Chapter 918 Chapter 901 Forest and Whistle (7/10)

When he warned his cat, Jenkins tried to make a serious expression, hoping to let the little creature, which still didn't know what the situation was, understand the danger of the matter.


The cat nodded obediently and was then placed on the ground by the man.

Seeing that Jenkins wanted to leave immediately, it barked softly to try to keep him. But Jenkins' movements only paused for a moment, and his body disappeared little by little.


The cat made an aggrieved sound and looked at the place where Jenkins disappeared for a long time before slowly walking to B-08-2-8214.

It raised its hind paws and kicked the iron lump, and all the abnormalities disappeared, as if it was just an illusion.

A dark hand stretched out from the shadow in the corner and opened the drawer on the left. The things that Jenkins had just put in floated out one after another and came to the cat.


It screamed, opened its mouth, bit off a piece of the metal pointer, and swallowed another petal of the fantasy flower. It left a large gap in the puppet's leg and then almost swallowed a quarter of the gun bearing.

Although the cat drank most of the gifted water, it did not bite the [Orb of Life] after all.


There was an emotion of reluctance in his voice, and he patted the beads suspended in the air with green breath. Finally, he reluctantly licked the beads, and then let the hand in the shadow stuff those things back.


A few strands of hair flew out from the cat's tail and entered the drawer as the cat meowed. The kitten widened its eyes, opened its mouth and made a strange sound, and finally spit out a piece of paper no bigger than a fingernail.


The claws were pushed forward, and the paper drifted toward B-08-2-8214, followed by the loud sound of the drawer closing again.

The cat turned its head reluctantly, and after a long time, it lay down quietly. He put his paws under his head and waited quietly for the moment when the machine started to work again and stopped.

Jenkins, who returned to the Evergreen Forest, immediately asked the animals around him to leave. Although he can't understand rabbit language, cat language, squirrel language, deer language, etc., they all seem to understand what Jenkins is talking about.

Jenkins also entrusted the rabbits to take care of Chocolate's body here. He tied the chocolate to the largest rabbit with a rope. Although the rabbit looked a little unhappy, Jenkins did not resist when he tied it.

Watching the animals running towards the other side away from the battlefield, Jenkins stood there and took a sharp breath, then clenched his fists and ran towards the exit on the east side of the forest.

The numbered items contained in the Evergreen Forest are not evenly scattered around the forest, but are concentrated near an elderberry forest on the east side of the forest. It was built like a cemetery as a holding facility, and it was also the location for the decisive battle that Jenkins had already planned.

Although creating your own destiny may sound like a real possibility, Jenkins prefers to make your destiny more natural.

The fight between the skeleton giant and the dragon took place there. When Jenkins ran in the forest, he could feel the earth shaking with every step he took.

The fog gradually became thicker, and with the appearance of this thick fog, the forest actually began to glow. It was a light green glow that could be observed with the naked eye, floating little by little in the gray mist.

Those glimmers of light were clearly trying to disperse the fog, but at least it didn't seem easy for now.

The closer we got to the elderberry forest, the more obvious the sounds of fighting and explosions were. Jenkins, who had a monocle, could see the Gifters guarding here, fighting against the undead army. The figures were scattered everywhere in the thick fog, but from a distance, only black shadows could be seen intertwined and flickering.

There were no eyeless skeletons to stop Jenkins for the time being, but the flying evil spirits seemed to be very interested in him.

The ghost in white clothes rushed straight towards Jenkins from the sky, but for some reason, it "just happened" to hit the branch that stretched out horizontally.

It was just an ordinary branch, but the female ghost who touched the spirit body melted directly.

Jenkins, who was in a hurry, did not notice the situation behind him, nor did he notice that all possible attacks on him were blocked by this seemingly quiet forest.

But Jenkins soon discovered a problem. He couldn't find Scrooge Pompeo at all. Although the monocle can see through the fog, it cannot see through the dense forest. The Eye of Reality is filled with densely packed colored light spots, and it is completely impossible to distinguish which ones belong to Pompeii.

It was impossible to deliberately look for the place where the undead were densest, because Jenkins found that everywhere he looked, there were those scary guys.

Standing there, hesitating whether to call out the unicorn, his skin suddenly felt an extremely cold wind blowing from a distance.

With the appearance of that gust of wind, the power of death was strengthened like an overwhelming force. The eyeless skeleton that was kicked apart by Jenkins just now started to rejoin itself.


He didn't have time to pay attention to the resurrected undead, because the bone whistle on his chest actually started to tremble on its own. Suddenly, a huge force was felt on the neck, and the bone whistle broke free of the rope and flew out from Jenkins' collar, disappearing into the thick fog.

Jenkins punched the undead that rushed towards him again and froze it, then ran forward following the bone whistle.

Along the way, he saw many acquaintances fighting, but he didn't find a chance to say hello. Although the Bone Whistle flew fast enough, a path without weeds, vines or trees suddenly appeared in the forest, and Jenkins had no trouble chasing it.

The wind became more violent. Against the background of the dragon and giant fighting, Jenkins got closer to his whistle.

Seeing it right in front of me, behind the mist, a pale hand suddenly stretched out to grab it. Scrooge Pompey walked out of the fog, still looking like a rotting corpse.

"I really didn't expect that the famous writer Jenkins Willamt was actually a scribe of the Church of the Sages."

Jenkins himself didn't even notice that his body was also emitting a faint light at this time. The golden light is so soft and warm, and it is also the most beautiful color in this fog.

The Holy Emblem of the Sage flashed on his forehead, and Pompeii deduced Jenkins' identity based on this.

"You are the Holy Son? I really didn't expect that."

He held the bone whistle and shook his head gently:

"Leave here, I don't have to kill you."

"Do you think I'm going to leave? You criminal!"

The two of them looked at each other at both ends of the clearing in the dense forest. The giant dragon in the background sprayed out its breath again. The giant skeleton raised his arms and actually blocked the flames. The spreading sparks rushed into the forest below and ignited the surrounding trees. Jenkins and Pompeii happened to be in the burning woods.

Chapter 919 Chapter 902 The Power of the Son (8/10)

The fire breathed out by the dragon seemed to ignite in an instant, turning the side of Jenkins' face red and temporarily dispersing the thick fog in the area.

"Criminal? Oh, Mr. Writer, don't you think those stories of 'good triumphs over evil' in the book will really happen in reality?"

Pompeii said sarcastically, not realizing that the man in front of him had met him more than once.

"But at least today, you are bound to fail."

"No, I'll make it."

Pompey said softly, picking up the whistle and putting it in front of his mouth:

"Because I am the protagonist of this stage!"

He blew out a harsh and distorted whistle, and the roar of burning trees became the foil for this moment. The giant dragon in the background whipped out its tail and struck the giant's fist together. Black shadows flew across the sky, temporarily blocking the view.

But Jenkins could see everything that happened. In the middle of the burning forest, Pompeii was lifted up little by little by the skeleton horse that appeared under his crotch. Metallic bone armor appeared on his body. The armor even extended to the skeleton horse, and it also wore a strange armor.

The helmet wraps the head, and the visor is covered in the shape of an inverted encore cross; the armor extending to the arms looks light and flexible, and the terrifying sword in the right hand is taken out of the air.

The gray soul fire enveloped the man, and the horse's hooves trampled the soft soil anxiously. After the dragon's tail swept across the sky, a sword-wielding knight wearing armor and wrapped in flames appeared in front of Jenkins.

The sound of burning trees crackled, and the fiery red light reflected on the two people wearing single clothes with bare hands and riding a horse wearing armor. The two shadows were pulled into the distance, swaying wantonly with the flames.

"I have never felt so powerful."

Even with the mask on, Pompeii's voice could still clearly suppress the sounds of wind, fire and dragons.

"No one has ever behaved like this in front of me."

Jenkins' heart was about to jump out of his chest. He knew that he would never win without fighting. After integrating too many numbered items in a short period of time, the Skeleton Sword could hardly contain its own power.

Terrifying black smoke surrounded the blade of the sword. The feeling of oppression when facing this thing was almost no less than that of the still weak Jenkins facing the statue of the [Lord of Billions of Glory] on that rainy night in late summer.

That sword certainly doesn't have the power of a god yet, but at least now mortals in the material world can only look up to it. If Jenkins still has divinity, he can easily use any method to teach the people and swords in front of him a lesson, but last time in order to "avenge" Chocolate, the last divinity was used on the [unrecordable gun].

"That whistle and that horse are mine."

he reminded.

"I know, so I will find a suitable burial place for you."

Pompey raised his sword, and the power of the evergreen forest could not prevent him from striking the blow. The black crescent-shaped sword blade swept across everything, and the power of death completely eroded the land beneath his feet at this moment.

Trees fell down in response, five-foot-deep ravines were plowed out of the soil, and the gray fog was completely dispersed by the sword. The aftermath even knocked down all the undead and humans fighting nearby.

But no Gifter was sacrificed yet, as most of the force of the blow was blocked by Jenkins.

The smoke dissipated and the wind came again. Jenkins' feet left the ground and stopped above the sword blade ravine. The clothes on his body turned into a white sacrificial robe at some point.

A majestic and sacred golden light radiated from his body, and the substantial holy symbol of the sage was printed on the chest of the sacrificial robe. He held a book of unknown origin in his left hand, and held a golden scepter in his right hand. The scepter was wrapped in a circle of divine runes, but those runes were far less shining than the ring on Jenkins' finger.

At the top of the scepter is a holy angel with open arms, but that angel is not as holy as the man holding the scepter.

Jenkins's face and body shape did not change, but after changing his clothes and outfit, he inexplicably had a more holy and kind temperament. Although it was just simple cloth shoes and a robe made of linen, wearing it made him look like a legendary saint.

The moment he showed his figure, the world seemed to be quiet. Pompeii, the dragon, the giver, the forest, everything seemed to be looking at Jenkins.

He opened his mouth, and he also didn't understand what was going on. Just now, he was going to use [Undead] to resist, but he didn't expect that the power suddenly emerged from the slightly hot area on his forehead, and then he became like this.

The next second, the sound returned, and the crackling flames, the heavy blows of the collapsed trees, and the explosions of unknown reasons pulled everyone back to reality.

"The blessed form of the Son of God... The Church of the Sages was indeed prepared."

The dragon Nidhorgen roared in a poor common language, and then rushed towards the skeleton giant again like a cannonball. The giant crushed a large area of ​​trees in the deafening sound.

The ground trembled again, but it had nothing to do with Jenkins flying in the air. He had never heard of the "Blessed Form of the Son of God", but from a literal meaning, the Son of God who was chosen and blessed by the true God had more than just the right to "be with God after death".

The blow of the skeleton sword just now briefly cleared the fog in half of the forest. The five major church givers saw the current situation clearly, gathered together tacitly, and approached the burning jungle.

The golden light on Jenkins' body protected them, and the undead could not hurt humans behind him.

"The blessed state of the Son of God..."

Pompey in the state of the undead knight also repeated this phrase, because Jenkins could not see his expression clearly because he was wearing armor. But from the tone, surprise was greater than doubt.

"No, Antaq promised that I am the protagonist today."

His voice was clearly heard by Jenkins and the surrounding givers. Although he used the power of the stage maze again, he did not mind exposing the matter of Duke Antaq.

It can be imagined that if even one person survives here, the Antak family and even the entire Cheslan Kingdom will be in big trouble.

"No, even the blessed form of the Son of God will not be stronger than me. This sword is the strongest, and there is no power stronger than it in the material world."

Pompey gave himself the answer, and then pulled the reins with his left hand that was not holding the sword, and the skeleton horse actually took him up and flew. In Jenkins' hands, this horse has never shown the ability to fly.

Section 920 Chapter 903 Knights and Clergy (9/10)

Generally speaking, gods will not easily descend to the material world, let alone interfere in mortal affairs. Unless this matter is related to other gods, or the survival of their own church, or the power outside the world invades the material world, such as the upside-down shadow last year.

So even if the skeleton sword appears, the gods still do not show any performance, at least not on the surface. So at this time, Jenkins showed the power of the gods, which surprised Pompey so much. He did not expect that he would meet such an opponent.

"I am invincible~"

The horse neighed as he shook the reins lightly. A man and a horse rushed straight through the fire and rushed towards Jenkins. The dazzling flames made it difficult to see the original color of the white bone armor. The terrible sword was raised high. In the fiery red light, the black blade and the golden page collided with each other.

In the center of the sea of ​​fire were fighting knights and clergy. The wanton spirits almost formed an energy tide. The forest fire was suppressed for several seconds before it counterattacked again. The dragon and the giant stopped their actions at the same time, but soon they were entangled again.

"The sage said that everything is in order, and the dead should return to the earth!"

Jenkins in a white robe said, holding a book in one hand and a staff in the other, controlling the powerful power at this time. His words directly triggered the divine art, and there was no need to arrange a ritual.

The golden light spread out in all directions with the man as the center, and in an instant it collided with the black of the skeleton knight.

At this moment, the world seemed to be left with only black and gold, and the battle between the living and the dead had just begun.

"The sage said that the fire of wisdom burns the wasteland!"


The knight's sword and the priest's scepter collided with each other, sparks flew everywhere but no one had the upper hand.

"Death is the destination of everything."

The knight turned in the air, and the tide of souls rushed towards the living. The wailing soul was strengthened by the power of the skeleton sword, carrying jealousy and hatred, like the tide after the dam broke, which was unstoppable.

"The sage said that books are soul mates!"

The book in the left hand absorbed the soul like a vortex. The priest took this opportunity to swing the scepter to collide with the sword again, and at the same time, the golden lightning sprayed towards the target like a violent waterfall.

"The breath of death will eventually cover the world, and all mortals will die!"

The horse's hooves stepping in the air actually made a sound of "dead~" at this moment, and the huge ghost face shield appeared in front of the knight, blocking all the golden lightning.

The sword danced in the air, and ripples appeared in the space behind the knight. In the collision between sword and staff, tens of thousands of undead walked out from behind the space wall at this moment, and the black power once again gained the upper hand.

"The sage said that mortals are fearless, and knowledge is our power."

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