Mr. White Cat handed the paper to Miss Silver Flute next to him, with an unspeakable regret in his tone.

After the four people tried, Miss Magic asked Mr. Hood with great interest whether he had gained any interesting knowledge from Pompeii. Mr. Hood did not hide anything and told everyone generously:

"It's not that interesting, just some ways to sense energy and avoid danger. But Pompeii himself did not master this knowledge, so it is full of inexplicable nonsense and crazy remarks."

Chapter 997 Chapter 979 News from Everyone

Speaking of Pompeii's knowledge of sensing danger, Mr. Hood sighed and said to everyone in a tone of sharing something new:

"Pompeii left Shire for Nolan last autumn. He thought that his workplace, um, seemed to be a small cemetery. He thought he sensed the breath of God there, and then was directly targeted by a terrible disaster. This was one of the main reasons that prompted him to come to Nolan. Heh~ Who does he think he is, sensing the breath of the great~" (Note)

Jenkins and Chocolate were both stunned. According to the investigation in Shire City last month, the place where Skru Pompeii worked last autumn was the cemetery in the suburbs, so the breath he felt...

The man and the cat turned their heads and pretended to look at the night view outside the window. They didn't want others to know that Pompeii came to Nolan. Mr. Writer and his cat also had a certain responsibility.

It was late at night, and the street outside the window was empty. This apartment is not on the main road, and the city's street lights have not been installed in this area. Looking out, you can only see a thin fog and dark streets. Spring nights are so peaceful.

Mr. Hood provided the culprit of Pompeii's death as his information. In clockwise order, it was Jenkins' turn. He coughed, put away the bead with Pompeii's ability, and signaled everyone to pay attention to him. He was about to speak:

"Since the last gathering, Nolan has been very uneasy for more than a month. I have a lot of interesting information, but I'm afraid what you need is about security. My friends in the black market told me that there are a large number of alien creatures hidden in Nolan City, and even the Orthodox Church has only recently discovered this. I think you have all heard of creatures like Balrog. It is said that the Night Watch encountered one in the farmland outside Nolan."

The news that aliens are lurking in Nolan was obviously not announced by the church. Because he couldn't see everyone's faces, Jenkins didn't know how many people knew the news, but at least it was valuable. Unfortunately, when Hathaway asked about the follow-up, Jenkins regretfully said that he didn't know either.

The next one was Mr. White Cat, who took out a cigarette from his pocket and put it on the coffee table. This was a handmade cigarette, and the cigarette paper was straight ribbed cigarette paper without a filter. The delicate texture showed that it was expensive.

"Pay attention to this tobacco..."

He took the cigarette paper away to expose the tobacco inside. Under the light of the gas lamp, the tobacco showed an attractive golden luster. Jenkins had no experience of smoking, so he didn't know what it meant.

"Its price is one pound and three wisps, which is very expensive. It has been sold in Nolan since three years ago. But you can never find this kind of tobacco on the market, and you can only buy it through special channels."

"One pound and three wisps? Damn, is this a robbery?"

Mr. Hood muttered.

The "wisp" here is a unit of measurement used specifically in the tobacco industry of this era, not a real "wisp". It takes about 3 to 4 shreds to make a cigarette, which means one cigarette costs one pound, which is absolutely a sky-high price.

"Is it the kind of stuff with additives?"

Hathaway asked, and everyone knew what she meant.

"No, but it's more troublesome than that. This kind of tobacco is not addictive, but in the long-term smoking process, it will amplify all the negative characteristics of the soul. This change is irreversible and very difficult to detect. I only learned about this situation in an accident. There must be a conspiracy."

Mr. White Cat explained, and then let everyone take a look at the cigarette.

Jenkins' eyes originally couldn't see the aura, and only at a very close distance almost to the eyebrows could he see the dim black aura. This is indeed an extraordinary thing. In his memory, he seems to have seen many people smoke this thing.

"It's not a big problem to smoke a small amount, but although this tobacco is not addictive, it is of good quality. People who have the habit of smoking and are rich will hardly want to try it a second time after smoking it. I don't know if there is such a thing outside of Nolan, but if you see it, don't try it rashly. No one knows what this thing is going to do when it is on the market."

Because of the high price, this tobacco is destined not to be popularized on a large scale. And the rich who have the financial resources to use it frequently and are affected by it, once the negative psychology is stimulated, it will lead to more serious consequences.

"Maybe this matter should be known to the Orthodox Church."

Miss Silver Flute suggested, and then added as if to avoid suspicion: "For the city we live in to maintain peace."

"Good idea, I think so too, but I won't go."

Mr. White Cat shrugged his shoulders, but because of the black robe on his body, the action was not obvious.

The tobacco discussion went on for quite some time, as it was discovered that everyone seemed to have met two or three people who smoked the stuff. Next was Miss Magic, who indeed brought news related to the Pirate King Femixiu.

"Femixiu is still in Nolan. In fact, he has not left the city since we met him by chance last year."

"Then where is he hiding? He has not shown any signs of trouble all winter, which is really impressive."

Jenkins asked, actually knowing the answer.

"Hiding under the frozen river, feeding on children who fell into the water. He is still in the water until now, and the church should have discovered this."

Miss Magic's tone revealed her happy mood, so her plan should be implemented smoothly. This woman and Miss Yindi planned together to get Femixiu's [Heart of the Ocean], and even rushed into the mysterious situation rashly. She didn't know how far their plan had progressed.

He wanted to ask more carefully, but unexpectedly Miss Magic complained again:

"I originally planned to lure Feimi Xiu to earn the bounty, but I didn't expect that the believers of the New God would bomb the entrance to the sea in the middle of the night. Now the Orthodox Church is searching the waters in the city to find the reason for them to do so. Damn it, I think Femi Xiu is now Xiu should have escaped..."

Jenkins didn't want to continue asking about the Pirate King at all now.

What Miss Silver Flute brought was not news about the otherworldly world. She told everyone that Her Majesty the Queen of the Kingdom of Fidicli was dying, and whether she could survive the summer was a question.

"Are you sure? This is no joke."

Mr. Hood looked surprised. In fact, except for Jenkins, everyone else here was surprised, including Hathaway.

PS: Note: This refers to the content of Chapter 120. By the way, when leaving the cemetery in that chapter, Chocolate looked back a little thoughtfully because it had discovered the sword, not because Chocolate had killed the original old gravekeeper for the convenience of Jenkins.

Chapter 998 Chapter 980 The Hidden Danger of the World

Her Majesty the Queen is in poor health, which is something everyone knows. But there had never been any news that she was about to die, so Miss Yindi rashly revealed the news, and everyone in the living room was extremely surprised.

"It's definitely not a joke, I heard about it from very reliable people."

Miss Silver Flute assured, and Jenkins thought for a moment, thinking that she might have gotten the news from Miss Windsor. Last month, when the gangsters took out illegal arms, it was Miss Windsor who was contacted by Miss Yindi.

"Her Majesty the Queen has always been in poor health, and she is simply too old. Even judging by the standards of the royal family of the Kingdom of Fidictri, which has always lived a long life, she has lived long enough, and her death is actually very short. normal."

Miss Yindi explained.

"But if the Queen dies, will there be an heir to the royal family?"

Mr. Hood asked.

"The Middleton family has no direct descendants. It is said that the first person in the line of succession is a viscount from the Kingdom of Chesland."


This is what everyone thinks. Although the Kingdom of Fidicli is very open-minded, no one is willing to welcome a foreigner as the new king.

Miss Yindi leaned back on the sofa and heard Miss Bailing say:

"So, once the queen dies, the probability of civil strife in the kingdom will become very high."

"It's not very big. There will definitely be civil unrest."

Miss Silver Flute replied, this is also Jenkins' view.

"Now the Kingdom of Fidictry happens to be going to war with Chesland, and the candidate for the throne of our country is a noble of the Kingdom of Chesland... At this time, neither the parliament nor the people are willing to let a A person from a warring country came to inherit the throne... Is it really a coincidence that Duke Antak happened? "

Mr. Hood concluded in surprise, and then followed his own train of thought and asked a question that surprised everyone. First, everyone immediately stopped talking. This is a pretty bold guess, but if you really want to study it carefully, it is not impossible. Even Jenkins, who killed Antak, began to have such doubts.

If the current situation prevails, even if the foreigner wins the crown, he will not get the support of the parliament and the people. This is quite dangerous, both to the foreigner and to this country.

"It's really stormy, and all the conflicts are almost concentrated together. I hope that the war that affects the entire continent will not happen again."

Mr. White Cat said in a low voice, and others agreed.

Although the news about Miss Yindi was just secular news, it brought a greater shock than anything else. Mr. Hood stood up and prepared new tea for everyone, and everyone chatted about the situation in the kingdom before allowing the last speaker, Miss Lark Hathaway, to speak.

"It just so happens that what I know is also related to the situation in the kingdom."

She put down the teacup in her hand and looked at Mr. Candle's cat again. Hathaway also considered raising a kitten to get closer to Jenkins, but later she discovered that Jenkins was not interested in cats as a whole, but just Chocolate as an individual.

"The Nolan Navy's large force is preparing to set off, targeting the pirate king that appeared in the open sea. No, not Fermishu, but the other six, all of whom have traces... This matter is jointly organized by the church and the navy. I suggest that you do not go to the Broken Islands in the past six months."

"It just so happened that at the critical moment, the pirate king attracted the Nolan Navy away. Interesting."

Jenkins said in a low voice, but no one continued to follow his speech.

There are seven forces called Pirate Kings in the contemporary era. Most of them are active in the seas outside of human civilization. They are part-time explorers and robbers, and sometimes act as free merchants who do not pay taxes. They are a group of very complex gangs.

Almost every city along the coast has the power and eyes of those pirates, and Nolan is the same. It's just that the pirate king's fleet appeared openly so close to Nolan, which is really puzzling.

Jenkins thinks that perhaps the nobles of the upper class of the kingdom bought them off and wanted to do something at the critical period of the kingdom, while Miss Magic thinks that the group of people is for Nolan's Fermishu. After all, the value of [Heart of the Ocean] is coveted by everyone who makes a living by the sea.

Even among the numerous gifts, most of the numbered items with the affix [Heart] have power far beyond other gifts. This type of item can be integrated with the user's body, replacing the function of the heart, thereby greatly strengthening itself and mastering the ability to directly control nature.

For example, the derivative of [Mechanical Heart] alone is a terrible weirdo, and the power of [Heart of the Heart] is evident.

Of course, not all the people present are saints with pure hearts and few desires, and the desire for [Heart of the Ocean] is not just Miss Magic and Miss Silver Flute. Of course, everyone did not show it, but everyone has their own ideas.

As for Jenkins, he has not yet formed an idea about [Heart of the Ocean]. After all, according to Dad, that thing has undergone a mutation because it has merged too much power, and it is hard to say whether it is a gift now.

After the information exchange session, it was the item exchange session, and Jenkins once again proposed to purchase a thousand-year-old wooden heart. He used up all his inventory in the Skeleton Sword incident, so the matter of the Elf Potion had to start over. But in just one week, two more were purchased, and Jenkins felt that [Stage of Destiny] might really be exerting its power.

After meeting the flower girl this morning, I felt that I would be lucky all day. Miss Silver Flute, who had sold Jenkins a wooden heart, actually took out a new one. The transaction was still carried out at the price of the last time, so that Jenkins only needed the last one.

No one wanted to sell the numbered items in this transaction, and the prices of various materials generally rose by 20%. This was related to the invasion of the undead last week. Now all the benefactors living in this city have understood the danger of this city. Except for a few who left like Mr. Black Cat, most of them are ready to face new challenges.

During the conversation, Miss Magic signaled Jenkins to wait for her for a while, so after the party, Jenkins found an alley nearby and stood there. After seeing Miss Magic's light spot separate from Miss Silver Flute, he quickly followed.

The woman was not surprised that Jenkins could find her two streets away. In the past cooperation, he had demonstrated this strange skill of finding people and objects many times.

PS: Three updates, and one more at noon... I have gained a lot of weight recently.

Chapter 999 Chapter 981 Art Exhibition

"Are you free on Sunday night? I'm looking for help."

She was very straightforward.

"Did you find Fermixiu?"

As they spoke, the two approached the shadows on the wall at the same time, hiding themselves in the darkness.

"Of course not, but I found a small pirate base in Nolan. I didn't intend to pay attention to it, but the clues provided by Miss Bailing tonight are very interesting. I want to find some clues and try to link the pirate actions in the outer sea with Fermixiu."

Jenkins thought about it. He really had nothing to do on Sunday night.

"How many enemies do we have?"

"Less than ten ordinary people, and there is also a level 3 gifter. There is no need to show such an expression. I'm asking you for help just to make the action faster. You know the current situation in Nolan. I don't want the church to target me."

"That means I can just stand guard."

"If I just want to find someone to stand guard, why should I look for you? I hope you can use your ability to deal with those people as much as possible without making any noise...such as your lamp."

Hearing this, Jenkins looked into Miss Magic's eyes. When the two talked, she had removed her disguise and was now talking to Jenkins in her true face.

"Okay, so what can I get?"

"The spoils will be split in half, and other than that, I owe you a favor."

"No problem."

Jenkins nodded in agreement, thinking in his heart whether he needed Miss Magic's help now.

In this way, a tiring and fulfilling day ended, but it was also a safe day. After returning home, Jenkins did not continue to sleep in front of the fireplace, but returned to the bedroom on the second floor.

Chocolate was in a bad mood because it didn't want to leave its familiar sleeping environment. After finally carrying the cat from the sofa to the second floor, it showed an unconvinced attitude.

After Jenkins lay down, the cat kept harassing his face and prevented him from falling asleep. Because of the cat's mischief, Jenkins had to find a small blanket and wrap his cat like a mummy, leaving only the head exposed. Of course, in order to prevent the cat from being hurt, it is not difficult for it to escape as long as it struggles.

When he woke up on Saturday morning, Chocolate was still sleeping soundly in the "wrapping", which made Jenkins very worried that it would be stiff due to the whole night of restraint, or even have permanent damage to its body. But when the cat saw that it was still alive and kicking and crawling out of the small blanket, and then reminded Jenkins to make breakfast, the writer, who was not good at raising cats, was relieved.

Use the time to read the newspaper during breakfast to write the speech for a while, and then put on a formal suit and tie before going out. Jenkins was not sure whether cats were allowed in the exhibition, but Chocolate would never agree to wait for Jenkins in the antique shop, so Jenkins could only bring it with him and told him not to sharpen his claws with other people's paintings.

This exhibition was not a formal official event, so not many people came. The speakers before Jenkins were a famous young painter from Nolan and an official in charge of cultural publicity at the city hall.

It can be seen that the first two were not very willing to waste time here. They simply said a few words and then left. When the organizer announced that Jenkins would take the stage, it caused a small sensation, but soon most people lost interest in the boring speech again.

After the speech, the exhibition officially began, and the people who were originally crowded in the entrance hall went to different exhibition areas. Jenkins no longer needed to stay here, but since he was here, he planned to take a walk before leaving according to etiquette, and he just saw the old painter Grant who invited him.

Mr. Grant's main job is a painting teacher for an aristocratic family. Last year, he agreed to cooperate with Jenkins in order to pay off his son's gambling debts. Probably the debt has been paid off. When I saw him again at the beginning of this year, the old man's spirit was obviously much better, and today he was even more cheerful.

He was wearing a gray-brown coat and a flat-top mountaineering hat, which made him look a lot younger. The old painter was very happy that Jenkins could come, and he didn't care that his real purpose was actually to attend the opening ceremony.

There seemed to be fans of Jenkins among the crowd attending the exhibition. In order to avoid those enthusiastic girls, Jenkins took the initiative to go to a remote exhibition area with Grant.

It was a small hall cut off by a black blackout curtain. The exhibition hall was located in the center of the building, so there were no windows. At the same time, the gas lamps on the wall were not turned on, which made it very dim.

But there was not no light here at all. Under each painting on the wall was a kerosene lamp with a very weak flame, so that visitors could barely see the paintings on the wall.

The theme of this exhibition hall is death and the end, so most of the paintings on display are dark and full of bizarre fantasies and confusing patterns.

Jenkins' artistic level could not appreciate this style of painting, so he just listened to Grant's explanation quietly, and occasionally made exclamations such as "yes" and "that's it" to show that he was listening.

"...So the value of this painting is much lower than the one that was auctioned a few days ago. After all, the painter is still alive. He can produce more similar works, and merchants will not set an excessive price for such paintings."

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