But Jenkins still likes Mr. Hood's gatherings, not only because the people there are of low level and pose little threat to him, but also because the way those people get along is more like friends.

Considering that he will get the first income from fairy tale publishing from Mr. Bro tomorrow, Jenkins brought all his savings this time.

He still wants to buy a [Star Debris] crystal, but no one has it. Mr. Corpse accepts various commissions, but Jenkins is here for the first time, so he is cautious and does not speak.

As the party was coming to an end, a man in a black robe suddenly asked Mr. Corpse:

"Sir, there have been frequent haunted incidents in the city recently, and I have seen a few weak evil spirits with my own eyes. Do you know what's going on?"

PS: This book is not a DND series, it describes the steam age, or the human world story of the Victorian era. Therefore, demons, elves, etc. may come out to play soy sauce, but there are not many roles, most of them are the background of the story, that is, the so-called "a long time ago".

Chapter 77 Chapter 74 Demon Story (II)

The pale face turned to the black-robed man who asked the question, and he subconsciously took a step back.

"Don't worry, they will find out sooner or later."

After a pause, he turned his head and said to the person standing farthest away: "You, don't come again next time."

After he said this, he lay back in the cadaver cabinet without any explanation. The cabinet slowly closed and the party was over.

Everyone left here in order according to their distance from the door.

Jenkins followed Professor Burns, climbed over the low wall along the original route, and left the abandoned building.


He let out a long breath and walked all the way to the small road where the hospital was completely invisible. The feeling of depression in his heart disappeared.

"How do you feel?"

The professor asked.

"That Mr. Corpse is very strong."

Jenkins sighed.

"I don't know about this." He had a confused expression on his face, "but Mr. Corpse is really powerful, has a good reputation, and will take the initiative to remind us of danger. I only learned in the church a few days ago that the flower girl incident a few weeks ago was related to the weird things. During the days when the incident happened, Mr. Corpse reminded us to stay away from the downtown area as much as possible."

"Oh, he is also a member of the church, or has other sources of information?"

Jenkins thought silently.

"What do you think about the haunted incident? I don't quite understand Mr. Corpse's last words."

"That sentence should make sense."

The professor seemed to trust the strange strong man. "Since he said there is no need to worry, it means that this matter is not very dangerous to us. I have also seen evil spirits in school. They are indeed very weak, but it is easy to scare people."

Very weak is aimed at the gifted. For ordinary people, spiritual creatures with physical damage reduction are still very deadly.

Because the hospital was abandoned, there were not many people nearby. The two hurriedly passed through large tracts of woods before they saw the twinkling lights of fire in the city in the distance.

"Professor, how do I know about the next party?"

"You can order newspapers and magazines at the post office. If you have time, go and order a niche publication called "Prospects in Tropical Disease Medicine", publication number: KUES-1860-2314. This publication will have an issue every week. If the number of pages in the publication is even, it means there will be a party this week."

He repeated the method of extracting the party time from the content of newspapers and magazines, and Jenkins took note of it carefully. But he still had questions:

"Does every gathering take place there? Does Mr. Corpse lie there every day?"

"The gathering place is indeed there, but I don't know about Mr. Corpse. I don't think anyone dares to go there during non-meeting hours?"

Jenkins nodded. Level 8 is already very strong. Maybe that gentleman is really skilled and bold and has set up his base there.

If they take a carriage at this time, it will easily attract the attention of the coachman. The two of them approached the city along the path. Jenkins felt that the journey was boring, so he might as well talk about other things.

"Professor, what do you think about the non-human races that have appeared in myths or stories?"

He asked.


Professor Burns looked at Jenkins in surprise: "Young man, this question is very remarkable. Have you noticed the huge gap in history? Especially the gap at the end of the so-called era."

Without waiting for Jenkins to explain, he hurriedly said: "These materials are very rare, and there is no mention of them in the documents that can be publicly displayed. But the descriptions of some things are very different from the common sense we know, and even blasphemous."

He stopped panting and whispered: "You have heard about the demon that made a lot of noise on the last rainy night. Let me tell you a little story about the demon. But this story is very blasphemous, very blasphemous..."

"Please go on."

Jenkins also stopped and whispered.

"The story begins in a certain era a long time ago. During the famine years, the nobles monopolized the grain and grass. They would rather let the grain rot in the warehouse than distribute it to the poor farmers who had no food. It was a miserable era.

There was a brave little boy who crossed the plains, the forests, and the sea to save his brother and sister who were about to starve to death. He finally found the most powerful demon at the end of the world [magma hell] and signed a contract with him."

"I have heard of this story, but the details are not so many."

"Yes, young man, but it's different later."

His voice was very low, and his eyes were full of anxiety.

"The devil said: Child, why did you come to me?

The boy said: Sir, I want my brother and sister to live a better life.

The devil said: Child, then sign a contract, your soul belongs to me, and I will fulfill your wish.

The boy said: Sir, no need for any contract, just take my soul directly, please save my poor family.

The devil said: Child, this is not my idea, but the gods in the sky have already treated you as lambs. Just wait for you to die, take your soul and make minced meat for their own use, so we must sign a contract to make a deal."

The professor stopped, clasped his hands in front of his chest and prayed to the sage for a long time.

"Oh my God, these evil stories are probably the ravings of ancient lunatics or cultists, William... Jenkins, you are curious today, so I told it, but don't believe it."

"What's the end of the story?"

Jenkins pretended to pray, but was still curious about it.

"Sage, why do you give this young man such a strong desire for knowledge? Well, well, in the end, the devil signed a contract with the boy, and the boy spent a happy life with his younger brother and sister. After the death, the soul was taken away by the devil who kept his promise."

After he finished speaking, his lips trembled: "Blasphemy, real blasphemy, not only slandering the gods, but also praising the devil..."

Until the two of them parted, the professor was still condemned by his heart. This is probably what is called a true believer...

Jenkins felt that the questions he raised might cause him to lose sleep all night, so he was slightly condemned by himself in his heart.

When he returned to his home in Privet Drive, it was almost eleven o'clock. Mary William was still not asleep, but sitting on the sofa knitting a sweater.

She yawned and told Jenkins that there was still warm food left in the kitchen, and then returned to her room.

The next day was still a cloudy day. After Jenkins got up, he reminded himself that this weekend was the day to meet the huntress, and the newspaper showed that Mr. Hood's party would be next Wednesday.

PS: It was not until the afternoon that I realized that I had posted the second chapter of today at the wrong time, so I updated two chapters at noon... Forget it, I will update three chapters today. Thank you for your support and ask for your recommendation votes.

In addition: Thank you for your rewards, but for the reading experience, I will no longer thank you at the end of the article. I hope you understand.

Section 78 Chapter 75 Income

Jenkins had breakfast sandwiches with his family as usual, drank some sweet milk, and came to his father in a carriage. When he pushed the door, he found that Mr. Bro was one step ahead of him.

He took out the silver pocket watch from his coat pocket and opened the lid with a snap. It was only eight o'clock in the morning.

"Good morning, you are really early!"

Jenkins greeted Mr. Bro politely, took off his coat and hung it on the hook next to the counter. The kitten Chocolate was lying comfortably on the counter, raised his head and said "meow~" to Jenkins, and jumped onto Jenkins' shoulder. It was still small, but it had a strong balance, so it could stand.

The old man nodded to him and asked the two to go upstairs to talk.

"I have to say, I really didn't expect your book to sell so well."

The beginning was naturally a round of flattery. If Mr. Bro's respect for Jenkins was due to his father when they met last time, then this time it was entirely his personal reason.

According to the agreement signed before, Mr. Bro gave Jenkins 40 pounds in cash on the spot. In fact, it shouldn't be that much, but Mr. Bro generously said that he didn't have change.

The standard price of "The Stranger's Story Collection" is 10 shillings, which is equivalent to the weekly income of an ordinary working family. Such a high price is of course related to the exquisite illustrations, but in the eyes of truly wealthy high-income families, this is a very low price.

The annual income of farm workers, soldiers, and typists is 25 pounds, and the annual income of the lowest clerks, servants, and embroiderers is 12-20 pounds. The first batch of income from Jenkins' book completely surpassed most of the working people living in Norland.

Mr. Bro has planned to print the second batch of books, printing 2,000 copies, and contacting bookstores in other places to promote the book to all parts of the kingdom. Although the printing factory and bookstore under his name are only in this city, he has many friends in other places.

Jenkins and his father have discussed this matter, and they both think it is not bad. The bookstore and publishing house contacted through the relationship of the church are certainly safe, but it will also expose the identities of the two.

The conversation between the two lasted for nearly two hours. Mr. Bro took a fancy to Jenkins' talent, so he gave up a lot of profits. The second and third batches of printing of "The Collection of Stranger Stories" were decided so simply. When Mr. Bro left, he also paid Jenkins an additional 100 pounds in cash as a deposit for their cooperation.

Of course, they have decided to raise the price of this book.

"Mr. William, I don't know if you have thought about the content of the next book. I look forward to the next cooperation with you."

"I am still considering this matter, but you must be the first partner I consider."

After seeing off Mr. Bro, Jenkins quickly started copying today, which had wasted a lot of time.

Dad came up.

"Congratulations, are you ready to move somewhere?"

"I'm still thinking about it. Now that I have gold pounds in my hand, I plan to have time to take a look this week."

"That's good. There hasn't been much business in the store recently. If you want to take time off, just ask."

"I will."

Jenkins was not polite. He thought for a while: "Dad, do you think it is necessary for me to continue writing a book? I mean, I first wrote "Stories from a Stranger" because I wanted to make money and move out. Now that the goal has been Now that we have achieved it, is there any need to waste time?”

"Why is this a waste of time?"

Dad asked strangely: "You have this talent, and your identity as a writer is also helpful for socializing and activities. Why should you give up? And as a benefactor, there are still many places where you need to spend money. You have also been to the black market, three Several gold pounds are not money at all. It is a very good way to make money by writing books. If I had opportunities like you when I was young, how could I still open a shop and work on time every day at such an old age?

"I think your life is not tiring. It is simply the best state after retirement!"

Of course, I only dare to think about this sentence. If I say it out loud, my father will definitely get angry.

Now that we are talking about money, Dad thinks of one more thing.

"You have been following me for a month, and this is yours."

He took out ten 10-pound notes from his pocket and pushed them to Jenkins: "The valuation of those special items we handed over has been completed, and this is for you."

Jenkins was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that there was such a thing.

"So many?"

"You're only getting 3 percent of the real price of those items."

Dad had a strange expression on his face, "Also, when we first met, we received the identification results of the ring. B-09-5-8392, [Giant Power Ring], was lost by the Church of War and Victory 30 years ago. We are currently negotiating for a repurchase. No data has been found on the strange harmonica on [Flesh Puppet], and its current name is B-10-3-0123. This item is now saved. In the church, you can apply for use if necessary, but you must explain the purpose.”

"Is it such a coincidence?"

Jenkins asked: "I found that most of the [supernormal] we encountered were recorded in church materials."

"This is no coincidence."

The father meant something, "There are very few [supernormals] that can be artificially created at present. Their main source is the natural occurrence of strange situations and special circumstances, so most of the things you can encounter are old things. ”

"What is the function of [the suicide's last chant]?"

"Input your own spirit into it, and you can produce the music of the last ordinary owner of the harmonica. The music is similar to a spiritual attack, indistinguishable."

"Then why is that [Flesh Puppet] okay? He didn't seem to be affected at the time."

"His soul and body have undergone mutations during the separation process, and he is relatively slow to this kind of spiritual attack."

Dad continued: "Except for blocking your ears, there is no way to resist this attack. Even if you use a helmet made of B-04-5-1080 [mental blocking metal], it will be useless. People with strong souls are more resistant to music. Strong, just like that day when I fell down when I heard the sound, you were still able to move. "

Jenkins laughed awkwardly. This was the only doubt about the matter, but his father did not mention it in the report submitted to the church.

Dad glanced at him and stopped talking.

The [Mind Blocking Metal] mentioned in the conversation between the two people is an artificially manufactured type B [Extraordinary] mastered by the church. This technology belongs to the [Church of Ocean and Exploration]. I heard my father say that the technology is from a certain large-scale deep sea Found while exploring.

PS: I originally wanted to call it Mind Interruption Alloy, but this might make some readers mistakenly think that I am going to involve the Foundation. After all, the name is too famous. Therefore, with this name, it can be considered as a combination of Magneto's helmet and weakened mind-interrupting alloy.

Chapter 79 Chapter 76 Housing Agency?

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