The body seemed to have fallen into a bottomless fog, and the voices of two men were heard in the distance. The sounds that caused vibrations in the air, energy, time, space, and even fate penetrated the deep fog and reached Jenkins' ears.

The low, broken sounds themselves meant nothing, but Jenkins, once briefly a god, knew what they were.

He let go of his spirit and faced the whole world in the most relaxed state. Just like the ancient benefactors that my father once mentioned, my hair is trembling and my mind is blank. In the process of feeling nature, I feel the spirit of the world.

The murmur had meaning, and the strange yet melodious voice was transformed into some scattered information. The mortal Jenkins boldly intercepted a part, and was knocked unconscious by the impact of the huge amount of information.

When I woke up from being licked by chocolate, it was already two o'clock in the morning on the first day of [God of War and the Moon with Floating Leaves].

Jenkins didn't care about comforting the panicked cat or feeling that there was a lot of energy in his body. He quickly got up and grabbed the paper and pen prepared beside him to record the information he had just obtained.

"The exclusive magical ability of the followers of the God of War: [War Prayer]. It seems that the voices heard at the beginning of each month are really the sounds of the two righteous gods. It is not necessarily their voices. After all, the gods are of high latitude. It is still unknown whether great beings can make sounds that mortals can hear. What I hear may just be the fluctuations they cause occasionally."

Jenkins wiped the blood on his face with a tissue and carefully recorded the entire ritual of learning magical abilities.

"The skillful craftsman once gave a gift, which is now numbered by mortals as C-08-2-5373 [Mechanical Heart]. I have not heard the specific information about this item, but the gift is different from the weird and extraordinary, and is not Available to everyone.”

He was stunned for a moment before he realized what he had said subconsciously.

"Except for the gifts obtained through the treacherous realm, which can definitely be used by the first owner, all gifts will choose the user who is suitable for them. If a mortal matches a certain gift, then as long as the two are close enough, the mortal will I feel something in my heart.”

Jenkins sighed, that was all for tonight. Because of the unexpected feeling I had just now, the spirit in my body has grown a lot, but if I feel it carefully, it will still take a long time to reach level 2.

Just now it was a state that could only be encountered but not desired. Even if you can still hear the sound next month, you may not be able to experience that feeling.

"My eyes see spiritual light, my ears hear divine voices, and my soul absorbs divinity and becomes a god. Am I really a human being?"

When he fell asleep with this idea, he did not dream of strange creations or weird creatures, but he unexpectedly dreamed of the beautiful figures of Miss Mihail and Miss Hesha. The two mermaids were bathing in the bright moonlight, playing with each other, and the silver bells The rippling sound charms all things. Together we hold the green fruit, leaving shallow tooth marks on one left and one on the right, and the shadow of love in the moonlight...

(Dividing line)

Let the chocolate climb onto your shoulders, straighten your clothes in front of the mirror, smile to yourself with a red cane in both hands, grab the black hat on the wooden hanger and go out.

Nolan City was still shrouded in smoke and dust in the early morning. The Nolan Daily I saw a few days ago had already mentioned the reform of factory pollution, but the quarrel between the two parties always takes some time.

Ding dong~

When I opened the door of my father's antique shop, I was surprised to find a customer there.

The short man was wearing a gray suit, and the leather shoes on his feet were shinier than Jenkins's. His eyes were very special. They were extremely plain eyes. When he looked back at Jenkins, his expression was almost the same as when he looked at an ordinary stone.

Now Jenkins has developed the habit of immediately judging whether a stranger is a benefactor when he meets him.

Just after opening the Eye of Truth, the short man immediately turned around and looked at Jenkins again. He immediately lowered his head and pretended to look at the road under his feet, but the hairs on the back of his neck stood up in fear.

Jenkins didn't come to the counter until the man left.

Chapter 94 Chapter 91 A Busy Day

"Dad, I want to take a day off today to deal with things at home."

He squinted his eyes and looked at what his father had just bought. It was a strange mechanical creation made of brass gears. It had no aura, but its shape was extremely weird.

"Go ahead."

Dad replied absentmindedly. Seeing Jenkins' curiosity, he explained: "Recently, I often receive antiques made of gears. This kind of thing is not the style of this era, but Mr. Craftsman's followers are very fond of this kind of antiques. . It’s normal to feel weird that you haven’t learned this yet.”

But Jenkins was more curious about who the man just now was. He was not selling supernatural items, so his father would naturally not report it to the church to investigate him. Jenkins didn't know whether he was naturally sensitive or just because he was strong enough to notice him, but the trace of the man had disappeared.

First, I went to the post office to order the daily "Nolan Daily", and then looked up the issue number of "Prospects in Tropical Medicine". It was not cheap, and the next Mr. Corpse party was still in two weeks.

The Dairy Company was three blocks away from the Docklands, in a single-family house lined with brass-colored steam pipes. Jenkins also met Professor Burns here by chance. The two chatted for a while. He looked very good. Jenkins told him the location of the entrance to the black market that he knew. The professor recommended that Jenkins order a drug that only costs 7 shillings and 3 pence a month. sweet milk.

The agency on Cheftiel Avenue was a little cold. While Jenkins was listening to the fat woman recommending a suitable maid, he caught a glimpse of the old housekeeper he had seen in front of the castle looking for a maid. He should be working for the cousin of the troublesome little Francis.

There is a difference between a maid and a maid. The former is just a household employee who can leave after completing the designated work, such as the so-called cook and washerwoman; while the maid in this era is a special slave who has signed a long-term contract. They live in the employer's home and complete all the employer's requirements.

The scale of this is only the scope covered by the employment agreement and the maid's wages... and the channel for hiring maids.

Human trafficking, selling oneself to pay off debts, bankrupt families, and house servants, everything is possible, but Jenkins has too many secrets, and he will not allow any woman to get so close to him.

It is not easy to find a cleaning woman who is diligent and has a good credit, especially when he is unwilling to spend too much. After leaving 1 shilling as a registration fee at the agency, the fat woman promised that Jenkins would come again next week and would definitely find a suitable candidate.

After Jenkins promised the coachman that Chocolate would never excrete indiscriminately, the man and the cat got on the carriage and headed for the City Pet Management Center on the outskirts of the city.

When he came out of the post office, he bought a copy of today's "Nolan Daily" from a newspaper boy on the street. The reward for the black-robed man was still posted at the bottom of the advertisement area, but the amount had been increased to 500 pounds, and the new crime was to sneak into Nolan's Fifth Public Hospital and desecrate corpses.

"Tsk tsk, there are all kinds of perverts now, and there are actually people who desecrate corpses."

Jenkins sighed.


The coachman held the reins and agreed in a muffled voice without looking back, "The person who reads the newspaper for everyone also read the reward. He killed people first, then robbed, and now he did this. Ms. Yinyue (referring to the Moon Without Light) bless, this must not be a serial killer."

"Will you still ask someone to read the newspaper?"

Jenkins was a little interested.

"Yes, in the early morning, Mr. Clark would chat with us drivers on his way to work, and we would sometimes ask him to help us read newspapers. Now, being able to read is the way out. A few days ago, there was news that Mr. Craftsman's [Creation and Machinery] Church invented a steam carriage that does not require horses. I don't know when our group will..."

"Mr. Clark is really a good person, but you don't have to worry too much. Didn't the newspaper say that the steam-powered carriage was just a test product? I heard that the steam boiler exploded."

"Thank you for your comfort."

The driver was still unhappy.

"Why don't you attend the night school of the [Knowledge and Books] Church? Don't they popularize knowledge to the public for free?"

Jenkins asked, but he knew the answer in his heart.

"I'm too old to study... and my whole family depends on my car for food, so how can I waste the evening time to do other things?"

The driver gently rang the bell hanging beside him to remind pedestrians in front to pay attention to the carriage. The driver's movements were unexpectedly vicissitudes.

"It's true."

Jenkins sighed in his heart.

There is a three-way intersection ahead. The road on the left is the shortest, but the most difficult to walk, and it has to go through a forest; the road in the middle is the farthest, but it is easier to walk; the road on the right is a big road, which is the road that the coachman took.

Even if there is a church of the inherited sage in this world, the spread of knowledge has been promoted in some aspects, but the barrier between the poor and the rich is still difficult to break. In other words, the class is seriously solidified, and the bottom of society can't find a way to rise at all. Even in the relatively progressive Nolan City, the population of slums still accounts for one-third of the entire city.

They are digested and absorbed by the steam factory that spews black smoke and the gangs hidden in the dark. If people like the original owner Jenkins don't deliberately inquire, they will never experience the hard work of the poor at the bottom of the society.

In contrast, the coachman at least has a fixed income, which is much better than being squeezed out of life in the steam factory or dying in a gang fight.

Jenkins can accept the inherited sage as his belief in his heart, and he admires her ability to spread knowledge and help those poor people. Even if the effect is not great, at least His church is doing this.

When getting off the car, Jenkins gave the driver an extra 1 shilling for the fare. The driver took off his hat and bowed deeply in the direction Jenkins left.

The City Pet Management Center is located in a three-story red-tiled building on the outskirts of the city, not far from several magnificent aristocratic manors.

It seems that there is also a function of taking in stray pets here. Before stepping into the yard, Jenkins could smell a foul smell of feces and food mixed together.

"Chocolate, don't learn from them."

Jenkins whispered to his cat, and when he looked up, he saw the carriage of the Michael family parked not far away. The driver was a thin middle-aged man with scars on his face. Judging from his temperament, he should be a retired policeman or soldier.

He had taken Miss Michael and Miss Hesha to Dad's antique shop, so this man knew Jenkins.

Section 95 Chapter 92 Encounter and Conversation

Spitting out the grass in his mouth, the man took off his hat and nodded slightly to Jenkins, as a greeting. Not overly enthusiastic, but also very polite.

"Is Miss Michael here too?"

Jenkins guessed in his heart, nodded to the driver, then walked up the steps, crossed the rusty iron gate at the corner and turned into the building.

The stray pets that were taken in seemed to be kept in the backyard, so the air in the room was still fresh.

He was dressed very maturely today, and Chocolate was clean, so the receptionist politely pointed out the office he needed to go to.

Because he generously paid the city pet management fee, the registration process for Chocolate went smoothly. But it didn't want to wear the collar with Jenkins' address, and even scratched Jenkins' hand while running away.

"Forget it then."

Jenkins threw away the collar, put the documents in his coat pocket, and chased downstairs with a cane.

The kitten didn't run very fast, and Jenkins found it at the door of a closed iron door on the second floor.

"Don't take it without a collar, but don't get lost and can't find your home."

He said to the cat, and Chocolate jumped back into the arms of its owner.

"You're too smart."

He sighed slightly. If there was no aura on the cat, Jenkins would even suspect that it was a creature with extremely high intelligence.


The air seemed to be getting colder. Jenkins raised his eyebrows and tapped his temple with his hand. He saw a faint cat-like spirit floating out of the iron gate one step away.

Although the evil spirits in the hospital were killed by Jenkins and the weird things were taken away, the evil spirits born from them are still in Nolan City. The church combat troops that just returned are estimated to be busy for a while. Of course, this one may also be naturally generated.

With a light wave of the cane, the spirit was turned into smoke, and the temperature immediately returned to normal.

"Very weak."

While walking out the door with Chocolate in his arms, he passed by a young lady in a long skirt holding a pure white cat. While there was no one nearby, Jenkins stretched out his hand and pressed on the place scratched by Chocolate to heal the shallow claw marks.

Just after walking down the steps outside the building, I looked up and saw Britney Michael and Hathaway Hesha walking side by side. They were followed by several servants and just came around from the back of the building.

Today, both of them were wearing fitted light yellow lace tops with red continuous patterns embroidered on the neckline, and the cuffs were slightly turned outward to reveal their white wrists. Miss Michael also held a parasol to block the not-so-glaring sun for the two of them. It was a suitable outfit for going out.

When Hesha saw Jenkins, she was obviously stunned for a moment.

"Miss Michael, Miss Hesha."

Seeing that they met, they naturally had to say hello.

"Mr. William, what a coincidence?"

Britney Michael chuckled, "I heard that you have moved to St. George Street. How is your living?"

"Thank you for your introduction. Baron Leonard's house is very comfortable. I really don't know how to thank you for your help."

"It's nothing."

The three of them walked to the outside of the management center together. Of course, the gentleman Jenkins couldn't get as close as the two ladies.

"I can't say thank you. If you can let me know if there's anything good in Daddy's place, that'll be all."

She paused with her eyes narrowed, because Hesha hadn't spoken since she met Jenkins.

"Dad Oliver should have told me about my little hobby for occult items."

"Of course."

Jenkins nodded, and Miss Michael gently touched her companion's arm with her arm, and saw Jenkins' cane with a glance.

"Is this the cane of a psychic? I saw it when I invited you to a party last time, but I didn't recognize it."

"Really? This is a gift from Daddy. He said that as an apprentice in an antique shop, I should have a cane that fits my identity."

"That's a pity. I've told Daddy so many times, but he didn't sell it to me. This is the cane used by the deceased famous psychic Jeff Puff. Maybe it has some occult abilities."

"Excuse me, I still don't think there are any extra magical powers besides the great righteous gods. Only gods can..."

He kept repeating the greatness of God, like a missionary in a black robe. Miss Michael looked unhappy, and Hesha just remembered to speak.

"I wonder what Mr. William wants to do when he comes here this time?"

Her tone was a little unnatural. Is she still worried about what happened yesterday evening?

"Oh, it's my cat, Chocolate."

"Very cute."

Hesha nodded, "But you have to watch it carefully. Kittens are very naughty. If you are not careful, you may lose them..."

Miss Michael touched her, interrupted the red-haired girl, and smiled apologetically at Jenkins.

"I'm so sorry. We just saw the group of poor cats abandoned by their owners in the back. Hathaway was deeply moved."

"Does the management center raise a lot of stray cats?"

"Yes, they are very pitiful, so my friends and I paid some gold pounds and asked the management center to take care of them."

She showed a slightly regretful expression: "Even so, there are still many pets in the city that are not taken care of. I recently plan to persuade my father to set up a functional office in the municipal department of Nolan City to manage them, hoping to improve the lives of cats."

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