this place hid the important information he had obtained about the gifter in the gap of a thick book called "Introduction to Playwrights", which was thicker than the stone bricks used in construction. Jenkins also bought this book for writing scripts and knew that there was a lot of information hidden in it.

But these things are of little value. In the memory that he hurriedly passed by last night, except for the two ability learning rituals, the others were all ordinary things.

He is just an ordinary person. It is already very powerful to get these.

There is a suitcase in the room. After Jenkins put the things he was going to take away in it, he took a novel with an interesting name on the bookshelf and then opened the door to open it.

When he opened the door, a short and fat man wearing a black hat happened to pass by in the corridor. Because the wide brim of the hat covered his face, Jenkins could only see his stubble. The short and fat man was also a little surprised that the door suddenly opened, but the two of them just nodded slightly as a greeting and passed by.


Jenkins muttered in his heart, and continued to walk downstairs with his suitcase without hesitation. He had to pay careful attention to the wooden steps under his feet, because some steps would make a harsh sound.

"I knew that all kinds of strange people would appear in this kind of place."

He thought to himself, and came to the corner of the second floor, turned around and continued to go downstairs. At this time, he held down the hat and raised his head. It happened to be the direction of the third floor. The action of observing with the Eye of Truth was not abrupt at all.

"There are five blessed people in Room 7 on the third floor, and wait, there are two I seem to know..."

He immediately paused when he went downstairs, but soon continued to walk downstairs. After leaving the hotel, he bought two towels at the grocery store outside, and asked for some hot water at the counter downstairs, and then walked back to Room 4 on the third floor.

Two acquaintances in Room 7, one is the young duke from the Kingdom of Cheslan, and the other is Provence Lucar, who has been pursued by the church for a long time but has no clues, and is the suspected mastermind behind the resurrection of the dead.

The two of them appeared in a remote small hotel in Nolan City, and it was definitely not because of love. Although Jenkins usually doesn't want to get into trouble, he never avoids things related to himself.

Chapter 818 Chapter 801 Eavesdropping

Jenkins was very curious about whether these two people, who had nothing to do with each other, were trying to create some conspiracy, and it was definitely too late to turn around and go find the church now. You can only obtain information yourself, but it's not easy.

The guest rooms in this hotel are distributed on opposite sides. The even-numbered rooms, such as Room 4 where Jenkins is located, are on the inside and have no windows, while the odd-numbered rooms have windows on the outside. Opposite room 4 is room 3, while room 7 is flanked by rooms 9 and 5.

If Jenkins wanted to eavesdrop, the best way, short of strutting in, would be to enter these two rooms.

As for eavesdropping from the outside window, it is impossible. When he went out just now, he looked up and saw that directly opposite room 7 was the window of a newspaper office. If Jenkins dared to climb up. It will be discovered as soon as possible.

It is even more impossible to forcefully break in and arrest everyone. The dangerous Provence Lucard is an expert in necromancy. If he turns everyone in this hotel into undead, Jenkins will definitely not be able to deal with it.

After all, he no longer has divinity in his hands.

"Chocolate, watch the suitcase here."

The man ordered that the next thing to be done should not be carried with the cat, otherwise it would be very dangerous. Chocolate probably understood what Jenkins meant, so he barked obediently, jumped off his shoulder, and lay down on the suitcase, wagging his tail.

"I'll be back soon."

As he spoke, he left a real phantom in the room, then walked downstairs and called a very reluctant waiter. The reason Jenkins used was that the room was leaking, but it seemed that the waiter didn't believe it. After all, the water supply on the third floor and above of the building had long been stopped due to insufficient water pressure.

"My books are all soaked. Damn it, you have to pay compensation."

With that said, Jenkins took out the key and opened the door of Room 4, and then pushed the unprepared waiter in.

The door was closed immediately, and two minutes later, Jenkins, dressed as a waiter, walked out.

He coughed violently to make his voice more friendly, and then knocked on the door of Room 5 on the third floor.


Someone shouted inside the door, and then the door was pushed open a gap, but the anti-theft chain was not removed.

"Well, what's the matter?"

asked the fat gentleman dressed as a businessman inside the door. He was not wearing a hat, so Jenkins could see the thin brown hair on the top of his head.

"Your guest downstairs said that the ceiling above his head is leaking. Are you using the bathroom?"


The fat businessman was stunned and said, "No...that's not right. There is no bathroom in my have to do it..."

Jenkins' flaming hands burned off the anti-theft chain, then squeezed into the room and knocked the man unconscious. He turned around and carefully closed the door, then looked back at the structure of the room, and then focused on the wall adjacent to Room 7.

There was an old bookshelf standing on the wall, two old towels hung on metal hooks, and a gas lamp that looked like a dove with spread wings higher up, but there was nothing else.

Jenkins didn't expect to find a small hole in the wall for eavesdropping, nor did he expect that the person in the next room didn't use an anti-eavesdropping charm, so the only thing he could use was the most primitive tool - his ears.

Becoming a Level 4 Gifter has greatly strengthened his physical fitness, and when [Cat's Elegance] is turned on, the enhancement of hearing is also very impressive. In addition, the walls of this cheap hotel are not very thick. After putting your ears against the wall, you can indeed hear some scattered sentences.

Although there were many people next door, the only ones who spoke were the young duke from a foreign country and the most wanted criminal from the Nolan Church. But the wanted criminal's name at this time was no longer Provence Lucard, but "Mr. Willkawan". Most likely this is also a pseudonym, these people never use the same name.

By not listening from the beginning of the conversation, Jenkins didn't fully understand what they were talking about. What is generally understood is that there is a deal between the two. The duke from a foreign country will provide a necromancy expert with four figures of living people who meet the requirements as experimental materials, and the latter will trade him a treasured ability learning ritual.

This is definitely an evil conspiracy. In this era, except for the Orthodox Church, any individual or organization is prohibited from using living people as experimental materials. For that reason alone, everyone in the next room is eligible for hanging, but it's not a good time to arrest them just yet.

Jenkins was eager for more information, but the two men appeared to be pacing and talking. The voice of the speaker faded in and out, and the damn crow outside the window cawed from time to time, causing Jenkins to miss a lot of important information.

But he understood that the Duke did not come to the country simply for a visit or for his own purposes. He occasionally revealed a name: Duke Quaker, which made Jenkins couldn't help but suspect that the madman who lost his son wanted to Make a traitorous move.


The crow outside the window cawing again, completely covering up the time and place where the two were preparing to trade. Jenkins turned his head angrily and looked out the window, and the crow standing on the window sill of the opposite house also happened to look at him.

One person and one bird looked at each other for a moment, and then the flying animal seemed to be greatly frightened, fluttering its wings and flying away into the distance with a loud cry.

"You... are not good!"

As the damn crow flew away with a cackle, the voices from the next door suddenly stopped. Jenkins' eyes widened, and he wanted to throw the cat that was not around now out and catch the crow and beat it up.

But it was too late. He hurriedly stood up from the wall and threw the unconscious fat businessman onto the bed and covered him with a quilt, and then heard someone knocking on the door of this room. The knocking was slow, as if someone was going to visit here.

"Who's knocking?"

A rough voice came out of Jenkins' throat, and his figure changed quickly like a stuck film, and when he finally stopped, he looked like a fat middle-aged man.

He quickly messed up his clothes with his hands, then picked up the hat on the ground and put it on his head, and stretched out his right hand to hold the broken and rusty anti-theft chain. The reading and writing quickly filled and reconstructed the part melted by the flames, so when the door was opened from the inside, the fat man in the black suit appeared in front of the black-skinned man who looked like he was not awake, but still forced himself to open the door.

PS: Regarding the knowledge after absorbing the divinity, since the recent divinity comes from the same god, there is no additional clue about becoming a god, only a bunch of repetitive knowledge, so I didn't mention it.

Chapter 819 Chapter 802 Fleeing in all directions

"Hello, what's up?"

Jenkins asked again.

"I live in the next room, just now... did you hear any noise here?"

The tall man asked hesitantly, and looked sideways at the inside of the room, but of course he didn't find anything unusual.

"Sound? Oh, sorry, I just fell asleep at the desk..."

Jenkins mumbled vaguely, smoothing the wrinkles on his clothes while speaking. The man knocking on the door nodded, whispered an apology, and turned to knock on Room No. 6 behind him.

Room No. 6 also has a guest, a fat woman with her hair wrapped in a headscarf. After checking everything, the man knocked on the door of Room 4, which was farther away, for safety.

It was a long time after the knock that the man with the white cat opened the door. He looked impatient, carrying a black suitcase, as if he was going out.

"Damn, what are you doing? I don't know you!"

The owner of Room 4 was not as polite as the two just now. In fact, from his appearance and clothes, it can be seen that he was an extremely rude person. But the tall man who knocked on the door didn't mind. He politely asked the question just now, and then turned and left.

"This unlucky place, damn it!"

Jenkins, who used [Real Phantom] to return to Room 4 from Room 5, cursed again in a vulgar manner, turned around and closed the door, and then walked down the stairs with the box and cat.

As he stepped out of the hotel, he looked up thoughtfully. At this time, Room 7 on the third floor also happened to stick out a head and look down. It was the young duke.

Jenkins raised his hand, took off his hat and waved at him, with a mocking smile on his lips, then turned and walked to the other side of the alley.

"Catch up with him!"

The foreign noble was stunned, then shouted. But when the group came down from upstairs and dispersed to the alley to check, the man with the cat had disappeared.

They couldn't make too much noise, otherwise it might be more than just the damn guy who knew about this. But the situation is still not good, because no one knows how much he has heard.

Provence Lucard, now known as "Mr. Wilkawang", the last one to come out of the hotel.

He was dressed in black like a guest going to a funeral. He walked thoughtfully to the place where Jenkins had just stood in the alley, and then looked up with the same action as him.

Wilkawang suddenly stretched out his slightly rough right hand and broke the neck of the Duke's guard standing beside him. His left hand drew a complex symbol in the air, and then the soul floated out of the corpse.

He was chanting a whisper that no one could understand, and at the same time, a biting cold wind blew from the alley. Everyone, including the gifter, couldn't help but shiver, and subconsciously moved away from the young man who was playing with the soul.

He opened his right hand and rubbed the soul into a small ball, and then suddenly pressed it against his forehead. The wind immediately began to swirl around him, carrying the dust on the ground and flying up, surrounding him like a tornado.

The weather hadn't changed, but the light around him suddenly became weak. The young duke of a foreign country called his men to retreat, squinting his eyes, and weighing in his heart whether it was the right choice to make a deal with such a dangerous guy.

But even with such a complicated set of actions, the result of "Mr. Wilkawan" was just a mouthful of blood.

His face was very ugly, but it was not because of his own injury, but because of the result of the evil divination just now:

"I can't see the past or the future, the twisted fate of that person just now... Ha, the believer of the God of Lies! He really knows..."

"You mean that group of lunatics?"

The duke of a foreign country changed his face. Even though he was not a native, he had heard about the illegals who had been active since the end of last summer. They were a group of unknown number of people, but they were ruthless and ruthless, with both wisdom and force. Last year's Fabry scam was one of their conspiracies.

Some people believe that the real purpose of the scam is actually related to the change of the position of the God of Lies...

"How did you provoke that kind of lunatic!"

He immediately accused.

"I did?"

Wilkawang turned around and looked at him fiercely:

"You didn't tell me the truth. What exactly is the [Performer (Red Fighting)] you want from me?"

"It's just a rare ability!"

The duke bit this point tightly, then tilted his neck and tightened his collar, letting the guards surround him.

"Remember our deal. I don't want such an accident to happen again! Remember, those followers of the God of Lies must not be provoked. According to my investigation, they seem to have the ability to appear in critical situations. There must be a very good fortune teller among them."

"Of course I know."

Wilkawang snorted coldly, even though the power of the other party was indeed amazing. But this is the Kingdom of Fidictli, not the Kingdom of Cheslan. Those powers are just a beautiful symbol in this city.

"Next time we meet, we will still follow our agreement."

"No problem, but you have to prepare the 'deposit'."

The two groups hurriedly said goodbye in front of the hotel, unwilling to stay in this exposed place. They didn't know how the followers of the God of Lies found this place, but there was no need to think about it. After all, it was understandable that those people appeared anywhere in this city.

The Duke and his party chose the East. Although Wilkawang also wanted to go there, he couldn't accept following behind others, especially behind that arrogant nobleman. So he pulled down the brim of his hat and walked along the wall to the west of the alley. After walking out from here, he could directly leave the dock area. It seemed that this direction was not bad.

The alley was not narrow, and there were various shops or hotels on both sides. But in fact, each one operated some gray business, which was also normal in the dock area. It seemed that the smugglers had already discussed with the Norland City Hall. After being away from the dock area, it was difficult to find a smooth way to ship smuggled goods within the city of Norland.

From a distance, he saw a boy in rags playing with an iron ring with a branch he picked up from somewhere in front of him. This reminded Wilkawan of his childhood, when he was still a carefree boy, and he never thought that 20 years later, he would be on the road he is now...

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