"I know what you're thinking, it's rude."

she reminded, beckoning Jenkins to sit down.

The cat jumped off the shoulder on its own, first jumped onto the chair in front of the desk, and then jumped onto the table. He rushed up to the hanging basket on the side of the bookshelf next to him, and then jumped onto the window sill.

The window in this room is a common glass window that opens outward. Unfortunately, when Chocolate jumped over, the dark clouds happened to cover the two moons, which made the cat feel very disappointed.

"You always know what I'm thinking."

Of course, there was no room for the sofa in the small room, so Jenkins could only pull the chair that had been stepped on by the chocolate and sit down. Alexia sat on the edge of the bed, looking at Jenkins with her beautiful eyes.

"Do you want to ask anything?"

the woman asked bluntly.

Of course Jenkins had something he wanted to ask, but the words came to his lips and he couldn't say them. Since Alexia made such an inducement just now, she must have guessed most of the things with her intelligence.

Even if she didn't know that the person in front of her was a god, she should be able to understand that Jenkins had some divine power.

"I...I don't want to ask anything."

In the end, he just said that the girl in front of him was trustworthy, and Jenkins was willing to trust her. Sometimes it was not necessary to ask everything so clearly. This was a truth he had only recently understood.

After understanding this, he relaxed and leaned back on the chair subconsciously. Alexia understood Jenkins' mood through his actions.

"Don't you want to ask?"

She tilted her head and looked at Jenkins, "Are you really not asking anything? Maybe I know your secret."

"Really don't ask anything."

Jenkins nodded again, "Compared to this matter, Dolores's matter should be more serious. Her brothers and sisters..."

"Don't talk about other people's matters now, we haven't finished talking about your matters yet."

Alexia stood up and closed the curtains, and Chocolate took the opportunity to jump on the bed, but no one blamed it.

"I'm glad you trust me so much."

"Because you also trust me, it's reciprocal."

Jenkins said.

"I thought I was a boring person, but I didn't expect you to be even more boring. Do you remember what I said when we first met? Everything can be measured with numbers... .”

After closing the curtains, she did not sit down again, and then stood directly in front of Jenkins. Bending slightly, her face appeared in front of Jenkins.

"No, I know I was wrong."

The girl said this, her smile was beautiful, very beautiful:

"I should have known better...Jenkins, do you like me?"


Jenkins didn’t know how he could be so courageous.

The woman smiled slightly and kissed him.

Although there was a very small corner of Jenkins' heart that expected what would happen next, in fact nothing happened. The girls were always very reserved.

But before saying goodbye, Alexia told him about a major event that happened in the east two weeks ago. This event explained why Nolan did not receive appropriate support under the threat of the Skeleton Sword.

In the center of the Sefalu Desert, the largest desert on the mainland, an old nameless temple was exposed after a sandstorm. A business group traveling through the desert discovered it, but in the end it was only a half-crazy horseman who brought the news to the oasis.

That temple does not belong to any contemporary god, and the key point is the obsidian seal that is half protruding from the sand below the temple.

Even Alexia didn't know what it was, but what was certain was that more than half of the demigods on the entire continent were urgently transferred to the Sefalu Desert because of that seal. Even Loen had a demigod transferred away, and now only a place like Nolan, which is also full of dangers, can continue to maintain a complete guard force.

The "Nameless Church" also appeared on the outskirts of Nolan. The church was discovered by Jenkins when he was looking for his brother last year, and disappeared after Liu Shen came to Nolan.

According to the promptings from the gods at that time, the nameless church in Nolan belonged to a great master. If the church in the Sefalu Desert is of the same nature as Nolan's Nameless Church, then there must be terrifying evil creatures in the obsidian seal under the desert.

The Skeleton Sword certainly sounds like nothing compared to the evil beings suppressed by the Dominion Church. Therefore, even if Nolan reached such a critical moment, it is understandable that the Holy See did not send demigods to support him.

PS: I suddenly realized that today is the anniversary of 919. I don’t know if there is any activity that provides rebate coins for subscriptions, so I will update the ten additional chapters at 10 a.m. If the activity has not started at that time, I will admit it... ...

Chapter 974 Chapter 956 The Visiting God (1/10)

"I forgot to tell Dolores. I also want to ask her to help me investigate three names."

After returning to Nolan, I remembered that there was something else to do, so I returned to Loen. In just a few minutes, Alexia certainly didn't fall asleep yet. She stood alone in front of the window and looked at the night view of the city below.

"Sheffield, Capello, Stiver, these three names are suspected to be apprentices of my father in the past. I guess if I ask my father directly or ask other people in the church, they will not tell me who this is. I would like to ask Dolores to help investigate. Of course, if it is difficult, don't put too much effort, it's not a big deal."

"No problem, I think Dolores will be happy to help."

She turned and looked at Jenkins, "Good night, Jenkins."

"Good night, Alexia."

It was late, and Jenkins made his bed in front of the fireplace and prepared to go to sleep. He planned to move back to the bedroom on the second floor if the weather continued to get warmer next week.

Now that winter is over, there is no need to use the living room as a bedroom. However, in this case, he has to reorganize the room on the second floor. After annexing the widow's house next door, he has not seriously planned his own house.

Chocolate's sleeping cushion has been laid on the sofa. It probably feels that the house is too hot and doesn't like to cover a small blanket. Jenkins patted the cat's head gently. It didn't get up, but curled up into a small ball of fur and meowed softly without even opening its eyes.

If this doesn't mean "good night", then it must mean "don't touch me".

"Dong Dong Dong ~"

He got into the quilt and prepared to fall asleep, but suddenly heard someone knocking on the door. Jenkins was stunned. When he went home just now, he had locked the fence in the yard. Anyone who wanted to come in should ring the bell in front of the fence, otherwise they could only climb in directly.

"Who is it?"

He asked, and then walked to the hallway in his slippers. He blinked and saw the dazzling golden light, and tears immediately flowed down his face. He frowned and wiped his face and opened the door. He saw an ordinary-looking middle-aged man in an ugly wool sweater and greasy hair.

Jenkins had never seen that face before, but this person was not an ordinary person, and Jenkins knew very well who this was. This is a projection of a god, the God of Shadows and Stealth, the god who deliberately lost the bet and gave the priesthood of Lies to Jenkins.

"Sorry, what are you doing so late?"

Since the other party knocked on the door politely, Jenkins would not say anything bad. But he didn't want the god to enter his home, after all, the things in the mirror world were suspected to be related to the old liar in front of him.

"I am very polite to visit you."

The god said so, and raised the stone tablet he was holding:

"Look, this is a gift for you, the doomsday document I found in the theater outside the city. It is stuck in the gap between the shadow and reality, and those mortals have not found it for the time being. I think you may need this thing, so I took it out. Can I come in? This is not a place to talk."

"...... OK."

Because no one was expected to visit so late, there was no special preparation at home. Chocolate fell asleep on the sofa, and Jenkins led the visitor to talk in the restaurant. He didn't seem to care about the inferior black tea in Jenkins's house.

The doomsday document was casually placed by the god next to the shoe cabinet in the hallway. He really looked like a normal visitor.

"I'm sorry to bother you so late..."

Jenkins didn't see that the god was sorry.

"This time I'm mainly here to thank you for sealing the [Chaos Pollution Beast] again. To be honest, that stinky thing is indeed a bit tricky."

The god spread his hands and said.

"What exactly do you want to do? Can we get straight to the point? It's late now."

Jenkins responded while holding a teacup. He just used the Eternal Fire to heat the kettle, so the cup was warm and comfortable to hold in his hands.

"When you sealed it, you got a black stone, right?"

Although he used a questioning tone, the god was confirming this.

After hesitating for a while, Jenkins asked the visitor to wait. He got up and went to the basement and took out the ring in the shoe box. The stone was suspected to be a strange object. Jenkins used the remaining divinity to build a seal, and it seemed to be quite effective.

"Yes, that's it."

[The God of Shadows and Stealth] nodded, tapping the tabletop with his right index finger. Because there was no need, He was not in a state of direct descent, but he looked no different from a real body.

"I knew this thing would appear. How should I put it... It's hard to describe what it is in human language, but I think you can also feel its danger. It is... a collection of disasters. When the stone is activated, the conceptual "disaster" will be released, causing a catastrophe in the material world. Do you understand what I'm talking about?"

"Pandora's Box."

Jenkins concluded quietly in his heart, and nodded calmly on the surface.

"It's good that you understand. This stone is the product of the power of the [Chaos Polluted Beast] itself. It will only materialize when it collides with divine power. I also got a piece a long time ago. That time, my mortal believers almost made a big mistake, but fortunately everything can be saved. Divine power can destroy this stone, but it will also release the disaster inside, so the best way to deal with it is to seal it and use the power of time to wear away its power. Now is the end of the era, I don't think you will let this thing become the fuse of disaster, right? But you did a good job, I think you are more suitable for the priesthood of [Lies] than me. Keep it. , patiently waiting for the power of the stone to completely disappear. "

After speaking, he stood up, and Jenkins quickly asked again:

"So you came to visit me just for this matter?"

"Of course, after all, your encounter with that thing is also related to the priesthood of [Lies]. "

The middle-aged man blinked at Jenkins, "I don't want you to start the disaster and be defined as an evil god by them, and even I will be implicated. You know, I spent a lot of effort to transform into the lawful camp. "

After speaking, without waiting for Jenkins to react, his body turned into dots of golden light and disappeared into the air, leaving Jenkins alone sitting at the dining table playing with the ring. The cat, who was peeping on the sofa with his head shrunk and only his eyes exposed, saw an unpredictable expression on the man's face.

Chapter 975 Chapter 957 New Slate (2/10)

Knowing that the stone sealed in the ring was so important, Jenkins thought it was unsafe to put it carelessly in a shoe box in the basement. But after thinking about it, it seemed even more unsafe to carry it with him, so he could only string it with a rope and temporarily hang it around his neck.

Chocolate seemed to be very interested in the ring, but Jenkins was worried that it would swallow the little thing by mistake, so no matter how the cat acted, he would not let it touch it.

After dealing with the ring, he remembered that the doomsday document was still in the hallway. This was indeed the slate that Jenkins had been thinking about. The surface of the slate was clearly engraved with obscure words like a small poem:

[The voice of fate echoed in the history books,]

[Who played the movement of destruction;]

[The black-robed man held a pen and paper,]

[The woman of lies pulled the dead souls,]

[The sacred man danced the sacred dance,]

[The candle holder sat quietly in the audience.]

[The fourth act is the arrangement of fate,]

[What is coming will come,]

[What is going will go;]

[Those who desire fate cannot get it,]

[Those who resist fate die with regrets. 】

【The God walking in the world,】

【Looking down at the people in the world. 】

【The gods are waiting for the last scene,】

【The disaster in the world has been waiting for a long time. 】

After reading this little poem, Jenkins immediately looked around him vigilantly. He was obviously in his own home, but he had the illusion that he was being peeped at.

The first half of the content written on the Doomsday Document is simply a summary of what he has done recently. Maybe others don’t know those obscure meanings, but Jenkins knows that this is about the formation process of the [Fate Stage].

But no one peeked at him, this is just the text revealed by the [Doomsday Slate].

There is no need to hesitate at all, he does not intend to leave the eye-catching thing at home, nor does he intend to explore the purpose of this slate. Since Miss Audrey and Daddy have said that this is related to the end of the era, then let the church identify and explore it.

He left home at night, rode a unicorn around Nolan, and finally dropped the slate near the mouth of the Westminster River.

The slab splashed a lot of water when thrown into the water, but it was not washed away, but lay quietly at the bottom of the river.

Jenkins let his mount float on the water, waiting for a ship to pass by in the distance, deliberately used the twin demons to bomb the shore, and then used [Mechanical Light] to illuminate the ship.

He controlled the intensity of [Mechanical Light] to make the ship break just right, and the people on the ship had a chance to escape. Riding on the unicorn, he flew into the sky, leaving only a back view for those ordinary people.

This was enough. Even if no one on the boat told what they saw, the bombed river bank and the remaining demonic flames would attract the church's investigation. Further investigation would find something underwater, and this location had nothing to do with Jenkins.

When he woke up on Wednesday morning, he saw that the weather was gloomy and terrible. Considering the possibility of rain, Jenkins went out with an umbrella after breakfast.

He went to the church first and talked to Miss Befanna about the mirror world. Jenkins still needs to write a detailed report by himself. The church has also received a general description of what happened from other survivors.

Fortunately, four people, including the female hunter Miss Warfield, Miss Knight, and Miss Cape, successfully walked out of the mirror world. Although the first two did not accompany Jenkins to the end, they also reported the events to the Orthodox Church after returning to the real world.

As the last of the four to arrive in the mirror world, Jenkins has a lot of overlapping information with the other three, so he does not need to report too much.

However, after Miss Cape fell into a coma, Jenkins was the only one who witnessed the monster summoned from the depths of the mirror world. He needs to report this matter in detail, which will affect the church's final handling of the mirror world.

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