"What are you doing?"

Jenkins reached out and grabbed his cat and put it back on his shoulder. He turned around and wanted to leave to prevent anything from happening again, but suddenly heard a very clear "click~" sound.

He turned around in panic and saw the nine chains and the broken blade shattered. The broken chains and wooden sword turned into emerald green light and directly wrapped the skeleton sword. Without the restraint, the black smoke on the skeleton sword gushed out like a volcanic eruption.

"Oh no! Did the chocolate break the seal? Or did I break the seal?"

He reached out and grabbed the sword without hesitation. The green light appeared from his arm, and together with the light of the chain and the broken sword, the skeleton sword was suppressed again.

In a trance, these emeralds from different sources condensed together, forming a thick vine that crawled out of Jenkins' hand and tied the skeleton sword tightly.

This is a bit like the scene of the ritual [Breath of Life], but the vine of the breath of life is much more powerful than this.

After everything settled down, Jenkins was a little confused, not knowing what was going on. He heard noises around the riverbank again, and the animals that were lying down stood up and looked at Jenkins, and then gradually gathered to the south of the pond, as if signaling Jenkins to follow them.

After leaving the pond, the herd and Jenkins with a sword moved in the forest together, but no one noticed this place even if they made a loud noise.

The familiar scenery gradually appeared, the giant trees in the forest, the upside-down figures under the giant trees, and the quiet pond appeared in front of him.

The silent double moons hung in the sky to illuminate this place, and the sound of rain gurgling against the leaves. The herd stopped moving forward at the edge of the forest, and only Jenkins came to the giant tree with his cat.

At the location where the pool of [universal potion] was facing the giant tree, the trunk of the giant tree cracked and revealed a tree hole of medium size.


Jenkins felt as if he understood something. He looked up at the canopy of the giant tree, then looked back at the herd of beasts who were quietly looking at him, and then inserted the sword in his hand into the tree hole without saying a word.

The vines on the back of his hand were uprooted and entered the tree hole. The black smoke on the sword disappeared after entering the tree hole.

The tree was shaking violently, and Jenkins subconsciously took a step back. The tree hole healed slowly, and as the skeleton sword was gradually wrapped in the trunk of the giant tree, the emerald green light spread over the entire giant tree.

The sound of the shaking leaves completely suppressed the sound of rain at this moment, and then caused the trees in the entire forest to begin to tremble. This seemed a bit like an earthquake, but the earth remained quiet.

Rather than an earthquake, it was more like a haunting. Jenkins had never seen a scene where the entire forest trembled together.

He was very worried that the surrounding trees would suddenly come alive and shout "For the honor of the tree man", but in fact, what he saw was just the emerald green light appearing from the big tree in the center.

The starting point is the completely closed tree hole, and then the light extends upward along the trunk and penetrates into the umbrella-like canopy. When the entire canopy turns into a vibrant green, the accumulated life spirit suddenly bursts out and spreads to the entire forest.

With the giant tree as the center, the weeds and low shrubs on the ground grow again at a speed visible to the naked eye, the tree rings deepen one by one, and the herds of animals around the clearing seem to have undergone subtle changes. The guards farther away and the entire city are affected by the green ripples, and the power of life heals all the living.

PS: Thanks to @{"reader_id":"2ader_name":"Qiyao Guanghui"}'s "girlfriend" for the reward.

I was busy at school today (covering my face), and I saw it just after I made my bed. I was very moved and added a chapter.

The reason for adding more chapters is that I am very moved, not because of rewards, so it is not that rewards will add more chapters (nod, afraid).

Chapter 926 Chapter 909 New Weapons

Jenkins took a deep breath under the giant tree and felt his whole body relax. At the moment when the spirit of life erupted, it seemed that all his worries disappeared. In a brief moment, he almost felt the illusion of being integrated with the world.

But it was just an illusion. When he woke up, the forest was still the same forest, the moon was still the same two moons, and the pool was still the same pool.

The only difference was that the tree hole on the trunk of the giant tree reappeared, revealing the sword inserted diagonally inside. The starlight coincidentally gathered on the sword at this moment, and the white bone sword body was filled with cold light in the cold light.

The complex patterns climbed along the direction of the sword body like vines, mixed with the tiny death marks, making the sword in the night rain extremely dazzling.

The original evil feeling disappeared without a trace. Under the moonlight, this sword inserted diagonally in the tree hole can be called a holy sword.

In Jenkins' eyes, the more dazzling thing was the white aura that looked like a flame. That extremely powerful white aura was something Jenkins had never seen on any gift. Although it was much worse than the original skeleton sword, it was still a powerful weapon.

It was no exaggeration to say that the aura was a burning pure white fireball, which completely ignited Jenkins' heart.

He stepped forward without hesitation to grab the sword, and the violent energy of his arm when it passed through the tree hole almost destroyed the entire sleeve. But the power did not hurt Jenkins, allowing him to pull out the sword intact.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the sword, then raised it high to face the stars. The spirit of life erupting in the forest reached its peak at this moment, and the stars in the night sky also bloomed with dazzling brilliance.

At this moment, the sound of wind and energy vibration caused the forest and the ground to resonate. When people around the world raised their heads to look up at the extraordinary scene in the night sky, Jenkins faced the rain, looked at the stars and the bright light in the sky, and listened to the vibrating whispers from the entire forest:

"Redan Putt..."

The cat on the shoulder smiled happily as the pages of the book of fate began to turn slowly. The content of the last page of "The Epic of Time" was perfectly realized, and the gear that represented destiny was successfully turned to the next tooth.

In any case, Jenkins successfully made another big news. When he raised the sword, his mind was actually very confused, and he even didn't know what he was doing. Of course, he didn't hear the neat whisper.

But then he woke up immediately when he was blown by the night wind, turned around, and ran back to the cabin with his cat. While repairing clothes with Nian Shu, I steamed dry cats and wet umbrella boots. After confirming that there were no footprints left and that there was no moisture in the forest on his body, he extinguished the candle on the bedside with his hand and quickly got into the quilt and pretended to sleep.

But after getting under the quilt, he crawled out and pulled the cat in beside him. After carefully checking that all the mud on its little paws was cleaned, he placed the cat next to the pillow.

Chocolate also wisely lay down next to the pillow, pretending to be asleep like a man. And when Mr. Writer was bored and silently counting to 5931 in his mind, the door of the wooden house was pushed open by a hurried woman.

The human ears and cat ears moved in unison, and judging from the footsteps, it should be Miss Bevanna who came in.

"Oh, God, who is it! It's early morning..."

He grabbed the women's pocket watch and took a look at the moonlight at the door:

"It's four o'clock in the morning."

It took him two seconds before he pretended to be tired and climbed out of the quilt. After seeing that it was a woman who entered the door, she shyly retreated into bed, and the cat took the opportunity to get in through the gap in the quilt.

"Good evening, Miss Bevanna."

"Good evening, Jenkins."

The woman stood at the door without entering, but let in the cold wind outside. It's still early spring, and the night wind is still biting.

"Are you OK?"

"Huh? I'm fine. I've told dad that I'm fine now! Are you done with your business? I thought we couldn't meet until daytime."

"The undead in the city have basically been cleared away, but there are still some skeletons of large marine creatures near the sea that are difficult to clean up... Just be fine."

"Yes, I'm fine."

The man nodded again, then pulled the cat out from under the quilt and put it back beside the pillow.

"So, did something happen again? I just heard your footsteps in a hurry... did the Skeleton Sword appear again? Or was Pompeii resurrected? Or was Duke Antarc's whereabouts exposed? Oh, I just fell asleep..."

"No, not at all. It's just that there have been some changes in the starry sky, and this forest seems to be a little different. But it has nothing to do with us... The amazing spirit of life just broke out, almost healing all the living. This is probably a miracle.”

She paused: "As long as you're okay, good night, Jenkins."

"Good night, Miss Bevanna."

Jenkins couldn't sleep anymore. Judging from the sleep time, his sleep tonight was completely insufficient. But when he woke up and saw his father, he felt a hundred times more energetic. When he got the sword just now, he was even more energetic, as if he wanted to explode on the spot.

From 4:17 I stared at the ceiling until I got up to change clothes at 6:00. During this period, I heard the even breathing sound of Chocolate in my ears, but it still woke up on time at six o'clock because it was the time for the Williamt family to have breakfast.

When I opened the door of the wooden house, it was already very lively outside. After the effect of [Good Night, My Child] ended, the unconscious clergy gradually woke up.

There are probably more than 200 people living in this forest at this time, but most of them still don't understand what happened.

The rain had stopped, and a hundred years seemed to have passed in the Evergreen Forest overnight. As you look around, you can see towering trees everywhere, and the overgrown weeds are almost waist high.

The trails that were originally cleared have disappeared into the dense forest again. Now people are trying to find ways to clear away the obstructive trees and vines near the wooden houses so as not to affect normal life.

After a busy morning like this, Miss Bevanna never showed up to talk to Jenkins about the "Holy Son". While having lunch with the choir children, chocolate jumped on Jenkins' head because he hated those children. At this time, Captain Binsey also came over and informed Jenkins that he could leave here.

"There are some problems at the entrance to the Mirror Realm. Miss Bevanna may not be able to spare time in a short period of time. Dad said you can return to Nolan now and go back to work in the antique shop as normal starting from Monday. You can make whatever arrangements you like this weekend."

PS: Although the strange skull sword disappeared, it was replaced by Jenkins' holy bone sword. But because "it was the tree that destroyed the Skeleton Sword, not the person" and "the sword was not completely destroyed," Jenkins was not given the spirit to destroy the strange thing.

Chapter 927 Chapter 910 Disaster Follow-up

Captain Binsi held the doorknob and told Jenkins exactly what his father said. Although it was a "casual weekend arrangement", he did not forget to add at the end:

"Be careful when you go out. Although the threat of the undead is gone now, our city still faces huge threats."

Yesterday's mass coma incident affected the entire city. Jenkins originally thought that when he returned to the city, he would see a restless and panic-filled city.

But Nolan didn't seem to have changed. The thick fog dissipated, and people were still acting according to their normal life trajectory. Although the expressions of most people revealed uneasiness and fear, the city did not stop because of this, and Nolan was still a peaceful and peaceful place.

He took the initiative to raise his questions to the church driver. The driver was amused by Jenkins' idea:

"Mr. Willamt, why should we panic because someone is poisoning the city's water supply? If I don't work on time, my family will collapse and my wife and children will starve. And isn't this in the past? Are you there? The great gods are protecting us, so even if such a big thing happened, only a hundred people died in the whole city. "

The middle-aged man driving the carriage looked very optimistic. He complained to Jenkins about the difficulty of life, and praised the sage for his generosity and greatness. For him, being able to continue working for the church and earning a salary to support his family was his biggest concern. As for poisoning by foreigners or epidemics, although they are related to everyone living here, they are just things that they cannot control.

Instead of worrying about the past and the future, it is better to take a more solid step now, otherwise you will starve to death.

Jenkins had nothing to say about it.

First, we inquired about the situation in the church. The whole day's fighting yesterday caused huge losses to both the city and the church. Although the number of victims of the Giver was smaller than in the last cemetery war, almost everyone was injured this time.

The greater sacrifice lies in the death of ordinary citizens. The hundreds of people mentioned by the coachman were only killed due to accidents caused by sudden coma. In fact, they were killed by the wandering undead and the citizens who were directly infected into the undead. , there are more people.

As a West Coast metropolis with a population of nearly 3 million (note) (including small towns and regions under its jurisdiction), it is not uncommon for Nolan to have more than four-digit civilian deaths at one time. But fortunately, everything can be pushed to Duke Antak, and the city hall and even the kingdom also hold the same view as the church.

This is not only for short-term stability, but also to find an excuse to be hostile to the Chesland Kingdom. Although the mainland has been at peace for nearly two centuries, in fact there have always been irreconcilable conflicts between the three kingdoms.

Jenkins originally wanted to stay at the church to help treat the wounded, but found that there were few wounded. Later, after asking the secret keeper, I learned that the starry sky changed suddenly at around three in the morning, and a powerful spirit of life erupted from the direction of the Evergreen Forest, directly curing the diseases and injuries of all nearby creatures.

The churches are now debating the ownership of this "miracle". It is said that because of this issue, the five major churches that just cooperated to win the war are now blaming the unfavorable supervision of the heretics as the main reason for this disaster.

Jenkins couldn't find anything to do at once, so he could only take the cat and prepare to go home. In the mailbox at his door, he saw another invitation from Mr. Nellie inviting him to attend the Sunday night opera premiere.

Even after such a big event, the premiere was still not cancelled.

"That's right. Now people need something pleasant to divert their attention from the disaster."

He hesitated in his yard for a while holding the letter, and finally did not open the door. Instead, he got into the carriage again and headed to Count Hesha's home.

Hathaway has returned from out of town, but is still not home. Jenkins understood through a hint from her brother, the young Ben Hertha, that Hathaway had gone to see Britney, and the writer eventually met the two girls in the house on the banks of the Westminster River.

When the maid opened the door and saw an excited Hathaway in the foyer, Jenkins realized that this was the first time he saw the red-haired girl after that strange dream.

The girl rushed over enthusiastically and hugged Jenkins directly under the watch of the maid.

"That's great that you're okay too, Jenkins."

She could never imagine what Jenkins did yesterday, but she knew exactly what happened in the city yesterday. Hathaway was lucky enough not to come back before Nolan was locked down, but he heard the rumors here from abroad.

When I came back early this morning, I immediately read the big local news in the newspaper at the train station. After he anxiously inquired about the situation in the black market, his face turned pale and he didn't recover for a long time.

The maid closed the door behind them and went to put away the tea sets. Hathaway still held Jenkins and sobbed in his ear:

"I'm really worried. I'm worried that Brienne will encounter the undead when she's unconscious, and I'm also worried that you were injured in yesterday's battle. Oh, Jenkins, you know..."

The man suddenly pushed her away and blinked quickly. Hathaway was stunned, raised her right hand to wipe away her tears, and her tone suddenly calmed down:

"...You're right, I don't need to worry so much. Since you were worshiping in the church at that time, your security is definitely higher than Bryony."

As she said that, she turned to look at the blonde girl who was going down the stairs. Britney didn't hear the conversation just now, so she didn't see anything wrong.

Both girls seemed fine, Hathaway was away from Nolan when the disaster broke out, and Britney was at a friend's house and luckily fell asleep at her desk all day, waking up thirsty and hungry.

No one familiar with the incident happened, which made Jenkins relieved. He had already seen the professor in the church just now. As for the people in Mr. Hood's party, he believed that they would not die so easily.

"Hathaway you were so right to leave Nolan in time."

They continued talking while sitting in the living room on the first floor, and the maid prepared tea and snacks for the three of them.

"The timing of your return to Nolan is perfect."

Hathaway smiled and pointed out: "If you come back two days later, you can avoid this matter like me."


Chocolate stood up from Jenkins' lap, yawned and prepared to watch the show. The man was ready to talk about the dinner on the last day last month. Although it seemed okay to hide it, doing so sounded stupid:

"Actually... I had to come back from the Shire."

PS: Regarding the population problem in Nolan, you can think of it as London in the Victorian era, but the industry is more developed, and because the church maintains stability, the order is better. I haven't found the exact population of London during that period, but based on England's historical population (1800, 9.25 million; 1850, 18.5 million; 1900, 33 million; excluding Scotland and Ireland), and more than half of it was urbanized rate, I used the number 3 million.

If you have more accurate data, you can tell me and I can make subsequent modifications.

Chapter 928 Chapter 911 Face it

Jenkins didn't look anyone in the eyes when he spoke, he just lowered his head and looked at the teacup in his hand. Hathaway entertained the two of them with a very expensive porcelain tea set. In this era, a tea set of this level could be used as a dowry for a noble girl.

"Isn't Thursday the last day of the month?"

His tone was very slow, trying to tell the truth calmly:

"My father made a very interesting request to me at the beginning of this month..."

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