The fortune teller's face was dim at that moment, and the sentence that was spoken seemed to have a deep magic power, and it was completely remembered by Jenkins at once.

"It's kind of like the beginning of a weird story."

Jenkins said this, and then glanced outside the door:

"But whatever you're trying to do, now we might be in trouble."

The women also looked at the door. The room was strangely quiet for a moment, and then a slight knock on the door suddenly sounded:

Da da da~

The light of the gas lamp in the room swayed for a moment, and when it resumed, the light was much weaker. The faces of everyone in front of the sofa were swaying shadows caused by the fireplace flames, and the closed curtains cast strange shadows of three people and a cat.

Da da da~

The knock on the door that seemed to tug at the heart sounded again, and Jenkins glanced at the fortune tellers. Although they didn't have Jenkins' eyes that could see the strange thing, they noticed something was wrong after thinking about it.

No one spoke, and the three of them stared at the door deep in the dark hall in tacit agreement. Suddenly there was a noise from the window glass, as if a stone had hit it, but because the curtains were tightly closed, the source of the stone was unknown.

All you can see is black shadows constantly patrolling outside the house. Those shadows form a terrifying image and create substantial mental pollution. The temperature inside the room is dropping, and the lights are getting dimmer.

He touched the cat lying on his knees, trying to run up because of fear. Jenkins flicked out the flame to relight the extinguished fireplace, and the space in front of the sofa was immediately illuminated.

But because of this, the area outside the sofa is darker.

"A-04-1-6671, the uninvited guest of the night."

Miss Bronyance said with a frown. Seeing that Jenkins was still confused, she continued to explain:

"A rather troublesome trick, but among the tricks with a danger number of '1', it should be the most common, especially with the increase in urbanization rate in our era... This kind of thing only It will appear in urban settlements, in the form of knocking on the door of a closed house with three or more people..."

Da da da~

The knock on the door sounded again, but this time it was harder and more urgent.

"Information to survivors of the Knocker incident indicates that a response must be made within five minutes of a knock on the door. Valid responses include opening the door and loudly refusing to open the door..."

"Three minutes and twelve seconds."

Miss Audrey said, this is the time since the first knock on the door.

"But the key to ending the A-04-1-6671 incident is to open the door at least three times. But note that the number of knockers is 9. Once the ninth knocker leaves without opening the door three times, then the number of people inside the building All of them will disappear. There are currently no clues as to their whereabouts..."

"Then how did you get this news?"

"Use a Category B [Extraordinary]."

"Four minutes and thirty-five seconds!"

Miss Audrey reminded loudly.

"What are the consequences of not opening the door within five minutes?"

"The knocker rushed through the door forcefully."

"Please leave, you are not welcome here!"

Jenkins shouted loudly, and the knock on the door disappeared. At the same time, both the people and the cat in the room heard the footsteps gradually disappearing. The sound sounded like it was coming from behind, very clearly.

"The second knocker will appear within three minutes. We still have a little time. Please note that any attempt to escape from here will be killed by unknown creatures. The performance will probably be that the blood in the whole body will evaporate in 3 seconds."

"So what will we encounter when we open the door?"

"There is no middle ground between danger and safety. A friendly knocker will not be in danger, but we cannot resist a dangerous knocker."

"What's the probability?"

Jenkins asked again, his shadow swaying gently on the curtains, forming a strange image together with the cat he was holding.

"I don't know. After all, dead people don't report to the church."

The three of them were still sitting on the sofa, as if the flames in the fireplace could bring them a sense of security. Miss Audrey seems to know some information about A-04-1-6671, but not as comprehensively as Miss Bronyance.

Occasionally I would add some details, but most of the time I just listened.

Jenkins was actually suspicious of being so unlucky to encounter a strange thing at home. In his heart, the house on St. George Street has always been his sanctuary. Since he owned this place, no strange thing or supernatural force has ever invaded it. Even on the night when the evil god and son of God were born, it did not dare to invade it rashly. broke in.

"Then why is A-04-1-6671 so bold? Just because its danger level is 1?"

But fortunately, the three people currently in the house are not ordinary mortals, and Miss Bronyance is a demigod-level fortune teller. When the second knocker started to knock on the door, she had already introduced the characteristics of the strange thing to the other two people, and proposed to rely on divination to decide whether to open the door.

Divination of strange things is of course impossible. The content of Miss Bronyance's divination is her own safety. Although one's own safety is still linked to the mysterious objects, after all, it is not a divination directly aimed at the mysterious objects.

She came to visit and did not bring enough ritual materials. Fortunately, Jenkins "had just been promoted to Level 4" and had hoarded a new batch of materials at home in order to practice Dad's Protestant rituals.

Chapter 987 Chapter 969 Visitor Clown

Jenkins went to the basement to get the ceremony materials, while Miss Audrey went to the second floor of the house to get some cotton clothes. The temperature in the living room was probably approaching freezing.

Even after entering the basement, the knocking on the door on time is still as loud and annoying as if it is right next to my ears. When the ritual materials were prepared and the divination began, the second knocker had been knocking for about two minutes. When the divination ended, what appeared in the circular chalk circle on the coffee table were three stacked dice. .

The top one has the number 2 on the front.

"What's the meaning?"

Jenkins had no experience with similar divination methods.

"The probability of safety is greater than the probability of danger, but the difference will not be huge."

The woman's voice was inexplicably weak, and her face turned pale in the light of the fireplace.

"So should we open the door?"

He asked his teacher again.

"Hard to say."

Miss Audrey is not sure either.

Then he looked down at the cat huddled up next to him. He opened one eye and looked at Jenkins, then closed his eyes again, allowing his head to be better buried in the ball of fur, and let out a pleasant "meow" ~" sound.

"Well, since this is my home, let me decide."

Jenkins said, and when no one objected, he strode towards the foyer. He glanced at the [Stage of Destiny], then twisted the door handle and pushed the door open.

"Hi~ Good evening~"

Outside the door is a clown with a red nose, heavy paint, and colorful hair. Compared with the clowns who died in the mirror world, it was dressed more professionally, as if... it was really a clown.

Jenkins didn't know how to describe this feeling, but in short, the guy with the black aura in front of him did not show any malice at this time.

The eerie darkness and coldness inside the room made it feel like a cemetery, but outside the room everything was normal, it was a normal spring night.

After opening the door, the depressing atmosphere and annoying knocking disappeared, as if this was a normal event on a normal night.

"Hey, man, can you give me a piece of candy? I want to give it to the kids watching the show."

The Joker asked in a flirtatious tone with a thick accent. Jenkins heard footsteps behind him, and the women came over.

"Okay, candy..."

There is a candy box on the shoe cabinet of the Jenkins family. This is not to deal with trick-or-treating children, but to keep the chocolate from wandering around after returning home and giving Jenkins a chance to wipe its paws clean to prevent Contaminate carpet or sofa.

He grabbed a large handful and handed it to the clown. The clown chuckled and stretched out his two white-gloved hands, took the candies in handfuls and stuffed them into the belly pocket of his suspender jacket, and then took off his own. Red Nose handed it to Jenkins:

"Here's candy money, generous fellow!"

With that said, he ignored Jenkins and turned around and walked towards the fence entrance. At the same time, an invisible force pushed Jenkins one step closer to the room, and then the door closed automatically.

The man held the red ball and looked at the women behind him.

"This is a friendly visitor - the red-nosed clown, named A-04-1-6671-12. It will ask the person who opens the door to provide candy, but as long as it is sugary food, it will be randomly given when leaving." One of the three items: the red-nosed bomb, the clown’s space pocket, and the color-changing wig, numbered A-04-1-6671-12 (1) (2) (3).

said Miss Bronyance, and then added:

"Well, we seem to be lucky... Willamette, this ball you are holding must not be immersed in water. The way it starts is to be completely submerged in water, explode in the water, and in its current position Let’s see if we can blow up most of Nolan.”

The house is getting colder and colder, and even curling up on the sofa and wrapping myself in a quilt is a bit unbearable. After greeting the second knocker, the three returned to the living room and sat on the sofa to warm themselves by the flames of the fireplace. Chocolate was of course next to Jenkins.

"The divination just now seems to be very accurate. Do you want to do another divination?"

"No, I guess that's a little difficult for me."

Miss Broniance said, without touching the things on the table, but looked directly at Miss Audrey:

"Audrey, come now, let me take a look at what you have learned since you left my protection."

Miss Audrey bit her lip and did not refuse, but she also did not choose the three dice, but took out the divination cards as usual.

She quickly shuffled the cards, then cut and changed them according to standard procedures. During this period, the woman's expression was calm, but only the whites of her eyes could be seen. Miss Audrey's divination ability has improved a lot compared to when she first came to Nolan, but Jenkins is still not optimistic about her divination this time.

Sure enough, her hands were already shaking before she revealed the chosen card. However, no second person could participate in the divination process. After repelling the third knocker, Miss Audrey finally obtained the divination result.

On the card is a thin man holding a money bag and a dagger. This card is "thief". In the general interpretation of fortune divination, this represents the impermanence of fate. It may be a money bag or a dagger.

"Miss Audrey, are you okay?"

The water in the tea cup was a little cold, so Jenkins heated it with a flame before handing it to the woman. Miss Audrey thanked her softly, holding the tea cup. Cold sweat flowed down her cheeks and hair sticking to her face. She seemed to have suddenly suffered from a serious illness. The temperature in the room is now below freezing, which is not normal.

The result of that card was another ambiguous answer, but Miss Audrey did her best. In the face of this type of strange creature, divination would not be useful. The divination just now can be somewhat effective, and luck and chance account for the majority of the ingredients.

Da da da~

The fourth knocker was already a little impatient, and the sound of stones hitting the window glass gradually became more frequent. Except for the sofa area, the rest of the house was surrounded by darkness, and even the flames of the fireplace were greatly suppressed.

The three of them stopped talking, and various sounds from the outside world occupied their ears.

Jenkins felt so depressed that he could no longer find the comfort of living in his own house.

Looking up at the women, Miss Bronyance lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking. Miss Audrey's eyes were a little dull, staring at the pile of cards on the table.

"With two and a half minutes left, the fourth knocker can no longer wait. Do you have any opinions?"

He asked the two soothsayers, and the women actually looked at him as if they had just woken up.

Chapter 988 Chapter 970 Visitor Hungry Boy

"Sorry, I think we were affected. What did you just say?"

Miss Bronyance is a demigod and is in a better situation than Miss Audrey. Of course, it is also possible that forced divination caused mental trauma to the two diviners, which is why it became like this.

"So do you want to open the door now?"

Jenkins asked again, holding the hands of the two women and using [Life Origin].

Although their bodies are not injured, the nurturing of the spirit of nature can effectively nourish the spirit. This is one of the connections between the soul and the body.

"Open the door, it will eventually open."

In the end it was Miss Bronyance who gave the opinion, and in fact Jenkins was also inclined to open the door. After all, after this person has been driven away, there will be another person, so there is no need to expect to be luckier each time.

The two women returned to the foyer with Jenkins. It was probably more than thirty degrees below zero. When he touched the doorknob, the layer of frost cheered Jenkins up. He touched the languid and pitiful cat on his shoulder, then turned the doorknob and opened the door.


The moment a gap appeared between the door and the door frame, the darkness seemed to turn into a tide and poured into the house, completely submerging the dim light in the distance behind him.

The two women around him, the wall, and the floor disappeared in the darkness in an instant. Only Jenkins, who was glowing with gold, the cat on his shoulder, and the door in his hand still existed.

But the next moment a huge force struck, and the door was pulled outwards. Jenkins subconsciously let go of the door handle, otherwise he would disappear into the dark distance.

He quickly moved the cat on his shoulder to his arms to prevent it from being taken away, but the weird darkness seemed not to be interested in the cat.

Murmurs and whispers came from the dark distance, and the strange touch against the skin made Jenkins mistakenly think that there were tentacles crawling on his body, but there were no disgusting things there.

"Hungry...I want rice..."

The golden light on his body illuminated the nearby area, and the direction of the sound was from the original location outside the door. Jenkins saw a dark figure huddled not far from him, the figure almost blending into the darkness.

"So welcoming the fourth knocker was the wrong I being tricked?"

His inner voice did not reach the outside world, but the dark thing did stand up while Jenkins was thinking.

Jenkins sighed and pinched the piece of divine metal hidden in his cotton coat. This was hidden on me when I was preparing the divination materials just now, just to prepare for such a situation.

"It's really bad luck. This is the second time I opened the door and I made the wrong choice."

He grumbled and raised the metal block in his hand. It suddenly lit up, lighting up the darkness like a torch. Jenkins has not activated it yet. This is because the divine power has felt the soul and priesthood of God, and is excitedly accumulating strength.

This light finally allowed Jenkins to see clearly what was in front of him. It was a little boy in rags, dragging a dirty rice bag in his hand. He was so skinny that his hair was so dirty that the original color could not be discerned. .

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