Jenkins responded with strange syntax: "How to prove it?"

Hearing this answer, the person opposite seemed to be relieved, and he motioned to the four people behind him not to panic.

"Release your spiritual emblem."

he said.

Jenkins was silent. This was another term he had never heard of.

Probably misunderstanding Jenkins' silence, Mr. Hood explained: "We have no intention of prying into your true identity, but we must confirm that you are not a criminal from other cities. Although we hate the [Registration Law] and do not believe in orthodoxy, It is a secret gathering of the Church of God, but it is definitely not a criminal organization.”

Section 8 Chapter 7 Information Exchange (Part 1)

"It's different from what I thought. This group of people appears here just as a 'hobby club'?"

Jenkins nodded, stretched out his hand and tapped his temple to activate the [Eye of Truth]. This action scared the five of them and took a step back in unison.

"I need to confirm your spiritual emblem first."


Mr. Hood nodded. In Jenkins' field of vision, five light spots, one white, two red, and two yellow, floated in front of him. In the next moment, the red light spot in the center suddenly brightened, and a red pattern of a bird with spread wings appeared in front of Mr. Hood.

This is just an illusion, and the pattern is only as big as a palm.

The other four people also stepped forward, just like Mr. Hood did, and the light spot in the center in front of everyone brightened. Then, red clouds, yellow five-hole piccolos, yellow regular hexagons and green arm patterns appeared in the air.


Jenkins said, looking at his own light spot. The problem is serious, what can be called the "center" position is occupied by both green and purple.

"Is this because I devoured the soul fragments of the original owner of my body?"

He remembered the "soul trait" ability mentioned by Barnard, and it seemed that his guess was good.

After thinking briefly, he decided to try the purple light spot. The reason is that Barnard knows that he has green abilities, and he does not want to reveal his identity.

Look at the point of light and imagine some invisible substance flowing through your body. A stream of cold air appeared smoothly and fell directly into the light spot in front of him.

A purple five-pointed star flashed in the air for a moment, and finally became fixed.


A high-pitched female voice asked doubtfully: "White foundation, red martial arts, yellow spells, golden magic, what type of ability is purple?"

"Don't pry into other people's privacy!"

The hooded gentleman beside her warned, and the woman nodded immediately.

"There is no such mark on the wanted list."

"I've never heard of purple's abilities."

"Not a wanted criminal near Nolan City."

"There are no bad people whose mark is the pentagram."

Several people turned their heads at the same time and looked at the guy who said the last sentence. She was the sharp female voice just now.

"Your words reveal the fact that you believe in the Lady [Mystery and Ritual]."

Mr. Hood reminded.

[Mystery and Ritual] Ms. Jenkins has never heard of it, but she thinks it must be a false god. In this world, only the gods corresponding to the twelve months of the year can be called true gods, and the rest are false gods.

But in my memory, the attitude of the Orthodox Church towards false gods is ambiguous. They will not expel, arrest or harm believers of false gods, nor will they openly oppose the beliefs of false gods, but they will never declare anything related to them. False gods are allowed to promote their own religion in public places and are not allowed to build their own churches...

In other words, as long as the followers of false gods do not engage in evil religious rituals, do not promote doctrines that are wrong with the mainstream of society, do not engage in subversive activities, and develop honestly and privately, the orthodox sect will completely treat them as nothing.

What's even stranger is that even the believers of false gods themselves call the gods they believe in "false gods"... The water in this world doesn't look shallow.

"Hasn't it been exposed a long time ago that I believe in ladies? But this is not enough for you to know who I am."

"There are strangers now..."

The five people looked at Jenkins again.

"Can I be trusted?"

he asked.

"Yes, but it's only temporary. If you do anything strange, we will report you to the Zhengshen Church immediately."

It was obviously you who held a secret meeting, but you threatened me to call the police...

Everyone took back their marks and gathered around again. Mr. Hood introduced to Jenkins:

"Once again, our gathering is not illegal, it is just to protect our own secrets. There are many such gatherings in Nolan City! So, even if you go to the government to call the police or report to the church, it will be useless! The number of Gifters is actually There are not many, and there are even fewer people who believe in false gods. Our gathering is just to exchange information or conduct small transactions, and it is not against the law or morality."

He emphasized his legitimacy many times in this sentence, but it was not a crime for five people who concealed their identities to get together so late at night and in such a remote place?

"I understand, you don't need to explain. False god believers are not accepted by the mainstream of society. We are just silently resisting authority."

He spoke, interrupting Mr. Hood.

"Yes, silently resisting authority. I like your description. Now, please give yourself a name so that we can call each other easily."

He pointed to the other four people: "I am Mr. Hood, the one with the sharp voice is Mr. Magic, the one on your right is Mr. Black Cat, the one between us is Mr. Birchwood, and this is Mr. Ghost. By the way, the one who escaped This is Mr. Dagger, damn, I should have known that people with such names are not good people!”

Two of them clearly had female voices, but they were all addressed as Mr. (Mr.).

"Mr. Candle."

Jenkins said, simply because he was holding a candle in his hand.

"Very well, Mr. Candle, welcome to your arrival. You have temporarily gained our trust. Then let the party begin."

Jenkins remained silent, intending to see what this "legal" secret gathering was about.

Everyone stepped on the garbage and moved into the shadow of the moonlight to prevent [Night and Secret] users from discovering their traces through the moonlight.

"According to the rules, everyone tells a recent piece of information. I'll go first. The [Death and Endings] Church sacrificed a level 4 gifter at Nolan No. 5 Public Hospital. Don't go near it if you have nothing to do recently."

No one asked why. Jenkins wrote down "Level 4", and the next sharp-voiced Mr. Magic said:

"There is a big problem on a small island off the coast of Nolan City. It is suspected that [the monster] is out of control. At least three combat teams from the church of [Storm Lord] have already set off."

"Is the information correct?"

At this time Mr. Bailing asked in a female voice.

"Isn't the rule here that you can only say things that are 100% certain?"

Mr. Bailing nodded slightly with his hooded head, and then said: "Tomorrow at midnight, a batch of antiques smuggled from the sea will arrive in Nolan. I don't know the specific landing place, but there are both [in that batch of antiques] There are also "supernatural things" in the following sentence, and there are also "gifts" in the following sentence. If you have enough connections and courage, you should be able to find some good things in the black market recently. "


Section 9 Chapter 8 Information Exchange (Part 2)

This time it was Mr. Magic's turn to interrupt others. She took a breath: "The Church of the Righteous God divides supernatural items into Series A [Tricks], Series B [Extraordinary], and Series C [Gifts]. This time actually Maybe there is a [gift]?”

"Yes, I heard this news from another party, so I am not sure."

"Madam, [Gift] is an item that can be immersed in one's own spirituality and bless the gifter's ability. In addition to obtaining it through [Mysterious Realm], it can only be purified [Mysterious Object]..." "

Jenkins got new information. As he listened, he thanked Mr. Magic in his heart for explaining the matter so thoroughly. Thinking of the sticky candle in his hand, he had a sudden idea and mobilized the cold air flow just now and moved it into his hand.

The candle in my touch was gone, but there seemed to be something more in my body. Next to the light spots and bubbles in front of him, a simple candle pattern slowly appeared.

"It's my turn."

Next up is Mr. Black Cat.

"Nolan Municipal Council plans to upgrade the infrastructure of Eddyland in the near future, with a focus on achieving steam pipe coverage for every household."

Huh? The style of this message is different!

"As long as it's valuable and confidential information, it's fine."

Mr. Hood explained quietly, and Jenkins nodded. Likewise, the shadow on the ground still didn't move.

Finally Mr. Birchwood

"I didn't get any valuable information. I owe you two for this time and two for next time."

No one else had an opinion.

Everyone then looked at Jenkins. Of course, only the orientation of the hood had changed.

"Is anything okay?"

he asked.

"Yes, it's okay if it's valuable. If it's about the Giver, then it can be a little more relaxed."

Jenkins nodded, changed his mind, and said:

"On my way here tonight, I saw a giant octopus chasing two people."

This piece of news actually works. Mr. Magic said in a worried voice: "It has appeared again. Our gatherings have been less recently. God knows who will encounter it."





The four people replied in turn, and Jenkins understood that this was not the first time the octopus had appeared.

"The exchange of information is over, it's time for trading. Does anyone need anything or can provide anything?"

said Mr. Hood, who seemed to be the host of the gathering.

"I want to know what type of ability Purple has!"

Mr. Magic spoke eagerly, his hood turning towards Jenkins.

"What can you give?"

He asked rhetorically, hoping to obtain a supernatural item. Moreover, after standing for so long, his feet seemed a little numb. The original owner's health was really bad.

"I have no money, and your information is not worth an item. Just ask me for a piece of information."

There was a pity in his heart, but Jenkins agreed.

The two walked to the side one after another. After confirming that the other four people could not hear, Jenkins asked:

"I just came to Nolan, so I don't know what's going on here. I want to know about the big octopus."

"No problem, to show my sincerity, I'll go first. That octopus is a big/trouble faced by the Orthodox Church at present. It has appeared in Nolan City on time at ten o'clock every night since two months ago, but only it People within ten meters of where it appears can see it.”


Jenkins asked.

"No, that's not entirely true. For ordinary citizens, as long as they don't see it, it won't have any impact. But for those who are unlucky enough to be within ten meters of it, the giant monster is real. Did you see it destroying the city just now?"

"Yes," Jenkins agreed immediately. The scene in his memory was similar to the Ultraman set, except that Ultraman was missing.

"If you walk around Nolan City now, you will find that nothing happened."

"But I saw that the unlucky people being chased were really injured by the rubble."

And the unlucky guy was me...

"Yes, this is what is called seeing is real, and not seeing is an illusion. The number of missing people at night has increased dramatically in recent months, and the church finally noticed this matter, but in fact, someone mentioned this matter in our gathering a long time ago. The five orthodox churches in Nolan City have all sent people to intensify patrols, and the scribe team, night watchman team, navigator team, gravekeeper team and astrologer team are all dispatched. Finally, the [All-Starry Sky] Church It was a reckless newcomer who got lost during patrol and encountered the octopus for the first time. "

"From the names, the scribe, night watchman, navigator, gravekeeper and astrologer should belong to the gods [Inherited Sage], [Lightless Moon], [Storm Lord], [Death's End] and [All-Seeing Starry Sky] respectively.

Jenkins thought silently that the calendar of this world still has twelve months a year, and each month corresponds to a corresponding god. For example, it is July now, which belongs to [Fate Hermit], so July is also called [Hermit and Thunder Month], and Thunder refers to summer.

"Why did the octopus appear? I mean, it can't be a natural phenomenon, right?"

Jenkins asked again.

"Its appearance is related to [Strange Realm]. You should know that if the Strange Realm collapses naturally without anyone passing through, some things inside may fall into our world. The Strange Realm is originally an extremely strange existence, and once the items inside appear in this way here, they will definitely undergo even stranger changes..."

"That is [Strange Thing]. "Jenkins added in his mind, there is no evidence, but it should be like this.

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