Although I have only been away from Nolan for a week, spring has already arrived here.

The fog shrouded the city in early spring. It should have been a sunny Thursday morning, but I could not see any sunshine when I walked on the street.

There were few pedestrians, and most of them were in a hurry. The carriage broke through the fog and drove out of the thick fog behind him, and then drove quickly into the fog farther away.

Jenkins raised his hand to press his hat, and walked slowly behind the strolling Chocolate. Today, the cat was rarely willing to move on its own, and Jenkins felt very relieved. Therefore, even though St. George Street was a little far from the old craftsman's shop, he did not choose a carriage.

"I'm going to dinner tonight. Is it too late for me to inform Hathaway now?"

He muttered in his heart, and suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

This premonition was so sudden that Jenkins firmly believed that it was not an illusion but a hint of inspiration.

"Don't let anything go wrong. If something goes wrong, I will be in big trouble."

He thought to himself and reached out to grab a handful of air. Of course, he couldn't get anything, after all, the mist was not solid or liquid.

But in such a low visibility, it was quite dangerous to suddenly reach out to the side. Jenkins didn't notice that someone was running behind him, and he raised his hand and hit the man on the shoulder.

The passers-by didn't care, and didn't even listen to Jenkins' apology, and hurried away.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

He muttered and continued to walk forward, and the cat swung its tail in front to lead the way. Jenkins believed that this cat knew the road completely, and its ability to recognize the road was much better than that of humans.

"After visiting Hathaway, we will go to the church to take a look. Maybe we can meet Dad, he probably doesn't know I'm back yet."


Chocolate said it didn't matter.

One person and one cat walked forward step by step, one in front and one behind. When they came to the block near the river bank, there were almost no pedestrians on the road.

After bypassing the steam valve that was spraying out from the wall, they suddenly heard a noise in front. When they got closer, they found that two men were pushing each other on the street. One of them, judging by his clothes, should be the man who had just passed by and accidentally hit by Jenkins. The other middle-aged man, who was a little older, said something like "late", "performance", "dismissal", and an angry expression on his face.

"Looks like I'm still late."

Jenkins muttered to himself, then walked around the two and continued to walk through the thick fog.

PS: There is one more chapter, turn to the back.

Chapter 891 Chapter 874 Road (Part 2)

When approaching the river bank and preparing to cross the river, the bewildered flower girl at the street corner attracted Jenkins' attention. She was dressed shabby, carrying her small basket with a desperate expression. Whenever pedestrians passed by, they would approach her timidly, but no one chose to buy her flowers.

"I'm going to invite someone to dinner, and it seems a bit impolite to be empty-handed. It's very appropriate to bring some flowers as a gift."

He found a suitable reason for himself, and then called Chocolate not to move forward. They temporarily deviated from the correct way forward, crossed the street to the other side of the intersection, and Jenkins began to look for change in his pocket.

He never gave these poor children large bills, as those things could cause trouble.

It took a lot of time to talk to the flower girl. The little girl was afraid of Jenkins' kindness at first, and seemed to think he was a terrible character like a human trafficker. Fortunately, Chocolate looked cute enough. Seeing that such a cat was willing to get close to Jenkins, the girl relaxed her vigilance a little and let Jenkins get close.

When he set off again with a bouquet of flowers, nearly twenty minutes had passed. So when Jenkins saw the desperate man appear at the bridge ahead, he was not surprised at all.

"It seems that he was really fired."

That kind of desperate expression could not be disguised. The man held his black briefcase and looked at the river under the bridge. Just looking at his back, you could feel his bad mood at the moment.

"Don't you want to commit suicide?"

Jenkins guessed.

He held the flowers in his left hand and took out his pocket watch with his right hand to check it. Seeing that it was still early, he walked along the bridge to the man and pretended to stand beside him casually.

"Today's weather is still so bad. I haven't seen such a spring for many years."

Talking about the weather is a good way to start a topic. Jenkins hopes that his way of speaking can be more natural.

As expected, the man next to him ignored him and still stared at the river under the bridge.

Chocolate rubbed his boots at Jenkins' feet. In order to deal with the dinner, it now has a good idea.

"Life is still beautiful, isn't it? Look at this river. No matter what kind of stones are blocking it, the river still flows forward."

Jenkins is not a person who is good at persuasion. His level of speech is actually very low... probably.

The man still ignored him.

"We just met. You know, I just bumped into you on the road. Oh, man, you run really fast. What's wrong now? Be happy. Even if you lose your job, you can find a new one. My neighbor lost his job before winter came, but soon found a new one and earned more gold pounds."

The man still didn't speak, his face looked terrifyingly desperate. The coat he was wearing looked cheap and had patched cuffs. It's just that the repairman's needlework is a bit poor, and the stitches are very messy.

"That's all I said. By the way, I would like to remind you that the ice on the river has not completely melted yet. If you fall in accidentally, the possibility of death is very small."

He reached out and patted the middle-aged man on the shoulder, and then continued walking along the bridge with the cat. This was enough, Jenkins did everything he could, and judging from the surprised expression at the end, the man's desire to commit suicide was not very strong.

"The air is getting really bad."

Jenkins was still thinking this when he walked off the bridge. He slowly followed the kitten who was in a particularly good mood for some reason. He felt like a servant traveling with the king.

"If I could become king, I would introduce laws to restrict illegal emissions as soon as possible. But the development of the steam industry cannot stop because of this. It is already an era of great changes. It is not good to go against the laws of the development of the times."

I was thinking about something inexplicable, and while waiting for the carriage to pass by at the intersection, I thought of Miss Windsor for some reason.

"Rather than letting a strange foreigner succeed the king, it seems better for Miss Windsor to become the new queen of the Kingdom of Fidictry."


The meaning of a cat's meowing is unclear.

"When I fought Scrooge Pompey last time, the soul storm of that sword was really troublesome. Next time I go out, I must remember to bring my fantasy flower. It only needs a huge number of souls to complete its final growth. ”

Thinking of the scene of him holding a flower pot and taking the cat out, Jenkins suddenly felt a little funny.

The old craftsman's shop is in an alley not far from the river bank. When you turn into the alley, you see the door of the shop wide open.

After bypassing the unidentified excrement in the middle of the alley and walking into the store, the old craftsman was wearing a high-end-looking monocle. While rotating the brass pinion next to his eyes, he painstakingly observed the necklace in his hand.

There is a blue gemstone in the middle of the necklace, but the reflected color is a little wrong.

"Please wait a moment, Mr. Willamette, I will go get your set of jewelry right away."

"Do you hear my footsteps?"

The old craftsman knew that it was Jenkins who entered the door just now without raising his head.

"No, I heard your cat meowing."

The rough stone that Robert gave to Jenkins was indeed made of good material. According to the old craftsman, after grinding away the surface layer of stone skin, almost all of it was composed of gemstones.

Because there was more material than expected, more jewelry was made. The original plan was to create a complete set of jewelry, including hairpins, a pair of earrings, a necklace, a ring, a brooch and five buttons. This sounds like a lot, but in fact the precious metal used is the focus, and the gemstones are just the embellishment.

After discovering that there were too many materials, the old craftsman simply made two sets of jewelry with careful planning, and the styles of both sets were carefully designed. The wages paid to him are very commensurate with his craftsmanship, and the shops recommended by Dad are absolutely reliable.

The two sets of jewelry were placed in a black suitcase. Inside the box were sponge grooves designed according to the shape of the jewelry. The sponges were decorated with black velvet fabric, allowing the gemstones to shine quietly in the fabric.

"Two sets are a bit too much. I don't know if Hathaway is willing to accept so much."

After politely leaving the store, he turned out of the alley and walked along the street. Through the thick fog, I saw a carriage parked at the intersection in front of me from a distance, so I quickly walked over and prepared to set off to find Hathaway.

Chocolate's interest in hanging out had pretty much worn off, and it had been crouching on Jenkins' shoulder since leaving the store. This requires a strong sense of balance, and only this smart kitten can do it.

Chapter 892 Chapter 875 Thursday when the ladies are away

"As long as I get through today's difficulties, I will have the energy to pack the sword...and tomorrow's baptism. The secret keeper seemed to have mentioned last night that the ceremony of learning [The Blessing of Books] will also be held there. As long as I master this magic, I really have nothing to fear."

Jenkins was still thinking about this as he walked to the carriage.


The cat responded to Jenkins's soliloquy, but knew very well that he simply couldn't do it.

The coachman also saw the young man and his cat approaching, and his professional sensitivity allowed him to see that Jenkins was a guest preparing to ride. Just as he stood up to say hello, a person suddenly appeared behind him, startling the coachman.

"I'm going to take the car to Malfoy's Bookstore."

The person who came was wet, like a water ghost crawling out of the river. He was trembling all over, clasping his hands on his chest and shrinking his neck, his face was pale and even pitiful.

"It turns out he jumped after all..."

The man who greeted the coachman was none other than the desperate man who had just been fired, and Jenkins was glad he wasn't dead.

"Let's take this gentleman away first. He looks like he needs this carriage more. God, falling into the water in this weather is really terrible."

Jenkins said magnanimously to the coachman. When the coachman saw that he was holding flowers in one hand and a suitcase in the other, looking high-spirited, he knew that this man was in a good mood today.

He smiled apologetically at Jenkins and helped the soaked middle-aged man into the car.

"What a coincidence. How many times have you met him today?"

While walking down the street looking for the next carriage, Jenkins muttered in his heart. A strange feeling entered his heart, and this "coincidence" seemed too coincidental.


The Eye of Truth looked around and found no extra colors. It was just that the aura on Chocolate's body became stronger, which meant that the cat was becoming more powerful.

Although I don't know how ordinary extraordinary animals strengthen themselves, they probably won't be as lazy as Chocolate every day.

In the more than half a year since I adopted this cat, I have never seen the cat focus on doing something. It was interested in the seeds of those fantasy flowers for the longest time, but it still lost interest in them at the end of winter.

I found another carriage and hurried to the mansion of Count Hesha. It was very unfortunate that Count Hesha was at home. In the morning of such a working man, he did not go to the Navy Command or the City Hall, but stayed at home to supervise his youngest son to do his homework, which was really surprising.

What's more embarrassing is that Jenkins once threatened this middle-aged man, and the relationship between the two became very subtle from that time on.

Count Hesa, with his powerful eyes, looked at the young visitor with a scrutiny, and the reception room was awkward for a while. On the surface, both of them had a serious expression, and even the action of holding the teacup was impeccable, but in fact they were both troubled by not being able to find a topic to start with.

"Is Hathaway at home?"

Jenkins finally spoke first.

"She went to Mainz to visit her aunt and will be back tomorrow."


It was exactly eleven o'clock in the morning when he appeared near Marquis Michael's mansion. Jenkins met the man who attempted suicide because he was fired at the intersection again.

He stood on the second floor of the apartment building and quarreled with a woman in a very loud voice. The content of the quarrel seemed to be because the man brought a weird and troublesome thing back home.

The middle-aged man's voice was a little hoarse. It was inevitable to catch a cold if he fell into the water in this season. I just hope he didn't catch up with the tail of the winter flu. Now that the plague is about to break out, it is absolutely impossible for sick people to find a job.

"Why did I meet him again?"

Jenkins was secretly alert, but he opened his eyes again to check the surroundings, and did not find any suspicious people or objects. But the thing the middle-aged man picked up and took home was very unusual. Judging from the dim golden aura color and shape, it was probably the construction waste discarded by the church.

The long-term existence in the church gave those building materials some magical powers, but no one knew why they were thrown into the river.

"Could it be that when the carriage carrying garbage passed the bridge, the wheels pressed on the repaired joints of the bridge, causing the piled things on the car to fall into the water?"

He felt that he had found the truth.

When the butler of the Michael family led Jenkins in, Marquis Michael was not at home. Because the visit under the identity of Jenkins William was also considered a visit between nobles, Miss Michael's mother and the second son who happened to be at home temporarily received Jenkins and his cat.

"Is Britney at home now?"

"She and her friends went to Hams Manor in the south of the city. I heard that Miss Hams brought a new way to play the grass ball game from the Kingdom of Cheslan."


In the distant northern country of Loen, it was one o'clock in the afternoon when I met Miss Stuart. For some reason, Alexia's spiritual magnet was in the hands of the princess, and the princess and her maid were in the carriage.

From the sound outside the car, they were traveling through the bustling city, and the women did not expect Jenkins to appear suddenly.

"Good morning, Miss Stuart, good morning, Miss Minnewick... Where is Alexia now?"

"Good afternoon, Mr. William. The teacher just left for the tower. I applied for a half-day visit for her. She will not be back until midnight today."

Her Royal Highness kept a dignified smile, pulled her skirt with both hands and asked in a low voice:

"Do you have anything to do with Teacher Miller?"


In fact, it is also possible to invite Miss Stuart. Jenkins thinks she will not refuse. But then he thought that the third princess was only sixteen years old, and taking a sixteen-year-old girl home might cause big trouble. And her identity was sensitive. Even if Jenkins didn't mind letting Nolan's church know that he was somehow involved with Rune, he definitely couldn't involve a princess in it.

"It's okay, I just want to talk to her about the tree house..."

Such an important banquet invitation should have been sent out a week or even a month in advance. But Jenkins was too busy this month, and it was the last day of the month before he knew it.

He had thought about the difficulties he would encounter, such as not knowing which lady to invite. But he never thought that he couldn't find anyone to take home.

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