He picked up the whip on the side, looked at it, and put it down again. Then he shook the reins like the coachman, and the horse, which was bored and eating grass on the roadside, actually moved on its own. Although it was not fast, it did start to move forward along the road.

"Great... No, not that direction, turn quickly!"

Although the process was a bit bumpy, Jenkins finally returned to the church before the arithmetic class started. The horse was more docile than Jenkins imagined. Although it sometimes could not correctly understand Jenkins' intentions, at least it did not run around wantonly.

This made Jenkins more deeply realize the difference between chocolate and ordinary animals in terms of intelligence.

The horse did not have hostility or dissatisfaction with the writer who knocked out his former owner, and finally successfully sent the man, the corpse and the cat to the church.

Let the guard at the door of the church lead the carriage into the stable behind the church, and then run quickly to Miss Bevanna's office. Because Jenkins had a fighting class tonight, she was still there. Jenkins was a little surprised when he knocked on the door and went in:

"Good evening, Jenkins. Did I remember the time wrong? Our class should start in two and a half hours."

Chapter 981 Chapter 963 Alien with a strange origin (8/10)

"No, you remembered the time correctly. I have something to do. There is a corpse and an unconscious person in the carriage I just brought back. Please deal with it first. I am in a hurry to go to class. And this..."

Jenkins also put the envelope containing the report and the box given by his father on Miss Befanna's desk, "Please help me send it to the Special Items Processing Office. This was collected by the antique shop today!"

After that, he ran to the classroom with the cat and his notebook in his arms, leaving Miss Befanna alone looking down at the wrinkled file bag.

Early spring is a good season for learning, at least Jenkins thinks so. Although the revival of all things means that the poor can find more jobs in this city shrouded in steam and thick fog, believers who are eager for progress will not miss the church's night classes.

Compared to the cat who likes to lie down in the first row and sleep, Finnie beside it is much more serious. After a winter, the skinny girl at least looks healthy.

The church will not arrange too much work for children in winter, so Finnie uses most of her time to study. Although she has not mastered the writing skills until now, at least she can record simple class notes.

Winter heating has not ended yet, and Finnie, who sits slightly closer to the heater, will not feel cold even if she wears a thin sweater. The church's heating system has its own steam equipment, which is not on the same line as the city heating, so the temperature of the heater is very sufficient.

Jenkins wore a thin sweater knitted by Mary for him, and a jacket on the outside, while writing on the blackboard with chalk and explaining loudly.

Occasionally looking at the audience under the podium, I found that only a few of them had an expression of "so that's it", one-third were "what is this", and the rest were staring at the blackboard and Jenkins with a dull face, with nothing in front of them.

But no matter what, the night class must continue, even if there is only one person listening. The road to popularizing knowledge is rugged and difficult, and we cannot give up because of setbacks.

This is one of the reasons why Jenkins was favored by the sage. Although he thought he was not a qualified believer, his own ideas, beliefs and behaviors were highly consistent with the sage's doctrine.

Occasionally, when I came to the church to visit Finnie, I always found that the little girl was making rapid progress. After a winter of listening, she had mastered Jenkins' arithmetic knowledge very well.

This was an extremely remarkable achievement for a girl who couldn't even write a complete word. Her attitude was more serious than most believers who took night classes.

Nothing interesting happened in the class. Chocolate woke up three times during the class. Once he just changed his posture and fell asleep again, once he looked out the window for 12 seconds, and once he walked to Finnie's side to see what she had memorized.

But from beginning to end, the cat didn't look at its owner or the blackboard, which made Jenkins, who already knew that cats had a certain degree of wisdom, very sad.

"Chocolate is not a cat who likes to study."

When Jenkins left the classroom with his notebook and cat, he came to this conclusion, and then he was accidentally scratched by Chocolate.

Finnie greeted Jenkins in a sweet voice and hurried back to the dormitory. The children in the choir have strict and precise schedules, and it is time to go to the church to check the sleeping situation.

Jenkins dealt with personal problems in the public bathroom and went directly to Ms. Befanna's office.

Fortunately, she was in the office, with Miss Pangfus, the director of the [Alien Processing Office], and her deputy.

Jenkins knocked on the door and pushed it in after getting permission. The three people inside stopped their work. They were originally standing in front of the desk, each holding a document, and now they have put the documents down.

"Jenkins, please wait a moment, we are still dealing with the body of the Balrog you brought back."

"Oh, okay, don't worry."

He nodded, and then sat on the sofa by himself. Let Chocolate stare at the fruit on the coffee table that is more decorative than edible. Jenkins took out the pen pinned on the notebook and prepared to write the evening report.

This incident was completely unprovoked, and there was nothing to hide. He recorded the process honestly, and used [Reading] and [Book of Memories] to make two pictures of the scene, and glued them to the last page of the report as a summary.

When Jenkins was done, Chocolate had almost eaten half of the red apple. Hearing the sound of the pen being placed on the coffee table, he immediately stretched out his little paw to kick the remaining apple off the coffee table, and then pretended that nothing had happened. The apple was caught by Jenkins before it fell to the ground.

"Don't litter."

He warned softly, and the cat meowed softly, then jumped onto the sofa obediently and fell asleep on Jenkins' legs.

Miss Befanna and the other two quickly finished the discussion. The focus of the discussion was how to deal with the body of the Balrog and how to track the origin of the Balrog.

The body was finally decided to be cremated directly without research. The matter of the skull sword had just ended, and there was no need to risk keeping the suspicious body. Tracking the origin of the Balrog is very difficult. Ms. Pangfus said that they had not received any news of the Balrog coming to Nolan before, and they did not know the purpose of the Balrog.

"The Balrog is not a species that likes to move in groups. At least we don't have to worry about it having a large number of companions of the same species."

She said so, and Miss Befanna agreed.

As for the tattoo on the driver who called the Balrog "Master", it has been confirmed that it is indeed the unique mark of the church of the evil god [Lord of Slaughter] [Whip of the Dead]. This should be good news. It is much easier to track a group of mortals with varying strengths than to track powerful evil creatures of unknown origin.

The opportunity for the discovery of the Green Fire Balrog, which was also the opportunity for Jenkins' bad luck this evening, was the nut purchased by Dad's antique shop. The nut has now been matched with the number, B-11-2-3381 [Molten Ring].

In fact, although the shape is very similar, it is not a nut, but a bracelet that can change size at will after activation. The bracelet can make the user's body slowly and irreversibly transform into the element of fire. It is said that the origin of this bracelet is closely related to the Balrog.

"So it can track the location of the bracelet."

"Yes, that's it."

Miss Befanna said, asking Jenkins to pull a chair over and sit on the side of the desk, and then handed him the file bag that was open and not sealed.

Section 982 Chapter 964 About Doomsday (9/10)

The file bag was the preliminary autopsy result of the Balrog's body. His body was covered with a large number of terrifying tattoos of unknown meaning.

Most of these tattoos are composed of runes and unknown languages, and reading them is mentally stressful. Although the Balrog is dead, the black tattoos still seem to float on the surface of the body.

"These words and runes can help us determine its origin. The church now suspects that it is related to the demons of last autumn. We plan to interrogate the young nobles caught last year. Maybe they will provide valuable clues, but I think further investigation may not be easy."

Although there is no evidence, Jenkins believes that there should be no connection between the two. But he didn't say it, after all, it is not a good behavior to make random guesses.

As for where this fire demon came from, he had no interest at all. Miss Bevana only engraved part of the tattoo on the fire demon's body and asked Jenkins to take it to his father to help translate.

As for what happened later, it had nothing to do with Jenkins.

It had been a long time since he had seriously trained in combat courses, but Miss Bevana was still merciless during the training.

Jenkins had now completely learned that set of strange movements, and he only needed to practice diligently. After that, it was the training of combat skills, which could not be learned by reading books, and it took a long time of actual combat to gain some insights.

When Jenkins first met Miss Bevana, he thought she was a gifter similar to the mage in Jenkins' memory, but later he learned that Miss Bevana's combat skills were the most powerful.

It's just that demigods usually don't engage in close combat anymore, and spells and various strange abilities are the focus.

Because he got the handle of the holy bone sword, Jenkins also wanted to try to learn swordsmanship. He hinted vaguely, and the reason was that fighting with a sword would be more graceful.

But unfortunately, Miss Befanna is not very good at using swords, and the church does not have similar talents in the Nolan Parish, but she pointed out a way for Jenkins:

"Knights are always good at using weapons, and some ancient swordsmanship is usually mastered by them. Maybe you can ask Miss Knight of the [Sun and Justice Church] for help. After returning from the mirror world, she still lives in the Evergreen Forest. You can always find her near the lair of the dragon Nidhorgen... To be honest, her plan to reproduce the history of dragon knights is probably not feasible."

Miss Knight's plan has nothing to do with Jenkins, but it is indeed a good suggestion to learn swordsmanship through her. The development of steam industry and the popularization of gunpowder weapons have gradually brought the era of cold weapons to an end.

Except for those swordsmanship with corresponding extraordinary abilities, most of the mortal swordsmanship inheritance is now difficult to find. Maybe there are corresponding materials in the library of the church, but it is obvious that this skill cannot be fully mastered by reading books.

Jenkins plans to go to the Evergreen Forest to talk to Miss Knight on the weekend. He does not want to use his sword only as a sharp blade.

As for the Doomsday Slate, Jenkins and Miss Bevanna talked about it when they returned to the surface from the underground training ground after the fighting class.

The topic started with the believers of the God of Lies, which is also one of the focuses of recent investigations by the church. While talking about this group of people, the woman mentioned that a guy riding a unicorn bombed the mouth of the Westminster River last night and used strange means to sink a cargo ship.

Originally, this matter was under the jurisdiction of the [Church of Ocean and Exploration], but during the Skeleton Sword incident, they unexpectedly discovered that there were traces of other pirate kings active in the outer sea. Now that we were short of manpower, we entrusted the Sage Church to conduct an investigation first, and then pulled up the doomsday document from the bottom of the water.

"Oh, this is really incredible!"

Jenkins sighed and stroked the chocolate gently, but the cat stood on the man's shoulder and refused to let him touch it. He had just finished exercising and hadn't taken a bath. The cat, who loves to be clean, disliked Jenkins' hands.

"So, what exactly is a doomsday document? I noticed that since last autumn, the church has discovered this kind of strange thing many times."

Jenkins has asked this question before, but no one else would give a detailed introduction. I thought it would be the same this time, but probably because of Jenkins’ rapid growth, Miss Bevanna actually didn’t refuse:

"B-12-5-0001 [Doomsday Script], just like the rumors of illegal benefactors now, is a sign announcing the end of the era. Since the emergence of the new gods, purple stars representing destiny hang high in the night sky, and they have been discovered one after another. Those slates have become something that will definitely happen, and the Twelve Righteous Gods Church has already understood this."

After saying hello to the gatekeeper, the two walked out of the building into the courtyard behind the temple complex. With the arrival of spring, everything revives, and most of the plants and flowers planted in the courtyard have sprouted buds, but it is already very late now, and no one has the time to enjoy the moon in the courtyard.

After all, although the twin moons still enveloped Nolan, the starry sky was not clear because of the mist.

"There are some theories that there will be a catastrophe that will destroy the world at the end of the era. And now we are in the 18th era. The losses in history before the era are probably related to those so-called catastrophes."

Miss Bevanna considered her words. In fact, as Jenkins's status as the Holy Son, he would be able to know most of the confidential information if he wanted to know it. But he also has the identity of the "World Tree Seedling". Based on past experience, it is not appropriate for the saviors to know the trajectory of their fate before the last moment.

And in order not to cause panic, the ancient Church of the True God of the Era has signed a confidentiality agreement. Under the demigods, no mortal is allowed to know all the secrets about the end of the era.

"Catastrophe? I also heard some news. It is said that the world will be destroyed at the end of the era."

Jenkins added, before setting the chocolate down and walking on his own. The cat lazily walked along the corridor on the side of the courtyard, leading the way in front of the two of them. It doesn't look fat from the back, and I don't know where all the food went.

"World destruction? Oh, that's just a possibility."

The woman said softly, with a bit of Miss Audrey's temperament: "Fate is fair and will not leave the world with only a future of destruction. And the way to defeat destruction is on the Doomsday Slate, although the name contains 'Doomsday' This affix, but in fact, these tablets will lead us to find a way to overcome disaster."

"You mean the writing on the stone tablet?"

"Yes, those words point to the one who saves the world..."

Chapter 983 Chapter 965 Peace (10/10)

Speaking of "the man who saves the world," Miss Bevanna glanced at Jenkins quietly, but he was focused on observing the cat's walking posture and the dangling tail, and did not notice it.

“Different stone tablets point to different possibilities, but unfortunately, the specific meaning of the four stone tablets discovered so far has not been deciphered... but they all point to the new great one and his followers. New God, Black Robe, Lady of Lies, this is obviously what I’m talking about.”

"That's it~"

Jenkins lowered his head and continued to look at the chocolate's tail, his expression unchanged as he continued the conversation.

"So, the function of the Doomsday Tablet is to find the savior... This makes sense. Fortunately, the language is extremely obscure and obscure, otherwise I would have been exposed."

He thought in his mind and opened the door in front of him to let Chocolate and Miss Bevanna in.

This large L-shaped building is located at the rear of the temple complex. It is the processing center for most of the matters related to the benefactors of the diocese, including Miss Bevanna's office.

"So do the Doomsday Slates have other uses? I heard my father mention that those slates themselves also have extraordinary power."

"Yes, according to the group of diviners in the [Church of Destiny and Law], the [Doomsday Slate] is the condensed residue of fate, a concrete destiny. Using those slates for divination or prophecy can reduce the necessary process. The consumption of spirit is reduced, and the success rate is also greatly increased.”

When walking up the stairs, a group of middle-aged people in robes hurried down from upstairs. When he saw Jenkins and Miss Bevanna, he immediately stopped to salute, and then set off in a hurry.

"The plague in the East District of Nolan is a bit troublesome, and we need the help of the Secret Keeper's apprentices. The plague has mutated, which may be related to the air in Nolan."

Seeing Jenkins' confusion, Miss Bevanna prompted, and then the two of them continued walking upward.

"In short, there is very little information about the end of the era, and according to the signs that have appeared so far, the catastrophe will not occur until 100 to 300 years later. I think most people in this era will not see that day, so it is meaningless to pay attention to this matter now."

Turning into the corridor where the office is located, Jenkins found that the oil paintings in the corridor had been replaced. He remembered that the one closest to the stairs was "The Saint and the Victory" painted by a painter a hundred years ago, describing a war in which a sage came to the world in lost history.

But now that painting has been moved closer to the stairs, replacing the portrait of the eight-winged archangel. The original position of "The Saint and the Victory" has become a heroic painting of Jenkins slashing at a mountain of corpses and blood. Although the face is blurry, judging from the clothes, the sense of religious rituals, and the cat on the eagle in the upper left corner of the painting, this is indeed the scene of the decisive battle in the Evergreen Forest.

"I just finished painting it yesterday. There will be paintings like this in every parish on the continent. Are you satisfied? Time is a bit tight. I hope you like this painting."

"It's okay. I have no objection..."

The two stopped under the painting for a while before moving forward. Jenkins hesitated and said:

"But I think you painted the chocolate too slender. Although it matches the flames and smoke in the background, it is actually fatter."


The cat paused licking its paws and squinted at Jenkins. I don't know what it was thinking.

That night, Jenkins saw the black cat who usually liked to scare people in his dream again. There is a saying that human dreams are the deepest thoughts in their hearts, but Jenkins doesn't think there is such a big cat in his heart.

He still prefers his black and white kitten, and of course he doesn't like the cat in his dream.

He tried to use the power of dreams to fight back, and fought with the giant cat in his dream for a whole night. When he woke up the next day, he had a headache because he didn't get enough rest. Chocolate also looked like he hadn't woken up yet. When Jenkins rubbed its head, it made a dissatisfied "woooo~" sound.

Jenkins had met the cat in his dreams more than once. A long time ago, he had suspected that it was some kind of strange thing or strange ability, and even prayed to the sage for it.

But in fact, his mind and soul were very healthy, and he was not entangled by the evil spirit of the black cat.

Breakfast time was spent in a sleepy atmosphere with one person and one cat. Jenkins opened some of his readers' letters, and then found that since this week, the letters from the daughters of merchants or noble girls have inexplicably increased.

Then he remembered what happened in the opera house last weekend. Although Jenkins was forced to enter the mirror world and started an interesting and thrilling adventure after that, the legendary duel in the opera house has been spread to all parts of the continent with people.

Jenkins' address is not disclosed to the public, so the best way to find him is to pretend to be a book fan and send a letter.

The letters from the girls always have a strange aroma, and even without opening them, Jenkins can tell which are the readers and which are the admirers.

Of course, there are also some ladies who are well-spoken and hope to establish a relationship similar to pen pals with Jenkins. But based on his busy work and his increasingly complicated emotional life recently, Jenkins does not intend to have any more inexplicable contact with young girls.

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