Jenkins said, thinking of the tragedy that happened to the Galt family in the cemetery on the outskirts of the city. If Mr. Galt had been cremated and then buried, at least it would not have been his body that killed his wife and children.

"Actually, the cremation situation in Hampavo Kingdom is not optimistic either."

Miss Stuart also understood some of the situation. She was sitting upright on the chair, which was very different from the relaxed posture of the other two.

"According to my understanding, the cremation rate in the southern part of the kingdom is less than 10%, and there is almost no data on cremation in the northern part. Mr. Willamt, did you know that we even have a tradition of displaying corpses on the ice sheet here? Can't you imagine? What do the wild wolves active on the ice cap in the far north feed on?”

The Kingdom of Hampavo is located in the northern part of the continent, but unlike the other two countries, although this country has the largest land area, about one-fifth of the area is extremely unsuitable for human habitation. Of the remaining parts, three One part is very unsuitable for human habitation, and most of the people living in these areas are true aborigines from the northern part of the continent.

Some researchers believe that these people have a natural ability to withstand freezing. The burial custom of these people is to display their bodies on the ice sheet.

"I hope the church will find that damn guy soon, at least until he becomes stronger."

Jenkins said that he no longer has divinity, and even if he meets that opponent again, he may not be able to defeat him. All he can do now is actively participate in the search, and then pray that the demigods of the diocese can solve this matter.

Jenkins must not allow a plague to occur in the city where his family, his friends, and his cats live. For this reason, he was ready to actively get involved in trouble and look for clues.

At present, the Orthodox Church and the human kingdom still do not have a universal method to cure the plague 30 years ago. Some rituals or supernatural abilities can certainly effectively save a person, but they cannot be popularized.

Although that plague has almost no effect on gifters, especially gifters of Jenkins' level, the ladies still asked Jenkins to be more careful.

Jenkins has no sense of crisis in this regard. He does not think that the plague will affect him.

"Oh, can living things like pet cats be infected with the plague?"

Thinking of chocolate, Jenkins felt a little worried again.

"Of course, any living thing has a chance of infection."

Alexia understood what Jenkins was worried about, but she didn't know how to prevent the pets from getting infected.

Even though the Undead Sword has just been discovered, the panic it brings has deeply infected all those who know about it. Jenkins could imagine the situation in various churches in Nolan at this moment, and the only correct solution now is to find and recover the sword.

The specific origin of A-12-1-0044 [Skeleton Sword of the Dead] cannot be found even by the Sage Church. This is a very dangerous monster. If we were to rank the monsters that have been numbered so far, it would definitely be ranked among the top ten.

The plague is just a side effect of the sword. Jenkins believes that the real horror should be the wave of undead. Thirty years ago, the undead army was wiped out before it even took shape. He didn't know if the church would still have the same luck this time.

The established undead army is more terrifying than the mortal army. They will always maintain their morale, are not afraid of sacrifice and return to the earth, which is something that living creatures cannot do.

Humanity has not mastered the method of defeating A-12-1-0044 head-on, but it is just a weapon after all. Killing the holder is the best way to solve this matter, and if you really want to defeat the Skeleton Sword, Alexia believes that humans do not possess that kind of power.

"You mean, the power of God can?"

Jenkins concluded, wondering where to go to get another drop of divinity.

Chapter 828 Chapter 811 The box that cannot be opened

In the spacious study room, warm yellow light shines on everyone. This room was so comfortable, even more comfortable than Jenkins' living room. There was white steam swirling above the tea cup, and Chocolate looked curiously at the night sky outside. The only thing that remained unchanged in the vicissitudes of life.

"It's not just the power of God. Death and life are hostile to each other and are each other's nemesis. I think the legendary World Tree should be able to defeat that sword. But the World Tree has long since disappeared with the elves, and according to records, the elves have not left anything behind. The branches of the world tree are used to make powerful weapons."

The short lady observed Jenkins' expression as she spoke, but Jenkins, like Miss Stuart, looked regretful.

Of course he knew this, but it was a pity that there was only one dragon in the outer suburbs of Nolan, and there were no creatures with pointed ears.

The discussion about the undead and the plague made the princess of Loen want to participate in it personally. But she knew that Mr. Willamette would not allow it, and she insisted, before the conversation on the subject was over, that her men at Nolan should be given to Jenkins.

She asked Julia to get the token - a ring painted with blue paint and engraved with snowflakes, and told Jenkins how to meet those loyal people.

"Mr. Willamt, this will always be useful. Please accept it. If you really don't need it, you don't have to use it."

She said it sincerely, so Jenkins took the ring after hesitating.

When I held it in my hand, I realized that it was not blue paint at all. This ring was actually a piece of sapphire.

Speaking of sapphires, we have to mention the sapphire as big as a human head that Jenkins commissioned for appraisal. It was originally the core of the seal under the Snow Mountain Villa. After the sealed puppet issued a "resistance to fate", the gem fell into Jenkins' hands.

He was not sure whether it was a gem. After nearly half a month of appraisal, the royal jeweler commissioned by Miss Stuart gave a definite answer:

"Some of its components are indeed gems."

The sixteen-year-old girl was still intoxicated by the clear blue. At this moment, the gem was placed in a safe behind the bookshelf, and a red soft cushion with golden tassels was placed under the gem.

Chocolate looked down at the shabby cushion on which he was lying, and suddenly felt unhappy.

"I'll call this stone temporarily. About one-third of the volume of this stone is sapphire. Mr. Williamite, you can imagine a cake with holes in it, and the gaps in the cake are filled with materials with the same color and texture as cream, which makes it look like a cake, but it's not completely."

"What unknown material?"

Jenkins' tone was a little disappointed. If it's not a pure gem, the value may be lower.

"I don't know, and the appraiser can't give an answer. She told me that general means can't detect the difference between this material and sapphire. Only when you observe it against the sun can you see clues in the shadow."

Hearing this, Jenkins picked up the gem and pointed it at the crystal lamp above his head, but the shadow on the carpet didn't show anything unusual.

"Only the sun's sunlight can do it."

Miss Stuart emphasized again, and Jenkins nodded, realizing that the origin of this stone is very likely related to the [Sun and Justice Church]. He didn't believe that the material was formed naturally. He wanted to put the thing in his hand back into the safe, but when he looked down, he found that Chocolate was squatting obediently on the red cushion surrounded by golden tassels.

After agreeing to exchange the two cushions, the cat came out of the safe obediently. Jenkins did not intend to take the stone back to Nolan, it was too dangerous. It would be nice to temporarily store it in Miss Stuart's hands and wait for the right time to take it back.

Her Royal Highness would certainly not refuse this simple request. She was happy to keep the beautiful thing in her hands temporarily.

The party tonight was not all about talking about Jenkins. In addition to chatting with Miss Stuart about the story of Frozen for a while, Her Royal Highness also showed her friends an interesting thing.


Julia tiptoed and took down a metal box on the bookcase. This was something that only appeared at this party. Jenkins originally thought it was a jewelry box because it looked luxurious and beautiful.

Miss Stuart said that the box could not be opened. Even if the lock was not locked, no matter what method was used, the contents of it could not be seen.

"Yellow spell aura, such a strong light... Although not as strong as the numbered items, at least it is also given a strong spell aura."

Several people gathered at the desk and took turns to check the specific situation of the box. When it was Jenkins' turn, he found that in the middle of the tangled, blood-thrombus-like patterns on the box, there was a simple sentence composed of ant-sized letters:

"Give it to the love of my life, Sylph."

"Sorry, what did you say?"

Alexia asked quietly beside Jenkins.

"I'm reading the words on it. It says here that it is given to... Oh? Elvish?"

Just now, he just subconsciously saw the words and read them out, just like Jenkins heard the bell at the door of his father's antique shop and subconsciously shouted welcome; saw the flower girl, he couldn't help but buy flowers; saw chocolate, he couldn't help but reach out and touch it, which is a very normal instinctive reaction.

"Mr. William, do you understand Elvish?"

Julia asked on the side.

"Yes... it should be."

He didn't know how to answer, so he mumbled vaguely and asked about the origin of the thing in front of him.

The box in front of him was confiscated by Miss Stuart's servants from the vendors in the city last weekend. To be more precise, the guilty guy ran away in a panic when he saw the patrolling police officers, and he didn't even have time to clean up his stall.

The police officers who confiscated a bunch of rags soon found something unusual. Even if the box was hit by a heavy object, it didn't deform. This news was passed through special channels within the police system, and finally the box was delivered to Miss Stuart.

"I don't think this is a special item. I don't feel anything special about that kind of thing..."

Alexia hesitated for a few seconds before picking out a suitable description: "Incompatible with the world."

She reached out and gently stroked the surface of the elven text on the lid of the box, her eyes drifting towards Jenkins:

"This may be an item used by alien species handed down from ancient times. But the elves don't like metal products, even if they don't completely stop using them. This is strange. If this is really an important gift from the elves, it shouldn't be placed in a metal box."

Chapter 829 Chapter 812 The Secret Language

"Elves are always strange."

Jenkins muttered to the side, looked at the beautiful letters that looked like branches and leaves for a while, then stretched out his finger and pointed at them:

"I think I understand. In Elvish, the word [give] also means [open]. The word [gift] and [windmill] have very similar pronunciations. [Sylph] is the wind element in the ancient spell cognition. So, this sentence can also be understood in this way."

As he said, he picked up the paper on the desk and skillfully wrote another sentence in the beautiful Elvish, even though he had never used such words before:

"The secret of opening the air element lies in the windmill."

He read while writing, so other people in the study could also know the meaning of this string of words.

"It's really interesting."

Jenkins put the luxurious pen on and put it back on the table, and at the same time stopped Chocolate from attacking the desk.

"This is a secret code. As far as I know, it means we need windmill."

After explaining, Jenkins and Alexia looked at Miss Stuart, and she quickly told Julia to find it. But now it was the middle of winter (the middle of winter for Rune, and the end of winter for Nolan), and it took Julia half an hour to knock on the door with a flower pot.

Jenkins took the flowerpot and placed it on the table. Then, under everyone's expectant eyes, he picked up the box and put it close to the petals of the plant. But nothing happened here except the cat's cry, which made Jenkins's action look very stupid.

"Did I guess wrong?"

He guessed:

"So, it should be buried in the soil under the roots?"

"No, Jenkins, maybe you think too complicated."

Alexia said softly, asking the man to put down the box. She reached out and picked the most beautiful flower in full bloom, letting it slowly fall above the box, while reciting in Elvish:

[Give to my lifelong love, Sylph. ]

She didn't understand the ancient Elvish at all, but she remembered Jenkins' pronunciation completely by memory.

It was right to do so. As the sound fell, the bright yellow flower happened to fall on the upper surface of the box. The golden lines immediately appeared around the box. As the light of those lines became dazzling from weak to bright, and finally extinguished, an inaudible "click~" sound rang in the room.

"Alexia, you are the smartest."

Jenkins praised generously, and the short lady smiled and stepped back to stand behind Jenkins.

The four people and one cat in the room were curious about what was inside, but the cautious Jenkins asked everyone to step back for safety. He tied the outside of the lock with a silk thread, then hid far away and pulled it hard, and the lid was immediately opened.

No poison needles were fired, no terrifying souls or huge explosions appeared, everything was peaceful.

They gathered at the table again, and found that the inside of the metal box was a mud box.


Jenkins wanted to say "as expected", but he didn't want to waste time explaining why he said that.

This box also has a medium-intensity yellow aura, and it cannot be opened and is difficult to be destroyed. The surface of the mud is uneven and covered with cracks. These cracks are like the hideous tattoos of sailors, and they gather together to wrap a string of strange runes.

"This is the language of ancient humans, which has been lost."

Alexia recognized the text and added:

"I happen to know these characters."

She looked serious, which made Jenkins and Miss Stuart dare not disturb her.

The room was silent for a long time, and Jenkins could only hear Julia's breathing and the sound of Chocolate licking his paws. He felt that it was strange to do so, but a corner of his heart told him that he should not interrupt Alexia's thinking.

"I understand~"

The woman suddenly said, she took the paper from the desk like Jenkins just did, and then drew a shape that no one could recognize.

"This is a secret language, very interesting. But I have understood it, yes!"

She simply outlined the shape, and then muttered to herself to shade the designated position in the figure with a pencil. Finally, she picked up the paper and turned it over to the back, facing the gas lamp on the wall for a while, and said the result in a joyful tone:

"The secret of opening the earth element lies in the flame blood rose."

The flame blood rose is an extremely high-end ornamental plant, named because the color of the rose petals is like a combination of flame and blood. This flower is frighteningly expensive, but thanks to its beautiful appearance and preciousness (the main reason), it is the perfect gift to confess to girls.

But no matter how precious it is, this is the palace of one of the three kingdoms in the human world after all. It is much easier to find this flower than to find windmill chrysanthemum.

After the clay box was opened, it was unexpectedly another smaller box. This time the material is wood, and no one can decipher the language on it... except chocolate.

Only Alexia barely recognized that this is a variant of the ancient dragon language, which was lost as early as the 15th century. Now there are only scattered ancient stone tablets with such language.

"Well, it seems that I have to meet that Nidholgen during the baptism."

This is the only way Jenkins can think of.

The party lasted until the early hours of the morning. Miss Stuart seemed to be unsatisfied and wanted to talk to Jenkins about banking issues. But it was too late. She had to attend a social event tomorrow. At Julia's urging, she had to let Jenkins go.

After returning to Nolan City, Jenkins held the cat and stared at the flames jumping in the fireplace. After about five minutes, Alexia's figure appeared on the small sofa.

"Do you need me to come back? The situation is very dangerous now. I think you may need me."

She asked directly.

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