Chapter 933 Chapter 916 Son of God and Power

"What is certain is that the plague has really appeared."

The professor first told Jenkins a big news, "Although we defeated the Skeleton Sword, Pompey seemed to be ready to release the plague before his death. The first case was discovered last night, and the symptoms were very similar to those thirty years ago, but the onset was very slow, and the mortality rate is still unknown."

Jenkins was scared. He thought that if Pompey was killed, everything would really be over.

"But don't panic, at least we have solved the source, and this plague will not spread to the entire continent. As long as the Nolan Parish strengthens its epidemic prevention preparations, this will not be a disaster."

The professor comforted, then picked up the book and prepared to continue walking out. Even though terrible things like the previous few days happened, the university is still in class:

"I also heard about what happened in the Evergreen Forest. You did a great job!"

He turned around and nodded to Jenkins. If both hands were not occupied, he might have patted Jenkins on the shoulder.

"You are the pride of the Church of Sages. Although I was not there at the time, I can imagine what kind of miracle you have accomplished just by listening to others' description."

He lifted his right leg up and stood on his left leg, with his right knee against the bottom of the pile of books, holding them with his left hand to prevent them from leaning, and then he really freed his right hand to pat Jenkins' shoulder.

"You did a good job, Jenkins."

Miss Bevanna finally had time to meet Jenkins today, but the meeting place of the two was Evergreen Forest. After receiving the message, Jenkins temporarily ended the conversation with Bishop Palod about the opera tonight, and took a carriage with the cat to the outside of the city.

When I met Miss Bevanna, she was standing alone at the site of the decisive battle. Although the fire that day almost burned the area, the spirit of life that broke out later filled the place with plants again.

But the church believed that the battle that day was worth commemorating, and decided to place a memorial stone nearby to commemorate all the victims and all those who fought against the undead. The stone tablet has not been completed yet, but the open space and the path leading here have been cleared.

It is said that they will prepare an oil painting for Jenkins, but they have not yet decided which devout believer to ask to paint.

When Jenkins walked out of the forest along the path, Miss Befanna was putting her hand on the tree, as if to check whether the bark was healthy.

She heard Jenkins' footsteps, retracted her palm and turned to walk towards him.

"Jenkins, you did a good job on Friday, and the church is proud of you. Other churches in Nolan are discussing what kind of medal to give you. I think you will like it."

Although Jenkins is not a dragon, he also likes those unique things.

"Fortunately... I still don't understand what happened that day. Dad said that the life orb turned into a sword because the forest was helping me, but I always feel that it is not that simple."

"I have seen the broken sword. It has completely lost its power, and it is impossible to know how the [Life Orb] turned into this form. But since you have been promoted to level 4 and your soul power has evolved again, we might as well think that it is your power that resonates with the forest."

Miss Befanna is also good at covering up the facts with part of the truth.

"My power?"

"Yes, you have the ability to get close to life, which can be seen from your soul ability."

She had already made up a story, not afraid that Jenkins would find the flaw.

"In addition, the power of death conflicted with the rich life spirit of this forest at that time, stimulating the forest to resist, so such a magical change occurred."

Coincidentally, the star spirit also gave a similar explanation, and with Jenkins' trust in Miss Bevana, his original doubts gradually disappeared.

"Then what about the blessing of the Son of God? I have never heard of this."

Jenkins took the initiative to change the subject, which made the woman very happy, because this matter could be explained clearly.

"The Son of God is chosen by God, and is the agent of the gods in the world, supervising the material world on behalf of the gods. This is not just a title, Jenkins."

"It also represents power and obligations."

Jenkins repeated his father's words.

"Yes, the blessing of God gives the Son of God power, but only a few people can actively use this power. Do you know why?"

"Because... their bodies cannot fully bear the gift of God?"

"This is only part of the reason."

Miss Befanna smiled and nodded, leading Jenkins away from here to the wooden house of the gifter at the edge of the forest. Now the number of gifters staying here is increasing. The Skeleton Sword finally disappeared here. Although it is very likely that it has left through space movement or other methods, there is still a possibility that the sword is hiding in the dense forest.

Jenkins even saw Captain Binsi. His team was on duty here during this period, and miraculously there was no sacrifice in the battle on Friday.

"You used the power given by God that day, which is completely different from the power of mortals. In addition to considering the body's endurance, you must also consider the strength of the soul. If the soul is not strong enough, it is very likely to be assimilated by the power of God in an instant. Generally speaking, the sons of God chosen by God can only use this power reluctantly after reaching the level of demigod. This is also the strongest power that mortals can use in human form..."

At this point, she turned and looked at Jenkins:

"I knew it, Jenkins, I knew you were extraordinary."

Jenkins already felt that he was sweating.

"Every time the end of the era comes, there will always be some gifted young people appear. This is not uncommon."

"Yes, yes."

Jenkins whispered to cater to him, and the cat on his shoulder was a little disgusted with his excessive tension.

"You are extremely close to the sage, this is your talent."

"Yes, yes."

Jenkins nodded quickly. In theory, believers who are extremely compatible with God can indeed borrow the power given by God when they are weak. Some of these people are cultivated as the flesh of gods, and some have become part of many myths and legends, which are extremely honorable.

"You look a little nervous."

She noticed Jenkins' strange expression.

"Yes, I mean, a little nervous. I've been worried that the skeleton sword will jump out of the bushes next to me."

"Don't worry about this. It has no sword holder now, and it was severely injured by you. It will only hide and will never appear on its own initiative. We will probably see it again in the next era."

PS: It seems that Shuke will have another event next month. I plan to open a bounty around September 10th.

Chapter 934 Chapter 917 Road and Dragon

"It's good that the sword won't appear again."

Jenkins forced a smile and tilted his head to look at the cat, so that the woman would not see his expression again.

"Then how to trigger the so-called Son of God's blessing state?"

If Jenkins can actively learn to control this power, he can reasonably solve ** troubles in many cases.

"This is the power bestowed by the gods. Mortals only need to passively wait for the opportunity to use it. You may have noticed that the power from the gods is extremely powerful, and you even have the upper hand for a short time. But it is water without a source, and it does not belong to you..."

The woman wanted to persuade Jenkins not to be overly obsessed with power that does not belong to him. Jenkins certainly understood this truth. In fact, he was also terrified about borrowing the power of the sage.

He can now be completely sure that the sage probably knows most of what he has done. After all, even the false god [Wonderful Music] knows that he can use divinity, and the true god [Inherited Sage] cannot be unaware of it.

Maybe because Jenkins has been orderly and lawful so far, and he does pray on time and do good deeds regularly, so the sage does not mind the existence of believers like him.

Because of this idea, Jenkins is extremely reluctant to have direct contact with the god. In the event of the evil god's son, he heard that the sage might come to the world, and he even had the urge to flee to other places.

"......So you don't have to do anything. Since it is confirmed that you can use that kind of power in your current state, I think the Holy See will summon you in the near future to discuss this matter in detail. Speaking of which, I seem to have heard that the letter for your promotion has also arrived. Has the bishop notified you?"

"Yes, we talked for a while in the morning, and he mentioned this matter. It seems that I may have to go to Beldiran once this month. I hope everything goes well."


Even cats know that things will definitely not go smoothly.

The scene of the decisive battle in the fire on Friday was seen by a large number of pagans. Whether Jenkins is the Son of God or his last sword, it has probably spread to all the major churches in the local area at this time.

Although this will not affect his identity as an ordinary writer, it will definitely have an impact on him. For example, when walking with Miss Befanna, everyone who sees him will bow gently.

"Not used to it?"

"Of course not."

"Then you need to slowly adapt. The Son of God represents God, the highest title in the material world. I think the Church should have mentioned this when you first went to Beldiran."

"Yes, the great elder Wood Brohill mentioned it to me."

Jenkins said vaguely. He was worried about the cat who refused to enter the temple complex at that time, and some things he remembered were not very impressive.

The two had lunch together in the Evergreen Forest, during which Miss Befanna gave him some good advice. Since he "just" reached the fourth level, it means that he can learn more powerful abilities, and it also means that he can no longer obtain spirits by copying the tadpole text in the photo.

These are all very important things, related to Jenkins's way forward. Originally, these things should have been told to Jenkins by his father, after all, he was the leader, but for some reason Miss Befanna mentioned it during lunch.

It is a pity that even if [Blessing of Books] can be learned, due to the [Stage] puzzle lock containing five abilities, he now has no ability position to use. Learning new divine skills can only be put on hold until he is promoted to level five.

"I think that at least by the end of this year, you will be able to touch the edge of demigodhood."

"Isn't this... a bit fast? It's already March."

The lunch in the forest is made from local materials. For various reasons, the church will not hunt the wild animals here, so the content of the lunch is very plain. Jenkins liked the fruit slices very much, but the cat, who ate very little in the morning, seemed very dissatisfied with the lack of meat for lunch.

Although it also likes vegetarian food, it is definitely not the kind of cat that does not eat meat.

"Depending on your improvement speed, you may be able to complete level 4 to level 7 in November. When you have time, you can think about what you want to do in the future. You are still young and there are many paths you can choose."


Jenkins actually doesn't know what he wants to do. It would be wrong to say that he wants to waste his life in his father's antique shop. His long-term goal is just to become a god.

"I want to become stronger."

A very vague answer, but Miss Bevanna accepted it. She remained thoughtful and didn't ask any more questions that made Jenkins nervous.

Miss Bevanna had something to do in the afternoon, so she left after lunch. Jenkins claimed to want to talk to the dragon that lived in the forest, so he stayed and saw the dragon in the clearing in the northern part of the forest at one o'clock in the afternoon.

The northern part of the forest is adjacent to the rock wall of the canyon. With the help of the church, the dragon built a good-looking lair on the rock wall. But it didn't want to invite one person or one cat in, and seemed to be deeply wary of them.

Jenkins once encountered a black dragon in a strange place, but it was just observation from a distance. When he met the red dragon Niederhorgen, he realized how oppressive he would feel when facing a creature hundreds of times larger than himself.

Even though the dragon in front of him was not a threat or an enemy, it just existed there and looked at Jenkins with its huge eyes, and a feeling of oppression arose from the bottom of his heart.

Fortunately, dragons in this world do not have the so-called "dragon power". As long as the instinctive fear of huge creatures is overcome, normal communication is no problem.

"Hello, Son of God William."

After Jenkins walked through the jungle, the dragon greeted him very politely. He was seriously injured in the battle with the skeletal giant, and even though he was later healed by the spirit of nature, he still looks a little weak now. Its left wing hung low at an abnormal angle, and although Jenkins didn't know the dragon's bone structure, it looked like a sign of a fracture.

"Hello, Mr. Niederhorgen."

Jenkins learned the skills he learned from the book to greet the alien in front of him. His nondescript etiquette made the cat want to laugh, but Chocolate could hold it back.

The dragon's Common Tongue was obviously not good enough. It spoke very slowly, and some of its complex trills and codas were completely wrong. But considering that it has been in the material world for less than half a year, it is already very powerful to be able to talk to Jenkins normally.

It was very interested in Jenkins. During the conversation with Jenkins, it kept trying to understand his life before he became the Son of God. However, Jenkins' past was very ordinary, and the original owner was just an ordinary young man with no goals.

PS: The dragon can’t see that Jenkins is a god, let alone chocolate. Now the identity of Jenkins' god can be identified, only ancient beings such as gods, star spirits, and some powerful numbered creatures.

Ask for everything at the beginning of the month.

Chapter 935 Chapter 918 Cat’s Gift

The dragon Niederhorgen is an old dragon, and based on the age of the dragon, it is very likely that the old dragons have experienced alien decline in the material world. Although Jenkins wanted to get the secrets about the extinction of alien species and even the end of the era from this dragon, he also knew that it would never be able to reveal it so easily.

Sure enough, whenever this kind of topic came up, Niederhorgen would use clumsy techniques to change the subject. It can be seen that it is unwilling to talk about this matter, or even its own hometown.

But at least Jenkins figured it out. It came from a world called [Bottomless Dragon Abyss]. The dragon was unwilling to talk about anything about this world, and when Jenkins "accidentally" mentioned the Sin Coin, it directly stated that it wanted to end the conversation.

"I think you know too much, Your Majesty the Holy Son. There are some things that I cannot tell you."

Although it was said tactfully, Jenkins understood that it was not that it didn't want to say it, but that it couldn't say it.

Overall, this short meeting was very pleasant. It can be felt that the red dragon has good intentions and is not hostile to humans. It seems to regard its occasional visit to the material world as an interesting trip. Even if it almost died in the battle with the skeleton giant, it only regarded it as an excitement during the trip. adventure.

Of course, Jenkins took the opportunity to ask about some knowledge about dragon language, and crumpled up the text on the secret box as much as possible to ask for advice. Long didn't realize the connection between those words, and he was very conscientious when helping with the translation, which made Chocolate feel a little boring.

The dragon race is not a general lawful good creature. They have mastered great power and are more like bandits. At least before the dragons exited the material world, they did not have a good reputation among various races. Only a handful of dragons who signed contracts with those dragon knights would show some good temper.

After bidding farewell to the dragon, he happened to meet two knights from the [Church of the Sun and Justice] when he turned to leave. Jenkins hadn't seen the two men for several months, and his impression of them still remained in the strange place of the story.

Miss Celtic Knight is believed to be related to the Dragon Knight family. Although this cannot be confirmed, it is believed by many people.

When they met Jenkins by chance, they bowed slightly like everyone else. The cat on Jenkins' shoulder suddenly shrugged its nose. It smelled an unusual smell on the young woman.

After visiting the dragon, Mr. Writer was going to return to Nolan immediately to prepare for the opera performance in the evening. But then he thought of the suggestion of the Star Spirit last night, so he came to the giant tree in the middle of the forest again.

The pool under the giant tree contains precious B-10-5-2885 [Universal Potion]. After leaving the pool under the tree, these potions will lose their special effect of healing everything within one day, so they cannot be transferred and stored. Therefore, except for special situations like the previous few days, the five churches will send people to guard here day and night.

When Jenkins arrived under the tree, there were many gifted people near the clearing. In addition to those who were watching over the pond, there were also astrologers from the [Church of the Starry Sky and Balance], who were fiddling with sophisticated astrological instruments and studying the relationship between the formation of the tree and the stars.

It was daytime now, and they were just making preparations. They would start recording and analyzing at night.

"There are so many people..."

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