"It's unreasonable to shine like you. Givers usually hide all their identities, so you don't look like a giver."

This adjective is not very appropriate.

"And your past is very ordinary. Even if the church cultivates gifted people, it will not choose a man in his twenties with no foundation."

Huntress explained, then noticed that Jenkins was deliberately adjusting his sitting position. She only thought that the other person had strange habits, and she didn't know that Jenkins was trying to avoid being identified.

What happened just now is easy to explain. As a strange world that is difficult to enter and exit, the mirror world is more suitable for sealing some strange things than the material world. There is a terrible evil thing sealed in the depths of the Mirror Realm. This is something that most of the Gifters know. I am afraid that some unknown evil thing just transformed the disaster through the mirror and briefly showed its own eyes deeper in the Mirror Realm on the surface of the Mirror Realm. , so he hit four people hard at once.

"This is an extremely dangerous place. Whether it is the creatures wandering in the mirror world or the natural disasters in the world itself, they can cause us disaster. But what is even more terrifying is the material world and wisdom reflected in the mirror world. The reflection of creatures here is what we need to be most vigilant about.”

The huntress concluded like this, and then began to try to wake up the other two companions.

Jenkins' cat was the last of the group to wake up. Even though it looked comatose and looked like it was asleep, Jenkins was still worried. On the contrary, Miss Capet is very envious of Jenkins for having such a smart pet. According to her, it is extremely difficult to cultivate ordinary animals into extraordinary creatures. Even with the precious [Animal Wisdom Enlightenment Potion], the success rate is almost equal to When you go out, turn left and encounter a strange thing.

The four people in the group are all gifted from the Zhengshen Church, and they even know each other, and there is no conflict of interest. After everything recovered, they briefly reached an agreement and formed a small group during the Mirror World to jointly find a way out of here.

There is very little information about the Mirror Realm. Nolan's discovery this time can be called the largest exploration of the Mirror Realm in this era, so the document bag that Jenkins brought in became the key to the rescue of the four people.

But after opening it, the result was a big disappointment. Inside the paper bag was a pile of white paper. Since this was given directly to Jenkins by Miss Bevanna, it is impossible to play tricks like "Wordless Book", so there should be words on the paper.

"The mirror world is rejecting information that is detrimental to itself?"

Miss Knight guessed that the time she entered here was not long after she was separated from Jenkins in the Evergreen Forest last time, and was sucked in in front of the sparkling pool. This was almost as unlucky as Jenkins just now.

"So, the mirror world already has a certain degree of self-awareness?"

Miss Capet, who was covering her forehead, also followed up with speculation. She was the only one present who was not a temporary resident of the local area. Therefore, except for the appearance of the entrance to the Mirror World, she knew almost nothing about the news about the Mirror World.

But overall, the current situation is quite troublesome, because Jenkins does not carry the metal block that seals divinity. He was just working in an antique shop, so there was no need to put that thing on him. Otherwise, with the power of the deified state, it would not be difficult to open the exit by breaking the space with one blow.

PS: This mirror world adventure is not expected to last long. The purpose of this interlude is just to provide some off-site clues to Jenkins and introduce an extremely important new character.

Chapter 951 Chapter 934 Mirror Monster

"It would be really scary if the world itself was conscious."

The huntress sighed, and then she and everyone else were silent for a while, holding the tea cup and looking out the window. The world outside the window was shrouded in depressing fog.

The only way the four of them could think of at present was to go to the Martel Racecourse outside the city to find an exit. That's where the circus is, and the fixed entrance to the Mirror Realm in the physical world is there. Since the mirror world is a reflection of the material world, maybe the mirror world also has a corresponding exit.

But things will not be that simple, otherwise the Orthodox Church in Nolan City would have sent a large force to explore the mirror world. Now that there is no other way, we can only go there and try our luck. After all, waiting blindly is not the answer.

There is a concept of time in the mirror world. When we set out again after finishing supplies at the roadside store, the sun had already set in the east and two moons hung in the sky.

Of course, the street lights in Nolan City in the Mirror World at night will not light up, and the streets shrouded in thick fog appear even darker and deserted. The four of them stepped on the uneven stone pavement, feeling the biting wind as they moved forward. Only the light with extraordinary power could increase their field of vision, but fortunately the four of them had the corresponding means.

"Speaking of which, what does Miss Warfield mean by the reflection of intelligent creatures in the mirror world?"

Jenkins held his gift candle in his hand, and the eternal flame danced quietly in the heart of the candle. The flame was small, but it dispersed the fog with the largest area among the lights held by the group.

"Theoretically, the mirror world can reflect everything in the material world, but the reflection of intelligent creatures in this strange world will turn into a monster that reflects the dark side of the soul. Such monsters are rare, but they have strange abilities."

The four of them encountered a fork in the road in front of them. Jenkins wanted to turn left, but thought that everything here was the opposite, so he immediately reminded his companions to turn right.

Except for him, none of the women here had been to Martel Racecourse, so it was Jenkins who led the way.

"Have you ever encountered that kind of monster?"

Jenkins asked curiously.

"I met one yesterday evening. Unlike the reflection of dead objects in the mirror world and the material world, the appearance of living objects in this world is discontinuous. This is a rule we have temporarily figured out, but in fact no one knows Know what the rules are here.”

Miss Knight answered while holding the badge in her hand and shining it behind her. The sun god she believed in had a priesthood related to [light], so a simple ritual process could make the holy badge shine. It's just that this light is very weak, far inferior to the methods of his companions.

Because of the decisive battle in the Evergreen Forest, Miss Knight also knew the identity of Jenkins' Son. At present, the Sage Church has signed agreements with other churches, and this matter cannot be spread outside. But as long as Jenkins is here, even if he can't find a way out, the Church of the Sage will never let a Holy Son disappear so easily.

The four people have four different faiths, and only the church where Jenkins belongs is a local church. The relationship between pagans is actually very subtle. There is actually a deep gap between believers of true gods and false gods, or between believers of true gods and true gods.

But this is no longer the era when "infidels must die". The major churches at least maintain a semblance of peace.

"Those human reflections are terrifying and... disgusting. Their power is directly provided by the mirror world, and how much power they can express directly depends on how twisted the heart and soul of the body in the material world are."

Huntress continued to explain that she now showed no signs of being a black market mercenary. If it weren't for the direct identification through the aura, Jenkins would certainly not have connected her with the Huntress.

"The monster last night almost killed us, but that kind of thing obviously doesn't have enough intelligence. Just run away after encountering it. Fighting head-on is stupid."

Among the three women, Miss Sigrid Cape from [Church of All Things and Nature] is the most beautiful young girl; Miss Kelt Knight from [Church of Sun and Justice] is slightly inferior, her age and Miss Cape is similar, but her facial features are tougher. Jenkins thinks this may be related to knight training; Warfield, the oldest huntress, is a woman with an ordinary face, but she is probably the most powerful of the three. .

"Are there any signs when the monsters you encounter appear?"

Jenkins asked, looking into the depths of the fog.

The surrounding fog became thicker and thicker as the night fell, and the range of lights in the hands of the four people was repeatedly compressed. On both sides of the stone brick road, which is large enough for three carriages to pass side by side, are typical urban two-story stone buildings, but they are staggered in height because of their different roofs and buildings.

If the weather was nicer, this kind of road would be the busiest street in Nolan City, but now it looked like the eerie path leading to the witch's house in a horror story.

"A mirror appeared in the air, and then the monster smashed the mirror and appeared. The whole process lasted about ten seconds, which was enough for us to escape."

Miss Knight said that she was the latest among the three women to enter here, while the huntress entered the earliest. She had stayed in the mirror world for 9 days.

"I mean, will there be any signs of attack when they attack...forget it."

The flames of the candles dispersed the thick fog in front of them, revealing the strange black shadow behind the thick fog. Due to the obstruction of their vision, the four of them could only see the huge head that resembled a male reproductive organ rotating in the fog, and four slender tentacles waving at its feet.

"Guess, the dark side of his psychology is that he feels inferior to himself because his vagina is too thin?"

Huntress asked casually, but neither the unmarried girls nor Jenkins spoke to her.

It was impossible to turn around and leave at such a distance, unless someone was willing to take the initiative to cut off the rear. Due to the image of the monster, the women subconsciously took a step back and allowed Jenkins to step forward.

He was still a bit gentlemanly. He nodded and let his cat get off his shoulders. He felt that if he rushed towards it at close range, he would probably be too sick to fight just by seeing that image.

He glanced at the teammates around him, waved his right hand forward, and a bright flame spurted out from his cuff.

This technique is a bit like a circus magician, but at least the light of the gifted flame really dispelled the thick fog between the four people and the monster. Jenkins clearly heard the three women behind him sighing in disgust at the same time. word.

Chapter 952 Chapter 935 The road ahead is blocked

On the streets shrouded in thick fog at night, the huge monster also discovered four people because of Jenkins' fire. But it moved very slowly, and was directly sprayed by Jenkins' flames.


The burning smell immediately hit his face, choking him so much that he almost wanted to retreat. But the flames were effective. The monster screamed and wanted to attack Jenkins, but had to fight off the fire on its body first.

The smell also affected others, and Miss Knight stood up holding her nose and holding back her nausea. She couldn't wait for the flames to burn the monster to death. She drew a strange symbol in the air with her right hand. The stream of light formed a rune in the fog. The rune vibrated the space. Then a knight's giant sword flew out and directly burned the monster. The standing monster was split in half.

This method is very similar to Pompeii's method of summoning the skeleton sword.

The moment the monster died, the sound of the mirror shattering appeared in his ears again. The monster's body slowly melted in the middle of the street, and finally only a pile of mirror fragments remained in place.

In addition, there was an extremely subtle whisper. This whisper was a man's voice, which appeared directly in his ears without a source. It was probably a paragraph complaining about his physical defects, as well as his wife, secretary and irregular traders. Many of the words in it were the first time for Jenkins to hear them.

But he did understand why women knew that this kind of monster was a reflection of the dark side of human beings. The whispering sound after the monster's death is enough to prove this. It should be a psychological monologue.

"It seems we are lucky. The strength of the monster this time is very low. It probably corresponds to the human beings in the material world whose minds are not very twisted."

Miss Capet's voice was dull, as if her nose was stuffy. She hadn't gotten over the stench yet, like a cat hiding in the fog.

This monster has not been recorded and cannot be named, but the mirror fragments it drops after its death are very valuable. Although the image of their original owner is disgusting, this does not affect the four people's distribution of the spoils. According to the huntress, this seems to be a versatile metal product that can be involved in a variety of rituals.

The night in the Mirror World was unusually deep and silent. After eliminating the monster just now, the group of four continued towards the horse farm in the suburbs.

Women who came to this world before Jenkins had not yet explored such great distances. According to them, even if the group only moved during the day and rested at midnight when visibility was not good, they often encountered terrifying monsters and enemies while out exploring.

But tonight's long-distance run seemed extremely safe. After setting out for so long, the group had not encountered any danger except for an encounter with the low-strength mirror monster.

"Since the mirror world and the material world are opposite, then the material world is safer during the day, and the mirror world may be safer at night."

Jenkins guessed.

His view is recognized by his companions, but if this is true, it means that the "relativity" of the mirror world is not only the relativity of the mirror image, but also that certain "concepts" are relative to the real world.

After passing the corner of this street and entering the outskirts of the city, the group of people stopped, not because the monster appeared again, but because they were frightened by the dense fog in front of them.

Except for Miss Cape, everyone else has lived in Nolan for a long time, and they have also seen the worst days in the city's air quality during the period when heating first started in winter.

But the thick fog in front of us can no longer be described as pollution. It is simply a disaster. Blindness is the best description here. Not even the lamps in the hands of the four people can dispel the fog at all.

After walking in, you will definitely be completely lost. Jenkins wearing a monocle is better, but if he fights, his weak vision will become a fatal threat.

"Can I go around it?"

Miss Cape asked, and the other three immediately shook their heads. The thick fog here obviously corresponds to the fog circle outside Nolan in the material world, and that layer of fog completely envelopes Nolan City.

No road can avoid such dense fog unless moving from under the earth or from the sky. Miss Capet was an outsider and didn't understand this, but the other three understood it very well.

The fact that night is safer than daytime was temporarily recognized until new evidence appeared. The four people briefly discussed and decided to venture into the thick fog outside the city.

But the situation is more serious than they imagined. Even if you walk close to the houses on the roadside to determine the direction, this layer of fog seems to make people forget the direction without knowing it.

This is a very scary thing. Losing your way in such a place not only risks losing your companions, but being trapped inside is the most dangerous thing.

Eventually they retreated from the fog, planning to wait for the sun to appear during the day, hoping that the fog and its disorienting power would temporarily disappear.

While they were discussing, a bell rang in the distance. It was the bell tower of the city. Monday ends and Tuesday starts, the time in the mirror world is consistent with the real time.

Because he had witnessed similar scenes to the present in a place called "Silent Hill", after the bell rang, Jenkins was very worried that the world around him would be wrapped in blood-red rotten matter.

But everything is normal. The bell only means the change of time, not a signal of change in the world.

"...This is going to be troublesome. If the fog still doesn't dissipate during the day, then our plan to go to the suburban racecourse may really not work."

The female hunter is still talking. She has the highest rank and is the oldest among everyone present. The current actions are currently under her command.

"But I also heard some news. When the Zhengshen Church discovered the entrance to the Mirror Realm, its original owners were forced to flee here and have been missing..."

As he spoke, he secretly looked at Jenkins. Among the four people present, he was the only one from the local church and should know more about the situation.

"Yes, except for a young magician, those people are all seventh-level gifters. The church does not know their specific location in the mirror world now, and even if we find them, we can learn from the people of that group of people leaving The possibility of the method is also very low.”

Jenkins hates to throw cold water on it, but it is what it is.

The women sighed, and the group of four stood on the edge of the thick fog without saying a word. Miss Capet slowly reached out her hand and groped in her pocket, and then pulled out a silver coin (not pure silver) with a market value of 1 shilling.

Section 953 Chapter 936 Mirror World

"Can you tell fortunes?"

Seeing Miss Cape take out the coin, Miss Knight asked hopefully.

"Sorry, I can't... But since there is no other way now, why not toss a coin to decide the next move. If there is a number on the front side, we will wait here for dawn to explore the fog. If there is no number on the back side, we will leave here to search for other clues in the mirror world and stand up to continue to go deep into the fog to find the way."

This is obviously a ridiculous decision, but there is no better way to think about it. But before Miss Cape tossed the coin, Jenkins stretched out his hand:

"I will toss it, although I haven't learned divination..."

In fact, I have learned it, but I got nothing.

"But my luck is usually wonderful. When it comes to key issues, I can always touch the hermit's boots."

"Touching the hermit's boots" is a common metaphor to symbolize good luck.

The coin was thrown and fell straight down. It should have shaken a few times on the ground, making a crisp sound in the silent night, and then showing the front or back. But the four people ignored that the road here was uneven and it was a slope, so it bounced twice after landing and rolled across the street.

Jenkins held down the dishonest cat on his shoulder and followed immediately, and the women followed closely. Under the gaze of the four people and the cat, it happened to roll into the door of the store across the street. The probability of this was probably only slightly lower than the probability that his friend was actually an indescribable god.

"I swear to the sage, I didn't do anything!"

Jenkins immediately raised his hand and said, worried that he would be misunderstood as manipulating it. In fact, he understood that [Stage of Destiny] was working, otherwise it could not be explained at all.

"Go in and take a look first."

The female hunter suggested, but did not directly say that she believed Jenkins' words.

"It's a coincidence. Mr. Williamette probably has a passive ability of destiny."

Miss Knight trusted Jenkins very much, and the son of the sage church would definitely not have any problems. The reason she casually said was indeed close to the truth, and Jenkins nodded immediately.

"I've encountered something similar. Maybe the hermit is really smiling at us pagans."

Although it was very obscure, Miss Cape, who had just met, also showed her trust in Jenkins. Her attitude was very puzzling. After all, the attitudes of the female hunter and Miss Knight were the same as their positions and cognitions, but it stands to reason that this girl who had just arrived in the city should not have such trust in Jenkins, a stranger.

But no matter what, the key now is to find the coin. Jenkins' eyes swept the interior of the flower shop and found nothing unusual, then he took the lead in pushing the door and walked in.

Although the building was also dark, there was no fog inside, and the use of lighting equipment would not be hindered. The trajectory of the coin rolling was easy to judge, so the group found it behind the counter of the store without much effort. It leaned on the back of the hand of a rotting clown corpse, emitting the light of the lamps in the hands of the four people.

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