He clicked his tongue to show confusion, held the dagger in his left hand, and gently poked the butt of the cat on his shoulder.


Chocolate was originally standing with its back on its back and looking at the scenery. After being poked, it immediately made a threatening sound and looked like it was about to bite. When he realized what Jenkins wanted to do, the whiskers on both sides of his furry cheeks trembled with anger. This was the first time that Jenkins saw the cat showing such an expression.

Of course, Chocolate would not be so forgiving of Jenkins's offense. Until they returned to Old Jack's herbal shop, the kitten bared its teeth and looked like it wanted to give Jenkins a paw.

"Don't forget the last time I turned into a mouse!"

Jenkins brought up old things again and threatened to take revenge. The cat swiped him with its tail, then jumped from his shoulders to Jenkins' head, and then lay there and refused to come down.

It was already dark and there was no one in the store. Old Jack and Jenkins chatted for a few more words and then started preparing for dinner. During this period, the cat rested on top of Jenkins' head, and Jenkins had to stiffen his neck for fear that it would fall if he tilted his head.

"Speaking of which, your cat has been taking the Animal Wisdom Enlightenment Potion for about half a year. Has there been any change in it?"

Old Jack asked as he handed the plate to Jenkins.

"Very smart, sometimes too smart to be like a cat."

He expressed his feelings without seeing the eyes of the cat above him.

"Normal. This means that your cat's physique is very suitable for this medicine. Most pets that become smart will initially sneak into the kitchen to rummage for food. Does your kitten have this behavior? ?”

Old Jack asked.


Jenkins wanted to nod desperately, but considering that the grumpy cat was still above his head, he could only express his agreement louder.

"In addition, it has learned the ability to become invisible and simply change its coat color. Sometimes I even feel like it can read my thoughts."

Chocolate Jenkins raised his head and turned his head guiltily.

"This is quite unusual..."


"...But it's normal. It probably has an extraordinary bloodline. You may have heard that there are sand cats similar to A-03-1-7299, or B- 11-05-2333 A humanoid cat beast, or a special species such as the legendary moon-swallowing civet.”

Old Jack said, turning around and continuing to handle the pot of soup. But when he sat down at the dining table, he had completely forgotten about the conversation just now.

Since the potion was mentioned, Jenkins had to ask about the bloodline awakening potion. This was also the main purpose of coming to the Shire as he claimed to his father. Although he already knew that the thing came from the hand of the Skeleton Sword wielder Scrooge Pompey, Jenkins still didn't understand the relevant issues.

Old Jack has already obtained some information passed on from Nolan, and he has also checked some of the texts that have been searched at Scrooge Pompeo's house in the past few days.

"That's not a good thing."

The old man looked sad, as if he was remembering something from the past. He paused, looked at Jenkins and the cat above him, and then said softly:

"Believers of the Great One [Spirit of Nature] believe that most things that go against nature in this world have to pay a corresponding price, including the current steam industry. Although I am not a believer of that true god, I still have to pay a price. Some people agree with this point of view. The bloodline awakening potion is something that completely violates the laws of nature. Forcibly returning to the ancestors can only lead to the rapid death of the body. "

He sighed, but looked away from Jenkins, lest the cat-like movements on his head ruin the seriousness of the conversation.

"The awakening of alien bloodlines in modern humans is essentially a result of many coincidences and inevitable accidents. External stimulation that violates the natural process will inevitably lead to irreversible damage to the body. I remember the intelligence from Nolan showed , the woman who drank the potion was not mentally normal from the beginning, and her body was gradually weakening..."

"Yes, when we captured her, no one could confront her. In the end, it took a lot of spell traps to catch her, but now she can't even open the cage."

Jenkins recalled.

"Were you there?"

Old Jack asked in surprise. There was no such information in the intelligence he received.


Jenkins wanted to downplay the incident.

Hearing this, Old Jack regretted more and more that he had let Jenkins wander around when he first arrived last week. Although the letter sent by his father in advance mentioned Jenkins' ability to cause trouble, Old Jack did not know those secrets after all, and thought that Oliver was still overly protective of his apprentice as before.

"Of course, that Scrooge Pompey doesn't need to worry about the damage to the user's body. After all, he just wants to use this energy potion to create as many special types of undead as possible. I really don't know, I should say he is a genius. Still crazy."

PS: The subscription situation in the past month is half of what it was before the summer vacation, which can be called a cliff-shaped decline (face covering). But don’t worry (look up), this will not affect the progress of this book. I just hope that everyone will try not to fatten up for too long, which will hurt your confidence (lower head and face covering again).

Chapter 874 Chapter 857 The Legend of Bloodline

Old Jack sighed and shook his head, then took some porridge from his bowl with a spoon and put it into his mouth. I have to admit that Old Jack's craftsmanship is really great, especially his control of the gas stove's heat, which is the pinnacle.

"So, Pompeii or you, who has better potion skills?"

Jenkins asked pretending to be curious, and then earned an angry look from the old man:

"Needless to say, of course it's me."

If this world were the world of comics, then Old Jack's beard would definitely be raised to the sky at this moment.

"Jenkins, I can say this. In this era, there will not be more than 100 humans in the material world who are better at pharmacy than me."

As he spoke, he puffed up his chest proudly. Jenkins immediately put the spoon in his mouth to avoid being caught snickering.


The cat was hanging on his head and couldn't get off, and he was wondering why Jenkins didn't come to tease it anymore. It looked down suspiciously, hesitated for a moment, then jumped down from above its head and landed on the table.

Jenkins thought it was no longer angry, so he reached out his hand and gently stroked the lying cat's back twice. When Chocolate saw Jenkins reaching out to touch it, she thought the man was apologizing, so she meowed reservedly and was no longer angry.

"So, is there a way to determine whether someone has awakened the ancient alien bloodline?"

Jenkins finally asked the key point of today. He just went in such a long circle to ask this sentence. This afternoon, he had not figured out the relationship between the wooden toy dagger and the evolution of abilities, but Jenkins had already begun to doubt things about elves.

He hoped to get some help from Old Jack. After all, there was no news from the church.

"Most alien bloodlines will cause changes in appearance."

Jenkins quickly recalled himself in the mirror, and it seemed that nothing had changed.

"It's simpler for the gifter. The sudden appearance of new abilities is a sign of awakening... Well, there are also special items that can allow people to directly obtain abilities without rituals, such as the only items stored in Nolan Parish. B-10-3-4093 [Reader's Note] that can be used three times, the ability that this item can learn is not limited to blue alien abilities, but similar items are extremely rare, and the probability of encountering them is higher than that of my ancestors. Having a close personal relationship with a different species is even lower..."

Jenkins recalled that although the appearance of most of his abilities was extremely coincidental, it was not traceable. One of the blue alien abilities came from a gift from Mr. Barnard, and the other came from contact with a unicorn. There was no problem.

"If you don't have any of these, then look for the answer from your dreams. The awakening of the ancient power will also bring some fragments of memory. The power of those alien species is so domineering."

This time Jenkins didn't have to remember. Although he often had strange dreams, he had never dreamed about elves. A huge black cat often appears in his dreams, but Jenkins is certain that he does not have powers related to exotic cats, otherwise the "normal cat" Chocolate would not be so disobedient.

The [Cat Elegance] that appears due to the experience of raising cats does not count, it is not the power of an alien species.

"So I probably have nothing to do with elves."

Jenkins made a hasty initial judgment, but he did not dispel his suspicions. Instead, he decided to seek advice from professionals who did not want to do this after returning to Nolan, such as Miss Audrey.

The cat's little paws fiddled with Jenkins' fork, wanting to sigh as Jenkins tried to get the truth at the hands of the prophet.

In fact, what Old Jack just said was right. The signs he mentioned are all manifestations of the awakening of the alien bloodline. But the problem is that the special bloodline in Jenkins did not appear in his generation. That was all before the time traveler occupied the magpie's nest at the end of last summer. The time span was as long as a hundred years, and the stupid stranger had not thought of it so far.

After talking about the potion, Old Jack asked Jenkins if he would be free tomorrow, Tuesday.

"I have nothing to do."

Most of the purpose of his coming to the Shire has been achieved, and the purpose of vacation has also been achieved. What he should consider now is returning to Nolan.

"Huh? To me, there seems to be no difference between being in Shire and being in Nolan..."

"As long as it's okay, come with me to catch stray butterflies..."

Chocolate's ears twitched immediately.

"Is that a medicinal ingredient?"

Jenkins asked.

"Yes, their wings are very important potion materials. Unfortunately, in the past three hundred years, the survival range of these little guys has been limited to the vicinity of the Shire, and they only appear in fixed locations every winter and early spring. You The sighting last week was purely coincidental.”

Old Jack sighed. He actually wanted to avoid Jenkins getting into trouble everywhere by going out with him. If Dad were here, he would scoff at the idea. Going out with Jenkins would be more dangerous than letting him go out alone with the cat.


The cat doesn't care about the danger. It touches its paws, eager to show off its hunting talent in front of Jenkins and take revenge on those stupid butterflies.

The characteristic of the Lost Butterfly is that it can randomly teleport any living thing it comes into contact with. The priority of this kind of space teleportation is extremely high. Most abilities or items that confine space are ineffective against these butterflies.

And "contact" is not limited to direct contact. Indirect contact through fur or clothing will also be judged as contact with a whole body, thus triggering transmission. Only a very few clothes made of special materials can block this judgment of oneness, and what Old Jack provided to Jenkins was a huge cloak that felt like silk.

When catching butterflies, two people need to put their cloaks on their heads, and they must always be careful about the butterflies getting in from the gaps under their feet.

"I don't want to hear three months later that people found you on an isolated island overseas."

Old Jack used these words to warn Jenkins. Jenkins clutched the cloak in confusion, feeling that Old Jack's herbal medicine shop might be more profitable than his father's antique shop.

Those butterflies would be active near the Kankra Gorge on the outskirts of Shire in the evening, so the two of them set out together leisurely after lunch. The driver was very curious about their attire and was also interested in tools such as wooden boxes and net bags. When I saw the chocolate, I thought they were a team of mouse hunters going to work in the countryside.

During the boredom along the way, Jenkinsk and Old Jack talked about the origins of lost butterflies. Their history is older than Jenkins thought.

PS: There were a lot of typos in the three chapters yesterday. I have made changes according to the post. You can view them after refreshing.

Chapter 875 Chapter 858 The Lost Butterfly and the Cat

"What is clear is that the lost butterflies are products born out of concepts. They themselves represent the fear of the unknown world that humans in the barbaric era had."

"That's really an ancient race!"

Jenkins sighed, moved his butt on the seat of the car to make room to look around at the chocolate, and asked curiously:

"Then why didn't the Lost Butterfly exit the material world with the aliens?"

"No, they also left with the alien species. At least in the last era, there are no records of humans witnessing them in the Orthodox Church... These groups around the Shire are probably newly born groups. They themselves were born from concepts and reborn. It’s possible to show up anywhere.”

The wheels of the carriage probably crushed the stone, and the carriage jolted. Old Jack immediately stretched out his hand to hold down the wooden box on the side.

"So are there any ancient legends about these butterflies? Since they come from such a long time ago, I think they should also have interesting legends, right?"

Jenkins also held his cat down, and although it was back on his lap, it still looked frightened by the sudden shaking.


Old Jack nodded, opened the car window on the side, and then took out a small, round, flat metal box from his pocket. He opened the box with a snap, took out the blades of grass and rolled them in cigarette paper, then struck a match and lit them. Putting it in his mouth and taking a deep breath, Jenkins suspected that the puff of cigarette had been sucked into his lungs, and then blew it out the window with a long exhale.

This is not a cigarette, because Old Jack does not use tobacco leaves. According to him, the slender, yellowish leaves have a refreshing effect. Smoking like a cigarette can keep you awake all day long.

The most important thing is that the smoke he exhales has no smell, otherwise Old Jack would not smoke in the carriage.

"There are many stories about lost butterflies, some of which even ordinary people know. I think you should know the legend of the legendary paladin Silver Hand Strange. In the current popular story, he was attacked by a butterfly. But in fact, the lucky guy was just transferred to the ancient ruins by the lost butterfly."

Jenkins immediately responded with a surprised expression. The story of this ancient hero was one of the boys' favorite adventure legends when they were young.

"Another example is the story of the lost butterfly and the ancient disaster. This story has no clear records and is spread by word of mouth."

Chocolate's ears twitched twice.

"That was also a thing in ancient times. A certain terrifying creature met a group of lost butterflies, and a fierce battle broke out between the two. In the end, the terrifying number of butterflies transferred the unknown creature to a remote desert, and between them The battle indirectly tore apart the space at the easternmost whirlpool of the material world ocean."

Jenkins looked surprised again. He liked such legends very much. But the man didn't notice that the cat on his lap was licking its paws, and Chocolate hated those butterflies.

The two said goodbye to the coachman in Yuanmu Village on the outskirts, and agreed on a time to pick them up. Then they walked along the muddy path through the village and headed towards the canyon deep in the mountains.

Log Village is the closest village to the destination, so if you want to go there, Log Village is the only way to go. The writer and the cat from the city were originally very interested in the small rural village, but after taking a few steps, they were suffocated by the stench of the village and fled quickly.

People here have no concept of hygiene. The mixing of humans and animals and the wanton accumulation of excrement have caused very serious air problems. Fortunately, this is not Nolan, otherwise a great plague would break out and none of the villagers would be able to escape.

It was already around 4:00 pm when we arrived near the canyon. Jenkins felt a little tired after hiking for nearly two hours. There is no road leading here. They can only walk in the wild fields and woods, especially with a cat standing on his shoulder. Of course, Chocolate is not willing to walk through such uneven woods with excrement. .

But Old Jack didn't seem to have anything wrong at all. Compared to Jenkins, who was a little breathless, he looked like a young and strong young man.

"I have been drinking various potions to improve my health since I was thirty-five. So, compared to appreciating antiques, preparing potions is more worthy of the efforts of a promising young man like you."

Old Jack has not given up on tempting Jenkins, but Jenkins is determined. The loyalty he showed made Old Jack very appreciative, and the more so he thought that Oliver had picked up a treasure.

The danger of catching lost butterflies is not great, so in order to catch the required number as soon as possible, the two separated after entering the canyon. The bottom of the canyon is dark and damp, and the snow on the ground has not melted at all. Old Jack went to the middle of the canyon, while Jenkins stood at the entrance of the canyon to ensure that at least one person could stand in the group of butterflies after the group of butterflies appeared.

Before separating, Old Jack repeatedly told Jenkins to put on his cloak. Jenkins nodded while sorting out his tools, and then caught the cat sniffing around in his pocket, for he was worried that it would be teleported away by the butterflies.

"Don't move!"

He warned, and then saw the small cat head sticking out of his pocket. The cat nodded obediently, and its eyes looked very cute.

"I don't want to find you thousands of miles away. If you leave me, no one will give you food every day."

Jenkins warned again, and the cat nodded again.

When the pocket watch showed five fifty, Jenkins, who was bored, stood stupidly at the bottom of the valley with his cloak on his head and looked up at the sunset. Suddenly, a strong wind blew from the west, and some glittering sequins were mixed in the wind. Jenkins looked up and saw that in the dim night, large groups of butterflies with faint light were flying from farther away.

They were like shining tides in the air, and like a group of horses running in the snow. In an instant, they passed over Jenkins' head and formed a shining flying light belt in the canyon.

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