"That depends on what kind of maid you need."

Mary Willamt interjected, "Of course, if you can get married now, you won't need to worry about these troubles."

Jenkins immediately shut up, not daring to discuss the topic again.

That night, he stayed here with the chocolates.

Not feeling sleepy, Jenkins hugged his cat and walked to the bedside in the bedroom. The red and blue moons were still so round.

"I have a house, a job, and a cat. Am I considered a successful person now?"

He muttered to himself, then put the chocolates on the bed and took out the carefully preserved items from the carton: unknown blue feathers, wooden badges, cube metal blocks, Mr. Hunter's fruit plate, gold nuggets, orange gem earrings .

PS: From now on, this is the time to update the first chapter every day.

Chapter 83 Chapter 80 The Guidance of Destiny

After inputting some spirit, he ate the strawberry that appeared on the fruit plate, and then put the green and red apples aside. Chocolate sniffed it, looking uninterested.

"[Sun and Justice] Church..."

Holding the metal block, he sighed with emotion, and then whispered: "The sun will shine forever, and the light of justice will illuminate the world."

This sentence is the motto of believers in [Eternal Blazing Sun] when praying. It is similar to what Jenkins often said, "Your light illuminates my path forward."

Nothing happened.

"It won't be that simple."

Jenkins muttered, and then carefully picked up the paper on the desk. On it was the Holy Emblem of [Eternal Blazing Sun], with a vertical golden line extending from the center of the Holy Emblem, extending all the way to the paper like some kind of weird circuit diagram. side.

Most magical items can only be used by believers of the corresponding gods, but there are no absolutes in the world. The Zhengshen Church has developed a ritual. Through the special ritual matrix produced by the church, that is, the piece of paper, you can temporarily use magical items that do not believe in gods as different Zhengshen believers. Of course, the alien gods must also be Zhengshen. Just fine.

Jenkins couldn't get this kind of thing. He asked his father for this piece of paper today, and he owed an extra 30 pounds for it.

As for where dad got it from, I don't know.

"If this doesn't work, it means that it is not a magical item of the [Eternal Blazing Sun], but a captured magical item of a false god."

Place the metal block upright on the holy symbol, tighten the curtains, and recall the [Ritual and Divine Item Opening] that you have specially learned.

Chocolat lay on the edge of the bed, watching with curiosity as Jenkins sat at the table, next to the holy symbol, writing a series of strange letters with ink mixed with silver powder.

After everything was done, Jenkins looked in the mirror, closed his left and right eyes in turn, and gently traced the Holy Emblem of the Inherited Sage on his eyelids.

He wanted to find out about another righteous god's magical items, so he had to declare his identity to prevent strange things from happening.

"If successful, the item will be temporarily activated."

As he spoke, Jenkins took a step back, bent forward and pressed his hand on the white paper. He first prayed to the sage, and then slowly input his own spirit.

Suddenly retreating, the metal block began to glow. Jenkins immediately opened the [Eye of Reality], and saw that the extremely dim golden light on the block disappeared, and as the object cracked, a shining bright golden light was transmitted from the crack.

Not dazzling, but definitely magnificent and dazzling.

"What's going on? The metal block is just a storage shell?"

Jenkins stretched out his head and saw that the cracks in the metal block were getting bigger and bigger, and it turned into sand and piled up on the desk.

In the end, only an irregular cylindrical gelatinous substance as thick as a little finger was left on the table.


Chocolate made a sharp cry and jumped up from the bed, trying to grab the piece of golden glue. Jenkins caught it with quick eyes and quick hands.

"You can't eat this!"

he warned, but Chocolate still struggled.

"Only sand is left?"

Instead of touching the gel, he poked the sand with his finger, "Isn't this the shell of some kind of special seal?"

He made a mental note to search for earring information and sealing rituals the next time he went to church, and reached out to pick up the golden gel.

Pinch it, it has good elasticity. I input my own spirit, but there was no response at all.

"It can't be materials or food, right?"

He thought uncertainly, but in the end he didn't figure it out. Put these things away. This is the first day of living alone. There are still many things to do tomorrow, but Jenkins is surprisingly not sleepy.

He lay back bored and looked at the white, red, green, purple and two yellow light spots in front of him. He tried to focus on the purple light spots as he usually did before going to bed.

Nothing, no, that gorgeous line of destiny extended out, and the end extended out of the window.

"What happened? Why was it activated?"

Jenkins got up with a grunt and looked strangely in the direction where the lines disappeared. The chocolate on the side was thrown down and he meowed in protest.

"Anyway, I have nothing to do now, why not go take a look?"

He suddenly thought and shuddered.

"Am I the adventurous type?"

He murmured to himself, but he was unwilling to do so. He walked around in place for a few times, thinking about the result of following the guidance of fate last time, and stamped his feet fiercely.

"You stay home, I'll be back soon!"

He ordered the chocolate, regardless of whether the cat understood it or not, and quickly went downstairs wearing slippers.

Chocolate stood on the bed, the light of the red and blue moons made the black and white fur appear somewhat magical. She gently jumped onto the windowsill, watching her master summon the black robe in the shadows to transform into another person, and then cautiously disappeared at the other end of St. George Street.


The kitten's upper limbs suddenly jumped up, grabbed the window switch, pushed the window open, jumped onto the windowsill outside the window, pushed the window tight, and then jumped down, following the owner into the night.

Jenkins knew that doing this was a bit suicidal, but he still wanted to find out. He brought all the ritual items and supernatural items that he could carry, but the last experience proved that as long as he didn't commit suicide, he shouldn't die.

Although he still didn't know under what conditions [Unknown Road Ahead] could be activated, he originally thought it was the end of the road, but now it seems not.

The thread that guided fate did not turn to a strange place. Avoiding the strange guys that appeared in the dark, Jenkins came to a nearby block. The purple thread went straight into the door of an apartment building, with a gilded door number of 112A on the door.

At this moment, Jenkins remembered the night when he "killed and robbed".

He hesitated for a moment, and saw a mailbox standing on the left side of the door. He reached out and shook the small door, which was locked.

"I am a decent gentleman."

He said to himself, carefully took out a piece of wire, poked a few times in the keyhole of the brass lock, and clicked~

The moonlight illuminated the inside of the mailbox, and there was only one letter. Looking around, there was no one, and the letter was taken out. The recipient column was written as "Wayne Barnard".

After a moment of hesitation, he realized that this was Mr. Barnard's full name.


He sighed, restored the mailbox to its original state, and then knocked on the door in his current appearance - a middle-aged man who was a little fat and wearing a light-colored woolen top.

"Excuse me, who is this?"

A weak female voice came from the door.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Barnard's friend."

Jenkins thought of a lame excuse, "Excuse me, is Mr. Barnard home?"

"Oh, hello."

The woman opened the door without any precautions. This was a tall and thin woman, and for some reason there were traces of tears on her face.

Chapter 84 Chapter 81 Benefactor, Mist, Space

"I'm sorry." The woman said in a low voice, and her mood sounded very depressed. "My husband disappeared a week ago. I'm sorry, I don't know where he went."

"Missing? What else do you know?"

"He, his friend said that Wayne disappeared when he went to the hospital for treatment. I, I'm really worried about him..."

She spoke hesitantly, and her tears flowed down. Jenkins could only spend some time to comfort her, declined the invitation to go in and sit, and walked back to the street again.

The purple line disappeared the moment Jenkins saw Mrs. Barnard.

"Disappeared a week ago, who was it that I saw the other evening?"

He suddenly stopped because two strange men appeared in front of him. Looking back, two strangers blocked his way back.

"Oh, I was careless. As a gifted person under the church, the area around Barnard's home should be monitored after he disappeared."

Thinking in his heart, Jenkins raised his hands to his head, "Gentlemen, what can I do for you?"

"Who are you?"

A man asked. This man looked familiar. He seemed to be one of the gifted people who followed Captain Binsi after the divinity was sacrificed on a rainy night.

"I am a friend of Wayne Barnard. We were classmates when we were studying and haven't seen each other for a long time. I was sent to Nolan City by the company to discuss business this time, so I remembered to visit him."

Jenkins made up a lie.

"Sir, please forgive me, but Barnard disappeared a week ago. This matter involves a lot. We must take you back for investigation. Please forgive me if it causes you any inconvenience."

His words were polite, but his actions were not polite.

He reached out to grab Jenkins, but Jenkins dodged sideways.

"Sorry, I have other things to do. Goodbye, gentlemen."

He retreated to the street while talking, then suddenly jumped up and grabbed the upper edge of the low wall behind him, activated his ability and kicked his feet to climb over the wall.

The man who was talking hurriedly followed, but as soon as he jumped onto the top of the wall, he was kicked down by Jenkins who did not leave.

The remaining three people did not know who the middle-aged fat man was, and did not dare to act rashly, so the three of them climbed up the low wall together, but there was no one behind the wall.

The four men in black jackets walked through the alley full of garbage, passed the drunk who was vomiting against the wall, and finally walked back to the main road from the other end of the alley.

"No, the drunk just now is not right."

"He can't be that fat guy, that face..."

"This alley is a dead end, how could that drunk run to a place like that to vomit, damn, I got fooled!"

That was of course Jenkins, he knew that he might not be able to outrun the four people behind him, so he took back the black robe while hiding, put it on again, and changed into a new image.

Climbing over the low wall again, looking at the Barnard's house from a distance, Jenkins changed his image again and turned to walk in another direction.

"Disappeared when going to see a doctor?"

Jenkins thought to himself, "So, the truth is that he disappeared while on a mission at the hospital. Speaking of the word hospital, I haven't forgotten the incident at the Nolan Fifth Public Hospital. So, Mr. Barnard was ordered to guard the seal of the evil spirit, and then he was possessed by the evil spirit?"

He thought of what Mr. Corpse said, "They will find out sooner or later." What they will find out sooner or later, could it be that the seal is actually useless?

The incident of the evil spirit in the hospital happened when Jenkins first crossed over. Because the church was weak, the so-called evil spirit was sealed in the hospital. I thought that the big army would be able to solve it tomorrow when they returned from the sea, but I didn't expect that I would run into it now.

"Mr. Barnard saved my life."

He stopped and looked at the two roads on the left and right in front of him. One of the main roads led to his home, and there was the light of a carriage kerosene lamp in the distance. If he walked this way, he would soon fall asleep on his bed with his own kitten; the other narrow alley led to the hospital. This road must pass through the slums, and he might encounter thieves and robbers trying to make a fortune on the road.

"But this matter is too dangerous, and it is not something I can solve."

While hesitating, someone made a decision for him.

Someone patted him on the back.

Jenkins turned around and found that a layer of white mist had risen behind him. Mr. Barnard was standing in the mist, his clothes were wrinkled and dark, his pale face seemed to be covered with frost, and only the white of his eyes was left, looking straight at Jenkins.

The recognition of the spiritual body striking cane is too high, so it was not brought out today.

"Mr. Barnard?"

He shouted the name of the gentleman opposite and retreated quickly.

Barnard did not move, but the white mist spread following Jenkins's actions. After a while, Jenkins' surroundings became a vast expanse of white.

He took a deep breath, called out the candle from the spirit and held it high in his hand. The mist was slowly dissipated, but the surroundings were no longer the spacious street, and the shadow of the deep and charming red and blue moons above his head was also lost.

This is a corridor. Judging from the taste and style, it is the No. 5 Public Hospital in Nolan City. Jenkins followed Captain Binxi to treat the wounded, so he is very familiar with the decoration style here.

"It's bad."

He sighed softly, standing still without moving, and there seemed to be a "bang bang bang" sound in the distance.

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