The red-haired girl complained softly, and Jenkins didn't know what to say, so he reached out and held her hand. This was very effective. Given Jenkins' past performance, he could win the favor of his female companions even if he took the initiative a little bit.

"I noticed that there was a statue in the small paper bag over there. That's not a good thing. You'd better destroy it as soon as possible."

He hasn't forgotten about it.

"Okay, I'll burn it in a moment..."

Completely different from his attitude towards Mr. Candle just now, this made Jenkins begin to consider whether he should find an opportunity to clarify the identity matters, otherwise he would get into big trouble one day.

"Did Britney come to see you? After that night."

Hathaway didn't know what she was thinking, but she asked directly.

"No, I haven't seen you since you came to the antique shop to talk about the outing that day. Speaking of which, why don't we show our cards quickly? I feel like everyone is playing a dangerous game now."

"But it's exciting, isn't it? Just like the plots in those stories and knight novels."

Hathaway winked at Jenkins, and the man blushed and didn't deny it.

The cat, ignored by everyone, almost scratched the cushion of the seat.

"Okay, okay, let's talk business."

She did not ask Jenkins to answer this unanswerable question, but took the initiative to sit next to him from the opposite side of Jenkins. She noticed that Jenkins seemed to want to put his arm around her, but finally gave up:

"The time for the outing has been decided. We will leave this Saturday morning and return in the evening. I think you should have time."

"Yes, there is time... Why didn't Britney come?"

The moment she said it, she realized that she had said the wrong thing again.

Section 1014 Chapter 996 The Lonely Guest

"Why didn't Britney come?"

The red-haired girl repeated Jenkins' question, her beautiful eyes staring at him, as if she wanted to see his soul.

"She is feeling a little unwell, it's okay, she will be fine in a few days..."

Seeing that Jenkins seemed to want to comment on this matter, she reached out and patted the man's arm, signaling him not to continue asking.

"There are a lot of people in this outing, most of them are our age... I mean the actual age, not the appearance age... They are all young people of about our age. I think there will probably be people who want to contact you for various reasons, please be prepared in advance. I'm sorry if this has caused you trouble."

"No, don't be sorry, it's not a big deal."

Jenkins said softly, and then noticed that his cat was sharpening its claws with his collar. This action is very funny, because the small chocolate cat claws don't have sharp claws that are too prominent.

Before leaving, the red-haired girl asked Jenkins to visit them more often if he had time, or ask them out to play together. After Jenkins nodded and agreed, he took the initiative to kiss Hathaway goodbye.

When he walked up the steps and stepped into the church door, he was still thinking about how wonderful his love life was. Then he was reminded by a passing nun to wipe off the lipstick near his lips and face.

Jenkins' face turned red.

When he saw Miss Bevanna, Jenkins remembered that he had completely forgotten about going to Miss Knight to learn swordsmanship.

But there is no need to rush this matter. At present, when Jenkins takes out the sword, there are only two follow-up possibilities: one-hit kill and no way to kill. He has not yet encountered an opponent who can only be matched by swordsmanship.

Tonight's class is still the usual combat training. Miss Befanna thinks that Jenkins has made rapid progress. A whole winter of study has transformed him into a fighter of a certain level, but Jenkins does not feel this very clearly.

At the end of the class, Jenkins was surprised to find that his cat was missing. It should usually be waiting at the edge of the underground training ground. Seeing that the door of the training ground was not closed, Jenkins thought that Chocolate might have wandered somewhere else, but the cat was not found in the garden or the kitchen, and the divine magic aura in the church was too strong, completely suppressing the cat's weak white aura.

"Does Chocolate hate living with me?"

Inexplicable thoughts came to his mind. Although Jenkins did not believe this unreasonable speculation, his inner panic was directly reflected in his accelerated pace.

He anxiously went to find Bishop Palod, wanting him to help mobilize the idle people in the church to find the cat. But the bishop had already fallen asleep, so Jenkins did not disturb him. He returned to the backyard dejectedly, sat on the steps and looked at the hazy moon in the sky, wondering where his cat had gone.


The cat jumped down from the roof, a little curious about why Jenkins was in such a bad mood.

Jenkins hugged it, feeling a little uneasy in his heart. Strangers never felt safe. This cat was the most trustworthy creature in this world.

"Maybe I should lock Chocolate in the basement to prevent it from leaving one day..."


The cat's paws made close contact with Jenkins' face.

In short, Chocolate just wanted to bask in the moonlight. He didn't see it just now because it was blocked by the pointed tower.

Jenkins specially let the cat take him up there, and he was relieved to confirm again and again that Chocolate didn't want to go away.

Seeing that there was no one around, he sat on the roof, supported his body with his right hand and leaned back slightly. Looking at the quiet city in the distance, a sense of loneliness arose spontaneously. He had trusted friends, lovers, and teachers in this world, but he still couldn't share all his secrets.

Jenkins was lonely, seemingly completely integrated into this world, and he knew what he was. He was just a guest, a guest disguised as a host.

The melancholy mood did not last long and disappeared. After returning home, the man and the cat consumed the strange fruit as a midnight snack. Although the function of the fruit is to regenerate broken limbs, which is incredible for most people, it is quite simple for Jenkins.

He was still curious about the function of the fruit plate and wondered if he would have a chance to get some strange fruits. But at least there was no such luck today. Apples, bananas and coconuts were all placed in the basement.

Tuesday morning was very gloomy again. When he opened the door to get newspapers and milk, Jenkins smelled the dampness in the air.

When he started to eat with the cat, he could hear the sound of rain outside while sitting in the restaurant. Nolan is a city near the sea, with a lot of rainfall all year round. As spring approaches, there will be more rainy days.

I walked through the rain curtain to Dad's antique shop, swung my umbrella at the street, and used a flame to steam the moisture on my body before entering the shop. This will probably be a boring day. It doesn't look like there will be customers in this weather.

Dad and Jenkins have the same opinion. The rainy day made the temperature a little lower, so the fireplace that has not been used for a week was lit again.

After scrubbing the floor a little, Jenkins sat in front of the fireplace with Dad, listening to the sound of the rain and talking about things.

The cat lay obediently on Jenkins' legs, with the man's hand stroking his back, and his big eyes looked at the street outside through the window. The rain poured down from the eaves like a curtain. With the cat's dynamic vision, it looked more like beads connected in a string.

Chocolate likes rainy weather because it can stay still for a day.

"Do you want to know the numbered items related to the weather?"

Dad was stumped by Jenkins' question. This was a very interesting question. He had to think about it before answering.

"I know there are many numbered items or events that only appear in certain weather, such as thunderstorms, blizzards or sandstorms. As for the numbers related to the weather..."

He nodded, "Indeed, they exist, but they are quite rare. Not to mention me, no one I know has ever experienced such a terrible thing. Only extremely rare documents have some records. But this is understandable. After all, events related to celestial phenomena can be observed by everyone. Once they appear, it means a large-scale extraordinary leak, which the church cannot allow."

PS: This chapter is not water, pay attention to Jenkins' mentality.

Chapter 1015 Chapter 997 Fruit Plate Follow-up

The sound of rain outside the window is like dense drumbeats, which makes Jenkins and Dad, who are sitting in the dry and warm antique shop, feel particularly safe.

Dad picked up the teacup, but did not drink it. He just let the steam smoke his nose. He also enjoyed such a peaceful rainy day. Like Jenkins, the old man is also a person who pursues a peaceful life.

"For example, B-04-4-7102, Ocean Feast, is a numbered event related to rainy days. This is an event that only occurs on rainy days in coastal cities in summer. When the event occurs, some seafood will fall from the sky along with the rain."

"I've heard of this!"

Jenkins said:

"It is said that the storm generated by the ocean swept up the creatures in the sea and threw them onto the land."

"That's true in part, but when the B-04-4-7102 event occurs, it's not just fish and shrimp that fall from the sky. Whales and even larger marine creatures may appear."

Dad added, and Chocolate immediately looked outside with longing, wondering if it was raining candy from the sky.

"So the danger level is 4, because the falling seafood may pose a threat to houses or even pedestrians?"

"Not exactly, it's not just ordinary creatures that fall."

Dad recalled carefully, searching for the information he had seen in his memory:

"The last time B-04-4-7102 happened was almost four hundred years ago. Among the fish that fell from the sky, there was a creature that looked like a sea snake but was even longer. That creature has a strong affinity for water and can be completely dissolved in water... This caused some trouble, because they like to hide themselves in fresh water, and once people drink it and show a solid form..."

He didn't continue, but opened his hand and made a motion of getting out. Jenkins was disgusted and could only continue to stroke his cat for comfort.

"Then can we use divination or the magic of the [Church of Ocean and Exploration] to find the source of those fish? I think this will be helpful in finding the origin of B-04-4-7102."

"Someone proposed the same idea as you, but later it was discovered that those fish that fell from the sky did not originally live in the material world. The only thing the diviners saw was the abyss and the endless sea, and after that, nothing could be found. That's about it."

Dad said this, put down the tea cup and went to get the newspaper. Jenkins nodded to express his understanding. He guessed that the fish B-04-4-7102 may come from a space outside the material world, but it should not be actively released. After all, it sounds very boring.

"Besides, I also remember one, A-12-1-3991 [Rain of the End]. This is a real disaster."

He motioned to Jenkins to refill his tea cup, and then continued with an exclamatory tone:

"[When black rain falls from the sky, the world will punish the sinful; the soul and body will come to an end, followed by eternal nothingness].

This is a small country southeast of the Kingdom of Chesland, a prophecy legend spread by the Kingdom of Conwick, which corresponds to A-12-1-3991. This is an event that only happens in a certain area of ​​this small country. Black rain falls from the sky without warning. Any creature caught by it will die immediately without any accident. After analyzing the composition of the rainwater, it was found that it was just ordinary water with melanin. Even if it was drunk, it would only cause stomach discomfort. But this kind of water falling from the sky as rain will definitely bring death. The church has not understood the principle until now. "

"Oh, that's terrible."

Jenkins sighed softly, wondering whether the residents of that kingdom knew that such horrific things existed around them.

Nolan's rain lasted all day, and in the evening when Jenkins rubbed his face, trying to drive away the sleepiness, the rain curtain was still hanging outside the window. Looking out from the counter, there was no one on St. George Street. After finishing today's work and study tasks, Jenkins spent an hour counting the pedestrians passing by outside, and the final result was 7.

Just as he had thought this morning, no one had set foot in the store all day except for a passerby who asked if they sold umbrellas. The store seemed to have been stagnant for dozens of hours. When Jenkins walked in and out, nothing changed inside.

Since there were no guests, Dad asked Jenkins to leave an hour early, and reminded him not to forget that he was going to attend the church's mass funeral the day after tomorrow, which was Thursday morning.

While arranging his umbrella, Jenkins said he would never forget it. He asked softly whether Chocolate would like to sit on his shoulders or go under his clothes to take shelter from the rain. The cat looked at Jenkins' chest and shoulders and decisively chose the one that wouldn't. The location was exposed to water.

After saying goodbye to his father, Jenkins did not plan to go home immediately to prepare for Runen's party. Instead, he went to the thrift store he was looking for yesterday.

He was very unlucky. Due to the water on the road, the alley that could be regarded as a shortcut was full of mud. To do this Jenkins had to make a long detour before walking to another street.

Although there were very few pedestrians, there seemed to be more carriages passing by because of the rainy weather. While standing at the intersection waiting for the carriage to pass by, Jenkins was still thinking about whether he should also find a carriage, but soon he became a little angry because the wheels hit the puddle and the water splashed on his boots.

The store didn't close early today, and a kind middle-aged woman received Jenkins and his cat. Jenkins looked around the store and bought a mousetrap he didn't need before asking about the fruit bowl.

Mr. Birch's mother bought the fruit bowl last summer. Although the shop owner remembered the transaction, his impression was very vague. Jenkins' gold pound success reminded her that her account book could help her memory, and the account book recorded that the fruit plate was bought by the shopkeeper from a customer who was in a hurry during the rainy season in late spring last year.

"Maybe it's stolen goods..."

She told Jenkins tactfully that this meant the thread was completely broken.

After leaving the store with regret, Jenkins found a nearby restaurant to eat when the rain became heavier and heavier. When he left the restaurant with satisfaction, the rain was still washing the city. There was no carriage nearby, so he could only walk to the next block to try his luck, and then saw two familiar little girls at the corner of the intersection.

PS: To summarize the plot, there are currently three bright lines in this chapter: the other parts of the tattoos of [Alien Frenzy], the person to be killed in the future, and the secret of the fruit plate.

Chapter 1016 Chapter 998 The Girl in the Rain

Jenkins subconsciously stepped forward in the rain. Behind the rain screen was the corner of the street. At the corner was a dessert shop. On ordinary days, it sold some cakes and cookies. In the summer, some tables and chairs were placed in front of the shop to sell ice cream.

The shop is now closed, and in front of the closed door, the flower-selling girl that Feeney and Jenkins met a few days ago stood under the eaves to take shelter from the rain.

The two little girls seemed to know each other, talking to each other while looking at the rain.

Feeney was holding a brown paper bag with no idea what was inside, while the flower girl was holding an empty basket and seemed to have sold all the flowers.

Neither of them noticed that the man across the street was Jenkins, but Jenkins felt compelled to say hello.

He walked over with an umbrella, and Feeney immediately greeted him warmly. The other girl looked a little shy, but Jenkins couldn't remember the last time he had done anything too extreme.

After asking, I found out that they were all trapped here because they had no umbrellas.

There was a brief pause in the rain in the evening, and Fini came out from the church to buy things, and then she could only wait here for the rain to subside a little; the flower seller spent the whole day hiding under the eaves near the intersection to sell flowers. She planned to wait until the rain subsided before leaving. She might catch a cold if she got wet, and she might lose her life if she couldn't afford to see a doctor.

She was Fini's friend when she was still selling flowers on the street. Fini happened to see her on the side of the road when she was hiding from the rain, so they stood together and chatted.

Since the children didn't have umbrellas, Jenkins took a long detour and sent the flower girl home first, and then Fini back to the church.

The flower seller also has her parents, older brothers and sisters at home, so she is happier than Fini who is alone. But that family lived in a slum, with nearly ten people crowded into a small room. Along the way, she sometimes looked at Fini with envy, but Jenkins noticed it, but Fini did not.

On the way to send Feini back to the church, I also heard that because she and Jenkins witnessed the extraordinary incident last year (the massacre of her aunt's family), the church, after asking the girl's opinion, decided to test her to see if she had the gift of a benefactor.

This test will be a long process, during which Feeney cannot leave the church. If she can regain her spirit in a healthy state within a year, then she will officially become one of the diocese's training targets.

She was not the only child taking the test at the same time, so she was not alone in being unable to leave church for an entire year.

Feeney looked very excited in the rain and kept thinking about the future with Jenkins. It's just that Jenkins didn't tell her in the end that the probability of a mortal having extraordinary talents is actually very low.

"You'll protect me, won't you?"

When they separated, the little girl asked Jenkins with some hesitation. This question was quite strange, and Jenkins guessed that she had read it in some religious book.


Jenkins nodded and replied, and Feeney immediately smiled brightly.

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