Chapter 852 Chapter 835 Encounter

When he walked out of the store excitedly, he was still thinking about when he should take the hair from the unicorn. At this time, Chocolate was a little impatient. He hated places with so many cats. This was probably a case of like repels like.

Anyway, Jenkins, who changed back to his identity again, saw that he had nothing else to do today, so he planned to go home to study. But as soon as he walked out of the alley, he saw Britney getting off the carriage.

Winter is coming to the end, and the girls' clothes are gradually decreasing. The bloated winter clothes certainly cannot fully show the beauty of women, and the fashion of this early spring is probably this kind of dress with hollow butterfly patterns on the hem.


Jenkins' heart began to beat wildly uncontrollably, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he found that Hathaway was not following behind her.

"Hey~ Jenkins. How did you get out of the alley?"

The alley where Jenkins changed his identity was a dead end. Not far inside was a brick wall, and normally no one would walk in.

"Chocolate was wandering around just now, I went to find it."

He said casually.


Although the cat was not very happy, it still cooperated and called out.

"Chocolate has been a little sick recently, I took it to see a doctor. But this clinic requires an appointment, I think I'd better come another day."

He quietly poked the cat in his arms, and the cat reluctantly made the so-called "sickly cry". Britney immediately believed that this cat's acting skills were as perfect as its owner.

Britney came today to raise food for the stray animals adopted by the "City Pet Management Center" outside the city. There were several friends who were familiar with her in the carriage to help, but Hathaway was not there.

It is said that Hathaway is sick and has been at home for the past few days.

"What disease did Hathaway have? Did she catch the flu in the city, or the plague mentioned in the newspaper?"

Jenkins immediately showed nervousness and wondered if he should go to treat her later.

"No, it's not a serious illness. It will be fine in a few days."

Blaine's face was a little red and her words were very vague.

"Oh, God, what is the disease?"

Jenkins was still asking, and then he heard the laughter of the girls in the carriage. He was stunned for a moment and understood. After hurriedly saying goodbye to Blaine, he left the street as if he was running away.

"It's so embarrassing!"

He still thought so until he was about to return home. But when the carriage was about to reach St. George's Street, he asked the driver to turn to other blocks.

It was almost noon now, and he had to find a place to eat. But thinking carefully, the bad luck he had encountered recently seemed to be caused by "I want to find a restaurant to eat." After figuring this out, he asked the driver to drop him off at the door of the restaurant, and had to pay a 5-pence parking fine to the patrolling policeman.

Jenkins saw the police officer put the money into his coat pocket after turning away.

Because this restaurant is located between Dad's antique shop and St. George's Street, Jenkins often visits it, and sometimes Dad will ask him to buy some takeaway meals at noon.

After entering the door, the familiar waiter immediately led him to his usual seat and brought a separate bowl for the chocolate before serving. This is one of the reasons why Jenkins likes this place, they always remember the preferences of old customers.

Halfway through eating with his head down, someone actually sat down opposite Jenkins. When he looked up, it was Professor Burns.

"Oh, professor, good afternoon."

"Good afternoon, Viscount Williamite."

He obviously heard from the church that Jenkins was about to be promoted to a noble, so he joked with him like this.

Although today is a weekday, the professor happened to have no class and was doing business nearby, so he walked into this restaurant. He is an apprentice of the keeper, and he is different from field staff like Jenkins, so he does not need to give up his work and go to the church to wait for arrangements.

The two talked a lot while sitting together for dinner. The professor only heard yesterday that the old man's antique shop was suspected to be attacked by the followers of the God of Lies. He saw the brand new glass when he passed by the antique shop just now, and after sitting down, he asked worriedly whether the old man and Jenkins were injured in the attack.

As for the [Zombie Jade] that broke the window, the professor had the same opinion as Jenkins. He seemed to have done a deep study on the ability of [Death Substitute] and knew very well what kind of core it needed.

"It seems that the legend is true. A-12-1-0044 [Skull Sword of the Dead] can actively impart knowledge to the user and even improve the level of the benefactor."

"This weapon is too powerful. So far, the characteristics it has shown have surpassed all the weird things I know."

Jenkins couldn't help but sigh.

"Of course, the history of this sword is much longer than you think."

Speaking of this, the professor looked around mysteriously, then leaned over and whispered in Jenkins' ear:

"From the records of the ancient stone tablets discovered so far, its birth can be traced back to at least the 5th era, an era when all civilizations were still barren. Time can give power to the mortal world, even if a piece of stone has been passed down from that era to the present, it can have extraordinary abilities."

After speaking, he sat back down, and was satisfied to see Jenkins' surprised expression.

"That is to say, in our era, there is almost no weapon that can fight it head-on."


The professor nodded with certainty:

"You can't imagine how powerful that sword is. I heard that the current user is just a low-level gifter? That's right, the user's strength temporarily limits the use of the sword, otherwise the disaster would have erupted long ago."

Jenkins opened his mouth, and for a moment he didn't know what to say. All his plans were to defeat the sword head-on, but now it seems that this plan may encounter some trouble before finding the next drop of divinity.

"It seems that we have to go to Shire as soon as possible."

"What did you say?"

The professor was drinking soup with a spoon just now, and didn't hear Jenkins mumbling to himself.

"Oh, I said, don't touch Chocolate's claws."

"Speaking of cats, I turned into a mouse yesterday?"

Jenkins really looked down at Chocolate this time, and then remembered that his cake-battered face plan had not been implemented yet. Chocolate was originally eating with his head down, and at this time he raised his head alertly, just in time to see Jenkins' malicious eyes.


Although it didn't know what happened, the cat still called out.

Chapter 853 Chapter 836 The Professor's Stage View

"Let's not talk about the mouse... Why don't we talk about the earthquake last night? I haven't heard the latest news yet."

Jenkins didn't want to recall the experience of being toyed with by the cat's claws. This was not just humiliation. Being bullied by the kitten Chocolate made him feel that his dignity was hurt.

"The loss is heavy. Nolan City hasn't had such a strong earthquake for many years."

The professor shook his head as he spoke, not noticing Jenkins' subtle emotions:

"But this is obviously not a natural earthquake. The intensity of the earthquake felt in the mines in the western part of the city and the center of the earthquake is very different. It's a pity that there is no church of the [Mother Earth] in our city, otherwise it would be very convenient to determine what happened underground... I remember that last year, you brought back clues about the [Gear Craftsmen's Association]. Maybe they are underground..."

Jenkins also guessed this way. According to the sealed object underground, it was obviously a group of people digging something. And judging from the location at that time, the deeper place than that could only be the benefactors of the Craftsmen's Association.

The sealed human face kindly reminded him of the danger. It was right. Becoming a non-human race saved Jenkins' life. If the tunnel hadn't collapsed, Jenkins really wanted to talk to it again. That human face must know more things that Jenkins is interested in.

"Speaking of which, I seem to have met too many people who are proficient in prophecy recently. Mr. Pisco is really not leaving me money for the return trip. It turns out that he knew I would take the 'cat car' back."

He thought to himself, and then asked:

"So, what is underground in Nolan?"

"I don't know. There is no record of the history of this era, and the history before the era is ambiguous."

The professor shrugged, looking at Jenkins, and holding a spoon in the bowl and turning it regularly:

"But if there is something, it must be something from thousands or even tens of thousands of years ago. This is scary to think about. Who knows what it is?"

Miss Magic also talked about the underground seal. She believed that the underground mine was the shallow part of the seal, and people had not even discovered the deeper seal.

It is not the first time that the craftsmen have caused an earthquake for the seal deep underground. I believe that the church will start an investigation after solving the urgent problem of the undead.

"I also heard that you encountered a shooting in a town outside the suburbs last week? This should be taken seriously."

"Oh, it's nothing, I just heard gunshots from a distance."

Jenkins answered absent-mindedly, "I just had bad luck."

"Fate always treats everyone equally, so it is normal to encounter bad luck occasionally. If you always encounter good luck, there are only two possibilities."

"What two possibilities?"

Jenkins asked.

He knew that if he didn't ask this question at this time, the professor would definitely feel very embarrassed.

"First, fate will prepare a dead end for him/her on the road ahead; second, he is the protagonist on the stage, not a person in reality."

"The protagonist on the stage?"

"Yes, good luck always accompanies the protagonist on the stage. No matter how much you waste the kindness of fate, you will always get a good ending in the end."

The professor couldn't help shaking his head when he said this:

"Miracles always come to the protagonist on the stage, but miracles don't always come in reality. This is the difference between the stage and life. Today's young people always think that they can be like the heroes in the story after reading a few knight novels. They never think about it. If it really comes to the age of heroes, it means that the whole continent is in chaos."

At this point, the professor couldn't help but complain to Jenkins about his students. Now knight novels and court novels are very popular, largely because the improvement of material standards has driven spiritual needs. From this point of view, Jenkins is also a beneficiary.

But teachers regard those time-wasting books as enemies. After all, interest and obsession are two different things, and students' duty is to learn.

"I am definitely not complaining about your new book."

The professor did not forget to explain this point:

"But young people should not indulge in those things, they have more things to do. I have read your book, it is very interesting, and I also agree with the discussion about the relationship between the extraordinary and the mundane."

"Professor, do many of your students read my book?"

"Of course, speaking of this, I have to... I am not complaining, but those who dare to read novels in my class will have their final paper scores reduced by ten points!"

This is a very serious punishment. Jenkins still remembers the tragic experience of the professor's students who failed to pass the exam season last year.

The two chatted for a while, and Professor Burns suddenly asked Jenkins if he had anything to do in the afternoon. He was going to attend an interesting auction in the afternoon, and the archaeology department had taken a fancy to one of the items. But it was always boring to attend such activities by himself. His colleagues all had classes, and bringing those restless young people would only cause more headaches, so he thought of inviting Jenkins.

"Of course I have nothing to do."

Although the original plan was to go home and read books, since the professor invited me, it would be okay to delay for two or three hours.

Coincidentally, the auction was still organized by the Golden Sparrow Auction House, which was the place in the morning. Professor Burns also told Jenkins mysteriously that this auction had something to do with the two of them.

"What relationship?"

The two sat at the dining table and looked at their respective bills. Jenkins didn't feel bad about his wallet, but was worried about the weight of the food that Chocolate had eaten.

"Do you remember the first time we met?"

"Remember, in the old castle in the countryside."

"Do you remember the victim that time?"

"Well, let me think..."

His main memory of that incident was the "resurrection" of his father and the terrible thing that forced everyone into a strange place. Jenkins still didn't know what it was.


Chocolate didn't know anything.

"Oh, I remember. It was Mr. Sanders from the Golden Finch Auction House, and the fat man Chewell who was an antique dealer like my father!"

"That's right!"

The professor nodded, handed the tip to the waiter, then stood up and picked up the brown cashmere suit on the back of the chair, and walked towards the door while chatting with Jenkins.

"Mr. Sanders was a gift giver, but he died in the strange world. After we came out, Father Oliver reported his case to the church, and most of his collections were taken away by the church... and the remaining small part will be auctioned today."

Section 854 Chapter 837 The Second Auction

"Mr. Sanders? Does he have any interesting collections?"

Walking out of the restaurant, there happened to be an idle carriage at the intersection not far away. Jenkins waved to the driver, and the driver jumped off the board neatly and prepared to start work.

"Sanders is a weapon collector, so all the items auctioned this time are weapons."

The professor explained, buttoning up his shirt one by one.

Three hours later, Jenkins came to the Golden Sparrow Auction House at 43 Will Five Star Street again. As the core area of ​​the city, it is still very lively here, but the waiters at the door have been replaced, but they still welcome Jenkins politely.

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