"But here's the thing...Jenkins, everyone makes decisions for a reason. You like us, I like you, she likes us, but now is not the time for a showdown."

PS: There will be no car. As everyone knows now, I am afraid that the power of higher dimensions will harm the book directly. Safety first... As for the relationship with the girls, Jenkins is already taking it seriously. The relationship is over, now it’s the girls’ problem.

Chapter 945 Chapter 928 Summer Deadline

The dim moonlight penetrated the fog layer, and Jenkins was confused now. He hates complexity, so after seeing everything clearly, he is ready to accept everything.

"Why? I still don't understand, I like you, she likes us, you like us, so why not have a serious talk? I'm ready for it, oh, yeah, God, I think I really don’t want to say this…”

He could feel his cat watching, but he had no time to deal with the chocolate now.

"Yes, I have to say it. I like you, yes, I am greedy, I like Hathaway Hertha and Bryony Michael. Why don't you go and make things clear with Bryony now?"

Jenkins may be young and immature, but at least he is a very responsible man; he may have escaped, but the stranger has left a bond in this world; there are greater goals in the distance, but at least he also knows where to step. The road is equally important...

This was the rare time that Jenkins faced Hathaway so seriously:

“I don’t want to play the game of, oh, this is really fucking bad, I’ve been forced to hide in the closet twice.

Britney wanted to hide this from you because she was worried that you wouldn't be able to accept it; but why did you hide our relationship from her? You already know now that she can accept all this calmly. Oh, Hathaway, I don't mean to say that I am a greedy person, we can discuss the marriage further, but why hide it from each other? "

It's very shameful to say this, because this sentence is a tacit admission that Jenkins wants two girls at the same time. He was really ready to accept all this, and even planned to take the girls to Loen if he could not survive in the Kingdom of Fidictry, and then support Miss Stuart's revolution to change the law.


Chocolate thinks Jenkins is an idiot.

The red-haired girl looked at Jenkins gently and allowed him to finish what he wanted to say. She stared closely into Jenkins's eyes, and there seemed to be the whole world in those eyes:

"I'm glad you finally want to accept this...but trust me, Jenkins, now is not the chance, Brienne doesn't know as much about us as she thinks she does, and you should be well aware of that. I will never let her know about the Giver for the rest of my life, so I must guide her to discover some facts that can be known before speaking openly."

Hathaway's tone was very calm, as if she had already thought of such a conversation:

"Now you're ready for this, and so am I, but neither is Bryony, who thinks she's the only one who knows everything. Forgive my hesitation, Jenkins, I swear I'll be there by summer Get ready for the end, thank you for everything you've done for us...I love you."

She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed the man.

After that, Jenkins was silent for a while, and finally had to accept Hathaway's approach. He was indeed ready to face all this, but now it was the girls who had the problem.

Although Britney thought she was the one who made the initiative, in fact the blonde was completely kept in the dark. If the relationship is to be open and honest, at least until then, give Britney time to let in some secrets.

"Actually, I also have a secret..."

After I made my feelings clear, it felt like a big stone had been lifted from my heart. Jenkins looked at the floor, as if interested in his slippers.

"Actually...I still have a girl I like."

He thought the atmosphere in the room was already awkward, but he didn't expect that as he said these words, the embarrassment would once again exceed the upper limit.

"......I know."

It was difficult for Jenkins to raise his head to observe Hathaway's expression at this moment, but he still thought that some things would be better to say, especially in the atmosphere tonight.

"I have thought of it a long time ago. After all, you..."

After sighing, Hathaway said softly, "I once smelled a strange perfume on you."


Jenkins was really tired of this magical night.

"I won't say 'it doesn't matter,' but Jenkins, you have to understand what you want. I will support your decision, but please don't hurt us."

Jenkins thought this sentence was a kind of tacit approval, and then wanted to raise his hand and slap himself.

"And I also have something to hide from you...about your life experience."

This was the key reason that directly led to Bryony's choice, and Jenkins thought of the "elf", and his heart suddenly beat faster.

"you mean?"

He couldn't believe that he would get the truth from Hathaway.

"After a difficult search, can the answer be obtained so easily?"

What happened tonight seemed to have nothing to do with the elves, and he didn't understand why Hathaway suddenly mentioned it.

"I mean... In fact, you may be the descendant of a very powerful noble... I don't mean that you are an illegitimate child. This happened many generations ago."

Hathaway said slowly.


This is not the answer Jenkins wants. Whether the Williamt family is of duke or marquis blood has nothing to do with him at all. It is just a matter of mortals...

"Wait a minute, maybe elves still have blood descendants in the material world!"

This occurred to him at once.

Although this is a correct idea, the royal Middleton family's connection with elves is absolutely confidential information. Jenkins can't tie it all together yet, it's just speculation right now.

"Sorry, who is our family related to?"

He felt that he was suddenly coming into contact with the truth.

"Sorry, I only know that it is a very powerful noble, and it may even be related to the throne...Bryony's choices are not all her original intentions...I still don't know about this matter. There is no clear investigation. This is very complicated. Please be prepared in advance. Therefore, now is not the time to be honest. Things other than the three of us are also affecting this matter...or being affected by it. "

The girl looked at Jenkins with some worry. In her opinion, the root cause of the current situation was the choice proposed by Marquis Michael. The kind and simple writer was just a victim.

Chocolate's little paws scratched on the bed in an attempt to make noise. In fact, Jenkins didn't trim its claws frequently, but the cat's nails never grew excessively.

"You don't have to worry about this, Jenkins, I will take care of it all. Please remember, don't let Briony know about our conversation, I will take care of it..."

She leaned forward and kissed Jenkins gently on the lips again, then smiled at him before standing up and leaving. Jenkins sat on the edge of the bed without moving for a long time, and then fell back on the bed for a long time, unwilling to think about anything.

PS: I’m so tired when school starts, and I’m so tired as a graduate student...

Another: So, Jenkins is not a scumbag, nor is he a bastard who just wants to be loved without any response. He was just a little more concerned and a little slower.

Another update: Add one more update, please vote.

Chapter 946 Chapter 929 The Gray Era

The next day was Monday, and Jenkins woke up still thinking about the magical things that had happened the night before, which, even for his life, were magical. But the two ladies seemed fine and were chatting and laughing while having breakfast.

Once again, Jenkins felt the power of women.

After bidding farewell to the two ladies, he did not go home, but went directly to Dad's antique store. Since the Skeleton Sword incident broke out, he has not worked seriously here. Now that I have returned here after a long absence, I feel an indescribable feeling.

Dad was sitting in the rocking chair in front of the fireplace as usual, but there was no flame burning in the fireplace. With the arrival of spring, some habits are slowly changing, like Jenkins already planning to move from the fireplace to the second floor bedroom to sleep.

Of course my father was very aware of the big incident that happened at the Royal Opera House last night, and even the newspaper in his hand happened to read a report about that incident.

The newspaper devoted almost half of its page to a black-and-white photo taken outside the opera house. The photo was perfectly chosen to show the entrance of the opera house, with people hurriedly leaving as if fleeing for safety.

The background of the photo is a variety of luxury carriages and uniformed police detectives. This photo alone is enough to guarantee a big sale of today's morning paper.

"You did a great job and were very decisive."

No one, including my father, has ever asked what happened to Jenkins' last magical "explosion". Now people think it was a miracle, evidence that William was blessed by the gods and appointed as the next archbishop. , and people in the church knew that this was the Son being favored by the gods.

"Antak deserves it, but if he does it now, the war may break out in advance."

Dad looked worried. He turned the newspaper back one page, and the photo on the next page turned out to be Jenkins' profile. Judging from the background and clothing, this should be a photo taken when he was knighted for the first time.

"Bevanna caught an unrecorded demigod on the second floor of the Opera House last night. He comes from a very troublesome organization. Now really strange people are popping up, and strange demigods appear in Nolan , but it’s no less important than Antak being killed by you.”

Sighing as he spoke, he saw Jenkins peeking at the newspaper behind him, so he stood up and handed the newspaper to him.

"While reporting on things related to you, the church instructed the newspaper to write a special report about you. Now you are really going to be famous."

There was a second newspaper next to Dad, which he unfolded and continued reading.

“Does the church want me to go out in public?”

"I don't know about this. You should ask Bevanna or Bishop Parrod. Speaking of which, Bevanna seems to have asked you to see her this morning. Did you go?"


Jenkins couldn't help but patted his forehead, "Sorry, I forgot. What happened last night really made me nervous."

"Then go quickly and come back as soon as possible. The antique shop has not had any business for several days. We need to organize the warehouse behind and move out the goods suitable for spring sales."

When Jenkins went out, he took his father's newspaper with him and saw new news about the plague in the carriage.

The news about the emergence of corpse plague has been disclosed to the public by the City Hall. This matter is not blamed on Duke Antaq, but is still discussed together with winter flu.

The epidemic prevention situation has now reached the most severe moment. Most of the cemeteries in the suburbs are temporarily closed. At the same time, if a corpse or acute fever occurs in the city, it must be reported to the police or the church as soon as possible.

Because the plague has been publicized for more than half a month, the residents of Nolan City have also made mental preparations. But no one can adapt to such a disaster in early spring. There were fewer pedestrians on the street on Monday morning. Most people walked with their heads down, looking hurried.

As long as someone coughed suddenly, pedestrians on a street would leave the street quickly. This is the norm now. People gradually begin to reject unnecessary going out, but for the sake of survival and family, only a very small number of people can arrange travel plans according to their own needs.

After Skru Pompeii was defeated by Jenkins, the strange gray fog that attacked the city with the undead retreated to the outskirts of the city. But the air in the city did not remain the same, and the retreating fog was not all. Compared with the days before, the fog during the day can feel thicker.

Jenkins also talked about this with the coachman on the road. The old coachman witnessed the development of the city, so he also knew clearly how these fogs appeared in the city.

"When I was as young as you, although I could rarely see the blue sky, such thick fog weather would only appear in winter and late summer every year. Now this has become the norm. I really don’t know who will die first, this city or these fogs."

In the church, Jenkins also specifically asked Miss Befanna about the investigation of the fog, but the progress of the investigation was not optimistic. It’s not that the source of the fog can’t be found, but that the fog obviously comes from factories and mines inside and outside Nolan City. This is the reason.

But the reason why it has developed into what it is now cannot be explained at all. The fog is ordinary fog, and the city is also an ordinary city. Ordinary fog has been hovering in this ordinary city for a long time, and it has become what it is now.

"This is the result of the sins of mortals themselves, the punishment of nature, the conspiracy of the gifter, and the influence of extraordinary things. It is the punishment of fate on mankind..."

This explanation is exactly the same as what Professor Burns said. In this idealistic world, the formation of disasters is often so unreasonable.

Miss Bevanna invited Jenkins to the church to talk about what happened in the opera house last night.

The two first reviewed every meeting between Jenkins and Duke Antak, focusing on the last day of last month, when Jenkins was looking for the girls to attend the dinner, and he inexplicably jumped out and wanted to kill Jenkins.

During this period, Miss Bevanna did not explain the tree house and the demigod in detail, but only said that Duke Antak's actions were supported by an evil organization.

This is a very dangerous signal, because the tree house organization has been clearly associated with the term [Savior Emblem] in the past history. The fact that Duke Antak was supported by them directly indicated that the Duke was also one of the contenders for the emblem.

Chapter 947 Chapter 930 News from the Mirror World

From the current point of view, Antak's search for the identity of the savior has not yet implicated Jenkins, after all, he really did nothing. But once the church finds information about the [Fate Stage] in the Antak family of the Cheslan Kingdom, Jenkins' performance on the stage last night will be very suspicious.

Now the only way to make him clear his relationship with the [Fate Stage] is to move the doomsday document that may exist in the opera house as soon as possible.

As long as the doomsday document appears in a place where Jenkins cannot appear, all suspicion about him will disappear.

After understanding this, it became very important to act as soon as possible after the church and the police withdrew from the opera house. But at least Jenkins has no chance today, and the opera house is still under martial law.

The conversation with Miss Befanna lasted until lunch time. She made sure that she had collected all the clues from last night before letting Jenkins leave. The purpose of this conversation seemed to be related to this. If Jenkins's guess was correct, the church wanted to find clues about the composition of the [Fate Stage] from Duke Antak's actions.

This is certainly useful, but now that quota is gone.

"Speaking of which, how is the mirror world going?"

The cat, who had been lying on Jenkins' legs for the whole morning, finally became energetic when it was close to lunch time. It thought Jenkins was finally going to stand up and leave the room to eat, but the man just adjusted his sitting position and did not want to stand up.


Hearing the cat's dissatisfied sound, Jenkins reached out and scratched its chin, and Chocolate immediately became obedient again.

"It's very troublesome. The entrance to the Mirror Realm is still unstable, and the investigators who entered it have not found the whereabouts of those from the circus. The five churches in Nolan have asked their superiors for help, and there is no one in the diocese. There are no gifters who know much about the mirror world. No new demigods will come for the time being. After all, the matter in the desert may be more troublesome."

As the woman spoke, she casually took a document bag from her desk and handed it to Jenkins.

"If you are interested, just take a look at the Mirror Realm. Speaking of which, even if we make no further progress this time, the current discoveries are enough to change people's understanding of the Mirror Realm. I really can't understand that circus Where did the group obtain the fixed entrance to the mirror world? We are now investigating their activities in the past ten years..."

Halfway through last night's opera performance, it was interrupted by a sudden accident. Although the Duke of Antark "fell from the sky" almost destroyed the stage, fortunately, because it was in transition at that time, there were only two actors on the stage singing duet standing on the edge, so no one was injured.

The performance will be held at another time, but considering the current epidemic, this time may be postponed to the end of spring. But fortunately, the Silver Jasmine Opera Company has no plans to leave Nolan in the near future.

They were stranded in Nolan last fall due to some matters and have been performing locally since then. Within half a year, the minds of some staff members in the troupe have changed. Many people support settling down the opera troupe instead of living in an unstable place as in the past.

According to Mr. Nellie's letter, the matter is still in the discussion stage, but at least they will not leave the local area before summer.

After leaving the church, he went home first to pick up the letter from the mailbox. Jenkins read it while walking towards his father's antique store. Among the letters were messages from acquaintances asking if Jenkins was okay after Friday's mass coma in the city.

The old painter Grant also sent a letter, but in addition to greetings, he also specifically mentioned that the art exhibition he was going to participate in had been postponed to the weekend of this week due to the plague. He once again invited Jenkins to attend, and politely said that it was okay even if he didn't go.

The cat leads the way in front of Jenkins. Although he is a little lazy, he still maintains the habit of cats loving activities. There will always be a period of time when he likes to walk on his own.

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